habit n. ['custom'] ['usual manner'] 1. to acquire, develop, form a ~ 2. to make a ~ of smt. 3. to get into a ~ 4. to break a ~; to get out of a ~; (slang) to kick the ~ 5. to break smb. of a ~ 6. an annoying; bad; entrenched, ingrained; filthy; good; incurable; nasty; repulsive ~ 7. irregular; regular ~s 8. a ~ of (he has a bad ~ of interrupting people) 9. by force of ~ 10. out of ~ (I did it out of ~) ['costume'] 11. a monk s; nun's; riding ~ habitat n. a natural ~ hack I n. ['hireling'] a party ~ II v. ('to chop') 1. (d; intr.) to ~ at (to ~ at a tree) 2. (misc.) they ~ed their way through the forest; to ~ (a body) to pieces hackles n. ['anger'] to raise smb.'s ~ haggle v. (D; intr.) to ~ about, over; with hail v. 1. (C) ('to summon') ~ a taxi for me; or: ~ me a taxi 2. (esp. AE) (d; intr.) to ~ from ('to be from') (where do you ~ from?) 3. (D; tr.) ('to proclaim') to ~ as (she was ~ed as a heroine) 4. (rare) (N; used with a noun) ('to name') to ~ smb. emperor hailstones n. ~ fall hair n. 1. to brush; comb ~ 2. to backcomb (BE), tease (AE); braid; do; set; style ~ 3. to cut; trim ~ 4. to shampoo, wash ~ 5. to color; dye; tint ~ 6. to part one's ~ (he parts his ~ in the middle, and I part mine on the side) 7. to stroke smb.'s ~ 8. to lose, shed one's ~ (people lose their ~; animals shed their ~) 9. curly; kinky; straight; wavy ~ 10. long; short; thick; thinning ~ 11. unmanageable, unruly ~ 12. dark; light ~ 13. black; blond; brown; grey; red; white ~ 14. pubic ~ 15. ~ falls out; grows 16. a single ~ 17. a curl, lock; strand of ~ 18. a head; shock of ~ (he has a thick head of ~) 19. (misc.) to split ~s ('to nitpick'); to get in smb.'s ~ ('to annoy smb.'); to let one's ~ down ('to lose one's inhibitions'); by a ~ ('by a small margin') haircut n. 1. to get a ~ 2. to give smb. a ~ 3. a short hairline n. a receding ~ half determiner, pronoun 1. (in telling time) ~ past the hour (it's ~ past four) 2. ~ of(~ of them) 3. (misc.) it's not ~ bad ('it's fairly good') USAGE NOTE: The use of the preposition of is necessary when a pronoun follows. When a noun follows, the of may be omitted--half (of) the students; half (of) the audience. However, compare-- she spent half (of) the money; she spent her half of the money. Note the constructions--a half hour, half an hour. half-mast n. at ~ (the flags were flying at ~) half price n. at ~ (to admit children at ~) halfway adj., adv. 1. ~ between 2. (misc.) to meet smb. ~ ('to compromise with smb.') hall n. a concert; dance; entrance; lecture; mess; music; pool; study; town ~ halo n. a ~ around (the sun, moon) halt n. 1. to call a ~ 2. to bring smt. to a ~ 3. to come to a ~ 4. a complete; grinding, screeching ~ halter n. to put a ~ on an animal ham n. baked; cured; honey-roast (BE), sugar-cured (AE) ~ hamburger n. to grill a ~ hammer I n. 1. to swing a ~ 2. (sports) to throw the ~ 3. a drop ~ 4. to come under the (auctioneer's) ~ ('to be sold at auction') II v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ at (to ~ at enemy positions) 2. (D; tr.) to ~ into (to ~ a nail into a wall; to ~ an idea into smb.'s head) hammer and tongs adv. to go at smb. ~ ('to attack smb. with great energy') hammer away v. (d; intr.) to ~ at (to ~ at a compromise; to ~ at the enemy) hamper v. (D; tr.) to ~ in hand I n. ['part of the arm below the wrist'] 1. to shake smb.'s ~; to shake ~s with smb. 2. to clasp, grab, grasp; take smb.'s ~ 3. to hold; join ~s 4. to lay one's ~s on 5. to cup one's ~s 6. to clap one's ~s 7. to wring one's ~s 8. to lower; raise one's ~ 9. bare; delicate; dishpan (esp. AE); gentle ~s (he grasped the hot metal with his bare ~s) 10. a pair of ~s 11. by ~ (to do smt. by ~) 12. by the ~ (to lead smb. by the ~; to take smb. by the ~) 13. ~s off; ~s up ['help'] ['active participation'] 14. to give, lend smb. a ~ 15. to lift a ~ (he would not lift a ~ to help) 16. to have a ~ in 17. a guiding; helping ~ (to lend a helping ~) 18. a ~ at, in, with (give me a ~ with the dishes) ['worker'] (esp. AE) 19. a hired; ranch ~ ['specialist'] 20. an old ~ (at smt.) ['pointer on a clock'] 21. an hour; minute; second, sweep-second ~ ['ability'] 22. to try one's ~ at smt. ['control'] 23. to get out of ~ 24. to take smb. in ~ 25. a firm; iron ~ ['pledge of betrothal'] (formal) 26. to ask for smb.'s ~ ['cards held by a player'] (also fig.) 27. to show, tip one's ~ 28. to have, hold a ~ 29. a good, strong; weak ~ (she held a strong ~) ['possession'] ['ownership'] 30. to fall into smb.'s ~s 31. to change ~s 32. enemy; private ~s (the documents fell into enemy ~s) ['source'] 33. at first ~ ('directly') 34. at second ~ ('indirectly') ['viewpoint'] 35. on one ~ ('from one viewpoint'); on the other ~ ('from the other viewpoint') ['closeness'] 36. at, on ~ (near at ~) ['misc.'] 37. to lay a ~ on smb. ('to harm smb.'); from ~ to mouth ('barely existing'); to have one's ~s full ('to be very busy'); to eat out of smb.'s ~ ('to be subservient to smb. '); to force smb. 's ~ ('to compel smb. to act'); to throw up one's ~s ('to give up'); to wash one's ~s of smt. ('to shed all responsibility for smt.'); with a heavy ~ ('crudely'); to suffer at smb.'s ~s; with clean ~s ('innocent'); to go ~ in ~ ('to go together'); to win ~s down ('to win easily'); all ~s on deck! ('all sailors on deck'); to have time on one's ~s ('to have free time'); to have worthless property on one's ~s ('to be burdened by worthless property') II v. (A) ~ the salt to me; or: ~ me the salt hand back v. (usu. B; occ. A) she ~ed the documents back to me handball n. team ~ handbook n. a ~ for (a ~ for beginners) handcuffs n. 1. to put (the) ~ on smb. 2. to remove hand down v. (D; tr.) to ~ from; to (to ~ a tradition to the next generation; to ~ old clothes from one child to the next) handicap n. ['assigned advantage or disadvantage'] 1. to assign, give a ~ ['hindrance'] 2. to overcome a ~ 3. a ~ to 4. under a ~ hand in v. (B) to ~ homework in to the teacher handle n. ['part grasped by the hand'] 1. (BE) a starting ~ ['misc.'] (colloq.) 2. to fly off the ~ ('to lose one's temper'); to get a ~ on smt. ('to comprehend smt.') handler n. a baggage; food ~ handling n. 1. delicate; gentle; rough; tactful ~ (the matter requires delicate ~) 2. special ~ (by the post office) hand on v. (D; tr.) to ~ to (to ~ traditions to the next generation) hand organ n. to grind, play a ~ handout n. (colloq.) ['alms'] 1. to give smb. a ~ 2. to ask for a ~ hand out v. (B) to ~ food to the needy hand over v. (B) to ~ a criminal to the police handpicked adj. 1. ~ for 2. ~ to + inf. (she was ~ to do the job) handrail n. 1. to grasp a ~ 2. to hold on to a ~ handshake n. 1. a firm; warm ~ 2. (misc.) a golden ~ ('a gift presented to smb. who is retiring') handspring n. to do, turn a ~ handwriting n. 1. illegible; legible ~ 2. (misc.) to see the ~ on the wall ('to foresee an impending disaster') handy adj. 1. ~ at; with (she's ~ with tools) 2. ~ for (this tool is ~ for various jobs) 3. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ to have a pharmacy so close = it's ~ having a pharmacy so close) hang I n. (colloq.) ['knack'] to get the ~ of smt. II v. 1. ('to be suspended'); ('to fall') to ~ limp; loose, loosely 2. (colloq.) (d; intr.) to ~ around ('to frequent') (to ~ around a bar) 3. (D; intr.) ('to be suspended') to ~ by (to ~ by a thread) (see also 16) 4.(D; tr.) ('to execute by hanging') to ~ for (he was ~ed for murder ~) 5. (d; intr.) ('to be suspended') to ~ from (flags hung from the windows) 6. (d; intr.) ('to cling') to ~ on (to ~ on smb.'s arm) 7. (d; intr.) to ~ on, upon ('to listen closely to') (they hung on every word) 8. (d; intr.) to ~ on ('to depend on') (the outcome ~s on the results of the election) 9. (d; intr.) to ~ on ('to be oppressive') time ~s on their hands) 10. (d; intr., tr.) ('to be suspended'); ('to suspend') to ~ on (she hung the picture on the wall) 11. (d; intr.) ('to cling') to ~ onto (he hung onto my arm) 12. (colloq.) (d; intr.) to ~ onto ('to keep, retain') (we intend to ~ onto this property; they hung onto their customs) 13. (d; intr.) ('to lean') to ~ out of (to ~ out of a window) 14. (d; intr.) ('to be suspended') to ~ over (the coat was ~ing over the chair; the threat of war hung over the country) 15. (d; tr.) ('to drape, suspend') to ~ over (she hung the wet towel over the tub) 16. (misc.) to ~ by a thread ('to be in a critical situation') USAGE NOTE: The past and past participle of hang are hung or hanged. The form hanged is more usual in the sense 'killed by hanging'. In other senses the form hung is usual. hang around v. (colloq.) (d; intr.) ('to spend time') to ~ with (he likes to ~ with the boys down at the bar) hang back v. (D; intr.) to ~ from (to ~ from giving information) hang down v. (D; intr.) to ~ from; to (to ~ from a branch) hanger n. a coat ~ hang on v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ to ('to grasp') (to ~ to the rail) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ to ('to keep') (to ~ to one's privileges) hangout n. (colloq.) ['gathering place'] a ~ for v. (slang) (D; intr.) ('to spend time') to ~ with (to ~ with one's friends) hangup v. (D; intr.) to ~ on (she hung up on me) ('she broke off her telephone conversation with me') hanker v. (colloq.) (esp. AE) 1. (d; intr.) to ~ after, for ('to want') (to ~ for a good steak) 2. (E) ('to want') she ~ed to go south hankering n. (colloq.) 1. a ~ for 2. a ~ to + inf. (a ~ to travel) happen v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ to (what ~ed to you?) 2. (E) she ~ed to be there when we arrived happiness n. 1. personal ~ 2. a feeling, glow of ~ happy adj. 1. ~ about; with 2. (colloq.) ~ for (we are ~ for them) 3. ~ to + inf. (I'll be ~ to attend the meeting; she'll be ~ to work here = she'll be ~ working here) 4. ~ that + clause (they are very ~ that the proposal was accepted) harakiri n. to commit ~ harangue n. to deliver, launch into a ~ harassment n. 1. to engage in ~ 2. police; sexual ~ harbor, harbour n. 1. to clear a ~ 2. to blockade; mine a ~ 3. a natural ~ 4. a safe ~ (also fig.) hard adj. ['demanding'] 1. (cannot stand alone) ~ on (she's very ~ on herself) ['difficult'] 2. ~ to + inf. (this book is ~ to translate = it is ~ to translate this book = it is a ~ book to translate; she is ~ to understand = it is ~ to understand her; it is ~ to get them to participate = it is ~ getting them to participate) 3. ~ for (this job will be ~ for me; it is ~ for us to concentrate) ['misc.'] 4. to play ~ to get ('to pretend to be uninterested in an invitation or proposal') hardened adj. (cannot stand alone) ~ to (~ to suffering) hard line n. (pol.) to adopt, take; follow a ~ hard put adj. ['facing difficulties'] ~ to + inf. (she was ~ to pay her rent) hardship n. 1. to bear, suffer, undergo ~ 2. to overcome a ~ 3. a ~ to + inf. (it was a real ~ for her to get to work on time) hardtime n. (colloq.) 1. to give smb. a ~ ('to make things difficult for smb.') 2. (misc.) we had a ~ finding her hard up adj. (colloq.) ('in need of) ~ for (they are ~ for new ideas) hark back v. (d; intr.) ('to revert') to ~ to (to ~ to the old days) harm n. 1. to cause, do ~ 2. to undo ~ 3. considerable, grave, great, immeasurable, irreparable, severe ~ 4. (grievous) bodily ~ 5. ~ in; to (there is no ~ in doing that; was any ~ done to the children?) harmful adj. 1. ~ to (~ to one's health) 2. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ to smoke) harmless adj. 1. ~ to 2. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ to day-dream) harmonica n. (esp. AE) to play a ~ harmonize v. (D; intr.) to ~ with harmony n. ['concord, agreement'] 1. to achieve ~ 2. in ~ with ['congruity'] (ling.) 3. vowel ~ harness v. (D;tr.) to ~ to (to ~ horses to a coach) harp I n. to play the ~ II v. (d; intr.) to ~ on (to keep ~ing on the same old theme) harpoon n. to hurl, throw; shoot a ~ harsh adj. ~ to, with (he's too ~ with the children) harvest n. 1. to bring in, reap a ~ 2. an abundant, bountiful, rich; poor ~ hash v. (colloq.)(AE)(d; intr.) to ~ over ('to discuss') (to ~ over a question) hassle I n. ['struggle'] a ~ to + inf. (it was a ~ to get a visa = it was a ~ getting a visa) II v. (D; tr.) to ~ about, over haste n. 1. to make ~ ('to hurry') 2. in ~ (they acted in great ~) hasten v. (E) he ~ed to apologize hat n. 1. to doff; don; tip a ~ 2. a cardinal's; fur; straw; ten-gallon; top ~ 3. (misc.) to pass the ~ ('to collect money'); to take one's ~ off to ('to congratulate smb.'); to talk through one's ~ ('to say foolish things'); to throw one's ~ into the ring ('to enter a political campaign'); to take one's ~ off to smb. ('to feel respect for smb.') hatch n. 1. to batten down the ~es 2. an escape ~ hate I see hatred II v. 1. to ~ deeply, intensely, utterly 2. (E) he ~s to work 3. (G) she ~s going to school 4. (rare) (J) he ~s people watching when he practices 5. (K) she ~s his staying out late hateful adj. 1. ~ to 2. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of him to say that) hatred n. 1. to arouse, stir up ~ 2. to instill ~ 3. to incur ~ 4. to develop; express; feel; show ~ 5. blind, deep-rooted, implacable, intense, profound, violent, virulent ~ 6. ~ for, towards 7. consumed with, filled with ~ hat trick n. to do a ~ haul I n. ['distance'] along; short ~ (also fig.) II v. (D; tr.) to ~ from; to (to ~ coal from the mines to the city) haul up v. (D; tr.) to ~ before (to ~ smb. up before a magistrate) haunt n. a favorite; quiet ~ have v. 1. (d; tr.) ('to keep') ~ about (BE), around (it's dangerous to ~ a gun around the house) 2. (d; tr.) to ~ against ('to consider as grounds for rejection, dislike') (I ~ nothing against him) 3. (d; tr.) to ~ for ('to consume') (what are we ~ing for dinner?) 4. (colloq.) (d; tr.) to ~ on ('to possess evidence against') (you ~ nothing on me) 5. (E) ('to be obligated') we ~ to leave 6. (H; usu. with words such as nothing, something) I ~ nothing to say to her; I ~ nothing to wear; we ~ smt. to tell you 7. (esp. AE) (I) ('to cause') he had a gardener cut the grass (CE also has: he got a gardener to cut the grass); she had her research assistant look up the information; what would you have me do? 8. (J) we soon had them all laughing 9. (N; used with an adjective; past participle) ('to consume'); ('to cause') I'll have my martini dry; we had a meal sent up to our room; they had the building torn down; he had his hair cut; she had her tonsils removed 10. (misc.) he had two children by his first wife; to ~ it in for smb. ('to have a grudge against smb.'); she had a strange thing happen to her ('a strange thing happened to her') haven n. a tax ~ havoc n. to play, raise, wreak ~ with hay n. 1. to make ~ 2. to bundle, gather, stack ~ 3. a haystack 4. (misc.) (AE; colloq.) to hit the ~ ('to go to sleep') haymaker n. (colloq.) ['punch'] to throw a ~ hay ride n. to go on a ~ haywire adj. (colloq.) to go ~ ('to be ruined') hazard n. 1. a fire; occupational ~ 2. a ~ to (a ~ to health) hazardous adj. 1. ~ to (~ to one's health) 2. ~ to + inf. (it is ~ to work at that height = it is ~ working at that height) hazy adj. ~ about (she's ~ about the details) head I n. ['upper part of the body'] 1. to nod; shake one's ~ 2. to bare; bow; drop, hang, lower; lift, raise; move; poke, stick; scratch; toss; turn one's ~ (to scratch one's ~ in amazement; to poke one's ~ around the comer) 3. to hold one's ~ high ('to be proud') 4. from ~ to foot ['length of a horse's head'] 5. by a ~ (our horse won by a ~) ['poise'] 6. to lose one's ~ 7. a cool, level ~ (to keep a level ~) ['person'] 8. to count ~s ['brain'] 9. to use one's ~ 10. to cram, fill, stuff smb.'s ~ (with nonsense) 11. a clear ~ 12. to have a ~ for (figures) ['climax'] 13. to bring smt. to a ~ 14. to come to a ~ (the boil came to a ~; when will the crisis come to a ~?) ['front part'] 15. at the ~ (of a column) ['leader'] 16. a titular ~ ['chairperson'] (esp. BE) 17. a department ~, a ~ of (the) department (AE usu. has chairman, chairperson) ['misc.'] 18. a thick ~ of hair; success went to his ~ ('his success made him conceited'); ~ over heels ('completely'); ~s up ('watch out'); to get smt. through one's ~ ('to finally comprehend smt.'); to hang one's ~ in shame ('to be greatly embarrassed'); to be ~ and shoulders above smb. ('to be greatly superior to smb.'); to keep one's ~ above water ('to survive barely') \ over one's ~ ('incomprehensible'); out of one's ~ ('delirious'); to make ~ or tail of ('to comprehend'); to put ~s together ('to collaborate'); prejudice reared its ugly ~ ('prejudice appeared'); he took it into his ~ to leave ('he decided suddenly to leave') II v. 1. (d; intr.) ('to go') to ~ for (to ~ for the city; to ~ for a downfall) 2. (P; intr., tr.) they ~ed (their boat) east headache n. 1. to have a ~ 2. a bad, racking, severe, splitting; migraine; sick (esp. AE); slight heading n. 1. a chapter ~ 2. under a ~ headlights n. to dim (one's) ~ headline n. 1. to carry a ~ 2. banner; front-page; screaming ~s 3. in (banner) ~s headlock n. ['wrestling hold'] to put a ~ on smb. headquarters n. 1. to set up ~ 2. supreme ~ 3. at headstart n. to have a ~ on, over headway n. to gain, make ~ against healer n. a faith ~ healing n. faith ~ health n. ['condition of the body and mind'] 1. to enjoy good ~ 2. to promote (good) ~ 3. to recover, regain one's ~ 4. to ruin, undermine smb.'s ~ 5. bad, broken, failing, feeble, fragile, frail, ill, poor; delicate; good, robust ~ 6. holistic; mental; physical ~ 7. for one's ~ (she swims for her ~) 8. (misc.) the state of one's ~ ['science of protecting the health of the community'] 9. community, public; occupational ~ ['misc.'] 10. here's to your (good) ~! healthy adj. ['promoting health'] 1. ~ for (smoking is not ~ for you) ['safe'] (colloq.) 2. ~ to + int. (it's not ~ to walk there at night = it's not ~ walking there at night) heap I n. a compost; dump; scrap ~ II v. (d; tr.) to ~ on, upon (to ~ gifts on smb.) hear v. 1. (d; intr.) ('to learn') to ~ about, of (we have heard other; have you heard about the earthquake?) 2. (d; intr.) ('to receive word') to ~ from (I have not heard from him about this matter) 3. (I) ('to perceive by ear') I heard them go out 4. (J) ('to perceive by ear') we heard him coming up the stairs 5. (L) ('to learn') we have heard that he is in town 6. (N; used with a past participle) ('to listen to') we heard the aria sung in Italian 7. (Q) ('to learn') we heard why she left hearing n. ['perception of sounds'] 1. acute, keen ~ 2. defective, impaired ~ 3. hard of ~; ~ impaired ['session of a committee, court'] 4. to conduct, hold a ~ 5. a fair, impartial; open ~ (he got a fair ~) 6. Congressional ~s 7. an administrative; judicial; pre-trial; public ~ 8. at a ~ (to testify at a ~) heart n. ['organ that circulates the blood'] 1. to transplant a ~ 2. a healthy, strong; weak ~ 3. an artificial ~ 4. a ~ beats; fails, stops; palpitates, throbs; pumps blood ['the heart as the center of emotions'] 5. to gladden; harden smb.'s ~ 6. to break; steal, win smb.'s ~ 7. my ~ aches, bleeds (for her) 8. from the ~ (to speak from the ~) 9. in one's ~ (in my ~ I know that she is right) ['disposition'] 10. a cold, cruel, hard; good, kind, soft, tender, warm; stout ~ (she has a kind ~); a ~ of gold ['liking'] 11. to have a ~ for (she has no ~ for this type of work) 12. after one's own ~ (he's a man after my own ~) ['sympathy'] 13. to have a ~ (have a ~ and lend me some money) ['essence'] 14. to get to the ~ of smt. 15. at ~ (he's not bad at ~) ['feeling'] 16. a heavy; light ~ 17. with a (heavy) ~ ['courage'] 18. to take ~ from (he took ~ from her example) 19. to lose ~ 20. a brave; faint ~ 21. the ~ to + inf. (I didn't have the ~ to tell her) ['memory'] 22. by ~ (to know a poem by ~) ['resolve'] 23. to set one's ~ (on doing smt.) 24. a change of ~ ['misc.'] 25. a bleeding ~ ('one who always supports the underdog'); to eat one's ~ out ('to brood'); to lose one's ~ to ('to fall in love with'); from the bottom of one's ~ ('sincerely'); to have one's ~ in the right place ('to have good intentions'); to do smb.'s ~ good ('to make one happy'); with all one's ~ ('wholeheartedly'); to take smt. to ~ ('to take smt. seriously'); the way to smb.'s ~ heart attack n. 1. to have a ~ 2. a fatal; massive; mild; severe; sudden ~ heartbroken adj. 1. ~ about, at, over (~ over a friend's death) 2. ~ to + inf. (she was ~ to learn of the verdict) 3. ~ that + clause (I'm ~ that he cannot come) heart failure n. congestive; massive ~ heartless adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of him to say that) heartstrings n. ['deep feelings'] to tug at smb.'s ~ heat I n. ['warmth'] 1. to generate, produce; radiate ~ 2. to alleviate the ~ 3. blistering, extreme, great, intense, oppressive, scorching, stifling, sweltering, unbearable ~ 4. dry; penetrating; radiant; red; white ~ 5. animal; body ~ 6. ~ emanates from (an oven) ['excitement'] 7. in the ~ (of battle) ['estrus, sexual excitement'] 8. in (AE), on (BE) ~ (the bitch was in ~) ['heating system'] 9. to turn on the ~ 10. to turn off the ~ 11. electric; gas; steam ~ ['preliminary race, race'] 12. to run a dead ~ 13. a qualifying ~ ['pressure'] (colloq.) 14. to put the ~ on (the police were putting the ~ on him) II v. 1. (C) ~ some water for me; or: ~ me some water 2. (D; tr.) to ~ to (she ~ed the oven to two hundred degrees) heater n. an electric; hot-water, immersion (BE); kerosene (AE), paraffin (BE); oil; space ~ heating n. central; forced-air; space ~ heave v. (P; tr.) ('to throw') they ~d the trash into the pit heave-ho n. (colloq.) ['ejection'] to give smb. the (old) ~ heaven n. 1. in ~ 2. (misc.) in seventh ~ ('in a state of bliss'); to move ~ and earth ('to make a maximum effort') hedge n. ['row of shrubs'] 1. to crop, trim a ~ ['protection against loss'] 2. a ~ against (a ~ against inflation) heed n. to pay ~ to; to take ~ of heedful adj. (cannot stand alone) ~ of (~ of advice) heedless adj. (cannot stand alone) ~ of (~ of danger) heel n. ['tyrannical oppression'] 1. under the ~ (under the ~ of the occupier) ['misc.'] 2. smb.'s Achilles' ~ ('smb.'s vulnerable point') heels n. 1. to click one's ~ 2. built-up; high; low ~ 3. to be at, on smb.'s ~ ('to follow smb. closely') 4. (misc.) to cool one's ~ ('to be kept waiting'); down at the ~ ('shabby'); to kick up one's ~ ('to be very lively'); to show one's ~ ('to flee'); to take to one's ~ ('to flee'); hard on smb.'s ~ ('close to smb.') hegemony n. ~ over height n. 1. to attain, reach a ~ 2. to clear; scale a ~ 3. a dizzy, precipitous, vertiginous ~; dizzying ~s 4. a ~ above; below (at a ~ of two hundred feet above sea level) 5. at a ~ (at the ~ of one's success; to fly at a ~ of ten thousand feet) 6. in ~ (ten feet in ~) heir n. 1. to fall ~ (to fall ~ to a large estate) 2. an ~ apparent; an ~ presumptive 3. an immediate; rightful ~ 4. ~ to heirloom n. a family; priceless ~ helicopter n. to fly, pilot a ~ (see also airplane) hell n. (colloq.) ['the netherworld'] 1. go to ~! ['scolding'] 2. to catch, get ~ 3. to give smb. ~ ['misc.'] 4. a ~ of a team ('an excellent team'); for the ~ of it ('for no real reason'); to be ~ on ('to be harmful to'); (BE; slang) bloody ~ hell-bent adj. (cannot stand alone) ['determined'] 1. ~ for, on (~ on balancing the budget) 2. ~ to + inf. (~ to balance the budget) helm n. 1. to take (over) the ~ 2. at the ~ helmet n. 1. a crash, safety; sun (AE) ~ 2. a steel help I n. 1. to give, offer, provide ~ 2. to call for, seek ~ 3. a big, great ~ (she was a big ~ to us) 4. domestic ~ 5. (BE) a home ~ 6. of ~ to (she was of great ~ to us) 7. (misc.) ~ wanted (as in a newspaper advertisement) II v. 1. (D; tr.) ('to assist') to ~ in, with (we ~ed them in their work; she ~ed me with the translation) 2. (D; tr.) ('to assist in moving') to ~ into; off; out of (~ them into the house; ~ her off the train; ~ him out of the car) 3. (D; refl.) ('to serve oneself) to ~ to (she ~ed herself to the dessert) 4. (D; tr.) ('to serve') to ~ to (can I ~ you to some food?) 5. (E) they ~ed to cook the meal 6. (esp. AE) (F) ('to assist') she ~ed move the furniture 7. (G; often used with: cannot -- can't -- couldn't) ('to keep from') we couldn't ~ Faughing 8. (H) she ~ed us to move the furniture 9. (esp. AE) (I) she ~ed us move the furniture 10. (misc.) I couldn't ~ but laugh helpful adj. 1. ~ in; to (she's been very ~ to us) 2. ~ to + inf. (it's always ~ to be well-informed) helping n. a generous; second ~ hem n. 1. to let out; lower; raise a ~ 2. to pin up; shorten, take up; straighten a ~ hemisphere n. the eastern; northern; southern; western ~ hemmed in adj. ~ on all sides hemorrhage n. a cerebral; internal ~ hen n. 1. ~s cackle, cluck 2. ~s lay eggs hepatitis n. infectious; serum ~ herbs n. medicinal ~ herd n. 1. to drive; round up a ~ 2. to tend a ~ 3. (misc.) to ride ~ on ('to control') here adv. from ~ heresy n. 1. to be guilty of ~ 2. to preach ~ 3. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ to talk like that) heritage n. 1. to cherish one's ~ 2. to repudiate one's ~ 3. a priceless, proud, rich ~ 4. a cultural; family; religious ~ hernia n. a hiatal; inguinal ~ hero n. a conquering; folk; local; military, war; national; popular; unsung ~ heroic adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of them to oppose the invader) heroin n. to do (colloq.), inject, shoot (colloq.) ~ heroine see hero heroism n. to demonstrate, display ~ herpes n. 1. to come down with, contract, get ~ 2. genital ~ hesitancy n. 1. to show ~ 2. ~ about, in hesitant adj. ~ about (they are ~ about signing a contract) hesitate v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ over (to ~ over a choice) 2. (E) she ~d to act; do not ~ to call me hesitation n. 1. to show ~ 2. momentary ~ 3. ~ about, in (I have no ~ about throwing him out) hew v. (d; intr.) ('to adhere') (AE) to ~ to (to ~ to the party line) hex n. (AE) to put a ~ on smb. hide I n. 1. to tan a ~ 2. (misc.) to save smb.'s ~ ('to save smb.'s life'); to tan smb.'s ~ ('to spank smb.') II v. 1.(D; intr.) to ~ behind (to ~ behind a legal technicality) 2. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ from hide-and-seek n. to play ~ hideaway n. a secret ~ hideous adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ to watch) hideout n. a secret ~ hide out v. to ~ from (to ~ from the police) hiding n. 1. to go into ~ 2. to come out of ~ 3. in ~ hierarchy n. 1. to rise in the ~ 2. an academic; church; corporate; military; ruling ~ high I adj. 1. ~ in (~ in iron) 2. (misc.) (colloq.) to get ~ on (a drug) II n. ['acme'] 1. an all-time ~ ['state of euphoria'] (slang) 2. to reach a ~ highball n. ['type of drink'] to make, mix a ~ highhanded adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of him to remove the equipment without permission) high horse n. (colloq.) ['arrogance'] to get on one's ~ highness n. (her, his, your) royal ~ high-pressure v. (D; tr.) to ~ into (she was ~d into signing) high sign n. (esp. AE) ['signal'] 1. to give smb. the ~ 2. to get the ~ high time n. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ to leave) high treason n. to commit ~ highway n. (AE) 1. a divided ~ 2. a belt; limited-access ~ hijacking n. 1. to carry out, commit a ~ 2. to foil, thwart a ~ hike n. 1. to go on; organize a ~ 2. a long; short ~ (they went on a long ~) 3. an overnight ~ (as of Boy Scouts) hill n. 1. to come down; go up a ~ 2. rolling ~s; a steep ~ 3. in the ~s (to live in the ~s) 4. on a ~ (the house stood on a ~) 5. (misc.) (colloq.) to take to the ~s ('to take refuge in the hills') hilt n. ['limit'] to the ~ hinder v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ from 2. (D; tr.) to ~ in hindrance n. a ~ to hinge v. (d; intr.) ('to depend') to ~ on, upon hint I n. 1. to drop, give a ~ 2. to take a ~ 3. a broad, obvious; delicate, gentle, subtle ~ 4. the merest ~ 5. a ~ about, of (a ~ about the answer; a ~ of suspicion) 6. a ~ that + clause (she dropped a ~ that she would retire soon) 7. at a ~ (they fled at the first ~ of trouble) II v. 1. (d. intr.) to ~ at 2. (L; to) he ~ed (to us) that an agreement had been reached hip I adj. (slang) ['aware'] ~ to II n. to shake, sway, wiggle one's ~s hire I n. for ~ II v. (H) we ~d her to mow our lawn hired adj. ~ to + inf. (he was ~ to work as a gardener) hire out v. (D; refl.,tr.)to ~ as; to (he ~d himself out as a mercenary to the highest bidder) hire purchase n. (BE) on ~ (to buy smt. on ~) hiss v. (D; intr.) to ~ at (the crowd ~ed at the delay) history n. 1. to make ~ 2. to trace the ~ of smt. 3. to distort; revise, rewrite ~ 4. to go down in ~ as (he went down in ~ as a tyrant) 5. ancient; cultural; medieval; military; modem; natural ~ 6. a case; personal ~ 7. oral ~ 8. (misc.) ~ repeats itself; a page in ~ hit I n. ['blow that strikes the target'] 1. to score a ~ 2. to take a ~ (our ship took several direct ~s) 3. a direct ~ ['success'] (colloq.) 4. to make a ~ with (she made quite a ~ with the audience) 5. a smash ~ II v. 1. ('to strike') to ~ hard 2. (d; intr.) ('to strike') to ~ against, on (he hit his head on the ceiling) 3. (d; intr.) to ~ at ('to attack') (the press hit hard at governmental corruption) 4. (slang) (AE) (d; tr.) to ~ for ('to make a request of) (he hit me for twenty dollars) 5. (D; tr.) ('to strike') to ~ in (to ~ smb. in the face) 6. (d; intr.) to ~ on, upon ('to discover') (they finally hit on an acceptable compromise) 7. (BE) (0; can be used with one animate object) ('to strike') he hit me a hard blow hit back v. (D; intr.) to ~ at hitch I n. (colloq.) ['obstacle'] ['stoppage'] 1. a slight ~ 2. a ~ in (there's been a slight ~ in our plans) 3. without a ~ (it went off without a ~) ['period of military service'] (esp. AE) 4. to do a ~ 5. to sign up for another ~ II v. (d; tr.) to ~ to (to ~ horses to a cart) hitch up v. (D; tr.) to ~ to (to ~ horses to a cart) hit off v. to hit it off with smb. ('to get along well with smb.') hit up v. (slang) (d; tr.) ('to request') to ~ for (he hit me up for a loan) hoax n. 1. to perpetrate a ~ 2. to play a ~ on smb. 3. a literary ~ hobby n. to have, go in for, pursue a ~ hobnob v. (d; intr.) to ~ with hock n. (colloq.) in ~ ('pawned') hockey n. 1. to play ~ 2. field; ice ~ hold I n. ['grip'] 1. to catch, get, grab, lay, seize, take ~ of 2. to keep ~ of 3. to relax one's ~ 4. a firm, strong ~ ['type of wrestling grip'] 5. to break a ~ ['control, domination'] 6. to relinquish one's ~ 7. a ~ over (they refused to relinquish their ~ over this area) ['waiting, esp. on the telephone'] 8. to put smb. on ~ II v. 1. ('to keep') to ~ high (to ~ one's head high; also fig.) 2. (d; tr.) to ~ against ('to take into account') (we will not ~ your past blunders against you; they held his criminal record against him) 3. (d; intr.) to ~ onto ('to seize and cling to') (~ onto my arm) 4. (d; intr.) ('to adhere') to ~ to (to ~ to the terms of a contract) 5. (d; tr.) ('to make smb. adhere') to ~ to (they held us to the terms of the contract) 6. (d; tr.) ('to restrict') to ~ to (we held the visiting team to a tie) 7. (d; intr.) ('to agree') to ~ with (I don't ~ with his ideas) 8. (L) ('to assert') we ~ that these truths are self-evident 9. (M) ('to consider') we ~ him to be responsible 10. (N; used with an adjective) ('to consider'); ('to keep') to ~ smb. responsible; she held the ladder steady; they ~ life cheap III n. ['interior of a ship below decks'] in the hold back v. 1. (D; tr.) ('to keep') to ~ from (lack of education held him back from promotion) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ with (to ~ with one's reserves) holder n. 1. a cigarette; napkin ~ 2. (AE) a pot ~ holdings n. ['investments'] 1. to diversify one's ~ 2. far-flung ~ hold out v. 1. (B) ('to offer') they didn't ~ much hope to us 2. (D; intr.) to ~ against ('to resist') (they held out against the enemy for a month) 3. (D; intr.) to ~ for ('to demand') (they held out for better terms) 4. (d; intr.) to ~ on ('to keep information from') (don't ~ on me) holdover n. a ~ from (a ~ from the old days) hold up v. 1. (d; tr.) to ~ as (to ~ as an example 2. (esp. AE) (D; intr.) to ~ on (they had to ~ on their travel plans) 3. (d; tr.) to ~ to (to ~ smt. up to ridicule) hole n. 1. to bore; dig a ~ 2. to fill in a ~ 3. a deep; gaping, yawning ~ 4. a rabbit; watering ~ 5. (misc.) to pick ~s in smt. ('to find flaws in smt.'); to poke a ~ in smb.'s argument; (golf) to shoot a ~ in one hole up v. (colloq.) (D; intr., tr.) to ~ in (they were ~d up in an old farmhouse) holiday n. ['day set aside for the suspension of business, labor'] 1. to celebrate, observe a ~ 2. a bank (BE), legal (AE), public; national; religious ~ ['period of rest'] (esp. BE; AE prefers vacation) 3. to take a ~ 4. to go on ~ 5. a summer ~ 6. a ~ from 7. on ~ (she was away on ~) ['misc.'] 8. a busman's ~ ('a holiday spent in doing one's usual work') (see the Usage Note for vacation) hollow v. (d; tr.) to ~ out of (to ~ a canoe out of a log) holster n. a shoulder ~ holy water n. to sprinkle ~ homage n. 1. to pay ~ to 2. in ~ to home n. ['establishment providing care or service'] 1. to manage, operate, run a ~ 2. a convalescent; detention; funeral (AE); nursing; remand (BE); rest; retirement ~ ['residence'] 3. to build; establish a ~ 4. to provide a ~ for 5. to make one's ~ at, in 6. an ancestral; country; mobile; summer; winter ~ 7. a ~ for, to (San Francisco was ~ to them for years) 8. at ~ (she is never at ~; AE also has: she is never ~) ['family'] 9. a broken; foster; good ~ ['misc.'] 10. to romp ~ ('to score an easy victory'); she is at ~ in Greek literature; to go ~ USAGE NOTE: In many instances home is used as an adverb ~ to go home; to romp home, etc. home in v. (D; intr.) to ~ on (to ~ on a target) home run n. (AE; baseball and fig.) ['hit that allows the batter to score a run'] to hit a ~ homesick adj. ~ for home visit n. to go on, make a ~ homework n. 1. to do ~ 2. to hand in ~ 3. to correct; grade ~ homicide n. 1. to commit ~ 2. excusable; felonious; justifiable ~ homily n. to deliver a ~ honest adj. 1. ~ about; with (be ~ about this matter with us) 2. ~ to + inf. (it's not ~ to discuss company affairs with outsiders) honesty n. 1. to impugn smb.'s ~ 2. ~ in 3. the ~ to + inf. (she had the ~ to report the bribe) honey n. 1. to gather ~ 2. (misc.) as sweet as ~ honeycombed adj. (cannot stand alone) ~ with honeymoon n. 1. to go on a ~ 2. to spend a ~ (they spent their ~ in Hawaii) honk v. (D; intr.) to ~ at honor, honour n. ['respect'] ['credit'] 1. to bring, do ~ to (she brought ~ to her family) 2. an ~ to (he is an ~ to his school) 3. in smb.'s ~; in ~ of (to give a reception in smb.'s ~) ['distinction'] ['recognition'] 4. to win (an) ~ 5. to confer an ~ on 6. a dubious; great, high ~ 7. an ~ that + clause (it was a great ~ that we were chosen) 8. (to graduate) with ~s ['privilege'] 9. to have the ~ (may I have the ~ of your company?) 10. an ~ to + inf. (it was an ~ to serve with you) ['integrity'] ['reputation'] 11. to stake one's ~ on smt. 12. one's word of ~; an affair of ~ 13. on one's (word of) ~ ['rite'] 14. to do the ~s ('to serve as host') 15. military ~s (to be buried with full military ~s) ['misc.'] 16. a (military) guard of ~ II v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ as (she was ~ed as a community leader) 2. (D; tr.) to ~ with honorable, honourable adj. ~ to + inf. (it is not ~ to deceive them with false promises) honorarium n. to pay; receive an ~ honored, honoured adj. 1. ~ to + inf. (he was ~ to be invited) 2. ~ that + clause (I am ~ that you have decided to offer me the position) hood n. (AE) ['cover over an engine'] to check under the ~ (of a car) (BE has bonnet) hoodwink v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ into 2. (D; tr.) to ~ out of hoof n. 1. a cloven ~ 2. on the ~ (to buy cattle on the ~ ) hook n. ['curved piece of metal, wood'] 1. a crochet; meat; pruning ~ ['blow delivered with bent arm'] 2. to deliver a ~ (he delivered a right ~ to his opponent's jaw) ['misc.'] (slang) 3. off the ~ ('relieved of responsibility') hooked adj. (slang) ['addicted'] ~ on (~ on drugs) hookey, hooky n. (colloq.) (AE) ['unexcused absence from school'] to play ~ hooks and eyes n. ['type of fastening'] to sew on ~ hook up v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ to (to ~ a telephone up to the cable) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ with ('to join') hoop n. to roll a ~ hoopla n. (slang) (AE) ['bustle, noise, fuss'] the ~ subsides hoot I n. (colloq.) ['slightest care'] not to give a ~ II v. (D; intr.) ('to shout') to ~ at hop I n. ['short flight'] 1. a short ~ 2. a ~ from; to (it's a short ~ from Detroit to Cleveland) II v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ into (the children ~ped into their nice warm beds) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ out of (to ~ out of a chair) hope I n. 1. to arouse, inspire, stir up ~ 2. to raise smb.'s ~s 3. to express, voice a ~ 4. to cherish, entertain, nurse a ~ 5. to pin, place, put one's ~s on 6. to dash, deflate, dispel; thwart smb.'s ~s 7. to abandon, give up ~ 8. an ardent, fervent, fond; faint, slender, slight; false; high; idle, illusory, vain; real; realistic, reasonable; unrealistic, unreasonable ~ 9. ~s come true; fade 10. a flicker, glimmer, ray, spark of ~ 11. ~ for, in, of (~ of recovery; we had high ~s for her) 12. a ~ that + clause (it was our ~ that they would settle near us; there was little ~ that she would be elected) 13. in, with the ~ (we returned to the park in the ~ of finding her wallet) 14. beyond, past ~ II v. 1. to ~ fervently, sincerely, very much 2. (D; intr.) to ~ for (to ~ for an improvement) 3. (E) she ~s to see them soon 4. (L) we ~ that you are comfortable 5. (misc.) I ~ so; I ~ not hopeful I adj. 1. ~ of 2. ~ that + clause (we are ~ that they will agree) II n. a presidential ~ hopeless adj. 1. ~ at (he's ~ at balancing the checkbook) 2. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ to expect him to help) hopper n. ['container for bills that are being considered'] a legislative ~ hopscotch n. to play ~ horizon n. 1. (fig.) to broaden one's ~s 2. on the ~ (to appear on the ~) hormone n. a growth; sex ~ horn n. 1. to blow, sound a ~ 2. (misc.) on the ~s of a dilemma ('in a dilemma'); to lock ~s with ('to come into conflict with'); to take the bull by the ~s ('to confront a problem boldly'); (AE) to blow/ toot one's own ~ ('to boast') hornet n. ~s sting hornet's nest n. ['angry reaction'] to stir up a ~ horn in v. (D; intr.) to ~ on ('to interrupt') Horn of Africa n. in, on the ~ horoscope n. to read smb. 's ~ horrible adj. 1. ~ to + inf. (it is ~ to work there = it is ~ working there) 2. ~ that + clause (it's ~ that he was fired) horrid adj. 1. ~ to 2. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ of you to tease them like that) horrified adj. 1. ~ at (~ at the prospect of losing one's job) 2. ~ to + inf. (she was ~ to learn the news) 3. ~ that + clause (we were ~ that he had been chosen) horrify v. (R) it ~fied us (to learn) that their house had burned down horrifying adj. ~ to + inf. (it is ~ to contemplate that possibility) horror n. 1. to express; feel ~ 2. to have a ~ of 3. indescribable, unspeakable ~ 4. ~ at (she expressed her ~ at the crime) 5. in ~ (to scream in ~) 6. to one's ~ (to his ~, the bus caught fire) horror-stricken adj. ~ at horse n. ['animal'] 1. to mount; ride; walk a ~; to lead a ~ by the bridle 2. to curry; harness; hobble; saddle; shoe a ~ 3. to break (in) a ~ 4. to breed, raise ~s 5. a cart (BE), draft (AE), dray; race; saddle; thoroughbred; wild ~; a workhorse (usu. fig.) 6. ~s canter; gallop; neigh; snicker; trot; whinny 7. an unbroken ~ bucks 8. a herd of (wild) ~s; a pair; team of ~s 9. a young ~ is a foal 10. a female ~ is a mare 11. a male ~ is a stallion; a castrated male ~ is a gelding 12. a young female ~ is a filly 13. a young male ~ is a colt ['padded block'] (gymnastics) 14. a pommel, side (AE); vaulting ~ ['misc.'] 15. to back the wrong ~ ('to support the losing side'); to beat/flog a dead ~ ('to discuss an issue that has already been settled'); from the ~'s mouth ('from an original source'); to hold one's ~s ('to behave more carefully'); a ~ of a diferent color ('an entirely different matter'); on one's high ~ ('behaving arrogantly'); to eat like a ~ ('to eat a great deal'); to work like a ~ ('to work very hard'); to play the ~s ('to bet on horse races') horse around v. (slang) (AE) (D;intr.) to ~ with horseback n. on ~ hose n. ['flexible tube'] 1. to play, train a ~ on 2. a fire; garden; rubber; water ~ ['stockings'] 3. mesh ~; pantyhose (AE); stretch; support ~ hosiery n. support ~ hospitable adj. ~ to hospital n. 1. to establish, found a ~ 2. to go to ~ (BE)/to go to the ~ (AE) 3. a base; children's; city, municipal; community, non-profit; cottage (BE); evacuation; field; general; mental; military; private, proprietary (AE); state; station; teaching; veterans ~ 4. at, in a ~ (she works at/in the ~) 5. in ~ (BE)/in the ~ (AE) (she's ill and has been in/in the ~ for a week) USAGE NOTE: In BE, the phrases to go to hospital, to be in hospital mean 'to be hospitalized'; in AE one says to go to the hospital, to be in the hospital. hospitality n. 1. to extend, offer, show ~ 2. to abuse smb.'s ~ 3. warm ~ host n. 1. to play ~ to (who will play ~ to the next Olympic Games?) 2. a congenial ~ 3. ~ to (which city will be ~ to the next World's Fair?) hostage n. 1. to take smb. ~ 2. to seize, take ~s 3. to hold smb. (as a) ~ hostel n. a youth ~ hostess n. 1. an air (BE), airline (AE) ~ 2. a dance-hall; nightclub ~ USAGE NOTE: The term flight attendant has almost completely replaced air hostess and airline hostess. hostile adj. 1. openly ~ 2. ~ to, towards hostilities n. ['war'] 1. to open ~ 2. to suspend ~ 3. ~ break out 4. an outbreak of ~ 5. ~ between hostility n. 1. to arouse, stir up ~ 2. to display, show ~ 3. to express; feel ~ 4. bitter, deep, profound; open ~ 5. ~ against, to, towards 6. ~ between hot adj. piping, scalding; unbearably ~ hotel n. 1. to manage, operate, run a ~ 2. a deluxe, five-star, luxury; first-class; four-star; rundown, seedy; swanky (colloq.); three-star ~ 3. at, in a ~ (she works at/in a ~) 4. (misc.) to check in, register at a ~; to check out of a ~ hot line n. 1. to establish, set up a ~ 2. a ~ between hot pursuit n. in ~ (they crossed the border in ~ of the terrorists) hound I n. ['hunting dog'] 1. a pack of ~s 2. (esp. BE) to ride to ~s, to follow the ~s ('to hunt on horseback with dogs') ['enthusiast'] 3. autograph ~s II v. 1. (d; tr.) to ~ from, out of (they ~ed her out of office) 2. (d; tr.) to ~ into (to ~ smb. into doing smt.) 3. (H) they kept ~ing me to get a haircut hour n. 1. to show, tell the ~ (my watch shows the minute and ~) 2. a solid ('full') ~ (the police grilled him for three solid ~s) 3. an ungodly ('very early'); ('very late') ~ (she called at an ungodly ~) 4. the decisive ~; or: the ~ of decision 5. the cocktail ~ 6. office; peak; visiting ~s (during peak ~s more trains run) 7. the rush ~ (traffic is very heavy during the rush ~) 8. at a certain ~ (at the appointed ~) 9. by the ~ (to pay workers by the ~) 10. in a certain ~ (in one's ~ of need) 11. in, inside, within an ~ (she'll be here in an ~) 12. on the ~ ('every hour') 13. (misc.) to keep late ~s ('to go to bed late'); one's finest ~ ('the noblest period in one's life'); in the wee ~s of the morning ('late at night'); after ~s ('after work'); (a) happy ~ ('period in which a bar sells alcoholic drinks at a reduced price'); H-hour/zero ~ ('time at which a significant event is scheduled to begin') house n. ['building'] ['home'] 1. to build, put up a ~ 2. to redecorate, refurbish, remodel, renovate a ~ 3. to demolish, raze, tear down a ~ 4. to rent a ~ from smb. 5. to let (BE), rent out (AE) a ~ to smb. 6. a dilapidated, ramshackle ~ 7. an apartment (AE); brick; clapboard; country; detached; frame; manor (esp. BE); one-family, single; prefabricated; ranch (AE); rooming; row (AE), terraced (BE); semidetached; summer; town ~ 8. a haunted ~ 9. (AE) a fraternity; sorority ~ ['housekeeping'] 10. to keep ~ for smb. ['theater'] 11. to bring the ~ down ('to win thunderous approval') 12. an empty; full, packed ~ (to play to a packed ~) 13. an opera ~ ['chamber of a parliament'] 14. a lower; upper ~ ['firm'] 15. a banking; discount; gambling; mail-order; pharmaceutical; publishing ~; slaughterhouse ['place providing a public service'] 16. a boarding; halfway; safe; settlement ~ ['bar'] (BE) 17. a free; public; tied ~ ['shelter'] 18. a reptile ~ (at a zoo) ['misc.'] 19. a ~ of correction/detention ('a prison'); a disorderly ~ ('a brothel'); (AE) a station ~ ('a police station'); drinks are on the ~ ('drinks are served free'); an open ~ ('informal hospitality'); ('a residence being sold or rented out that is open for inspection') house arrest n. to place, put smb. under ~ household n. 1. to establish, set up a ~ 2. to run a housekeeping n. 1. to do ~ 2. light ~ housework n. to do ~ housing n. council (BE), public (AE); fair (AE), open (AE); low-cost, low-income; off-campus; student; subsidized; substandard ~ hovel n. a miserable, wretched ~ hover v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ around (we ~ed around our guide) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ between (to ~ between life and death) 3. (d; intr.) to ~ over (the fear of a new war ~ed over us) howl I n. to let out a ~ II v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ at 2. (D; intr.) to ~ in, with (to ~ with pain) Hoyle n. according to ~ ('according to the rules') hub n. ['focal point'] at the ~ (at the ~ of activity) huddle I n. 1. to go into a ~ 2. in a ~ II v. (usu. P; intr.) to ~ around a fire; to ~ together hue n. to raise a ~ and cry huff n. (to leave) in a ~ hug n. to give smb. a ~ hum v. 1. (usu. B;occ. A) ~ the tune to me 2. (D; tr.) to ~ for (to ~ a song for smb.) human adj. ~ to + inf. (it's only ~ to seek a better life) humanism n. secular ~ humanity n. ['quality of being humane'] 1. to display ~ 2. common ~ ['the human race'] 3. a crime against ~ humble pie n. (forced) to eat ~ humiliating adj. 1. ~ to + inf. (it is ~ to take orders from him) 2. ~ that + clause (it's ~ that we may not make our own decisions) humiliation n. 1. to suffer ~ 2. abject ~ humility n. to demonstrate, display ~ humor, humour n. ['something funny'] 1. bitter, caustic; black; deadpan, dry, straight; earthy; gallows; infectious; irrepressible; slapstick; sly, wry; subtle ~ 2. a sense of ~ 3. a dash, trace, vein of ~ ['mood'] 4. (a) bad; good ~ (she's in good ~ today) 5. a ~ to + inf. (he's in no ~ to be fooled with) 6. in a certain ~ (in bad ~) hump n. ['fit of depression'] (colloq.) (BE) 1. it gives me the ~ ('it depresses me') ['worst part'] (colloq.) 2. over the ~ hunch n. (colloq.) ['feeling'] ['suspicion'] 1. to play a ~ ('to act on the basis of a hunch') 2. a ~ that (I have a ~ that she will not come) 3. on a ~ (she did it on a ~) hunger I n. 1. (formal) to allay, alleviate, appease one's ~ 2. to satisfy one's ~; to gratify one's ~ (fig.) 3. ravenous ~ 4. ~ for (~ for knowledge) 5. of ~ (to die of ~) II v. (D; intr.) to ~ after, for hungry adj. 1. (cannot stand alone) ~ for (~ for news) 2. to go ~ hunt I n. 1. to organize, stage a ~ 2. a ~ for (a ~ for big game) II v. (D; intr.) to ~ for (to ~ for big game) hunter n. a bargain; big-game; bounty; fortune; head; souvenir ~ hurdle n. 1. to clear, take a ~ 2. to hit, knock down a ~ 3. high; low ~s hurl v. (d; refl., tr.) to ~ at (to ~ oneself at the enemy; to ~ insults at smb.) hurrah n. the last ~ ('a last attempt') hurricane n. 1. a severe, violent ~ 2. a ~ hits, strikes (the ~ struck several cities) 3. a ~ blows itself out 4. the eye of a ~ hurry I n. 1. in a ~ 2. a ~ to + inf. (we were in a ~ to finish) II v. (E) he ~ied to respond to her letter hurry back v. (D;intr.)to ~ to (she ~ried back to her desk) hurt I adj. ['insulted'] 1. deeply ~ ['injured'] 2. badly ~ II v. 1. to ~ badly, seriously; deeply; slightly 2. (R) it ~s me to cough; it ~s me to see her ruin her life hurtle v. (P; intr.) to ~ through the air (a large rock came ~ling through the air) husband n. 1. to leave one's ~ 2. a common-law; cuckolded; estranged ~; ex-husband, former; faithful; henpecked; jealous; philandering, unfaithful ~ 3. (misc.) she had two children by her first ~ husbandry n. animal ~ hush n. a ~ fell (over the crowd) hustings n. ['route of an election campaign'] to go out on the ~ hustle I n. (slang) ['quick movement'] to get a ~ on (AE) II v. (P; tr.) the police ~d the prisoner into a cell hut n. 1. a bamboo; thatched ~ 2. a Nissen (BE), Quonset (AE) ~ hutch n. a rabbit ~ hydrant n. 1. to open, turn on a ~ 2. a fire ~ hyena n. 1. a brown; laughing; spotted; striped ~ 2. a clan, pack of ~s hygiene n. 1. to practice (good) ~ 2. dental; feminine; field; industrial; mental; personal; sexual; social ~ hygienist n. a dental (AE), oral (BE) ~ hymen n. to rupture a ~ hymn n. 1. to chant, sing a ~ 2. a rousing; solemn ~ 3. a ~ to (a ~ to freedom) hypersensitive adj. ~ about, to hypertension n. essential; malignant; mild; severe hypnosis n. 1. to induce, produce ~ 2. to put smb. under ~ 3. under ~ hypnotism n. to practice ~ hypocrisy n. to display ~ hypocritical adj. 1. ~ about 2. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of her to make the offer) hypothesis n. 1. to advance, formulate, propose a ~ 2. to confirm a ~ 3. a null; working ~ 4. the ~ that + clause (she advanced the ~ that the disease was spread by rodents) hypothesize v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ about 2. (L) they ~d that the disease was spread by rodents hysterectomy n. 1. to do, perform a ~ on 2. to have a ~ hysteria n. 1. to produce ~ 2. mass ~ 3. an attack, fit of ~ hysterical adj. ~ about hysterics n. a fit of ~ (to have a fit of ~) ice n. 1. to form, make, produce ~ 2. to melt ~ 3. hard; soft ~ 4. cracked; crushed; dry; water ~ 5. pack ~ 6. ~ forms; melts 7. on the ~ (to slip on the ~) 8. (misc.) to break the ~ ('to create a more relaxed atmosphere'); to cut no ~ ('to have no effect'); on thin ~ ('in a dangerous situation'); on ~ ('in reserve') iceberg n. 1. to hit, strike an ~ (the ship struck an ~) 2. (misc.) (fig.) the tip of the ~ icebox n. (colloq.) to raid the ~ ('to eat heartily esp. during the night') ice cream n. 1. to make ~ 2. hand-dipped ~ 3. chocolate; strawberry; vanilla ~ icicle n. an ~ forms; hangs down icon n. to paint an ~ idea n. 1. to get, hit upon an ~ 2. to develop; entertain, toy with an ~ 3. to communicate, disseminate ~s; to market, package an ~ 4. to implement an ~ 5. to endorse, favor an ~ 6. to dismiss, reject an ~ 7. a bright, brilliant, clever, ingenious; logical ~ 8. an absurd, crazy, fantastic, far-fetched; desperate; silly, stupid; strange ~ 9. a fresh, new, novel ~ 10. a daring; grandiose ~ 11. an old, outmoded, stale, warmed-over ~ 12. an approximate, rough; clear; fixed; general; main; vague ~ 13. the faintest, slightest ~ (she didn't have the faintest ~ of what I meant) 14. the ~ that + clause (I had no ~ that she would attend the meeting) 15. (misc.) he didn't get the ~ ('he did not understand') ideal I adj. ~ for II n. 1. to attain; realize an ~ 2. a lofty, noble ~; high ~s idealistic adj. ~ about identical adj. ~ to, with (his hat is ~ to mine) identification n. 1. to make an ~ 2. positive ~ identify v. 1. (B) she ~fied the intruder to the police 2. (D; refl., tr.) to ~ as; to (he ~fied himself as an old friend of the family; she ~fied him to the police as the intruder) 3. (d.; intr., refl., tr.) to ~ with (she always ~fies with the underdog; he didn't want to be ~fied with the liberals) identity n. 1. to establish smb.'s ~ 2. mistaken ~ (it was a case of mistaken ~) ideology n. to embrace; espouse an ~ idiocy n. 1. congenital ~ 2. ~ to + inf. (it was sheer ~ for him to arrive late) idiot n. 1. a blithering, blooming, driveling ~ 2. the local, village ~ 3. an ~ to + inf. (he was an ~ to agree) idiotic adj. ~ to + inf. (they were ~ to do that) idle adj. to stand ~ (the machinery stood ~ for a month) idol n. 1. to worship an ~ 2. (fig.) a fallen; matinee; national; popular ~ idolize v. (D; tr.) to ~ as (she was ~d as a movie star) ignition n. (in a car) 1. to turn on the ~ 2. to turn off the ~ ignorance n. 1. to betray, demonstrate, display, show ~ 2. abysmal, blatant, crass, profound, total; blissful ~ 3. ~ about; of 4. in ~ of ignorant adj. 1. blissfully ~ 2. ~ in; of (~ of the facts) ignore v. 1. to ~ completely, totally 2. (K) you'll have to ~ their talking so loud ilk n. ['kind'] of a certain ~ ill adj. 1. to be taken ~ 2. to fall ~ 3. desperately, gravely, seriously; incurably, terminally ~ 4. emotionally; mentally; physically ~ 5. ~ with (she is ~ with a tropical disease) 6. (misc.) ~ at ease ('uncomfortable') ill-advised adj. ~ to + inf. (you would be ~ not to invite both of them) ill-disposed adj. (formal) (cannot stand alone) ~ to, towards (they are ~ towards me) illegal adj. ~ to + inf. (it is ~ to drive while intoxicated) ill feeling n. 1. to stir up ~ 2. ~ over (there was a great deal of ~ stirred up over the appointment) illiteracy n. 1. to eliminate, stamp out ~ 2. functional; widespread ~ illiterate n. a functional ~ illness n. 1. to get over an ~ 2. a fatal; grave, major, serious; incurable; lingering; slight; sudden; terminal; unbeatable ~ 3. mental ~ illogical adj. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ to assume that) illuminating adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ to read the candidate's earlier speeches) illusion n. 1. to create, produce an ~ 2. to cherish, harbor an ~ 3. to dispel an ~ 4. an optical ~ 5. an ~ about 6. an ~ to + inf. (it's an ~ to think that...) 7. an ~ that + clause (it is an ~ that appeasement will deter an aggressor) 8. under an ~ illustration n. ['example'] 1. to give, offer, provide an ~ ['picture'] 2. to draw an ~ illustrative adj. ~ of (~ of one's views) ill will n. 1. to stir up ~ 2. to bear, harbor ~ towards smb. 3. ~ about, over; between image n. 1. to project an ~ 2. a public; tarnished ~ 3. a spitting ~, spit and ~ (a spitting ~ of George Washington) 4. (misc.) to be created in the ~ of God imagery n. vivid ~ imagination n. 1. to excite, fire smb.'s ~ 2. to use one's ~ 3. to defy, stagger, stir smb.'s ~ 4. an active, lively, vivid; creative; feeble; wild ~ 5. a figment of smb.'s ~ 6. the ~ to + inf. (does she have the ~ to figure out what happened?) 7. in one's ~ 8. (misc.) by no stretch of the ~ imagine v. 1. (d; tr.) to ~ as (can you ~ her as an actress?) 2. (G) I can't ~ going to the party without an invitation 3. (J) can you ~ me becoming a teacher? 4. (K) it is difficult to ~ his marrying anyone 5. (L) I ~ that they will be delighted to hear from you 6. (N; used with an adjective, noun, past participle) can you ~ him president? imbalance n. 1. to correct, redress an ~ 2. an ~ between imbecile n. an ~ to + inf. (he was an ~ to sign a contract with them) imbecilic adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ to do that) imbued adj. (cannot stand alone) 1. deeply, profoundly, thoroughly ~ 2. ~ with (~ with a fighting spirit) imitation n. 1. to do an ~ of smb. 2. a pale ~ 3. in ~ of imitative adj. (formal) ~ of immaterial adj. 1. wholly ~ 2. ~ to immature adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of her to do that) immaturity n. to display ~ immerse v. 1. to ~ deeply 2. (D; refl., tr.)to ~ in (she ~d herself in the water; ~d in one's work) immersion n. 1. total ~ 2. ~ in (total ~ in one's work) immigrant n. 1. an illegal ~ 2. an ~ from; to (~s to Canada) immigrate v. (D; intr.) to ~ from; into, to (to ~ into a country) immigration n. ~ from; into, to immodest adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of me to say that) immoral adj. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ to steal) immune adj. ['exempt'] 1. ~ from (~ from prosecution; her prestige made her ~ from criticism) ['unaffected'] 2. ~ to (~ to a disease; his self-confidence made him ~ to criticism) immunity n. 1. to acquire, develop ~ 2. acquired; natural ~ 3. active; passive ~ 4. diplomatic ~ 5. ~ from, to (~ from prosecution; ~ to a disease) immunization n. 1. to carry out a (mass) ~ against 2. active; passive ~ immunize v. (D; tr.) to ~ against (the children have been ~d against poliomyelitis) impact I n. 1. to have an ~ on, upon 2. a considerable, strong; dramatic; emotional ~ 3. on ~ (the pole collapses on ~) II v. (esp. AE) (d; intr.) to ~ on impaired adj. hearing; visually ~ impairment n. (a) hearing; memory; mental; physical; speech; visual ~ impale v. (D; tr.) to ~ on, upon (the driver was thrown from the car and ~d on a fence) impart v. (B) to ~ knowledge to students impartiality n. 1. to demonstrate, display, show ~ 2. ~ in impasse n. 1. to reach an ~ 2. to break an ~ 3. at an ~ (negotiations were at an ~) impatience n. 1. to display, show ~ 2. ~ with 3. ~ to + inf. (we noted her ~ to begin) impatient adj. 1. ~ at, with (~ at the delay; ~ with children) 2. ~ for (I was ~ for the trip to start) 3. ~ to + inf. (we were ~ to leave) impeach v. (D; tr.) to ~ for (to ~ smb. for taking bribes) impediment n. 1. a speech ~ 2. an ~ to (an ~ to progress) impel v. (formal) 1. (d; tr.) to ~ into, to 2. (H) to ~ smb. to do smt. impelled adj. (cannot stand alone) ~ to + inf. (she felt ~ to intercede) imperative I adj. 1. ~ to + inf. (it is ~ to act now) 2. ~ that + clause; subj. (it is ~ that you be/should be present) II n. 1. a moral ~ 2. an ~ that + clause; subj. (it is a moral ~ that no concessions be/should be made) imperceptible adj. ~ to (~ to the touch) imperfection n. a slight ~ impersonation n. to do an ~ impertinence n. the ~ to + inf. (he had the ~ to demand a raise) impertinent adj. 1. ~ to 2. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of him to behave like that) impervious adj. ~ to (~ to criticism) impetuous adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of her to do that) impetus n. 1. to give, provide an ~ 2. to gain ~ 3. an ~ to 4. an ~ to + inf. (there was no ~ to work harder) impinge v. (formal) (d; intr.) to ~ on, upon (to ~ on smb.'s rights) impingement n. an ~ on, upon implant I n. a breast; heart; kidney ~ II v. (d; tr.) to ~ in (to ~ respect for democracy in the younger generation) implicate v. (D; tr.) to ~ in (to ~ smb. in a scandal) implication n. 1. a derogatory, negative; subtle ~ 2. an ~ for 3. an ~ that + clause (I resent your ~ that my work is unsatisfactory) 4. by ~ implicit adj. 1. ~ in (~ in the contract) 2. ~ that + clause (it is ~ in our agreement that she will be a partner) implore v. (formal) (H) they ~d her to help imply v. (L; to) she ~ied (to us) that she knew more than she had told the reporters impolite adj. ~ to + inf. (it is ~ to interrupt someone who is speaking) import v. (D; tr.) to ~ from; into (to ~ goods from abroad) importance n. 1. to acquire, assume ~ 2. to attach, attribute ~ to 3. great, paramount, utmost, vital ~ (the matter assumed paramount ~) 4. ~ for, to 5. of ~ (it was a question of great ~ to us) important adj. 1. ~ for (irrigation is ~ for farming) 2. ~ to (winning the contest was very ~ to her) 3. ~ to + inf. (it is ~ to study hard) 4. ~ that + clause; subj. (it is ~ that everyone attend/ should attend) importune v. (formal) 1. (D;tr.)to ~ for2. (H)to ~ smb. to do smt. impose v. 1. (D; intr., refl.) to ~ on, upon ('to take advantage of) (to ~ on smb.'s good nature; don't ~ yourself on them) 2. (D; tr.) ('to levy') to ~ on (to ~ a new tax on cigarettes) impossible adj. 1. almost, practically, virtually, well-nigh ~ 2. ~ for (it's ~ for me to help) 3. ~ to + inf. (it is ~ to predict the future; that child is ~ to control = it is ~ to control that child) 4. (misc.) to attempt; do the ~ impractical adj. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ to live in one city and work in another) impregnate v. (d; tr.) to ~ with impress v. 1. to ~ deeply; favorably 2. (D; tr.) to ~ as (she ~ed me as a scholar) 3. (d; tr.) to ~ on, upon (he tried to ~ on them the importance of being punctual) 4. (D; tr.) to ~ with (she ~ed me with her grasp of the subject) 5. (R)it ~ed me that they cooperated so willingly impressed adj. 1. easily ~ 2. deeply, greatly, highly, strongly ~ impression n. 1. to create an ~ 2. to make an ~ on upon 3. to gain an ~ 4. an accurate; deep, indelible, lasting, profound, strong; erroneous, false inaccurate, wrong; excellent; favorable; first fleeting; general; good; painful; personal; pleasant; unfavorable, unpleasant; vivid ~ 5. an ~ that + clause (she created the erroneous ~ that her family is wealthy) 6. under an ~ (I was under the ~ that you would come) imprimatur n. the royal ~ imprint n. 1. to bear an ~ (to bear the ~ of genius) 2. to leave one's ~ on imprisonment n. life ~ improbable adj. 1. highly ~ 2. ~ that + clause (it's ~ that she'll accept the invitation) improper adj. 1. ~ for 2. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ to do that) impropriety n. crass ~ improve v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ in (she has ~d in English) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ on, upon (I cannot ~ on her performance) improvement n. 1. to bring about an ~ 2. to show (an) ~ 3. a decided, distinct, marked, substantial; minor ~ 4. an ~ in, of (an ~ in her work; an ~ of service) 5. an ~ on, over, upon (this edition is an ~ over the previous one) improvisation n. to do an ~ imprudent adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of them to speculate on the stock exchange) impudence n. 1. brazen ~ 2. the ~ to + inf. (he had the ~ to breach the contract) impudent adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of her to answer like that; she was ~ to answer like that) impulse n. ['driving force'] 1. to feel an ~ 2. to curb, resist an ~ 3. an irresistible ~ 4. an ~ to + inf. (he felt an irresistible ~ to buy a new TV set) 5. on, under (an) ~ (to act on ~) ['stimulus'] 6. to convey, transmit an ~ 7. a nerve ~ impute v. (formal) (d; tr.) to ~ to (to ~ base motives to smb.) inability n. ~ to + inf. (her ~ to pay caused trouble) inaccessible adj. ~ to (~ to students) inaccuracy n. a glaring ~ inaccurate adj. ~ to + inf. (it is ~ to say that she was dismissed) inadequate adj. 1. ~ for; to (the supply of water is ~ for the trip; ~ to the occasion) 2. ~ to + inf. (the supply is ~ to meet the demand) inapplicable adj. ~ to inappropriate adj. 1. ~ for, to (~ to the occasion) 2. ~ to + inf. (it is ~ for you to wear shorts at a formal reception) 3. ~ that + clause; subj. (it is ~ that he be/should be present) inattention n. ~ to (~ to detail) inattentive adj. ~ to inaudible adj. ~ to inaugurate v. (D; tr.) to ~ as (to be ~d as president) inauguration n. to hold an ~ incantation n. to chant, utter an ~ incapable adj. (cannot stand alone) ~ of (she is ~ of cheating) incense n. to burn ~ incensed adj. 1. ~ about, at, over 2. ~ to + inf. (she was ~ to learn of the accusation) incentive n. 1. to offer an ~ 2. a powerful, strong ~ 3. an ~ to (an ~ to investment) 4. an ~ to + inf. (they have no ~ to work harder) inception n. from smt.'s ~ incest n. to commit ~ (with) inch I n. 1. to contest, fight for every ~ of one's land 2. a cubic; square ~ 3. every ~ ('to the utmost degree') (she is every ~ a champion) 4. within an ~ ('almost') (he was beaten within an ~ of his life) 5. (misc.) ~ by ~ II v. (P; intr.) to ~ forward slowly incidence n. a high; low ~ (a high ~ of crime) incident I adj. (formal) (cannot stand alone) ~ to (the risks ~ to military service) II n. 1. to provoke an ~ 2. to cover up, suppress an ~ 3. an amusing, funny, humorous; curious; painful, unpleasant; pleasant; strange; touching; ugly ~ 4. a border ~ 5. an ~ occurs, takes place incidental adj. ~ to (problems ~ to growing up) incision n. 1. to make an ~ 2. a deep ~ incisors n. central; lateral ~ incite v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ to (to ~ workers to rebellion) 2. (H) to ~ the populace to riot incitement n. ~ to (~ to riot) inclination n. 1. to feel an ~ 2. a natural; strong ~ 3, an ~ for, to, towards 4. an ~ to + inf. (the carburetor has an ~ to flood) incline v. (BE) 1. (d; intr.) to ~ to, towards (he ~s to laziness) 2. (d; tr.) to ~ to (it ~d me to anger) 3. (E) I ~ to believe that she is innocent 4. (H) the news ~d me to leave at once inclined adj. (cannot stand alone) ~ to + inf. (I am ~ to agree) include v. (D; tr.) to ~ among, in (to ~ smb. in a list of candidates; who was ~d among the guests?) inclusive adj. ~ of incognito adv. to go, travel ~ incognizant adj. ~ of income n. 1. to earn an ~ 2. an annual; earned; fixed; gross; independent; monthly; net; taxable; unearned; weekly ~ 3. per capita ~ 4. beyond one's ~ (they live beyond their ~) 5. within one's ~ (to live within one's ~) incommensurable adj. ~ with incommensurate adj. ~ to, with incommunicado adv. to hold smb. ~ incompatibility n. ~ with incompatible adj. ~ with incompetence n. ~ at, in incompetent adj. 1. ~ at, in 2. ~ to + inf. (he is ~ to judge) incomplete n. ['academic deficiency'] to make up an ~ (the student had to make up three ~s) incomprehensible adj. 1. ~ to 2. ~ that + clause (it is ~ that they were admitted to the program) inconceivable adj. 1. ~ to 2. ~ that + clause (it is ~ that she could be considered for the job) incongruous adj. ~ with inconsiderate adj. 1. ~ of (he's ~ of her feelings) 2. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of you to say that) inconsistent adj. ~ with inconvenience n. 1. to cause ~ 2. to put up with (an) ~ 3. (a) considerable, great; slight ~ inconvenient adj. 1. ~ for 2. ~ to + inf. (it is ~ to meet tomorrow) incorporate v. (D; tr.) to ~ into incorrect adj. 1. ~ in 2. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ to say that he is a good administrator) increase I n. 1. a considerable, large, sharp, sizable, substantial; moderate; slight; steady ~ 2. a rate ~ 3. an ~ in (an ~ in coal consumption) 4. on the ~ II v. 1. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ by (production ~d by ten percent) 2. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ from; to (the physician ~d the dosage from one to four) incredible adj. ~ that + clause (it was ~ that nobody paid attention to the new invention) increment n. an ~ in (an ~ in salary) incriminate v. (D;tr.) to ~ in inculcate v. (D; tr.) to ~ in, into (to ~ ideas in the minds of young people) incumbent adj. (cannot stand alone) ~ on, upon + to + inf. (it's ~ on you to warn them) incursion n. 1. to make an ~ 2. an armed ~ 3. an ~ into (to make an ~ into enemy territory) indebted adj. 1. deeply ~ 2. (cannot stand alone) ~ for; to (we are ~ to her for her help) indecent adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of him to do that) indecisive adj. ~ about indemnification n. to pay ~ for indemnify v. (D; tr.)to ~ for indemnity n. 1. to pay an ~ 2. double ~ indent v. (BE) (d; intr.) ('to request officially') to ~ for; on (we had to ~ on the company for new typewriters) indentation n. to make an ~ independence n. 1.toachieve,gain,win~from2. to declare one's ~ from 3. to lose one's ~ 4. political ~ independent adj. 1. fiercely ~ 2. ~ of index n. ['alphabetical list'] 1. to compile, do, make an ~ 2. an author; cumulative; subject ~ 3. an ~ to (an ~ to a book) ['indicator'] 4. a consumer-price, cost-of-living; price ~ 5. an ~ to (an ~ to economic progress) ['ratio of one dimension to another'] 6. a cephalic; cranial; facial ~ Indian n. an American ~ USAGE NOTE: To somebody from Canada and the United States, the primary meaning of Indian is 'American Indian'. To somebody from other English-speaking countries, the primary meaning is 'native of India'. Note that a West Indian is always somebody from the West Indies. indicate v. 1. (B) she ~d her reasons to us 2. (L; to) they ~d (to us) that they would sign the contract indication n. 1. to give an ~ 2. an ~ that + clause (there is every ~ that she will recover) indicative adj. ~ of indict v. (D; tr.) to ~ for (to ~ smb. for murder) indictment n. (usu. legal) 1. to hand up, issue, present, return an ~ 2. to waive (the) ~ 3. to quash an ~ 4. (fig.) a stinging; sweeping ~ 5. an ~ against 6. an ~ for 7. on ~ (to try a case on ~) indifference n. 1. to affect, feign ~ 2. to display, show ~ 3. marked; studied ~ 4. ~ about, concerning 5. ~ to, towards indifferent adj. 1. to remain ~ 2. ~ about, concerning 3. ~ to, towards indigenous adj. ~ to indigestion n. 1. to cause ~ 2. to give smb. ~ (pickles give me ~) 3. acute, severe; chronic ~ 4. an attack, touch of ~ indignant adj. 1. ~ about, at, over 2. (misc.) to wax ~ (over smt.) indignation n. 1. to arouse ~ 2. to express; feel, show ~ 3. burning; helpless; public; righteous ~ 4. ~ about, at, over (to feel ~ at gross injustice) 5. to smb.'s ~ indignity n. 1. to inflict an ~ on 2. to suffer ~ties indiscreet adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of her to say that) indiscretion n. 1. to commit an ~ 2. a youthful ~ indiscriminate adj. ~ in indispensable adj. ~ for, to (~ to life) indisposed adj. (formal) ~ to + inf. (she appears ~ to go) indistinguishable adj. ~ from individualism n. rugged ~ individuality n. to express one's ~ indoctrinate v. (D; tr.) to ~ against; in; with indoctrination n. ~ against; in; with induce v. (H) we could not ~ her to come inducement n. 1. to offer, provide an ~ 2. a strong ~ 3. an ~ to 4. an ~ to + inf. (we had no ~ to work harder) induct v. (D; tr.) to ~ into (to ~ smb. into the armed forces) induction n. ~ into (~ into the armed forces) indulge v. (d; intr., refl., tr.) to ~ in (to ~ in the luxury of a nice, warm bath; he ~s her in everything) indulgence n. to ask for smb.'s ~ indulgent adj. ~ towards industry n. 1. to build up, develop (an) ~ 2. (an) ~ springs up 3. a basic, key ~ 4. a cottage; defense; high-tech ~ 5. heavy; light ~ 6. the film; machine-tool; meat-packing; pharmaceutical; steel; textile; tourist, travel; trucking (esp. AE) ~ 7. a smokestack ('old, obsolete') ~ 8. (misc.) government often regulates ~; a branch of ~ inelegant adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ to phrase the request in that manner) ineligibility n. ~ for ineligible adj. 1. ~ for 2. ~ to + inf. (she is still ~ to vote) inept adj. ~ at, in ineptitude n. 1. to demonstrate, display ~ 2. ~ at, inequality n. ~ between inertia n. 1. sheer ~ 2. through ~ inevitable adj. ~ that + clause (it was ~ that she would find out) inexcusable adj. 1. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of him to blurt that out) 2. ~ that + clause (it is ~ that she was left out) inexperienced adj. ~ at, in infallibility n. 1. papal ~ 2. ~ in infallible adj. -in infancy n. ['first stage'] in one's ~ (the industry was still in its ~) infant n. 1. to nurse, suckle; wean an ~ 2. a newborn; premature ~ 3. (misc.) ~ mortality (see also baby 7-11, 13) infanticide n. to commit ~ infantile adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ to behave like that) infantry n. light; motorized; mountain ~ infatuated adj. ~ with infatuation n. ~ with infection n. 1. to pass on, spread, transmit (an) ~ 2. a latent; localized; primary; secondary; serious, severe; slight, superficial; systemic ~ infer v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ from (to ~ a conclusion from the facts) 2. (L) I ~ that my proposal has been accepted 3. (Q) we had to ~ what she meant inference n. 1. to draw, make an ~ from 2. an invalid; valid ~ 3. an ~ that + clause (we made the ~ that she had been wrongly accused) inferior adj. 1. ~ in (~ in rank) 2. ~ to (he felt ~ to them) inferiority n. 1. a feeling of ~ 2. ~ to inferno n. a blazing, raging, roaring ~ infidelity n. 1. conjugal, marital ~ 2. ~ to (~ to one's ideals) infighting n. ~ among, between infiltrate v. (D; intr.) to ~ into infiltration n. ~ into; through (enemy ~ into our lines) infinitive n. 1. to split an ~ 2. a split ~ infinity n. to ~ inflammation n. 1. to cause (an) ~ 2. (an) ~ subsides inflation n. 1. to cause ~ 2. to control, curb ~ 3. creeping; double-digit; galloping, rampant, runaway, uncontrolled ~ inflection, inflexion n. a falling; rising ~ inflexibility n. ~ in inflexible adj. ~ in inflict v. (D; tr.) to ~ on (to ~ heavy losses on the enemy) influence I n. 1. to exert ~ on 2. to use one's ~ 3. to wield ~ 4. to bring ~ to bear 5. to flaunt one's ~ 6. (colloq.) to peddle ~ 7. to consolidate, strengthen one's ~ 8. to counteract, curb, neutralize smb.'s ~ 9. (a) bad, baleful, baneful; far-reaching; good; leavening, moderating; negative; pernicious; positive; powerful, profound, strong; salutary; undue; unwholesome ~ 10. cultural; moral ~ 11. an ~ for (an ~ for good) 12. the ~ to + inf. (they have enough ~ to get the bill passed) 13. under smb.'s ~; under the ~ of (to come under smb.'s ~; to drive under the ~ of alcohol) 14. (misc.) outside ~s; a sphere of ~; an ~ peddler II v. 1. to ~ deeply, profoundly. strongly 2. (D; tr.) to ~ in 3. (H) who ~d her to do that? influential adj. ~ in influx n. an ~ from; into inform v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ about, of (we ~ed them of the incident) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ against, on (he ~ed on his accomplices) 3. (L; must have an object) she ~ed them that she would come 4. (Q; must have an object) the thief ~ed the police where the money was hidden informal adj. ~ with (she's ~ with everyone) informant n. a native ~ information n. 1. to furnish, give, offer, provide ~ 2. to collect, dig up, find, gather; extract ~ 3. to classify ~ 4. to divulge, leak ~ 5. to declassify ~ 6. to feed ~ (into a computer) 7. to retrieve ~ (from a computer) 8. to cover up, suppress, withhold ~ 9. classified, confidential; detailed; firsthand; inside; misleading; reliable; secondhand; secret ~ 10. (AE) long-distance ~ (BE has long-distance enquiries, trunk enquiries) 11. ~ about, on 12. ~ that + clause (we have ~ that she has returned to this country) 13. for smb.'s ~ (for your ~) informative adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ to read the latest statistics) informed adj. 1. to keep smb. ~ 2. ~ about informer n. 1. to turn ('become') ~ 2. a police ~ inform on v. (D; intr.) to ~ to (he ~ed on them to the police) infraction n. 1. to commit an ~ 2. a minor ~ infringe v. (d; intr.) to ~ on, upon (to ~ on smb.'s rights) infringement n. an ~ of, on (an ~ of smb.'s rights) infuriate v. (R) it ~d me (to read) that he had been indicted infuriated adj. 1. ~ about, at, over; with 2. ~ to + inf. (he was ~ to find his seat occupied) infuriating adj. 1. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ to pay such prices for inferior merchandise) 2. ~ that + clause (it's ~ that these items are so expensive) infuse v. (d; tr.) to ~ into (to ~ new life into the troops) infusion n. 1. an intravenous ~ 2. an ~ into ingenious adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of her to solve the problem so quickly) ingenuity n. 1. human ~ 2. the ~ to + inf. (she had the ~ to succeed where everyone else had failed) ingrained adj. deeply ~ ingratiate v. (D; refl.) to ~ with (she ~d herself with the boss) ingratitude n. 1. to demonstrate, display, show ~ 2. base, rank ~ ingredients n. 1. to combine ~ (in baking) 2. basic; principal ~ 3. (misc.) the book has all the ~ of a best-seller inhale v. to ~ deeply inhere v. (formal) to ~ in inherent adj. ~ in, to inherit v. (D; tr.) to ~ from (to ~ a fortune from an uncle) inhibit v. (D; tr.) to ~ from inhospitable adj. 1. ~ to 2. ~ to + int. (it is ~ to turn a stranger away) inhumanity n. man's ~ to man inimical adj. (formal) ~ to (actions ~ to the maintenance of friendly relations between our countries) initiate v. (d; tr.) to ~ into (to ~ students into the mysteries of linguistics) initiation n. 1. to conduct an ~ 2. an ~ into (an ~ into a fraternity) initiative n. 1. to demonstrate, display, exercise, show ~ 2. to take the ~ 3. to stifle ~ 4. private ~ 5. the ~ to + inf. (does she have enough ~ to get this job done?) 6. on one's (own) ~ (she made the decision on her own ~) inject v. (D; tr.) to ~ into (to ~ a note of humor into the proceedings) injection n. 1. to administer, give an ~ 2. to get an ~ 3. a lethal ~ 4. a hypodermic; intradermal; intramuscular; intravenous; subcutaneous ~ injudicious adj. (formal) ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of you to speak to the press) injunction n. 1. to grant, hand down, issue an ~ 2. to deliver an ~ 3. an ~ against (an ~ against picketing) 4. a permanent; temporary ~ 5. an ~ to + inf. (an ~ to prevent picketing) 6. an ~ that + clause; subj. (the court issued an ~ that picketing not take/should not take place) injure v. to ~ badly, seriously, severely; slightly injurious adj. ~ to injury n. 1. to inflict (an) ~ on 2. to receive, suffer, sustain an ~ 3. a fatal; minor, slight; serious, severe ~ 4. bodily ~; an internal ~ 5. an ~ to (an ~ to the head) 6. (misc.) to add insult to ~ injustice n. 1. to do an ~ to 2. to commit an ~ 3. to redress an ~ 4. (a) blatant, gross, rank ~ 5. an ~ to ink n. 1. indelible; India (AE), Indian (BE); invisible; marking; permanent; printer's; secret; washable ~ 2. a blob, drop of ~ inkling n. 1. the faintest, slightest ~ 2. an ~ that + clause (I didn't have the slightest ~ that he was ill) inland adv. to go, travel ~ inmate n. a prison ~ innate adj. ~ in innocence n. 1. to maintain; prove, show one's ~ 2. (misc.) an air of injured ~ innocent adj. ~ of innovation n. 1. a daring ~ 2. an ~ in innuendo n. 1. to cast, make an ~ 2. an ~ about 3. an ~ that + clause (she made an ~ that he had a prison record) inoculate v. (D; tr.) to ~ against (to ~ a dog against rabies) inoculation n. 1. to give an ~ 2. an ~ against (an ~ against tetanus) input n. ~ into inquest n. 1. to conduct, hold an ~ 2. a coroner's; formal ~ 3. an ~ into inquire v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ about, after; into 2. (Q) he ~d where we were to meet USAGE NOTE: In BE, the spelling enquire is also used-- we enquired about her health. inquiry n. 1. to conduct, make; launch an ~ 2. a discreet; exhaustive, thorough; official ~ 3. an ~ about (to make ~ries about a matter) 4. an ~ into (an official ~ into the incident was launched) USAGE NOTE: The noun inquiry can mean 'question' or 'investigation'. In BE, the spelling enquiry is often recommended for the meaning 'question' - an enquiry about her health. Compare--an official inquiry into the incident. inquisition n. 1. to carry out, conduct an ~ 2. a cruel, senseless ~ inquisitive adj. ~ about inroads n. 1. to make ~ 2. deep ~ 3. ~ in, into, on, upon (to make ~ on the freedom of the press) insane adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of him to risk everything) insanity n. 1. (legal) to plead ~ 2. outright, pure, sheer ~ 3. (legal) temporary ~ 4. ~ to + inf. (it was sheer ~ to steal the money) inscribe v. (D;tr.) to ~ for (to ~ a book for smb.) inscription n. 1. to bear an ~ 2. to decipher an ~ insecticide n. to spray, spread, use an ~ insects n. 1. ~ bite; crawl, creep; fly 2. a swarm of (flying) ~ insecure adj. ~ about; in insecurity n. a feeling of ~ insemination n. artificial ~ insensibility n. 1. to display, show ~ 2. ~ to insensible adj. ~ to insensitive adj. 1. ~ to (~ to the feelings of others) 2. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of her to bring that up) insensitivity n. 1. to display, show ~ 2. ~ to inseparable adj. ~ from insert v. (D; tr.) to ~ into (to ~ a new sentence into a paragraph; to ~ a key into a lock) inside I adv. ~ out ('with the inner surface facing out'); ('thoroughly') (to know a subject ~ out) USAGE NOTE: The compound preposition inside of can refer to time or space. Referring to time, it is colloq. CE--to finish a job inside of an hour; referring to space, it is colloq. AE--inside of a building. II n. (colloq.) ['confidential information'] 1. to have the ~ on ['position of trust'] 2. to be on the ~ insight n. 1. to gain; have (an) ~ into 2. to provide (an) ~ 3. a deep ~ 4. the ~ to + inf. (she had the ~ to predict what would happen) insignia n. military; royal ~ insinuate v. 1. (d; refl.) ('to ingratiate') to ~ into (to ~ oneself into smb.'s good graces) 2. (L; to) ('to suggest') she ~ (to us) that her partner had embezzled funds insinuation n. 1. to make an ~ 2. an ~ that + clause (she didn't like his ~ that she had cheated) insist v. 1. to ~ absolutely, definitely, positively; stubbornly 2. (D; intr.) to ~ on (they ~ on more money; she ~ed on coming with us) 3. (L; can be used with the subj.) she ~ed that everyone attend; he ~ed that the accused was innocent insistence n. 1. dogged, firm, stubborn ~ 2. ~ on (~ on an increase in salary) 3. ~ that + clause; subj. (we resent your ~ that the debt be/should be paid at once) insistent adj. 1. ~ on, upon 2. ~ that + clause; subj. (~ that the debt be/should be paid) insolence n. 1. to display ~ 2. the ~ to + inf. (they had the ~ to file a complaint) insolent adj. 1. ~ in (~ in their manner) 2. ~ to, towards 3. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of them to demand special treatment) insolvency n. to force into ~ insomnia n. to suffer from ~ inspection n. 1. to carry out, conduct, make an ~ 2. a close, thorough; cursory, perfunctory; visual ~ 3. a technical ~ 4. on ~ (on closer ~ the money turned out to be counterfeit) inspector n. 1. a customs; fire; health; mine; police ~ 2. the ~ general inspiration n. 1. to give, offer, provide ~ 2. to derive, draw ~ from 3. divine ~ 4. ~ comes (from many sources) 5. a flash, spark of ~ 6. an ~ for (what provided the ~ for the statue?) 7. an ~ to (her example was an ~ to young people) 8. the ~ to + inf. (what gave him the ~ to do it?) inspire v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ in, with (formal) (to ~ awe in smb.; to ~ smb. with awe) 2. (H) to ~ smb. to do smt. inspiring adj. ~fo + inf. (it was ~ to watch) install v. (d; tr.) to ~ as (to ~ smb. as president) installations n. military; naval; port ~ installment, instalment n. 1. to pay an ~ 2. monthly; quarterly ~s 3. in ~s (the book came out in ~s; to pay in ~s) installment plan n. on the ~ (to buy smt. on the ~) instance n. ['example'] 1. to cite, give an ~ 2. an isolated, rare ~ 3. for ~ 4. in an ~ (in rare ~s; in a few isolated ~s) instant n. at a certain ~ (at that ~ I realized who had planned the whole scheme) instigate v. (esp. BE) (H) to ~ smb. to do smt. instigation n. at smb.'s ~ instill, instil v. 1. to ~ deeply, firmly 2. (D; tr.) to ~ in, into (to ~ respect for the law in the younger generation) instinct n. 1. to arouse an ~ 2. a basic; destructive; herd; human; killer; maternal; natural ~ 3. animal; predatory ~s 4. an unerring ~ 5. an ~ for 6. the ~ to + inf. (nothing can destroy the ~ to survive) institute n. 1. a research ~ 2. an ~ for (an ~ for theoretical research) 3. at an ~ (to work at an ~) institution n. 1. to endow; support an ~ 2. a charitable; educational; financial; penal; philanthropic; social; state-supported ~ 3. a heavily endowed ~ 4. (misc.) an ~ of higher learning; the ~ of marriage instruct v. 1. (D; tr.) ('to teach') to ~ in (to ~ soldiers in field hygiene) 2. (H) ('to order') she ~ed us to begin work at once 3. (L; must have an object) ('to inform') we have been ~ed that the matter has been settled by our lawyers 4. (0; must have an object) ('to order') we were ~ed where to meet instruction n. 1. to conduct, give, provide ~ 2. to take ~ (before converting to a religion) 3. advanced; beginning, elementary; bilingual; intermediate; remedial ~ 4. computer-assisted ~ 5. ~ in (to provide advanced ~ in mathematics) instructions n. 1. to give, issue ~ 2. to leave ~ (for smb.) 3. to carry out, follow ~ 4. to await (further) ~ 5. verbal; written ~ 6. ~ for 7. ~ to + inf. (we had ~ to report to her) 8. ~ that + clause; subj. (she left ~ that her estate be/should be divided evenly) 9. on ~ (we acted on your ~) instructive adj. ~ to + inf. (it will be ~ to analyze the results) instructor n. an ~ in, of (an ~ in physics) instrument n. ['implement'] 1. a blunt; delicate; sharp ~ 2. surgical ~s; ~s of torture 3. an ~ for (an ~ for good) ['device for producing a musical sound'] 4. to play an ~ 5. a brass; musical; percussion; stringed; wind; woodwind ~ instrumental adj. (cannot stand alone) ~ in (her help was ~ in tracking down the criminal) insubordinate adj. ~ to insubordination n. 1. rank ~ 2. ~ to (~ to authority) insufficient adj. 1. ~ for; in 2. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ to cite only one example) insulate v. (D; tr.) to ~ against, from insulation n. ~ against, from insult n. 1. to fling, hurl an ~ at 2. to swallow, take an ~ 3. to avenge an ~ 4. a gratuitous; imaginary; nasty, vicious ~ 5. an ~ to (an ~ to smb.'s intelligence) 6. (misc.) a stream of ~s; to add ~ to injury insulted adj. deeply ~ insurance n. 1. to provide ~ for 2. to sell, write; underwrite ~ 3. to carry; take out ~ (our firm carries fire ~) 4. to cancel; renew ~ 5. accident; automobile (AE), motor (BE), motor-car (BE); collision; comprehensive; compulsory; disability; endowment; fire; flight; flood; group; health;homeowner's; hospitalization; hurricane; liability (AE), third party (BE); life; major-medical (AE); marine; no-fault; property; term (esp. AE); title; whole life ~ 6. (GB) National Insurance 7. social; unemployment ~ 8. ~ against; on (~ against loss from flood; ~ on one's personal effects) 9. (misc.) an ~ policy USAGE NOTE: BE has traditionally distinguished between insurance (to provide compensation for what may happen) and assurance (to provide compensation for what will happen); thus-- fire insurance and life assurance. However, nowadays, life insurance is also used in BE. insure v. (D; refl., tr.) to ~ against; for (to ~ one's home against loss from fire; to ~ one's life for fifty thousand dollars) insured adj. fully; heavily ~ insurrection n. 1. to foment, stir up an ~ 2. to crush, put down, quell, suppress an ~ insusceptible adj. ~ to integrate v. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ into; with integration n. 1. economic; racial; school; token ~ 2. ~ into integrity n. 1. to display, show ~ 2. great ~ 3. the ~ to + inf. (he had the ~ not to accept bribes) 4. (misc.) a person of ~ intellect n. 1. (a) keen, sharp, superior ~ 2. of ~ (a person of keen ~) intelligence n. ['ability to comprehend, learn'] 1. to demonstrate, show ~ 2. great, high, keen; limited; low; normal; outstanding, remarkable ~ 3. artificial; native ~ 4. the ~ to + int. (she had the ~ to see through their scheme) 5. of a certain ~ (a person of considerable ~) ['information'] 6. to collect, gather ~ 7. classified; combat, military; industrial; secret ~ intelligent adj. ~ to + int. (it would not be ~ to provoke her) intelligible adj. ~ to intend v. 1. (d;tr.)('to design') to ~ as (it was ~ed as a joke) 2. (d; tr.) ('to design') to ~ for (the book is ~ed for children) 3. (E) ('to plan') she ~s to file suit 4. (G) ('to plan') what do you ~ doing? 5. (BE) (H) ('to want') we ~ them to do it 6. (L; subj.) ('to want') we never ~ed that she get/ should get involved intended adj. (cannot stand alone) ~ for (this dictionary is ~ for serious students) intent I adj. (cannot stand alone) ~ on, upon (she is ~ on getting the job done quickly) II n. 1. criminal ~ 2. ~ to + inf. (with ~ to kill) 3. by ~ 4. (misc.) to all ~s and purposes ('practically'); (legal) loitering with ~ (to commit a crime) intention n. 1. to announce, declare, state one's ~ 2. to make one's ~s clear 3. every; no ~ (she has every ~ of accepting the invitation) 4. honorable ~s 5. the ~ to + inf. (have you heard of her ~ to resign?) interact v. (d; intr.) to ~ with interaction n. ~ among, between; with intercede v. (D; intr.) to ~ for; with (to ~ with the authorities for smb.) interchangeable adj. ~ with intercourse n. 1. to have ~ with 2. anal; heterosexual; oral; sexual ~ 3. social ~ 4. ~ among, between; with interest I n. ['concern'] ['curiosity'] 1. to arouse, generate, pique, stir up; revive ~ (in) 2. to hold smb.'s ~ 3. to demonstrate, display, evince, manifest, show ~ 4. to express; take an ~ in (she took a keen ~ in the project) 5. to lose ~ (in) 6. an academic; active; deep, intense, keen, lively, profound, serious, strong; passing; vested ~ 7. broad; common, mutual; narrow ~s 8. human ~ (this story has a lot of human ~) 9. personal; popular ~ 10. the national; (the) public ~ 11. ~ flags; peaks; picks up; wanes 12. a conflict of ~(s) 13. ~ in (to show no ~ in financial matters) 14. ~ to + inf. (it's in/to our ~ to have stable prices) 15. in smb.'s ~ (to act in one's own ~) 16. in a certain ~ (in the national ~; in the public ~) 17. in the ~s of (in the ~s of safety; in the ~s of our organization) 18. of ~ to (this story will be of ~ to us) 19. to smb.'s ~ (see 14) ['money paid for the use of money'] 20. to bear, pay, yield ~ 21. to draw; receive ~ 22. to add; calculate; charge; compound ~ 23. compound; simple ~ 24. ~ accrues (to an account) 25. ~ on (~ on a loan; six percent ~ is paid on all accounts) 26. at a certain (rate of) ~ (at six percent ~) ['share'] 27. to own an ~ (in a business) 28. a half ~ (see also interests) II v. 1. to ~ greatly, very much 2. (D;tr.) to ~ in (could I ~ you in this project?) interested adj. 1. deeply, greatly, highly, keenly, very much ~ 2. ~ in (we are ~ in politics) 3. ~ to + inf. (you will be ~ to know that an agreement has been reached) interesting adj. 1. highly ~ 2. ~ for; to 3. ~ to + inf. (he's ~ to watch = it's ~ to watch him) 4. ~ that + clause (it's ~ that the incident was not reported in the newspapers) interests n. ['stakes, investments'] 1. to have ~ (to have ~ throughout the world) 2. to advance, further, promote one's ~ 3. to defend, guard, look after, protect one's ~ 4. to serve smb.'s ~ (it serves their ~ to have stability in the area) 5. far-flung; international; worldwide ~ 6. ~ clash; coincide ['groups having a common concern'] 7. banking; business, commercial; competing; controlling; shipping; special; steel; vested ~ interface I n. an ~ between; with II v. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ with (to ~ a machine with a computer) interfere v. (D; intr.) to ~ in; with USAGE NOTE: In BE, to interfere with smb. often means 'to molest smb. sexually'. interference n. 1. to brook no ~ 2. unwarranted ~ 3. ~ in, with 4. (misc.) (esp. Am. football) to run ~ for interim n. in the ~ interject v. (D; tr.) to ~ into interjection n. an ~ into (the ~ of new issues into a campaign) interlace v. (d; tr.) to ~ with interlard v. (formal) (d; tr.) to ~ with (to ~ a speech with local expressions) interlibrary loan n. to borrow, get a book on/ through ~ interlude n. 1. a romantic ~ 2. a musical ~ intermarriage n. ~ between, with intermarry v. (D; intr.) to ~ with (to ~ with the local population) intermediary n. an ~ between (an ~ between the warring groups) intermingle v. (d; intr.) to ~ with (to ~ with the crowd) intermission n. an ~ between USAGE NOTE: In AE, intermission has the meaning 'pause between parts of a theatrical performance'. In BE, interval is used in this meaning. internship n. (AE) to serve one's ~ interplay n. ~ among, between interpolate v. (D; tr.) to ~ into interpose v. (D; refl., tr.) to ~ among, between interpret v. 1. (B) I had to ~ the passage to them 2. (d; tr.) to ~ as (they ~ed his response as an admission of guilt) 3. (D; intr.) to ~ for (to ~ for foreign visitors) interpretation n. 1. to make an ~ 2. a free, liberal, loose; strict ~ (of the law) interpreter n. 1. to serve (smb.) as an ~ 2. a conference; court; simultaneous ~ interpreting n. conference; simultaneous ~ interrogation n. to conduct an ~ interrogator n. 1. to serve as an ~ 2. a prisoner-of-war ~ interrogatory n. (legal) to file; serve an ~ intersection n. 1. a busy; dangerous ~ 2. at an ~ intersperse v. (P;tr.) to ~ anecdotes throughout a speech intertwine v. (D; intr.) to ~ with interval n. ['space of time between events'] 1. a brief, short; irregular; regular ~ 2. a lucid ~ 3. at a certain ~ (at regular ~s) ['distance'] ['gap'] 4. to maintain an ~ (the proper ~ should be maintained between vehicles) 5. an ~ between (see the Usage Note for intermission) intervene v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ between 2. (D; intr.) to ~ in; with (to ~ in smb.'s affairs; to ~ with the authorities) intervention n. 1. armed, military; government ~ 2. nursing; surgical ~ 3. divine ~ interview I n. 1. to conduct an ~ 2. to give, grant an ~ 3. an exclusive; job; personal; taped; telephone; television, TV ~ 4. an ~ for; with (an ~ with the personnel director for a job) II v. (D; tr.) to ~ for (to ~ smb. for a job) interwoven adj. ~ with intestine n. the large; small ~ intimacy n. ~ between; with intimate I adj. ~ with II v. 1. (B) she ~d her wishes to us 2. (L; to) they ~d (to us) that an agreement would be worked out soon 3. (Q) they would not ~ how the problem could be solved intimation n. 1. to give an ~ 2. ~ that + clause (there was no ~ that she would retire) intimidate v. (D; tr.) to ~ into (to ~ smb. into doing smt.) intolerable adj. 1. ~ to 2. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ to allow hardened criminals to roam our streets) 3. ~ that + clause (it is ~ that such excesses are allowed) intolerance n. ['lack of tolerance'] 1. to display, show ~ 2. to stir up ~ against 3. racial; religious ~ ['sensitivity'] 4. ~ to (drugs) intolerant adj. ~ of intonation n. a falling; rising ~ intoxication n. a state of ~ intransigence n. ~ about intransigent adj. ~ about intrigue I n. 1. to carry on, engage in (an) ~ 2. high; petty ~ 3. a hotbed; web of ~ II v. (d; intr.) to ~ against; with (to ~ against the government) intrinsic adj. ~ in, to introduce v. 1. (B) she ~d me to her friends 2. (D; tr.) to ~ into (to ~ new methods into an industry) 3. (d; tr.) to ~ to (to ~ students to the elements of computer science) introduction n. 1. to make an ~ 2. to serve as an ~ 3. a formal ~ 4. an ~ into, to (an ~ to a book) 5. (misc.) a letter of ~ introductory adj. (formal) ~ to intrude v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ into 2. (D; intr.) to ~ on, upon (to ~ on smb.'s privacy) intrusion n. 1. to make an ~ 2. an unwarranted; unwelcome ~ 3. an ~ into (to make an ~ into enemy territory) 4. an ~ on (an ~ on my time) 5. (misc.) pardon my ~ intuition n. by ~ (she sensed what was wrong by inure v. (formal) (d; tr.) to ~ to (to ~ smb. to hardship; ~d to danger) invalid v. (BE) 1. (d; tr.) to ~ home 2. (d; tr.) to ~ out of (to be ~ed out of the army) invaluable adj. ~ to invasion n. 1. to carry out; launch an ~ 2. to repel, repulse an ~ invective n. 1. to hurl ~/~s at 2. bitter; coarse, vulgar ~ 3. a stream, torrent of ~/~s 4. ~ against inveigh v. (formal) (d; intr.) to ~ against inveigle v. (d;tr.) to ~ into; out of (to ~ smb. into doing smt.) invention n. 1. to come up with an ~ 2. to patent, register an ~ 3. to market, promote an ~ 4. an ingenious ~ inventory n. 1. to make an ~ (of); to take (an) ~ (of) 2. to reduce (an) ~ (by having a sale) 3. an annual ~ 4. closed for ~ invest v. 1. ('to place money') to ~ heavily 2. (D; intr., tr.) ('to place money') to ~ in (to ~ heavily in municipal bonds; to ~ surplus funds in stocks) 3. (formal) (d; tr.) ('to entrust') to ~ with (to ~ smb. with authority) invested adj. (formal) (cannot stand alone) ~ with (~ with broad powers) investigation n. 1. to carry out, conduct, make; launch an ~ 2. a cursory, perfunctory; impartial; painstaking, thorough ~ 3. a criminal; police ~ 4. an ~ into, of (to launch an ~ into charges of corruption) 5. on, upon ~ (on closer ~ we discovered the cause of the fire) 6. under ~ (the incident is under ~) investigator n. a government; private ~ investment n. 1. to make an ~ 2. a bad, poor; good, lucrative, profitable; solid, sound ~ 3. heavy; long-term; overseas ~s 4. an ~ in (~s in oil stocks) investor n. a heavy; large; small; speculative ~ invigorating adj. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ to swim in the sea) invisible adj. ~ to (~ to the naked eye) invitation n. 1. to extend, issue, send an ~ 2. to send out ~s 3. to decline, spurn an ~ 4. a cordial, kind; formal; informal ~ 5. an ~ to (an ~ to a party) 6. an ~ to + inf. (she has received an ~ to attend the reception) 7. by ~ (participation is by ~ only) invite v. 1. to ~ cordially (everyone is cordially ~d) 2. (D; tr.) to ~ to (we ~d them to our party) 3. (H) they ~d us to participate invite over v. (D; tr.) to ~ for; to (we ~d them over to our place for a drink) invocation n. to offer, pronounce the ~ invoice n. 1. to issue; send an ~ 2. a duplicate; original ~ involve v. 1. (D;tr.)to ~ in; with (to ~ smb. in a project; we were ~d with the technical details) 2. (K) that job would ~ my traveling a great deal involved adj. 1. emotionally ~ with 2. ~ in; with (I got her ~ in the planning; to become ~ with smb.) involvement n. 1. an emotional ~ 2. ~ in; with invulnerable adj. ~ to inward adv. ~ bound IQ n. 1. to test smb.'s ~ 2. an average, normal; high; low ~ 3. an ~ of (an ~ of one hundred; the ~ of a genius) 4. (misc.) an ~ test irate adj. ~ about ire n. to arouse, rouse smb.'s ~ irk v. (R) it ~s her to have to get up so early; it ~s me that they get all the credit irksome adj. (formal) ~ to + inf. (it is ~ to listen to his constant complaints) iron n. ['type of metal'] 1. to mine; smelt ~ 2. cast; corrugated; crude; pig; scrap; wrought ~ ['device for pressing clothes'] 3. to plug in an ~ 4. to unplug an ~ 5. an electric; steam ~ ['rodlike device used for branding'] 6. a branding ~ ['tool used to apply solder'] 7. a soldering ~ ['instrument used to curl hair'] 8. a curling ~ ['hook'] 9. a climbing; grappling ~ ['utensil for making waffles'] 10. a waffle ironic, ironical adj. ~ that + clause (it's ~ that the weakest student in mathematics was elected class treasurer) ironing n. to do the ~ irons n. ['shackles'] 1. to put smb. into ~ 2. in ~ irony n. 1. bitter ~ 2. dramatic, tragic ~ 3. a touch of ~ 4. an ~ that + clause (it was a tragic ~ that he was killed in a traffic accident after the war) irrational adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ to react in that manner) irregular adj. grossly, highly ~ irregularity n. 1. a gross ~ 2. ~ in (an ~ in the accounts) irrelevant adj. 1. ~ to 2. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ to cite such outdated evidence) 3. ~ that + clause (it's ~ that she was out of town) irrespective adj. ~ of irresponsible adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of him to speak to reporters) irritant n. an ~ to irritate v. 1. to ~ greatly, very much 2. (R) it ~d me (to learn) that she had been promoted irritated adj. 1. ~ at (~ at being awakened so early) 2. ~ to + inf. (he was ~ to see her dancing with someone else) irritating adj. 1. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ to see them waste so much time) 2. ~ that + clause (it's ~ that he got off so easy) irritation n. 1. to express; feel ~ 2. ~ at. with 3. ~ that + clause (he could not hide his ~ that he had not been invited) irrupt v. (D; intr.) to ~ in; into (to ~ in a frenzied demonstration) irruption n. an ~ into island n. 1. a deserted, uninhabited; tropical ~ 2. a safety (AE), traffic ~ 3. on an ~ isolate v. (D; tr.) to ~ from isolated adj. ~ from isotope n. a radioactive ~ issue I n. ['number of a journal'] 1. to bring out, publish an ~ 2. a back; current ~ 3. an ~ comes out, is published ['question'] 4. to bring up, raise an ~ 5. to address; face; straddle an ~ 6. to settle an ~ 7. a burning; collateral, side; dead; divisive; moral; political; sensitive; substantive ~ 8. at ~ (the point at ~) 9. (misc.) to force the ~; to take ~ with smb. on smt. ('to disagree with smb. about smt.') ['progeny'] 10. without ~ (to die without ~) II v. 1. (B) ('to distribute') the army ~d new rifles to the troops 2. (esp. BE) (d; intr.) ('to come') to ~ from (blood ~d from the wound; smoke ~d from the chimneys) 3. (rare) (BE) (d; tr.) to ~ with (the school ~d the pupils with new textbooks) it pronoun of ~ (they made a mess of ~; to have had a hard time of ~) itch I n. ['itchy feeling'] 1. to relieve an ~ 2. ['wish'] (colloq.) an ~ to + inf. (she has an ~ to go out west) II v. (colloq.) (d; intr.) ('to yearn') to ~ for (to ~ for a fight) itching I adj. (colloq.) (cannot stand alone) 1. ~ for (he's ~ for a fight) 2. ~ to + inf. (he's ~ to get into action) II n. 1. to cause ~ 2. to alleviate, relieve (the) ~ item n. 1. a luxury ~ 2. a budget ~ 3. a collector's ~ (BE has collector's piece) 4. ~ by ~ (she answered all objections ~ by ~) itinerary n. 1. to plan (out), prepare an ~ 2. a tentative ~ 3. according to an ~ ivy n. 1. ~ climbs 2. (misc.) (US) poison ~ jab I n. ['short punch'] 1. to throw a ~ 2. a left; right ~ 3. a ~ to (a left ~ to the head) II v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ at (he ~bed at the other boxer with his left) 2. (D; tr.) to ~ in (she ~bed me in the ribs) jabber v. (D; intr.) to ~ about jack n. (esp. BE) (colloq.) ['human being'] every man ~ jackal n. a pack of ~s jackass n. a damned; stupid ~ jacket n. ['garment for the upper body'] 1. a dinner; field; flak; life; pea; smoking; sport (AE), sports ~ ['cover'] 2. (AE) a record ~ 3. a dust ~ ('cover for a book') ['potato skin'] 4. to cook potatoes in their ~s jackpot n. to hit the ~ (also fig.) jacks n. to play (a game of) ~ jag n. (colloq.) ['state of intoxication'] 1. to have a ~ on ['spell'] 2. a crying ~ jail n. 1. to go to ~ (he went to ~ for his crime) 2. to be sent to ~ (she was sent to ~ for shoplifting) 3. to serve time in ~ 4. to break ~; to break out of jailbreak n. 1. to attempt; make a ~ 2. a daring; mass ~ jam I n. ['food made by boiling fruit with sugar'] 1. to spread ~ (on bread) 2. apricot; grape; peach: plum; red raspberry; strawberry ~ II n. ['blockage'] 1. a log; traffic ~ ['difficult situation'] 2. (to be) in a ~ III v. 1. to ~ full 2. (D;tr.) to ~ in (she ~med her fingers in the door; or: she got her fingers ~med in the door) 3. (d; intr., tr.) to ~ into (they all tried to ~ into the small room; he ~med everything into one suitcase) 4. (d; tr.) to ~ on (he ~med a hat on his head) 5. (D; tr.) to ~ with (the street was ~med with traffic) 6. (N; used with an adjective) to ~ smt. full jamboree n. a boy scout; girl scout ~ jam-packed adj. ~ with jangle v. (D; intr.) to ~ on ('to irritate') (to ~ on smb.'s nerves) jar I n. ['jolt'] 1. to feel a ~ 2. a slight ~ II v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ against ('to strike') (I ~red against the table) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ on ('to irritate') (the noise ~ red on my nerves) 3. (esp. BE) (d; intr.) ('to clash') to ~ with 4. (N; used with an adjective) to ~ a tooth loose III n. ['container'] 1. a biscuit (BE), cookie (AE) ~ 2. an earthenware; glass; Mason (esp. AE); plastic; stone ~ jargon n. 1. to speak in, use ~ 2. professional, technical, trade ~ jaunt n. ['pleasure trip'] 1. to go on a ~ 2. a ~ through; to javelin n. to hurl, throw a ~ jaw I n. 1. to move one's ~ (his ~ was broken and he could not move it) 2. to set one's ~ (she set her ~ in determination) 3. to dislocate one's ~ 4. the lower; upper ~ 5. (misc.) snatched from the ~s of death II v. (colloq.) (D; intr.) ('to speak angrily') to ~ about; at jealous adj. 1. bitterly, blindly, violently ~ 2. ~ of jealousy n. 1. to arouse ~ 2. to feel ~ 3. bitter, blind; fierce; groundless, unfounded; petty ~ 4. interservice; professional ~ 5. a fit of ~ 6. ~ towards jeans n. blue (AE); designer ~ jeer v. (D; intr.) to ~ at jelly n. ['food made from boiled fruit juice'] apple; blackberry; cherry; currant; grape; mint; peach; plum; quince; strawberry ~ jeopardy n. 1. to place, put (smb.) in ~ 2. (legal) double ~ 3. in ~ (our lives were in ~) jerk n. ['sudden movement'] with a ~ (the train started with a ~) jest I n. (formal) 1. an idle ~ 2. in ~ (that was said in ~) II v. (formal) (D; intr.) to ~ about; with jester n. a court ~ I n. to fly, pilot a ~ (see airplane 1, 2) II v. (d; intr.) ('to fly by jet') to ~ from; to (to ~ to London) jewel n. 1. to mount a ~ 2. crown; precious; priceless ~s jewelry, jewellery n. antique; costume; imitation; junk; precious ~ jibe v. (colloq.) (esp. AE)(D; intr.) to-with (his story doesn't ~ with yours) jiffy n. (colloq.) ['short time'] in a ~ jig n. to dance, do a ~ jigsaw (BE) see jigsaw puzzle jigsaw puzzle n. (AE) to do, put together a ~ jingle n. 1. to compose, make up a ~ 2. an advertising; rhyming ~ jinx n. to put a ~ on smb. jitters n. (colloq.) ['panic'] 1. to have the ~ 2. to give smb. the ~ 3. a case of the ~ (she had a bad case of the ~) job n. ['task'] 1. to do a ~ 2. to take on a ~ 3. a backbreaking; difficult, hard ~ 4. odd ~s (he does odd ~s) 5. a ~ to + inf. (it was quite a ~ to find him = it was quite a ~ finding him = we had quite a ~ finding him) ['employment'] 6. to get, land, take a ~ 7. to hunt for, look for a ~ 8. to hold, hold down a ~ 9. to give up, quit; lose a ~ 10. a cushy, easy, soft; demanding; menial; steady ~ 11. a desk; full-time; part-time; summer ~ 12. at a ~ (she was working at two ~s) 13. on the ~ (he is always on the ~) (also fig.) ['criminal act'] (colloq.) 14. to do, pull a ~ 15. an inside ~ ['misc.'] 16. a snow ~ (AE) ('deceit'); to do a hatchet ~ on smb. ('to criticize smb. harshly'); a put-up ~ ('a prearranged scheme'); he really did a ~ on his opponent ('he inflicted a crushing defeat on his opponent') USAGE NOTE: In colloq. BE, on the job can also mean 'having sex'. jockey I n. a disc (BE), disk (AE) ~ II v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ for (to ~ for position) 2. (d; tr.) to ~ into (to ~ smb. into position) jogging n. to go in for ~ join v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ for (would you ~ us for a drink?) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ in (they all ~ed in singing the national anthem) 3. (D; tr.) to ~ in (to ~ smb. in a drink) 4. (D; tr.) to ~ to, with (to ~ one wire to another; they all ~ed hands with each other; to ~ forces with one's allies) 5. (D; intr.) to ~ with (we must ~ with them in fighting tyranny) join in v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ as(she ~ed in as a volunteer) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ with joint n. 1. (med.) to dislocate a ~ 2. (anatomical) an elbow; hip; knee; shoulder ~ 3. (technical) a ball-and-socket; mortise; riveted; toggle; universal; welded ~ 4. (misc.) (slang) to case a ~ ('to inspect a place before robbing it') (also fig.) join up v. (D; intr.) to ~ with (we'll ~ with you in the next town) joke I n. 1. to crack, tell a ~ 2. to ad-lib a ~ 3. to play a ~ on 4. to carry a ~ too far 5. to take a ~ (he can't take a ~) 6. to make a ~ of smt. 7. a clean; coarse, crude; dirty, obscene, off-color, smutty; old, stale; practical; sick ~ 8. the butt, object of a ~ 9. a ~ about 10. (colloq.) no ~ to + int. (it's no ~ to oppose smb. like her = it's no ~ opposing smb. like her) 11. (misc.) as a ~; to turn smt. into a ~; the ~ was on me II v. (D; intr.) to ~ about; with (I was ~ing with her about her latest escapade) joker n. 1. a practical ~ 2. (cards) ~s wild; a ~ in the pack (also fig.) joking n. ~ aside jolt I n. ['shock'] 1. a severe ~ 2. a ~ to (it was a ~ to her pride) II v. (D; tr.) to ~ out of (she was finally ~ed out of her depression) jostle v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ for (to ~ for position) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ with (the children were ~ling with each other) journal n. ['diary'] 1. to keep a ~ ['magazine'] 2. to publish, put out a ~ 3. to edit a ~ 4. to subscribe to, take (esp. BE; old-fashioned) a ~ 5. a professional; scholarly ~ journalism n. advocacy; yellow ~ journey I n. 1. to go on, make, set out on, undertake a ~ 2. a long; pleasant; safe; sentimental; tiring ~ (we had a pleasant ~) 3. a round-the-world ~ 4. a ~ into; through; to II v. (d; intr.) to ~ from; to jowls n. heavy ~ joy n. 1. to express; feel ~ 2. to find, take ~ 3. to radiate ~ 4. boundless, great, indescribable, ineffable, overwhelming, sheer, unbounded, unbridled ~ 5. ~ in (they found ~ in helping others) 6. a ~ to + inf. (it was a ~ to behold) 7. ~ that + clause (she could not hide her ~ that everyone was safe) 8. for, with ~ (to dance with ~) joyful ad/. ~ about, over joyride n. to go for, on a ~ jubilant adj. ~ about, at, over (they were ~ over their victory) jubilation n. 1. to express; feel ~ 2. ~ about, at, over (~ over a victory) jubilee n. a diamond; golden; silver ~ Judaism n. Conservative; Liberal (BE), Progressive (BE); Orthodox; Reform ~ USAGE NOTE: Liberal Judaism and Progressive Judaism in Great Britain are approximately equivalent to Reform Judaism in North America. Reform Judaism in Great Britain is approximately equivalent to Conservative Judaism in North America. judge I n. 1. a fair, impartial; harsh, severe; lenient ~ 2. a hanging ('severe') ~ 3. an administrative; circuit; district; itinerant; trial ~ 4. (sports) a field ~ 5. (mil.) a ~ advocate; a ~ advocate general II v. 1. to ~ fairly, impartially; harshly, severely, sternly; leniently 2. (d; intr.) to ~ by, from (to ~ by appearances; to ~ from the facts) 3. (colloq.) (L) we ~ that she is the best candidate 4. (M) I ~ her to be about twenty years old 5. (Q) we cannot ~ whether she is guilty judgment, judgement n. 1. to display, exercise, show ~ (she always exercises good ~) 2. to form, make a ~ 3. to hand down, pass, pronounce, render ~,.on 4. to sit in ~ on 5. to reserve ~ 6. good; impaired; poor; sober; sound ~ (to display poor ~) 7. a value ~ 8. a ~ against; for 9. a ~ that + clause (I repeat my ~ that he was to blame) 10. in smb.'s ~ (in my ~, she is not guilty) judiciary n. the federal (US) ~ judicious adj. (formal) ~ to + inf. (it would be ~ to remain silent) jugular n. ['jugular vein'] to go for the ~ (colloq.) ('to attempt to finish off) juice n. 1. digestive, gastric ~s 2. apple; fruit; grapefruit; lemon; orange; tomato; vegetable ~ jump I n. 1. to take a ~ (on horseback) 2. to make a ~ (with a parachute) 3. (sports) the broad (AE), long; high; ski; triple ~ 4. (sports) a water ~ 5. a delayed (parachute) ~ 6. (basketball) the center ~ 7. a quantum ~ 8. a ~ from; to 9. (misc.) to get the ~ on smb. ('to anticipate smb.') II v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ across (to ~ across a stream) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ at ('to be eager for') (she ~ed at the chance) 3. (d; intr.) to ~ for, with (to ~ for joy) 4. (d; intr.) to ~ from, off (he ~ed off the roof) 5. (d; intr.) to ~ from; to (to ~ from one topic to another) 6. (d; intr.) ('to leap') to ~ into; onto (the child ~ed into bed; the dog ~ed onto the sofa) 7. (d; intr.) to ~ on ('to attack') (he ~ed on his opponent) 8. (d; intr.) to ~ out of (to ~ out of a window) 9. (d; intr.) to ~ over (to ~ over a fence) 10. (d; intr.) to ~ to (to ~ to one's feet) 11. (d; intr.) ('to rush') to ~ to (to ~ to conclusions; to ~ to smb.'s defense) 12. (misc.) to ~ down smb.'s throat ('to berate smb.'); to ~ up and down (for Joy) jump clear v. (D; intr.) to ~ of (she ~ed clear of the wreckage) jump down v. (D; intr.) to ~ from (he ~ed down from the roof) jump off v. (d; intr.) to ~ to (she ~ed off to a good start) jump up v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ from (to ~ from one's seat) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ on, onto (to ~ onto the table) jumpy adj. (colloq.) ['nervous'] ~ about juncture n. 1. (ling.) close; open; terminal ~ 2. (misc.) at this ~ ('in this situation') jungle n. ['tropical forest'] 1. a dense; tropical ~ ['dangerous place'] 2. an asphalt, concrete; blackboard ~ junior I adj. 1. ~ in (~ in rank) 2. ~ to (he is ~ to me by three years) II n. ~ by (he is my ~ by four years) junket n. ['pleasure trip'] 1. to go on a ~ 2. a fact-finding ~ 3. a ~ to (the legislators went on a ~ to Hawaii) junta n. 1. a military; revolutionary; ruling ~ 2. by ~ (government by ~) jurisdiction n. 1. to have ~ 2. local ~ 3. original; primary ~ (a court of original ~) 4. ~ over (to have ~ over a case) 5. outside; under, within a ~ (that case is under the ~ of this court) jurisprudence n. analytical; medical ~ juror n. 1. to challenge a (prospective) ~ 2. an alternate; prospective ~ jury n. 1. to empanel, swear in a ~ 2. to charge, instruct; sequester a ~ (the judge charged the ~) 3. to dismiss a ~ 4. to fix ('corrupt') a ~ 5. to serve on a ~ 6. a hung ('deadlocked') ~ 7. a grand; petit; trial ~ 8. a blue-ribbon ('special') ~ 9. a ~ comes to, reaches a verdict 10. (misc.) the ~ is still out ('the jury is still deliberating'); the ~ is still out on him (AE) ('a final decision has still not been reached concerning him'); (a) trial by ~ jury trial n. to waive a ~ just adj. ~ to, towards justice n. ['rules of law'] ['administration of law'] 1. to administer, dispense, mete out, render ~ 2. to obstruct ~ 3. to pervert ~ 4. divine; frontier (US); poetic; summary ~ 5. ~ prevails 6. a miscarriage; travesty of~7. (misc.) to bring (a criminal) to ~; to temper ~ with mercy ['recognition, appreciation'] 8. to do ~ to (her portrait does not do ~ to her) 9. in ~ to ['judge'] 10. an associate (esp. US); chief (esp. US) ~; Lord Chief Justice (GB); a supreme court ~ ['magistrate'] 11. a traffic court ~; a ~ of the peace USAGE NOTE: The plural of Lord Chief Justice is Lords Chief Justice. justification n. to find ~ for justified adj. ~ in (we are ~ in assuming that she will attend) justify v. 1. (B) can you ~ your actions to me? 2. (G) nothing ~fies cheating on an exam 3. (K) what ~fied her being late? jut out v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ from; over (the balcony ~s out over the swimming pool) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ into (to ~ into the sea) juxtapose v. (D; tr.) to ~ with juxtaposed adj. ~ with juxtaposition n. in ~ with kangaroo n. 1. ~s hop, leap 2. (Australian) a mob of ~s kayak n. to paddle a ~ keel n. on an even ~ ('well-balanced') keel over v. (D; intr.) to ~ from (to ~ from the heat) keen adj. ['very interested'] (esp. BE) 1. ~ on (she's ~ on music; he's ~ on her) ['eager'] (BE) 2. ~ to + inf. (she is ~ to pass the examination) keep I n. ['maintenance'] to earn one's ~ II v. 1. (D; tr.) ('to have') to ~ about (esp. BE), around (do you ~ a screwdriver around the house?) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ after ('to keep persuading') (~ after the children: they are still too untidy) 3. (d; tr.) to ~ at ('to hold') (she kept them at their studies) 4. (d; tr.) ('to hold') to ~ for (the librarian will ~ the book for you) 5. (d;intr.,refl.) to ~ from ('to refrain') (she could not ~ from talking) 6. (d; tr.) ('to conceal') to ~ from (to ~ a secret from smb.) 7. (d;tr.) ('to hold back'); ('to prevent') to ~ from (the rain kept us from going; don't ~ her from her work) 8. (d; intr.) ('to remain') to ~ off (~ off the grass) 9. (d; tr.) ('to hold') to ~ off (~ the children off the street) 10. (d; intr.) ('to remain') to ~ out of (~ out of my way; I kept out of their quarrel) 11. (d; tr.) ('to hold') to ~ out of (~ the guests out of the house) 12. (d; intr.) ('to be confined') to ~ to (she kept to her room) 13. (d; intr.) ('to continue') to ~ to (to ~ to the right) 14. (D; tr.) ('to reserve') to ~ to (to ~ a secret to oneself) 15. (G) ('to continue') she kept reading 16. (J) ('to cause') he kept us waiting 17. (N; used with an adjective, noun, past participle) (to maintain'); ('to hold') she kept us busy; they kept him prisoner; the fire kept us warm; she kept the children amused with her stories 18. (P; intr., tr.) ('to continue'); ('to hold') to ~ right; to ~ a car in a garage 19. (s) ('to remain') to ~ quiet; to ~ warm keep abreast v. 1. (d; intr.) ('to be informed') toot (she kept abreast of the news) 2. (D; tr.) ('to inform') to ~ of (they kept me abreast of the latest developments) keep after v. (H) ('to keep urging') they kept after me to buy a new car keep ahead v. (D; intr.) ('to remain in front') to ~ of (he kept ahead of his rivals) keep aloof v. (D; intr.) to ~ from ('to remain at a distance from') (she kept aloof from the others) keep away v. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ from (he kept away from us; she kept the dogs away from the children) keep back v. (D; tr.) to ~ from (they kept her back from the crowd) keep clear v. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ of (~ of him; they kept the roads clear of snow) keeping n. ['care'] 1. in ~ (in safe ~) ['conformity'] 2. in ~ with (in ~ with regulations) 3. out of ~ with keep on v. (G) ('to continue') she kept on working keep up v. (D; intr.) to ~ with ('to remain on the same level with') (I ran to ~ with the others; she worked hard to ~ with the other students) keg n. a powder ~ kelter (BE) see kilter ken n. ['understanding'] beyond; within one's ~ kettle n. 1. to put a ~ up to boil 2. a teakettle 3. a ~ boils; whistles 4. (misc.) (colloq.) a fine ~ of fish ('a mess') kettledrum n. to play a ~ key I n. ['device for turning the bolt of a door'] 1. to duplicate; make a ~ 2. to insert; turn a ~ 3. to fit, match a ~ 4. a duplicate; master; skeleton ~ 5. ~s dangle (on a chain) 6. a bunch of ~s 7. a ~ to (a ~ to a door) ['solution'] 8. a ~ to (to hold the ~ to a mystery; a ~ to the exercises in a textbook) ['system of notes'] (mus.) 9. a high; low; major; minor ~ 10. in a (certain) ~ (played in the ~ of C) 11. off ~ ['button on a keyboard'] 12. to press, strike a ~ 13. to jam a ~ 14. to de-jam a ~ 15. (on a typewriter) a backspace; dead; de-jammer; shift ~ 16. (on a computer) a function, soft ~ II v. see keyed keyboard n. a standard ~ keyed adj. (esp. BE) (cannot stand alone) ~ to (~ to the needs of our armed forces; our plants are ~ to producing civilian aircraft) keyed up adj. ['psychologically ready'] ~ for, over (~ for the big game) keyhole n. to look through, peep through a ~ keypunch n. to operate a ~ keystone n. a ~ to (the ~ to success is hard work) kibosh n. (colloq.) ['end'] to put the ~ on smt. kick n. ['blow delivered with the foot'] 1. to give smb. a ~ 2. a nasty, vicious ~ 3. (soccer) a free; penalty ~ 4. a ~ in (a ~ in the groin) ['thrill'] (slang) 5. to get a ~ out of smt. ['strong effect'] (slang) 6. a ~ to (this vodka has a ~ to it) kicks n. (colloq.) ['thrill'] for ~ (they did it for ~ ) kid v. (colloq.) (D; tr.) ('to tease good-naturedly') to ~ about (they ~ded him about his paunch) kid around v. (colloq.) (D; intr.) ('to fool') to ~ with kid gloves n. to treat smb. with ~ ('to treat smb. with great deference or mildness') kidney n. 1. to transplant a ~ 2. an artificial; floating ~ kill I n. 1. to make a ~ (the lion made the ~) 2. at the ~ (to be in at the ~) 3. (misc.) to go in for the II v. 1. to ~ (smb.) outright 2. (usu. mil.) ~ed in action killer n. ['murderer'] 1. a multiple, serial; psychopathic ~ 2. a ~ strikes killing n. ['putting to death'] 1. (a) mercy ~ ['large profit'] (colloq.) 2. to make a ~ kilter n. ['order'] out of ~ kind I adj. 1. ~ of (that was very ~ of you) 2. ~ to (~ to animals) 3. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of you to help us) II n. ['sort'] 1. of a ~ (of all ~s; of several ~s; two of a ~)['same manner'] 2. in ~ (to be paid back in ~; to respond in ~) ['goods'] 3. in ~ (to pay smb. back in ~) ['misc.'] (colloq.) 4. ~ of ('somewhat') kindergarten n. to attend, go to ~ kindly adv. ['readily'] to take ~ to ('to accept readily') kindness n. ['quality of being good, kind'] 1. to display, show ~ 2. human ~ 3. ~ to, towards 4. out of ~ (she did it out of ~) ['good, kind act'] 5. to do smb. a ~ 6. to repay, return a ~ king n. 1. to crown a ~ 2. to crown; proclaim smb. ~ 3. to depose, dethrone a ~ 4. (chess) to checkmate a ~ 5. a despotic; popular; strong; weak ~ 6. a ~ mounts a throne 7. a ~ abdicates (a throne) 8. (misc.) to toast the ~ kingdom n. the animal; mineral; plant, vegetable king's evidence n. (BE) to turn ~ (see also queen's evidence, state's evidence) kink n. ['imperfection'] to iron out the ~s kinship n. to feel (a) ~ with smb. kiosk n. a telephone ~ (BE; CE has telephone booth) kiss I n. 1. to blow, throw; give (smb.) a ~ 2. to steal a ~ 3. a fervent, passionate; French; loving, tender ~ 4. a ~ on (a ~ on the cheek) 5. (misc.) the ~ of death II v. 1. to ~ passionately; tenderly 2. (D; tr.) to ~ on (she ~ed the baby on the cheek) 3. (0; can be used with one animate object) (she ~ed him goodnight) kit n. ['equipment'] 1. a first-aid; instruction; mess; sewing; shaving; survival ~ ['clothing and equipment'] (BE) 2. camping; travelling ~ 3. (misc.) (mil.) a ~ bag kitchen n. a field; soup ~ kite n. 1. to fly a ~ 2. (misc.) (AE; colloq.) go fly a ~! ('go away') kith n. ['friends and relatives'] ~ and kin kitty n. ['fund, pool'] in the ~ (how much is in the ~?) knack n. ['skill'] 1. to get, have the ~ of smt. 2. an uncanny ~ 3. a ~ for (she has a ~ for getting into trouble) 4. a ~ to (there's a ~ to baking a good cake) knee n. 1. to bend one's ~s 2. to dislocate; wrench one's ~ 3. a trick ('defective') ~ 4. (fig.) at smb.'s ~ (she learned the language at her mother's ~) 5. (usu. fig.) on bended ~ (s) kneel v. (D; intr.) to ~ before knell n. to sound, toll the ~ knife n. ['instrument for cutting'] 1. to plunge a ~ into smb. 2. to pull a ~ (on smb.) 3. to stab smb. with a ~ 4. to sharpen a ~ 5. a dull; sharp ~ 6. a bowie; boy-scout; bread; butcher (esp. AE), butcher's (esp. BE); clasp; electric; flic (BE; AE has switchblade); hunting; kitchen; paper (BE; AE has letter opener); paring; pocket; sheath; steak; trench ~ ['surgery'] 7. under the ~ (she was under the ~ for two hours) knight n. to dub smb. ~ knighthood n. to bestow a ~ on, upon knit v. (C) ~ a scarf for me; or: ~ me a scarf knitting n. ['action of knitting'] 1. to do ~ ['one's own business'] (colloq.) (esp. AE) 2. to mind, stick to, tend to one's (own) ~ knob n. 1. to turn a ~ 2. a control ~ knock I n. ['thumping noise'] 1. engine ~ 2. a gentle; loud ~ 3. a ~ at, on (a ~ at/on the door) ['blow'] (colloq.) 4. hard ~s (she has taken some hard ~s in her life) II v. 1. ('to rap') to ~ loudly 2. (colloq.)(d; intr.) ('to wander') to ~ about, around (he ~ed around the western part of the state for a few months) 3. (d; intr., tr.) ('to strike') to ~ against (she ~ed her head against the ceiling) 4. (D; intr.) ('to rap') to ~ at, on (to ~ at/on the door) 5. (d; tr.) ('to pound') to ~ into (to ~ some sense into smb.'s head) 6. (d; tr.) to ~ off ('to fell') (he ~ed me off my feet) 7. (d; tr.) ('to remove') to ~ out of (the impact ~ed two teeth out of his mouth) 8. (N; used with an adjective) ('to render by striking') to ~ smb. cold 9. (P; tr.) ('to render by striking') she ~ed me down 10. (misc.) ~ it off! (slang) ('stop!') knock down v. (colloq.) (BE) (D; tr.) ('to persuade to reduce a price') to ~ to (I ~ed him down to ten pounds) knockout n. 1. to score a ~ 2. a technical ~ knot n. 1. to tie; tighten a ~ 2. to loosen; undo, untie a ~ 3. the Gordian ~ (to cut the Gordian ~) 4. a loose; tight ~ 5. a bowline; granny; reef (esp. BE), square ~ know v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ about, of (we knew about the incident) 2. (D; tr.) to ~ as (I knew her as a colleague) 3. (d; tr.) to ~ by (to ~ a poem by heart; to ~ smb. by name; I knew her by sight only) 4. (d; tr.) to ~ from ('to be able to differentiate') (the little child doesn't ~ a dog from a cat) 5. (H; only in the past and perfect) (I've known her to lose her temper) 6. (BE) (I; only in the past and perfect) I've known her lose her temper 7. (L) we ~ that they will come 8. (formal) (M) I ~ him to be a fool 9. (0) she ~s how to drive 10. (misc.) to ~ smt. for a fact ('to know smt. to be true'); to ~ smt. by heart; to ~ smt. inside out = to ~ smt. backwards and forwards know-how n. 1. the necessary ~ (he doesn't have the necessary ~ for the job) 2. the ~ to + inf. (she has the ~ to do the job) knowing n. there is no ~ (what they will do) knowledge n. 1. to acquire, accumulate, gain ~ 2. to demonstrate, display, show; flaunt, parade one's ~ (of a subject) 3. to communicate, disseminate; impart ~ 4. to absorb, assimilate, soak up ~ 5. (esp. BE) to bring smt. to smb.'s ~ 6. to brush up (on) one's ~ (of a subject) 7. to deny ~ (of smt.) 8. direct; extensive; inside, intimate; intuitive; profound, thorough; rudimentary, slight, superficial ~ 9. fluent; reading; speaking; working ~ (to have fluent ~ of English; to have reading/a reading ~ of several languages) 10. common ~ 11. carnal ~ (to have carnal ~ of) 12. ~ about, of 13. the ~ to + inf. (she has enough ~ about the subject to write a good book) 14. the ~ that + clause (it is common ~ that he has spent time in prison) 15. to smb.'s ~ (to my ~, she has never been here) 16. (esp. BE) to come to smb.'s ~ (it came to our ~ that she had left town) 17. (misc.) to the best of one's ~ knowledgeable adj. ~ about known adj. 1. ~ as (~ as a patron of the arts) 2. ~ for (~ for being witty) 3. ~ to (~ to everyone) 4. (cannot stand alone) ~ to + int. (he is ~ to frequent that bar; she is ~ to be a patron of the arts) 5. ~ that + clause (it is ~ that she has a criminal record) knuckle n. 1. to rap smb. on, over the ~s 2. to crack one's ~s 3. brass ~s (AE; BE has knuckle duster) knuckle down v. (D;intr.)to ~ to (to ~ to work) knuckle under v. (D; intr.) ('to submit') to ~ to (to ~ to an aggressor) kowtow v. (d; intr.) to ~ to ('to fawn over') (to ~ to the boss) kudos n. (colloq.) ['praise'] 1. ~ to smb. for smt. (~ to our mayor for reducing taxes) 2. (BE) to get ~ for label I n. ['sticker'] 1. to attach, put on, stick on; sew on a ~ 2. to bear, carry, have a ~ 3. to remove, take off a ~ 4. an adhesive, gummed ~ 5. a brand; designer; manufacturers'; union ~ (on a garment) ['descriptive phrase in a dictionary entry'] 6. to apply, use a ~ 7. a field; regional; stylistic; temporal; usage; warning ~ ['recording company'] 8. on, under a ~ (on what ~ was the song recorded?) ['misc.'] 9. to pin a ~ on smb. ('to assign smb. to a category') II v. 1. (d; tr.) to ~ as (he was ~ed as a delinquent) 2. (D; tr.) to ~ with (all items should be ~ed with a price) 3. (N; used with a noun) her story was ~ed a hoax labor I labour n. ['work'] 1. to do, perform ~ 2. manual, physical; menial; painstaking; productive; sweated (BE), sweatshop; skilled; unskilled ~ 3. a division of ~ 4. (misc.) (a) division of ~; a ~ of love ['servitude'] 5. forced; hard; slave ~ (he got ten years at hard ~; democratic countries forbid forced ~; slave ~ has been outlawed) ['work force'] 6. child; migrant; organized; seasonal; skilled; unskilled ~ ['giving birth'] 7. to induce ~ 8. to go into ~ 9. difficult, prolonged, protracted; easy; false ~ 10. in ~ (she was in ~ for five hours) II v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ as (to ~ as a migrant worker) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ under (to ~ under a misconception) laboratory n. a chemistry; crime; language; physics; research ~ laborer, labourer n. 1. a common; day; immigrant; itinerant; skilled; unskilled ~ 2. (BE) an agricultural labourer (CE has farm worker) 3. (BE) a casual labourer (AE has transient worker) lace I n. delicate; exquisite; fine ~ II v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ into ('to attack verbally') (they ~d into her for being late) 2. (D; tr.) to ~ with ('to add to') (they ~d the punch with rum) laceration n. a deep; minor, superficial; severe ~ lack I n. for ~ of (for ~ of fuel, their planes were grounded) II v. (D; intr.) to ~ for (formal) (we don't ~ for anything) lacking adj. 1. badly, completely, sadly, totally, utterly ~ 2. ~ in (~ in common sense) lacquer n. to apply ~ lad n. a young ~ ladder n. ['framework with rungs for climbing'] 1. to put up a ~ 2. to steady a ~ 3. to lean a ~ (against a wall) 4. to climb, go up, mount a ~ 5. to come down, descend a ~ 6. an aerial; extension; rope ~ 7. an accommodation ~ (over the side of a ship) ['unraveled stitches in a stocking'] (BE; AE has runner) 8. to get, have a ~ ['path'] 9. the ~ to success ['hierarchy'] 10. the social ~ laden adj. 1. fully ~ 2. ~ with lady n. 1. a leading; young ~ 2. (esp. AE) the first ~ ('wife of the President or of a state governor') 3. (esp. AE) a bag ~ ('a destitute woman living on the streets') 4. (misc.) the first ~ of the American theater lag I n. 1. a cultural; time ~ 2. jet ~ II v. (D; intr.) to ~ behind; in (she ~ged behind the others) lag behind v. (D; intr.) to ~ in (to ~ in one's work) laid up adj. ~ with (~ with the flu) lake n. 1. a deep; dry ~ 2. at, on a ~ (they have a summer bungalow at/on the ~) lam I n. (slang) ['flight'] on the ~ (she took it on the ~) ('she fled') II v. (slang) (d; intr.) to ~ into ('to attack') lamb n. 1. a sacrificial ~ 2. ~s bleat 3. (misc.) as gentle as a ~; like a ~ to (the) slaughter lambchops n. 1. to broil (AE), grill ~ 2. a rack of lame adj. ~ in (~ in one leg) lament I n. 1. a bitter ~ 2. a ~ for II v. 1. to ~ bitterly, deeply 2. (D; intr.) to ~ for, over lamp n. 1. to plug in a ~ 2. to turn on a ~ 3. to light a ~ 4. to unplug a ~ 5. to turn off a ~ 6. an anglepoise (BE); electric; floor (AE), standard (BE); fluorescent; gooseneck; incandescent; neon; reading; safety ~; sunlamp; table; ultraviolet; wall ~ 7. a kerosene (AE), paraffin (BE); oil; spirit ~ lance n. to throw a ~ land I n. ['soil'] ['ground'] 1. to clear ~ (to clear ~ of trees and brush) 2. to cultivate; irrigate; redistribute ~ 3. arable; barren; fertile; grazing; marginal ~ 4. private; public ~ 5. a plot of ~ ['solid surface of the earth'] 6. to raise, sight ~ (from a ship) 7. to reach ~ 8. dry ~ 9. a body of ~ 10. by ~ (to travel by ~) 11. on (the) ~ ['rural area'] 12. to go back to the ~ ['country'] ['domain'] 13. one's native ~ 14. a promised ~ (we were in the promised ~) ['area'] 15. no man's ~ (in no man's ~) ['misc.'] 16. the Holy Land II v. (colloq.) (0) ('to punch') she ~ed him one in the eye landfill n. a sanitary ~ landing n. ['coming down to earth'] 1. to make a ~ 2. a belly; bumpy; crash; emergency; forced; hard; instrument; pancake; safe; smooth; soft; three-point ~ 3. a parachute ~ ['level part of a staircase'] 4. on a ~ landing gear n. 1. to raise, retract a ~ 2. to let down, lower a ~ 3. a retractable ~ landlord n. an absentee; slum ~ landscape n. a beautiful; bleak, gloomy ~ lane n. 1. to shift ~s 2. to cross over into, get over into the other ~ 3. the fast (also fig.); inside; outside; passing; slow ~ 4. (BE) the nearside ('left'); offside ('right') ~ 5. an air; sea; shipping ~ language n. ['linguistic system of communication'] 1. to use a ~ 2. to plan; standardize a ~3. to learn, master a ~ 4. to speak (in) a ~ 5. to butcher, murder; enrich; purify a ~ 6. (the) spoken; written ~ 7. one's native ~ 8. a foreign; international, world; national; official; second; universal ~ 9. colloquial, informal; formal; idiomatic; literary, standard; nontechnical; substandard; technical ~ 10. an ancient; artificial; classical; creolized; dead, extinct; living; modern; natural; sign; trade ~ 11. an agglutinative; inflecting; isolating; synthetic; tone ~ 12. an object, target; source ~ ['style of speaking or writing'] 13. abusive; bad, coarse, crude, dirty, foul, nasty, obscene, offensive, unprintable, vile, vulgar; rough, strong, vituperative ~ 14. elegant; everyday, plain, simple; flowery; polite; rich ~ 15. children's; diplomatic ~ ['system of signs, symbols used by a computer'] 16. a computer, machine, programming ~ ['misc.'] 17. ~ acquisition; ~ maintenance languish v. (D; intr.) (to ~ in prison) lantern n. 1. to light a ~ 2. to shine a ~ on 3. a battery-operated; kerosene (AE), paraffin (BE); propane ~ 4. a ~ flashes; gleams; shines lap I n. ['complete circuit around a track'] 1. on a ~ (they are on the last ~) ['part of the body from the knees to waist of a sitting person'] 2. in, on smb.'s ~ (the little girl sat in her mother's ~) 3. (misc.) in the ~ of the gods ('with an uncertain future') II v. (d; intr.) to ~ against (the waves ~ped against the sides of the boat) lapse I n. 1. a momentary, temporary ~ (of memory) 2. a linguistic ~ 3. a ~ in (a ~ in judgment) II v. (d; intr.) to ~ into (to ~ into a coma) larceny n. 1. to commit ~ 2. aggravated; grand; petty; simple ~ lard n. to render ~ larder n. a full, well-stocked ~ large 1. at ~ ('uncaptured') (the prisoner was still at ~) 2. an assemblywoman at ~ ('an assemblywoman who represents several or all districts') 3. by and ~ ('in general') lark I n. ['prank'] for a ~ (he did it just for a ~) II n. ['type of bird'] ~s sing, warble lash v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ against (the rain ~ed against the roof) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ at, into (the speakers ~ed into the government) 3. (d; tr.) to ~ into (to ~ a crowd into a fury) lash back v. (D; intr.) to ~ at, against (to ~ at one's critics) lash out v. (D; intr.) to ~ against, at lasso n. 1. to throw a ~ 2. to catch with a ~ last I adj., adv. 1. to come in ~ (in a race) 2. the ~ to + int. (she was the ~ to finish) 3. at ~; at long II n. to breathe one's ~ III v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ from; to, until (the meeting ~ed from one to three) 2. (P; intr.) the examination ~ed two hours; the food will ~ (us) (for) a week; the meeting ~ed (for) an hour last rites n. to administer (the) ~ last word n. to get in, have the ~ (she had the ~ in the argument) latch v. (colloq.) (d; intr.) to ~ onto (since he didn't know anyone else, he ~ed onto us) late adj. 1. ~ for (she was ~ for class) 2. ~ in (we were ~ in filing our tax return; I was ~ in getting up) 3. ~ with (they are ~ with the rent) 4. of ~ ('recently') later adv. ~ on lathe n. 1. to operate a ~ 2. a turret; vertical ~ lather n. ['sweating'] to work oneself into a ~ latitude n. ['freedom of action'] 1. to allow smb. ~ in (we are allowed quite a bit of ~ in selecting our subjects) ['distance measured in degrees north or south of the equator'] 2. high; low ~s 3. at a ~ (at a ~ of ten degrees north) laudable adj. (formal) ~ to + int. (it was ~ of you to help them) laugh I n. 1. to get a ~ (the joke got a big ~ ) 2. to stifle, suppress a ~ 3. a belly; derisive; forced; hearty, loud; infectious; sardonic; subdued ~ 4. (misc.) to have the last ~ on smb.; to do smt. for a ~ (for ~s) II v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ about ('to show one's amusement by laughing') (everyone ~ed about the incident) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ at ('to respond to smt. funny by laughter') (to ~ at a joke) 3. (D; intr.) to ~ at ('to show one's derision') (they ~ed at our efforts; she ~ed at our warnings) 4. (d; tr.) to ~ out of ('to drive out by laughter') (he was ~ed out of court) 5. (N; used with an adjective) he ~ed himself hoarse 6. (misc.) to ~ up one's sleeve ('to laugh secretly'); to burst out ~ing laughingstock n. to make a ~ of smb. laughter n. 1. to cause, provoke ~ 2. contagious, infectious; convulsive; derisive; hearty, loud, raucous, uproarious; sardonic; subdued ~ 3. a burst, fit, gale; ripple of ~ 4. (misc.) to double up with ~ launch v. 1. (D; tr.) ('to fire') to ~ against, at (the missiles were ~ed against enemy targets) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ into ('to begin') (to ~ into a tirade) laundry n. ['clothes, linens that are to be washed or have been washed'] 1. to do the ~ 2. to dry; fold; iron the ~ 3. clean; dirty ~ ['establishment for washing clothes, linens'] 4. a self-service ~ 5. at, in a ~ (they work at a ~) laurels n. to rest on one's ~ lava n. ~ flows lavish I adj. ~ in, with (~ with praise; ~ in donating money to charity) II v. (d; tr.) to ~ on (to ~ gifts on smb.) law n. ['statute, regulation'] 1. to administer, apply, enforce a ~ 2. to adopt, enact, pass; draft; promulgate a ~ 3. to obey, observe a ~ 4. to interpret a ~ (courts interpret ~s) 5. to annul, repeal, revoke a ~; to declare a ~ unconstitutional (US) 6. to break, flout, violate a ~ 7. to challenge, test; cite; strike down a ~ (in the courts) 8. a fair, just; stringent; unfair ~ 9. a blue (US); dietary; ex post facto; lemon (US); shield (US); sunset (US); sunshine (US); sus (GB); unwritten; zoning ~; the licensing ~s (GB) 10. a ~ against (there is no ~ against fishing) 11. a ~ that + clause (there is a ~ that all income must be reported) ['body of statutes, regulations'] 12. to administer, apply, enforce the ~ 13. to obey the ~ 14. to interpret the ~ (courts interpret the ~) 15. to break; flout the ~ 16. administrative; antitrust; business, commercial; canon; case; civil; common; constitutional; copyright; corporate; criminal; environmental; family, marriage; feudal; immigration; international; Islamic; labor; lynch; maritime; military; Mosaic; natural; occupation; parliamentary; patent; private; public; Roman; statutory; substantive ~ 17. the supreme ~ (of the land) 18. according to the ~ 19. against the ~ (it is against the ~ to smoke in an elevator) ['jurisprudence'] ['lawyer's profession'] 20. to practice ~ 21. to study ~ ['principle'] 22. Mendel's; Newton's; periodic ~ 23. the ~ of diminishing returns; the ~ of gravity; the ~ of motion; the ~ of supply and demand; (also fig.) the ~ of the jungle ['misc.'] 24. to take the ~ into one's own hands; to lay down the ~; in the eyes of the ~; an attorney at ~ (AE); everyone is equal under the ~; the letter of the ~; the spirit of the ~; a higher ('divine') ~ law and order n. to maintain ~ lawful adj. ~ to + inf. (is it ~ to hunt deer in this state?) lawn n. to mow, trim a ~ lawn mower n. to operate, work a ~ lawsuit n. 1. to bring, file, institute; lose; settle; win a ~ 2. a ~ against; over lawyer n. 1. to hire, retain a ~ 2. a practicing ~ 3. a civil-rights; corporation; criminal; trial ~ 4. a Philadelphia ('shrewd') ~ 5. (humorous; usu. mil.) a barrack-room (esp. BE), guardhouse (esp. AE) ~ ('a soldier who claims to know all about military law') lax adj. 1. ~ about (they are ~ about their appearance) 2. ~ in (the police were ~ in enforcing the law) laxative n. 1. to take a ~ 2. to prescribe a ~ 3. an effective; mild; strong ~ lay v. 1. (N; used with an adjective) ('to render'); ('to place') she laid her soul bare; they laid the boards flat 2. (colloq.) (0; can be used with two or three objects) ('to bet') he laid me ten dollars (that it would not rain) 3. (P; tr.) ('to place') we laid the books on the table layaway plan n. (esp. AE) (to buy smt.) on the ~ layer n. 1. the bottom; outer; top ~ 2. an even; uneven ~ 3. a protective ~ 4. in ~s (to dress in ~s) lay off v. (D; tr.) to ~ from (she was laid off from her job at the factory) layout n. ['design'] an artist's; typographer's ~ layover n. a ~ between (a ~ between planes) leach out v. (D; tr.) ('to dissolve') to ~ from lead I /liyd/ n. ['position in front'] ['leading position'] 1. to assume, take the ~ in 2. to build up, increase one's ~ 3. to hold, maintain the ~ 4. to follow smb.'s ~ 5. to give up, lose, relinquish the ~ 6. a commanding ~ 7. a ~ over (she built up a commanding ~ over her closest rivals) ['principal role'] 8. to play the ~ 9. the female; male ~ ['clue'] 10. to run down, track down a ~ ['leash'] (BE) 11. see leash 1, 2 II /liyd/ v. 1. (D; tr.) ('to guide') to ~ against (to ~ troops against the enemy) 2. (D; tr.) ('to guide') to ~ by (to ~ smb. by the hand; to ~ a horse by the bridle) 3. (d; intr.) ('to go') to ~ from; to (the path ~s from the house to the river; all roads ~ to Rome) 4. (d; tr.) ('to guide') to ~ from; to (she led the group from the bus to the auditorium) 5. (D; tr.) to ~ in (to ~ the students in a cheer) 6. (d; intr.) ('to guide') to ~ into (the prisoners were led into the courtroom) 7. (d; tr.) ('to guide') to ~ off (he led the team off the field) 8. (d; tr.) ('to guide') to ~ out of (the fire fighters led them out of the burning building) 9. (d;tr.)('to guide') to ~ through (to ~ smb. through the fog) 10. (d; intr.) to ~ to ('to result in') (the infection led to gangrene; these evening courses will ~ to an academic degree) 11. (d; intr.) ('to begin') to ~ with (the boxer led with a left jab) 12. (H) ('to induce') what led her to resign? I was led to believe that she would accept our offer 13. (P; intr.) ('to go') the road ~s nowhere 14. (misc.) to ~ smb. a merry chase (AE) = to ~ smb. a merry/ pretty dance (BE) lead back v. (D; intr.,tr.) ('to return') to ~ to (the road ~s back to town; she led us back to the starting point) lead down v. 1. (d; intr.) ('to go') to ~ to (the path ~s down to the main road) 2. (d;tr.)('toguide')to ~ to (they led us down to the river) leader n. 1. a born, natural; undisputed ~ 2. (in a legislature) a floor; majority; minority; opposition ~ 3. a labor; military; political; troop ~ 4. a squadron ~ 5. a ~ in leadership n. 1. to assume, take on, take over the ~ 2. to exercise ~ 3. to relinquish, surrender ~ 4. collective; party ~ 5. ~ in lead off v. (D; intr.) ('to begin') to ~ with (she led off with a lively song) lead up v. 1. (d; intr.) ('to go up') to ~ to (the path ~s up to the top) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ to ('to precede and cause') (can you describe the events that led up to your decision?) 3. (D; tr.) ('to guide') to ~ to (he led us up to the top) leaf I n. 1. a fig ~ (also fig.) 2. a bay; tea ~ 3. gold ~ 4. autumn; deciduous leaves 5. leaves fall; rustle; turn (the leaves were turning yellow) 6. (misc.) to turn over a new ~ ('to make a fresh start'); to take a ~ from smb.'s book ('to follow smb.'s example') II v. (d; intr.) to ~ through ('to look through superficially') (to ~ through a book) leaflet n. propaganda ~s (to drop propaganda ~s over enemy lines) league n. ['alliance'] 1. to form a ~ 2. in ~ with ['group of teams'] 3. to form a ~ 4. (esp. Am. baseball) a big, major; bush (colloq.), minor ~ leak I n. 1. to spring a ~ 2. to plug, stop a ~ II v. 1. (B) ('to divulge') they ~ed the news to the press 2. (d; intr.) ('to enter by flowing') to ~ into (water ~ed into the basement) 3. (D; intr.) ('to escape by flowing') to ~ out of (the oil ~ed out of the tank) 4. (D; intr.) ('to be divulged') to ~ to (the news ~ed to the press) leak out v. (D; intr.) to ~ to (the news ~ed out to the press) lean v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ across, over (to ~ across a table) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ against, on (to ~ against a wall; to ~ on a desk) 3. (d; intr.) to ~ on ('to rely on') (they had to ~ on their friends for help) 4. (colloq.) (d; intr.) to ~ on ('to exert pressure on') 5. (d; intr.) to ~ out of (to ~ out of a window) 6. (d; intr.) to ~ to (to ~ to one side) 7. (d; intr.) ('to tend') to ~ to, towards (they are now ~ing to our position) 8. (misc.) to ~ over backwards to help smb. ('to make a maximum effort to help smb.') leaning n. 1. a strong ~ 2. a ~ towards (to have a strong ~ towards political conservatism) leap I n. 1. a quantum ~ 2. a ~ forward II v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ at ('to be eager for') (to ~ at an opportunity) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ out of (the dolphin ~ed out of the water) 3. (d; intr.) to ~ over (to ~ over a fence) 4. (misc.) to ~ to smb.'s defense ('to defend smb. with enthusiasm') leap down v. (D; intr.) to ~ from (to ~ from a tree) leapfrog I n. to play ~ II v. (d; intr.) to ~ from; to (American forces ~ged from one island to another) learn v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ about, of 2. (d; intr.) to ~ by (to ~ by experience) 3. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ from (to ~ from experience; she ~ed everything from me) 4. (E) she is ~ing to drive 5. (L) we have ~ed that he has found a job 6. (Q) they are ~ing how to dance learning n. book (colloq.); higher; programmed ~ lease I n. 1. to take a ~ 2. to lose; renew a ~ 3. to cancel a ~ 4. mining; (off-shore) oil ~s 5. a ~ expires, runs out 6. under (a) ~ (to hold land under ~) 7. (misc.) a new ~ of (BE), on (AE) life ('a new chance to lead a happy life') II v. 1. (usu. B; occ. A) to ~ property to smb. 2. (D; tr.) to ~ as (they ~d the building as a warehouse) 3. (D; tr.) to ~ from (to ~ property from smb.) lease out v. (B) to ~ property to smb. leash n. ['strap'] 1. to slip ('get free of) a ~ 2. on a ~ (to walk a dog on a ~) ['control'] ['restraint'] 3. to hold in ~ 4. to strain at the ~ ('to attempt to cast off controls') least n. at the ~ leather n. composition; genuine; imitation; patent; saddle ~ leave I n. ['period of absence from duty, work'] 1. to give, grant a ~2. to extend smb.'s ~ 3. to go on ~; to take a ~ 4. to overstay one's ~ 5. to cancel smb.'s ~ 6. an annual; compassionate; maternity; research; sabbatical; shore; sick; terminal ~; a ~ of absence 7. on ~ (she was on maternity ~) ['permission'] (formal) 8. to ask ~ (to do smt.) 9. by smb.'s ~ ['departure'] (formal) 10. to take ~ of ['misc.'] 11. to take ~ of one's senses ('to act irrationally') (see the Usage Note for vacation) II v. 1. (A) ('to bequeath') he left his estate to her; or: he left her his estate 2. (C) ('to entrust') she left the report for me; or: she left me the report 3. (D; intr.) ('to depart') to ~ for (they have left for London) 4. (D; tr.) ('to abandon') to ~ for (she left her comfortable home for a rugged life in the desert; he was left for dead on the battlefield; to ~ Paris for London) 5. (d; tr.) to ~ out of ('to omit') (we had to ~ this paragraph out of the text) 6. (d; tr.) ('to abandon') to ~ to (we left them to their own devices; I ~ the decision to your judgment) 7. (d; tr.) ('to cause to remain') to ~ with (they left the children with her mother; she left her books with us) 8. (H) ('to take leave of) we left them to muddle through on their own 9. (J) ('to abandon') I left him working in the garden 10. (N; used with an adjective, past participle, noun) ('to cause to be in a certain state or condition') they left the fields fallow; the film left me cold; the flood left them homeless; ~ me alone; the enemy left the countryside devastated; the war left her an orphan 11. (P; tr.) ('to forget') I left my books at home leave of absence n. see leave I leave up v. (B) we left this decision up to her lecture I n. ['formal talk'] 1. to deliver, give a ~ 2. to attend; follow ('understand') a ~ 3. a ~ about, on 4. at a ~ ['reprimand'] 5. to give smb. a ~ (about smt.) II v. 1. (D; intr.) ('to discuss formally') to ~ about, on 2. (D; tr.) ('to reprimand') to ~ for (she ~d the boys for being late) 3. (d; intr.) ('to discuss formally') to ~ to (to ~ to advanced students) lecturer n. 1. a senior ~ (BE) 2. a ~ in, on (a ~ in English) (see the Usage Note for professor) leech n. to apply ~es to leer v. (D; intr.) to ~ at leery adj. ~ of leeway n. to give, provide ~ left n. ['left side'] 1. on the ~; to the ~ ['radical, leftist group'] 2. the extreme, far ~ ['punch delivered with the left hand'] 3. to deliver, throw a ~ 4. a hard, stiff ~ 5. a ~ to (a ~ to the head) ['turn to the left'] (colloq.) 6. to take a ~ leftovers n. to eat up; use up ~ leg n. 1. to bend; cross; kick; lift, raise; lower; spread; straighten; stretch one's ~s 2. a game, gammy (BE) ('lame') ~ 3. an artificial, wooden ~ 4. (an animal's) front; hind ~s 5. (misc.) he doesn't have a ~ to stand on ('he has no defense'); to pull smb.'s ~ ('to deceive smb.'); on one's last ~s ('near collapse'); to get a ~ up on smt. (AE; slang) ('to be in command of a situation') legacy n. 1. to hand down a ~ 2. a lasting ~ 3. a ~ to legal adj. ~ to + inf. (is it ~ to own a pistol in this state?) legend n. ['inscription'] ['wording'] 1. to bear a ~ ['myth, story'] 2. a ~ arises 3. a living; local; popular ~ 4. a ~ to (her exploits were a ~ to millions) ['notable person'] 5. to become a ~ (in one's own time) legislation n. ['statutes, laws'] 1. to adopt, enact, pass; draft ~ 2. to veto; vote down ~ 3. to abrogate, repeal ~ 4. emergency; progressive; remedial; social ~ legislature n. 1. to convene a ~ 2. to disband, dismiss, dissolve a ~ 3. a bicameral ~ legitimacy n. 1. to confirm; establish the ~ (of smt.) 2. to challenge, question the ~ (of smt.) legitimate adj. ~ to + inf. (is it ~ to pose such questions?) legwork n. (colloq.) to do the ~ leisure n. at one's ~ lend v. 1. (A) she lent the money to him; or: she lent him the money 2. (d; refl.) to ~ to ('to be suitable for') (it ~s itself to satire) (see the Usage Note for loan II) length n. 1. at ~ (she described each event at great ~) 2. in ~ (ten feet in ~) 3. (misc.) to keep smb. at arm's ~ ('to keep smb. at a certain distance'); to go to great ~s to do smt. ('to make a great effort to do smt.') leniency n. 1. to show ~ 2. ~ towards, with lenient adj. ~ towards, with lens n. 1. to grind a ~ 2. a concave; convex; crystalline; telephoto, telescopic ~ 3. contact; corrective ~es leopard n. 1. a snow ~ 2. a young ~ is a cub 3. a female ~ is a leopardess leprosy n. 1. to develop ~ 2. to have, suffer from lese majesty n. ~ against lesion n. an open ~ lesson n. ['instruction'] 1. to take ~s (to take ~s in English) 2. to study one's ~s 3. a ~ in ['something that should be known'] 4. to learn a ~ 5. to teach smb. a ~ 6. a moral; object ~ 7. a ~ to (let that be a ~ to you) let v. 1. (esp. BE; AE has to rent out) (B) ('to give the use of in return for payment') they ~ rooms to students 2. (I) ('to allow') we cannot ~ them go 3. (esp. BE) (N; used with an adjective) ('to leave') ~ it alone lethargy n. (in) a state of ~ let in v. 1. (D; refl.) to ~ for ('to cause') (you'll ~ yourself in for a lot of trouble if you take her in as a partner) 2. (d; tr.) to ~ on ('to share') (to ~ smb. in on a secret) let off v. (D; tr.) ('to release') to ~ with (he was let off with a small fine) let on v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ about ('to reveal') (she did not ~ about her promotion) 2. (L; to) ('to indicate') he let on (to the accused) that he could be bribed let out v. (esp. BE) (B) to ~ rooms to students (see also rent out) let's (verbal form) (F) ~ continue; ~ go letter n. ['written message'] 1. to type; write a ~ 2. to mail, post (BE), send a ~ 3. to drop a ~ into a mailbox (AE), letter box (BE) 4. to certify; register a ~ 5. to take (down), transcribe a ~ 6. to dictate a ~ 7. to deliver; forward a ~ 8. to get. receive a ~ 9. a brief; detailed; long; rambling ~ 10. an anonymous; business; chain; fan; follow-up; form; love; open; pastoral; personal; poison-pen ~ 11. an airmail; certified; dead; express; registered; special- delivery ~ 12. the ~s crossed in the mail (esp. AE), post (BE) 13. a ~ about 14. a ~ from; to (we received a ~ from her about the incident) 15. in a ~ ['unit of an alphabet'] 16. a block; capital, large, upper-case; lower-case, small ~ ['first letter of the name of a school, college denoting membership on a sports team'] (AE) 17. to earn, win one's ~ 18. a school ~ lettuce n. 1. crisp ~ 2. bib; iceberg; leaf ~ 3. a head of ~ letup n. a ~ in (there was no ~ in the bickering) let up v. (D; intr.) ('to ease up') to ~ on (she should ~ on the children) leukemia, leukaemia n. 1. to develop ~ 2. to have, suffer from ~ 3. acute ~ level I adj. ~ with (to draw ~ with; ~ with the street) II n. ['height'] ['plane'] 1. to reach a ~ 2. a high; low ~ 3. an energy; poverty ~ 4. eye; ground; sea; water ~ 5. the federal (US). national; international; local; state (US) ~ 6. at, on a ~ (at sea ~; at the highest ~s; on the international ~) ['instrument for determining a horizontal plane'] 7. a spirit ~ III v. 1. (d; tr.) to ~ against (to ~ charges against smb.) 2. (D; tr.) to ~ to (the village was ~ed to the ground) 3. (colloq.) (d; intr.) to ~ with ('to tell the truth to') (she ~ed with me) level best n. to do one's ~ lever n. 1. (in a polling booth) to pull a ~ 2. a gear ~ (BE; AE has gearshift) levy I n. to impose a ~ (on) II v. (D; tr.) to ~ on (to ~ a tax on rum) lexicon n. to compile a ~ liability n. 1. to accept, acknowledge, assume, incur, take on a ~ 2. full; limited ~ 3. a ~ for (we assumed full ~ for our children's debts) liable adj. ['legally obligated'] 1. ~ for; to (she is ~ to them for her children's debts) ['likely'] 2. (cannot stand alone) ~ to + inf. (she is ~ to show up at any time) liaise v. (BE) (D; intr.) ('to mediate') to ~ between; with liaison n. ['communication'] 1. to establish; maintain ~ 2. a ~ between; with ['adulterous relationship'] 3. to have a ~ with liar n. an abject, congenital, consummate, incorrigible, inveterate, outright, pathological ~ lib n. (colloq.) women's ~ (see liberation 1) libel n. 1. to commit ~ 2. (a) ~ against liberal I adj. ~ in; with II n. a bleeding-heart; knee-jerk; staunch ~ liberate v. (D; tr.) to ~ from liberation n. 1. women's ~ 2. ~ from liberties n. ['undue familiarity'] to take ~ with liberty n. ['freedom'] 1. to gain ~ 2. individual, personal; political; religious ~ 3. civil ~ties ['permission'] 4. to take the ~ (of doing smt.) (may I take the ~ of reminding you of your promise?) ['authorized absence'] (AE) (naval) 5. on ~ ['misc.'] 6. are you at ~ to give us any information? library n. 1. to accumulate, build up a ~ 2. to computerize a ~ 3. a children's; circulating, lending; law; mobile; municipal; music; public; reference; rental; research; school; university ~ 4. at, in (she works at/in the ~) license I licence n. 1. to grant, issue a ~ 2. to apply for; receive; renew a ~ 3. to revoke; suspend a ~ 4. a driver's (AE), driving (BE); dog; hunting; liquor (esp. AE); marriage; state (esp. US) ~ 5. poetic ~ 6. a ~ to + inf. (we had a ~ to sell beer) II v. (H) she is ~d to practice nursing lick v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ at (the flames ~ed at the roof of the next house) 2. (N; used with an adjective) she ~ed the plate clean lid n. ['cover'] 1. to cover smt. with a ~ 2. to put a ~ on smb. ['curb'] 3. to clamp, clap, put a ~ on smt. lie I n. ['falsehood'] 1. to tell a ~ 2. to give the ~ to ('to prove to be false') 3. a bald-faced, barefaced, blatant, brazen, deliberate, downright, monstrous, outright, transparent, whopping; white ~ 4. a pack, tissue, web of ~s 5. (misc.) to live a ~ ('to continue to do something which is felt to be dishonest') II v. 1. to ~ flatly, outright 2. (D; intr.) ('to tell a falsehood') to ~ to (he lied to the judge) III v. 1. ('to be') to ~ ahead 2. ('to be in a reclining position') to ~ flat; still 3. (P; intr.) ('to be located') to ~ in bed; Mexico ~s to the south 4. (s) to ~ fallow (the field lay fallow) 5. (misc.) to ~ in wait for lie-detector test n. 1. to administer, give a ~ 2. to subject smb. to a ~ 3. to take a ~ 4. to fail; pass a lie down v. (misc.) to take smt. lying down ('to accept smt. without protest'); to ~ on the job ('to work very little') lief adv. (obsol.) ['willingly'] ~ + int. (I would as ~ remain at home) lien n. ['legal claim'] 1. to put, slap (esp. AE; colloq.) a ~ on smt. 2. to have a ~ on smt. lie to v. (D; intr.) to ~ about (she ~d to me about the incident) lieutenant n. 1. a first; flight (GB); second ~ 2. a ~ junior grade (US) life n. 1. to lead a ~ (to lead a busy ~) 2. to prolong; save a ~ 3. to devote one's ~ (to smt.) 4. to spend one's ~ (doing smt.) 5. to give, lay down, sacrifice; risk one's ~ 6. to claim, snuff out, take a ~ (she took her own ~; the accident claimed many lives) 7. to ruin smb.'s ~ 8. to bring; restore smb. to ~ 9. to come to ~; to take on ~ (the statue took on ~ in the sculptor's skilled hands) 10. an active; ascetic, austere; busy, hectic; charmed; cloistered; difficult, hard, miserable, tough; dissipated, dissolute; dull; easy; exciting; full; happy; idyllic; lonely, solitary; long; monastic; peaceful, quiet, serene; short; simple; stormy, turbulent ~ 11. campus (esp. AE); city; civilian; country, rural; married; modern; nomadic; political; public ~ (in civilian ~ the sergeant was a teacher; married ~ seems to agree with them; the hunters led a nomadic ~) 12. smb.'s family, home; love; personal; private; sex; social ~ (to lead a hectic social ~; in private ~ she was very easygoing) 13. animal; bird; human; marine; plant ~ 14. smb.'s adult ~ 15. the shelf ~ (of smt. being sold in a store) 16. in ~ (early in ~) 17. (misc.) in the prime of ~; the facts of ~; the accused got ~ ('the accused was sentenced to life imprisonment'); to show signs of ~; (to hang on) for dear ~ ('with all one's energy'); not on your ~ ('not for anything in the world'); to start a new ~; to make a new ~ for oneself; to breathe (new) ~ into smt.; to bring back to ~; to stake one's ~ on smt.; a way of ~ lifeboat n. 1. to launch, lower a ~ 2. to swamp a ~ (the ~ was swamped in the surf) 3. (misc.) to take to the ~s life insurance n. to take out ~ on lifeline n. ['rope used to save a life'] 1. to throw smb. a ~ ['vital route'] 2. to cut a ~ 3. a ~ to lifestyle n. a sedentary ~ lifetime n. 1. to devote a ~ (to smt.) 2. in one's ~ 3. (misc.) to last a ~ lift I n. ['device for raising and lowering people and freight'] (BE; AE has elevator) 1. to operate a ~ (a liftboy or liftman operates a ~) 2. to take a ~ (we took the ~ to the tenth floor) 3. a service ~ (see also elevator 1-6) ['conveyor suspended from a cable'] 4. a chair, ski ~ ['ride'] (colloq.) 5. to bum; get a ~ (from smb.) 6. to give smb. a ~ ['boost, inspiration'] (colloq.) 7. to get a ~ (from smb. or smt.) 8. to give smb. a ~ (your words of encouragement gave us a real ~) II v. 1. (D; tr.) ('to raise') to ~ from (she did not ~ her head from the TV set) 2. (d; tr.) ('to steal') to ~ from (the material was ~ed from smb.'s dissertation) lift up v. (D;tr.)to~to(he ~ed the child up to the ceiling) ligament n. to strain; tear a ~ light I adj. 1. to make ~ of ('to attach little importance to') 2. ~ of foot II n. ['illumination'] ['source of brightness'] 1. to put on, switch on, turn on a ~ 2. to shine a ~ on smt. 3. to cast, shed ~ on smt. 4. to extinguish, turn off, turn out a ~ 5. to dim the ~s, turn the ~s down; to turn the ~s up 6. a bright, strong; dull, faint; harsh; soft ~; moonlight; sunlight 7. an electric; klieg; landing; neon; overhead; pilot; strobe; traffic ~ 8. (on a car) a backup (AE), reversing (BE); dome; instrument; parking ~; taillight 9. a ~ flickers; goes on; goes out; the ~s are off, out; the ~s are on 10. ~ travels (very fast) 11. (BE) the ~s have fused ('a fuse has blown') 12. by the ~ of (to read by the ~ of a candle) ['traffic light'] 13. to go through a ~ 14. against a ~ (to cross against the ~) 15. at a ~ (to stop at a ~) ['flame used to light a cigarette'] 16. to give smb. a ~ ['misc.'] 17. in ~ of ('in view of); in the harsh ~ of reality; a guiding ~ ('one who sets an example'); to see the ~ ('to comprehend the truth'); to bring smt. to ~ ('to make smt. known'); to come to ~ ('to become known'); she wanted to see her name in ~s ('she wanted to succeed on the stage and become famous'); the northern ~s; the southern ~s III v. (D; intr.) (to ~ on, upon ('to come across') (to ~ on a rare dictionary) light bulb n. see bulb 1-4 lighter n. a cigarette ~ lighting n. 1. direct; indirect; soft ~ 2. electric ~ lightning n. 1. ball; forked; heat, sheet ~ 2. ~ flashes; strikes 3. a bolt, flash, stroke of ~ light out v. (colloq.) (esp. AE) (D; intr.) to ~ for ('to leave for') USAGE NOTE: The past and past participle of this verb are usu. lit out- -she lit out for home. light up v. (D; intr.) to ~ with (her face lit up with pleasure) like I prep. (colloq.) ~ to + inf. (it was ~ them to be late) II v. 1. to ~ a great deal, a lot, very much 2. (E) he ~s to read 3. (G) she ~s reading 4. (H; no passive) (often with the conditional) I'd ~ him to go; I ~ people to tell me the truth; I'd ~ you to go; AE also has, slightly colloq.; I'd ~ for you to go 5. (M) we ~ our friends to be honest 6. (N; used with an adjective) I ~ my steak rare USAGE NOTE: The verb like can be used with it + clause -- 1 like it when you smile; I'd like it if you smiled. likelihood n. 1. great; little ~ 2. ~ that + inf. (there is every ~ that she'll come) 3. in all ~ likely adj. 1. (cannot stand alone) ~ to + inf. (she is ~ to show up; it is not ~ to snow) 2. ~ that + clause (it is ~ that there will be more rain) liken v. (d; tr.) ('to compare') to ~ to (her estate could be ~ed to a fortress) likeness n. 1. to catch a ~ (the artist caught the ~) 2. to bear a ~ 3. a striking, uncanny ~ 4. a family ~ 5. a ~ between; to likewise adv. to do ~ liking n. 1. to take a ~ to 2. to develop a ~ for 3. to one's ~ (that is not to my ~) limb n. 1. an artificial ~ 2. the lower; upper ~s 3. (misc.) out on a ~ ('in a precarious position') limbo n. in ~ (in political ~) limelight n. 1. to hold the ~ 2. to hog the ~ 3. in the (public) ~ limit I n. 1. to place, put, set a ~ on 2. to disregard, exceed a ~ 3. an age; speed; time; weight ~ 4. a ~ on, to 5. within ~s 6. (misc.) to push smb. to the ~ II v. (D; refl., tr.) to ~ to (she had to ~ herself to twenty minutes) limitations n. 1. to put ~ on 2. budgetary, financial ~ 3. within certain ~ limited adj. 1. ~ in (~ in resources) 2. ~ to limits n. 1. city ~ 2. (AE) (esp. mil.) off ~ to; on ~ to (the bar was put off ~ to all military personnel) 3. within (reasonable) ~ limousine n. 1. to hire; take a ~ 2. an airport; bulletproof ~ limp n. 1. to have a ~ 2. a decided, marked, pronounced; slight ~ line n. ['long, thin mark'] 1. to draw a ~ 2. a broken; contour; crooked; curved; dotted; fine, thin; heavy, thick; horizontal; parallel; perpendicular; solid, unbroken; straight; vertical; wavy ~ ['queue'] (AE) 3. to form a ~ 4. to buck ('push into') a ~ 5. to get into ~; to wait in ~ 6. a checkout; chow ~ ['row'] 7. to form a ~ 8. a picket; police; receiving ~ ['row of characters'] 9. to indent; insert a ~ 10. (fig.) to read between the ~s ['text'] ['unit of text'] 11. to deliver a ~ 12. to go over, rehearse one's ~s (the actors had to rehearse their ~s several times) 13. to fluff one's ~s 14. a dull; witty ~ (there isn't a dull ~ in the whole play) ['route'] 15. to introduce a (new) ~ 16. to discontinue a ~ 17. a feeder; main ~ 18. a bus; commuter; high-speed; steamship; streetcar (AE), tram (BE) ~ 19. supply ~s (to cut enemy supply ~s) ['path'] 20. to follow a ~ (to follow a ~ of reasoning; to follow the ~ of least resistance) ['telephone connection'] 21. to get a ~; to give smb. a ~ 22. the ~ is busy (AE), engaged (BE) 23. an outside; party ('shared') ~ 24. a hot ~ (the hot ~ between Washington and Moscow; a hot ~ for missing children) ['note'] 25. to drop smb. a ~ ['information'] 26. to get a ~ on smb. ['type of merchandise'] 27. to carry; handle; introduce a ~ 28. to discontinue, drop a ~ 29. a complete, full ~ ['policy'] 30. to adhere to, follow, hew to, pursue, take a ~ 31. a firm, hard; official; party ~ (to hew to the official ~) ['flattering talk'] (colloq.) 32. to give, hand smb. a ~ ['wire'] ['pipe'] ['conduit'] 33. a fuel; oil; sewage; steam; telegraph; telephone ~ 34. high-voltage; power ~s (the power ~s are down) ['boundary'] 35. a city; county; snow; squall; state; township; tree ~ 36. (sports) a base; end; foul; goal; service ~; sideline 37. at, on a ~ (at the goal ~; on the base ~; on the sidelines) ['established position along a front'] ['boundary'] (mil.) 38. to hold a ~ 39. a battle; cease-fire; firing; front ~ 40. (the) enemy ~s (behind enemy ~s) 41. at, on a ~ (on the cease-fire ~) ['conveyor belt'] 42. an assembly, production ~ (to work on an assembly ~) ['occupation'] ['field of interest'] 43. what ~ are you in? ['contour'] 44. the ~s of a ship ['limit'] 45. to hold the ~ (on prices) 46. to draw the ~ ('to set a limit') ['turn'] ['order'] 47. in ~ for (she is next in ~ for promotion) ['alignment'] 48. in ~; out of ~ (the wheels are out of ~) ['conformity'] 49. to toe the ~ 50. to bring smb. into ~; to keep smb. in ~ 51. to get into ~; to get out of ~ 52. in ~ with (in ~ with your stated policy) ['cord, device for catching fish'] 53. to cast a ~ 54. to reel in; reel out a ~ 55. a fishing ~ ['rope'] 56. to throw a ~ to smb. (who is in the water) 57. a plumb ~ ['division'] 58. to cross a ~ 59. a color ~ (to cross the color ~) ['tendency'] 60. along, on certain ~s (along modern ~s) ['dynasty'] 61. to establish, found a ~ 62. an unbroken ~ ['distinction'] 63. a fine, nebulous, thin ~ between ['misc.'] 64. the bottom ~ ('the final result'); to be on the firing ~ ('to be at the center of activity'); to sign on the dotted ~ ('to sign an agreement'); a credit ~ ('amount of credit alowed'); to walk a straight ~; to put smt. on the ~ ('to risk smt.'); to lay it on the ~ ('to speak candidly'); on ~ ('in operation'); in (the) ~ of duty linen n. 1. to change the (bed) ~ 2. fresh ~ 3. bed; fine; table ~ liner I n. ['steamship'] a luxury; ocean; passenger; transatlantic ~ II n. ['lining'] a helmet ~ lineup n. 1. a police ~ (AE; BE has identification parade) 2. (AE) to be in a ~ (as a suspect) line up v (D; intr.) to ~ in (to ~ in three ranks) linger v. (d; intr.) to ~ over ('to take one's time with') (don't ~ over your coffee) lingo n. (colloq.) ['language, dialect'] to speak the linguistics n. applied; comparative; contrastive; descriptive; general; generative; historical ~; psycholinguistics; sociolinguistics; structural; transformational ~ liniment n. to apply, rub in ~ lining n. 1. a brake; coat ~ 2. a zip-in ~ 3. (misc.) a silver ~ ('the bright side of a problem') link I n. 1. to constitute a ~ 2. a close; strong; weak ~ 3. a connecting ~ 4. the missing ~ 5. a cuff ~ 6. a ~ between; to, with (he has ~s to the underworld) 7. (misc.) (GB) the fixed ~ (under the Channel) II v. (D; tr.) to ~ to, with (these events are ~ed to each other) linkage n. ~ between, to, with links n. ['golf course'] (out) on the ~ link up v. (D; intr.) to ~ with (we ~ed up with their forces on the Danube) linoleum n. inlaid ~ lion n. 1. a mountain ~ 2. ~s roar 3. a pride of ~s 4. a young ~ is a cub 5. a female ~ is a lioness 6. (misc.) the ~ is the king of beasts lip n. 1. to lick; move; part; pucker; purse one's ~s 2. to press one's ~s to (she pressed her ~s to the baby's forehead) 3. chapped; dry; moist; thick; thin ~s 4. the lower; upper ~ 5. from smb.'s ~s (I heard it from his ~s) 6. on one's ~s (she died with a prayer on her ~s) 7. on everyone's ~s (his name was on everyone's ~s) 8. (misc.) to bite one's ~ ('to restrain oneself); to moisten one's ~s; to lick/ smack one's ~s ('to anticipate or remember with pleasure'); to keep a stiff upper ~ ('to refuse to become discouraged'); don't give me any of your ~ ('don't be impudent with me'); to seal smb.'s ~s ('to induce smb. to remain silent'); to read ~s lip service n. ['meaningless promise'] to pay ~ to lipstick n. to apply, put on; remove, wipe off ~ liquid n. 1. (a) clear; cloudy ~ 2. (a) dishwashing ~ liquor n. ['alcoholic drinks'] (esp. AE) 1. to ply smb. with ~ 2. to hold one's ~ 3. hard, strong ~ 4. malt ~ list I n. ['catalog, roll'] 1. to compile, draw up, make (up) a ~ 2. to head a ~ 3. to go down, read down a ~ 4. an alphabetical ~; checklist; dean's (AE); guest; mailing; shopping; waiting ~ (to go down a checklist) 5. a short ~ (of candidates) 6. a casualty ~ 7. on a ~ (she was third on the ~; high on the ~ of priorities) II v. ('to include') 1. (d; intr.) to ~ among (to be ~ed among the casualties) 2. (d; refl., tr.) to ~ as (she ~ed herself as an independent voter; he was ~ed as missing) III n. ['tilt'] a ~ to (a ~ to starboard) IV v. (D; intr.) ('to tilt') to ~ to (to ~ to starboard) listen v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ for (to ~ for a signal) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ to (to ~ to advice) listen in v. (D; intr.) to ~ on, to (to ~ on smb.'s conversation) listen to v. 1. (esp. AE) (I) we ~ed to them sing 2. (J) we ~ed to them singing listing n. an exclusive ~ (of a property being sold) list price n. (to sell smt.) at ~ lists n. ['combat arena'] to enter the ~ literate adj. ~ in literature n. 1. to produce (a) ~ 2.(an) extensive, voluminous ~ 3. belletristic; classical; contemporary; modern; professional; pulp ~ 4. comparative ~ 5. a body of ~ (a considerable body of ~) 6. ~ about, on (there was extensive ~ on the topic) litigation n. 1. to initiate, start ~ 2. ~ over; with 3. in ~ (the case was in ~) little adv. 1. precious ~ 2. ~ by ~ ('gradually') liturgy n. to chant; offer; recite the ~ live I /layv/ adv. ['directly'] to come ~ (this telecast is coming to you ~ from Wimbledon) II /liv/ v. 1. to ~ dangerously; high 2. (d; intr.) to ~ by ('to adhere to') (to ~ by certain principles) 3. (d; intr.) ('to exist') to ~ for (they ~ only for their children) 4. (d; intr.) ('to subsist') to ~ off, on (they ~ on her salary; you cannot ~ on love alone; to ~ off one's parents) 5. (D; intr.) ('to survive') to ~ to (she ~d to ninety) 6. (d; intr.) ('to cohabit') to ~ with (they ~ with each other) 7. (colloq.) (d; intr.) to ~ with ('to tolerate') (can you ~ with this arrangement?) 8. (E) she ~d to regret her decision; he ~d to be ninety 9. (P; intr.) ('to reside') to ~ in the country 10. (misc.) they ~ beyond their means ('they spend more than they earn'); to ~ from hand to mouth ('to eke out a bare living'); to ~ from day to day ('to be concerned only with the present'); to ~ together ('to cohabit') livelihood n. to earn one's ~ livestock n. to graze ~ live up v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ to ('to satisfy') (to ~ to expectations) 2. (misc.) (colloq.) to ~ it up ('to enjoy oneself ostentatiously') livid adj. ~ with (~ with rage) living n. ['livelihood'] 1. to earn, get (BE), make a ~ 2. to eke out a ~ (to eke out a precarious ~) 3. a comfortable; honest ~ (to earn a comfortable ~) ['manner of existence'] 4. communal; high; suburban ~ 5. a standard of ~ living room n. a sunken ~ load I n. 1. to carry, transport a ~ 2. to lessen, lighten a load (also fig.) 3. a heavy; light ~ 4. a capacity, maximum, peak ~ 5. a case; work ~ II v. 1. (D;tr.) to ~ into, onto (to ~ coal into a ship) 2. (d; tr.) to ~ to (to ~ a ship to full capacity) 3. (D; tr.) to ~ with (to ~ a ship with coal) load down v. (d; tr.) to ~ with loaf n. 1. a fish; meat ~ 2. a ~ of bread loan I n. 1. to float, negotiate, raise a ~ 2. to make a ~ 3. to get, receive a ~ 4. to secure; underwrite a ~ 5. to pay off, repay a ~ 6. an interest-free; long-term; low-interest; short-term ~ 7. interlibrary ~ (she got the book on/through inter-library ~) 8. a ~ to 9. on ~ from; to (the painting was on ~ to the National Gallery from the Louvre) II v. (A) she ~ed the money to me; or; she ~ed me the money USAGE NOTE: When to /oan means 'to lend officially', it is CE -- the Louvre has loaned a painting to the National Gallery. When it means 'to lend', it is esp. AE -- she loaned me the money. loanword n. 1. to adopt a ~ 2. a ~ from (a ~ from French) loath adj. (pompous or lit.) (cannot stand alone) ~ to + int. (we are ~ to summon the authorities) loathe v. 1. to ~ deeply, intensely 2. (G) he ~s working loathing n. 1. deep, intense ~ 2. ~ for lob v. (D; tr.) to ~ at (to ~ a ball at smt.) lobby I n. ['pressure group'] 1. an education; farm; labor; oil ~ ['large hall'] 2. a hotel; theater ~ 3. in the ~ (let's meet in the ~) II v. 1. to ~ actively 2. (D; intr.) to ~ against; for (to ~ against higher taxes; to ~ for a bill) locate v. (esp. AE) (P; tr.) ('to place') we ~d our firm in Florida location n. 1. to pinpoint a ~ 2. at a ~ (at an undisclosed ~) 3. on ~ (to shoot a film on ~) lock I n. 1. to pick a ~ 2. a combination; dead-bolt; double; mortise; safety; time; Yale ~ 3. under ~ and key ('locked up securely') II v. (d; intr.) to ~ on, onto ('to sight and track') (to ~ onto a target) locked adj. ['bound'] (cannot stand alone) ~ in (~ in mortal combat) locket n. a gold; silver ~ locomotive n. 1. to drive a ~ 2. a diesel; electric; steam ~ locusts n. 1. ~ swarm 2. a swarm of ~ lodge I n. ['house'] 1. a hunting; ski ~ ['organization, society'] 2. a fraternal; Masonic ~ ['motel'] (AE) 3. a motor ~ II v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ against; with (to ~ a complaint against a neighbor with the police) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ in (the bullet ~d in his shoulder) lodger n. to take in ~s lodgings n. to find; seek ~ log n. ['record'] ['diary'] 1. to keep a ~ 2. a ship's ~ ['piece of timber'] 3. to float ~s (down a river) 4. to split a ~; to saw a ~ in two ['misc.'] 5. to sleep like a ~ ('to sleep very soundly') logarithm n. a common; natural ~ loggerheads n. at ~ with ('in disagreement with') logic n. 1. to apply, use ~ 2. clear; cold; irrefutable; simple ~ 3. deductive; formal; inductive; symbolic ~ 4. ~ in (there is no ~ in their policy) logical adj. ~ to + int. (it is ~ to assume that they will attend) logjam n. 1. to break (up), clear a ~ 2. (fig.) (esp. AE) a legislative ~ loins n. ['power'] to gird one's ~ ('to prepare oneself for a difficult task') lollipop n. to lick, suck a ~ lonely adj. ~ for lonesome adj. (AE) ~ for long I adj. (colloq.) ['strong'] ~ on (~ on common sense) II adv. 1. ~ ago 2. ~ before III v. 1.(d; intr.) to ~ for (to ~ for peace) 2. (E) she ~ed to return home; (rare) I ~ed for them to return long chalk (BE) see long shot long-distance adv. to call, telephone ~ long division n. to do ~ long haul see long run longing n. 1. to feel a ~ 2. a ~ for longitude n. at a ~ (at a ~ of ten degrees west) long run n. ['long-range outlook'] in, over the ~ long shot n. ['slight chance'] not by a ~ (AE) ('absolutely not') look I n. ['glance'] ['expression'] 1. to get, have, take a ~ 2. to dart, shoot; steal a ~ 3. to give smb. a ~ 4. a blank, distant, faraway, vacant ~ (she had a faraway ~ in her eyes) 5. an anxious, worried; baleful; close, hard; come-hither, inviting; curious, strange; dirty, nasty, vicious; disapproving, stern; eloquent, meaningful; furtive; grim; haggard; hungry; inquiring, searching; knowing; penetrating; pensive, thoughtful; piercing; pleading; provocative; puzzled; rapt; scathing; sharp; sinister; skeptical; steady; sullen; suspicious; tender; troubled; withering ~ (she gave us a dirty ~) 6. a second ~ (to take a second ~ at smt.) ['appearance'] 7. a tailored ~ ['misc.'] 8. good ~s II v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ after ('to watch') (to ~ after the children) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ at ('to examine') (to ~ at a painting) 3. (D; intr.) to ~ for ('to seek') (to ~ for a job) 4. (d; intr.) to ~ into ('to investigate') (to ~ into a complaint) 5. (d; intr.) to ~ like ('to resemble') (this horse ~s like a winner; BE also has; this horse ~s a winner) 6. (d; intr.) ('to appear') to ~ like (it ~s like rain = it ~s as if/as though it will rain) 7. (D; intr.) ('to watch') to ~ out (AE), out of (to ~ out of a window) 8. (d; intr.) to ~ through ('to direct one's gaze through') (to ~ through a telescope) 9. (d; intr.) to ~ through ('to examine') (to ~ through one's files) 10. (d; intr.) to ~ to ('to turn to') (to ~ to one's parents for help) 11. (s) she ~s terrible 12. (misc.) to ~ smb. squarely in the eye; to ~ from one to the other; to ~ one's age look about (BE) see look around look ahead v. (D; intr.) to ~ to (to ~ to a bright future) look around v. (d; intr.) to ~ for ('to seek') (to ~ for a job) look at v. 1. (AE) (I) ~ him jump 2. (J) ~ him jumping look back v. (D; intr.) to ~ at, on (to ~ at the past year) look down v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ at; from ('to direct one's gaze down at') (to ~ at the beach from the balcony of the hotel) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ on ('to despise') (to ~ on all forms of corruption) look forward v. (d; intr.) to ~ to (to ~ to spring; to ~ to a meeting with eager anticipation; I ~ to going) look in v. (D; intr.) to ~ on (to ~ on the children) look on v. (D;tr.) to ~ as (we ~ her as a friend) lockout n. 1. to keep a (sharp) ~ for 2. on the ~ look out v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ for ('to watch for') (the police were ~ing out for burglars) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ for ('to protect') (to ~ for one's own interests) 3. (d; intr.) to ~ on, onto ('to face') (our windows ~ onto the square) look round (BE) see look around looks n. ['appearance'] good ~ lookup v. (d; intr.) to ~ to ('to respect') (children ~ to their parents) look upon see look on loom I n. a hand ~ II v. 1. (P; intr.) a ship ~ed out of the fog 2. (misc.) to ~ large (her possible candidacy ~ed large in the future plans of the party) loop n. 1. to make a ~ 2. to loop the ~ (in an airplane) 3. (misc.) to throw smb. for a ~ ('to shock smb.') loophole n. 1. to find a ~ 2. to close a ~ 3. a tax ~ 4. a ~ in loose I adj. 1. to cut (smb.) ~ 2. to let, set, turn (smb.) ~ II n. on the ~ loose end (BE) at a ~ (see loose ends) loose ends n. (AE) at ~ ('with no definite obligations') looting n. to engage in ~ lope v. (P; intr.) she ~d through the park lord I n. a feudal ~ II v. to ~ it over smb. ('to flaunt one's superiority over smb.') lorry n. (BE) 1. to drive, operate a ~ (CE has truck) 2. an articulated ~ (AE has trailer truck) 3. a breakdown ~ (AE has tow truck) 4. a tipper ~ (AE has dump truck) lose v. 1. (B) we lost the match to them 2. (D; intr.) to ~ to (our team lost to them by three points) 3. (0) his errors lost him the match lose out v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ on (to ~ on a deal) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ to (she lost out to her rival) loser n. a bad, poor; born; good ~ loss n. 1. to inflict ~es on (our forces inflicted heavy ~es on the enemy) 2. (sports) to hand smb. a ~ (they handed our team its first ~ of the season) 3. to incur, suffer, sustain, take ~es (to take heavy ~es) 4. to make up, offset, recoup, replace a ~ (to recoup one's gambling ~es) 5. heavy; light ~es 6. an irreparable, irreplaceable, irretrievable ~ 7. a hearing; heat; memory ~ 8. ~es in (~es in dead and wounded) 9. a ~ to (an irreplaceable ~ to our nation) 10. at a ~ (to be at a ~ for words) lost adj. 1. irretrievably; totally ~ 2. to get ~ (the small child got ~) 3. (misc.) (slang) get ~! ('go away!') lot n. ['one's fortune'] 1. to cast, throw in one's ~ with 2. a happy; sorry, unhappy ~ 3. one's ~ to + inf. (it fell to her ~ to break the sad news) ['object used in deciding by chance'] 4. by ~ (to choose by ~) ['plot of ground'] (esp. AE) 5. an empty, vacant ~ 6. a parking ~ (AE; BE has car park) 7. a used-car ~ lotion n. 1. to apply, rub in (a) ~ 2. an after-shave; body; hand; skin; suntan ~ lots n. to cast, draw ~ lottery n. 1. to hold a ~ 2. a daily; weekly ~ 3. a state ~ loudspeaker n. (to speak) over a ~ lounge I n. 1. a cocktail ~ 2. a sun ~ (BE; AE has sun porch) 3. a transit ~ (at an airport) 4. a VIP ~ (at an airport) II v. (P; intr.) she enjoys ~ing around the pool lour see lower louse n. a plant; wood ~ lousy adj. (slang) ~ to + inf. (it's ~ to be without work = it's ~ being without work» lout n. a stupid ~ love I n. ['deep affection'] 1. to inspire ~ for 2. blind; deep, profound, sincere, true; platonic: undying; unrequited ~ 3. ~ for, of (~ for one's country; to have no ~ for smb.) 4. for, out of ~ (to do smt. for ~) 5. in ~ with (to fall in ~ with smb.; to be hopelessly in ~ with smb.; head over heels in ~ with smb.) ['expression of deep affection'] 6. to give; send one's ~ (give them our ~) ['sexual activity'] 7. to make ~ ('to pet'); ('to have intercourse') 8. free ~ II v. 1. to ~ blindly; dearly; deeply; passionately; really, very much (I would dearly ~ to see them again) 2. (E) she ~s to swim 3. (G) she ~s swimming 4. (N; used with an adjective) she ~s her steak rare 5. (misc.) (colloq.) I ~ it when you smile; I'd ~ you to come over and see our new hi-fi lovely adj. (colloq.) ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of you to arrange this party) lover n. 1. to take a ~ 2. to jilt a ~ 3. an impetuous; lousy (colloq.) ~ low adj. ['lacking'] (cannot stand alone) ~ in, on (she is ~ in funds; they were ~ on ammunition) lower v. (D; intr.) ('to frown') to ~ at low profile n. to keep, maintain a ~ loyal adj. ~ to loyalty n. 1. to command ~ 2. to demonstrate, show ~ 3. to swear ~ 4. deep-rooted, deep-seated, strong, unquestioned, unshakable, unswerving ~ 5. party ~ 6. divided ~ties 7. ~ to (unswerving ~ to one's friends) luck n. ['success'] ['good fortune'] 1. to bring ~ 2. to try one's ~ (at smt.) 3. to press, push one's ~ 4. pure, sheer ~ 5. beginner's ~ 6. one's ~ improves, turns; runs out 7. a bit, stroke of ~ 8. ~ at, in (~ at gambling) 9. the ~ to + inf. (she had the good ~ to hold the winning ticket; it was pure ~ to find him = it was pure ~ finding him) 10. ~ that + clause (it was sheer ~ that we met) 11. in ~ (you are in ~ to find them at home) 12. down on one's ~; out of ~ ['fate'] ['chance'] 13. to trust to ~ 14. to try one's ~ (at smt.) 15. bad, hard, tough; good; pure, sheer ~ (we had bad ~) 16. the ~ to + inf. (we had the bad ~ to get there at the wrong time) 17. ~ that + clause (it was bad ~ that he broke his leg) lucky adj. 1. ~ in (~ in love) 2. ~ to + inf. (you are ~ to be alive) 3. ~ that + clause (it's ~ that we got here early) ludicrous adj. 1. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ to dress like that) 2. ~ that + clause (it's ~ that we have to show our pass each time) 1uggage n. 1. to check, register (esp. BE) one's ~ 2. to check one's ~ through (to the final destination) 3. to claim one's ~ 4. carry-on, hand ~ 5. personalized ~ 6. unclaimed ~ 7. a piece of ~ lukewarm adj. ['halfhearted'] ~ about, to (~ about a proposal; ~ to an idea) ['tepid'] 2. ~ to (~ to the touch) lull I n. 1. a momentary, temporary ~ 2. a ~ in (a momentary ~ in the fighting) II v. 1. (d;tr.) to ~ into (to ~ smb. into a false sense of security) 2. (d; tr.) to ~ to (to ~ a child to sleep) lullaby n. to hum; sing a ~ to lumbar puncture n. to do, perform a ~ lumber I n. (esp. AE) green; seasoned ~ (CE has timber) II v. (P; intr.) the bear ~ed through the forest III v. (colloq.) (BE) (D;tr.) ('to burden') to ~ with (I've been ~ed with all their problems) lumps n. (colloq.) ['punishment'] to take one's ~ lunacy n. 1. sheer ~ 2. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ to climb that mountain) lunatic n. a ~ to + inf. (he was a ~ to try that) lunch n. 1. to eat, have ~ 2. a business, working; three-martini (AE; colloq.) ~ 3. a box; picnic ~ 4. at ~ (they were all at ~) lung n. 1. an iron ~ 2. congested ~s lunge I n. 1. to make a ~ 2. a ~ at, towards II v. (D; intr.) to ~ at, for lurch I n. ['sudden movement'] to give a ~ (the stricken ship gave a ~) II v. (P; intr.) he ~ed towards me III n. ['vulnerable position'] in the ~ (to leave smb. in the ~) lure v. (d;tr.) to ~ into (to ~ smb. into a trap) lurk v. (P; intr.) to ~ in the shadows lust I n. 1. to arouse ~ 2. to feel ~ 3. to gratify, satisfy one's ~ 4. insatiable, unquenchable ~ 5. ~ for (~ for power) II v. (d; intr.) to ~ after, for luster, lustre n. ['glory'] 1. to add ~ to 2. to take on a new ~ luxuriate v. (D; intr.) to ~ in (to ~ in newly acquired wealth) luxury n. 1. to enjoy (a) ~ (to enjoy the ~ of a hot bath) 2. to afford a ~ (can we afford the ~ of a second car?) 3. pure, sheer; unaccustomed ~ 4. ~ to + inf. (it was sheer ~ to I'elax on the beach = it was sheer ~ relaxing on the beach) 5. in ~ (they lived in ~; to wallow in ~) 6. (misc.) in the lap of lyre n. to play the ~