quagmire n. in a ~ of quail I n. a bevy, covey of ~ II v. (d; intr.) ('to lose courage') to ~ at, before (we ~ed at the thought of getting lost in the forest) quake v. (D; intr.) to ~ with (to ~ with fear) qualifications n. ['qualities, attributes'] 1. excellent, fine, outstanding, strong ~ 2. the necessary ~ 3. educational; physical; professional ~ 4. the ~ for (she has the ~ for the job) 5. the ~ to + inf. (this engineer has outstanding ~ to build the bridge) qualified adj. 1. eminently, fully, highly ~; well-qualified 2. ~ as (~ as an engineer) 3. ~ by (~ by education and experience for the position) 4. ~ for (she is highly ~ for the job) 5. ~ to + inf. (he is ~ to pass judgment on this matter) qualify v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ as (she ~fied as a teacher of the handicapped) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ for (she ~fied for the position) 3. (E) he ~fied to teach mathematics 4. (H) what ~fies her to represent us? quality n. ['feature'] 1. admirable; endearing; moral; personal; redeeming ~ties (he has no redeeming ~ties) 2. (misc.) there was a rhapsodic ~ about her playing ['degree of excellence'] 3. excellent, superior; fine, good, high; low, poor ~ 4. of a certain ~ (of good ~) qualms n. 1. to feel, have ~ 2. ~ about (I have no ~ about borrowing money) 3. without (any) ~ quandary n. 1. a hopeless ~ 2. in a ~ (we were in a hopeless ~) quantity n. ['amount'] 1. a considerable, large; negligible, small; sufficient ~ 2. in (large) ~ties ['factor'] 3. an unknown ~ quarantine n. 1. to impose, institute a ~ 2. to lift a ~ 3. strict ~ 4. in, under ~ (to place under ~) quarrel I n. 1. to cause, lead to a ~ (their political differences led to a bitter ~) 2. to have, pick, provoke, start a ~ (he picked a ~ with his neighbor) 3. to patch up, settle a ~ 4. a bitter, furious, violent; long-standing; never-ending ~ 5. a domestic, family ~ 6. a ~ breaks out, ensues 7. a ~ about, over; between; with (a bitter ~ broke out between them over the use of the telephone; he had a violent ~ with me about the money that he had borrowed) II v. 1. to ~ bitterly, furiously, violently 2. (D; intr.) to ~ about, over; with (she ~ed with her neighbor about the noise) quarry I n. ['prey'] 1. to stalk one's ~ 2. to bring one's ~ to bay 3. hunted ~ II n. ['open excavation'] 1. to work a ~ 2. an abandoned ~ 3. a marble; stone ~ quarter I n. ['mercy'] 1. to give, show ~ (the mercenaries gave no ~) 2. to ask for; receive ~ ['one fourth'] 3. (in telling time) (a) ~ of (AE), to (the hour) (it was a ~ to five) 4. (a) ~ after (AE), past (the hour) (it is a ~ past five) II v. (esp. mil.) (D; tr.) ('to assign to a lodging place') to ~ on, upon (to ~ troops on the local population) quarters n. ['housing'] 1. to find ~ 2. bachelor; officers' ~ 3. ('misc.') confined to ~ ['assigned stations on a ship'] 4. battle, general ~ ['sources'] 5. from certain ~ (from the highest ~) ['misc.'] 6. at close ~ ('close together') quartet n. 1. to play a ~ 2. a piano; string; woodwind ~ quay n. at, on a ~ queasy adj. ['uneasy'] ~ about (to feel ~ about smt.) queen n. 1. to crown a ~ 2. to crown; proclaim smb. ~ 3. to depose, dethrone a ~ 4. a despotic; popular; strong; weak ~ 5. a ~ mounts the throne 6. a ~ abdicates (a throne) 7. a ~ consort; mother 8. (misc.) to toast the ~; a beauty ~; a drag ~ (colloq. and derog.) ('a male transvestite') queen's evidence n. (BE) to turn ~ (see also king's evidence, state's evidence) queer I adj. 1. ~ about (there is smt. ~ about them) 2. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ to be speaking of the heat in January) 3. ~ that + clause (it's ~ that he hasn't arrived yet) II v. (colloq.) (d; refl.) ('to put oneself in a bad light') to ~ with (he ~ed himself with all his professors) query n. 1. to put a ~ to 2. to respond to a ~ 3. a ~ about quest n. 1. a ~ for 2. in ~ of question I n. ['query'] 1. to ask (smb.) a ~; to ask a ~ of smb. 2. to address, pose, put a ~ to smb. 3. to bring up, raise a ~ 4. to answer, field, reply to, respond to a ~ (the senator fielded all ~s expertly) 5. to beg ('evade') the ~ 6. to parry smb.'s ~s 7. an academic, hypothetical, rhetorical; awkward, embarrassing, sticky, ticklish; blunt, direct; civil ('polite'); debatable, moot; irrelevant; leading; loaded, tricky; pointed; probing; relevant; thorny ~ 8. an essay ~ (on an examination) 9. an examination, test ~ 10. a ~ about, as to, concerning ['matter being discussed'] 11. to put the ~ ('to vote on the matter being discussed') 12. a burning; controversial; crucial; explosive; open; vexed (esp. BE) ~ 13. (misc.) (colloq.) to pop the ~ ('to propose marriage') ['vote'] (parliamentary procedure) 14. to put a matter to the ~ ['doubt'] ['dispute'] 15. to clear up, resolve a ~ 16. beyond all ~ 17. in, into ~ (to come into ~; to call smt. into ~) ['misc.'] 18. out of the ~ ('impossible') II v. (D; tr.) to ~ about (the police ~ed her about her activities) questionable adj. highly ~ questioning n. 1. close ('intensive') ~ 2. under ~ (under close ~ by the district attorney) questionnaire n. 1. to draw up, formulate a ~ 2. to circulate, distribute, send out a ~ 3. to answer, fill in, fill out (esp. AE), fill up (BE; old- fashioned) a ~ queue I n. (esp. BE) 1. to form a ~ 2. to join; jump the ~ 3. in a ~ (to stand in a ~) II v. see queue up queue up v. (esp. BE)(D;intr.)to~for (they had to ~ for fresh fruit) quibble I n. a minor ~ II v. (D; intr.) to ~ about, over; with (to ~ about trifles) quick I adj. 1. ~ about (be ~ about it) 2. ~ at (~ at picking up a new language) 3. ~ with (~ with one's hands) 4. (cannot stand alone) ~ to + int. (she is ~ to learn; he is ~ to take offense) 5. (misc.) ~ on (~ on one's feet) II n. 1. to cut smb. to the ~ ('to offend smb. gravely') 2. (misc.) the ~ and the dead quicksand n. a bed of ~ quiet n. to shatter the ~ quilt n. a crazy; down; patchwork ~ quip I n. to make a ~ about II v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ about; at 2. (L) she ~ped that being without a telephone for a few days would be nice quirk n. a strange ~ quit v. 1. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ because of, over (he quit his job in disgrace over the bribe) 2. (colloq.) (D; intr.) ('to stop') to ~ on (the engine quit on us) 3. (G) she quit smoking quits n. (colloq.) to call it ~ ('to cease doing smt.') quiver v. (D; intr.) to ~ with (to ~ with fear) quiz I n. ['short test'] 1. to give; make up a ~ 2. to take a ~ 3. an oral; unannounced; written ~ II v. (D; tr.) to ~ about (the police ~zed the neighbors about the incident) quoits n. to pitch, play ~ quorum n. 1. to constitute, make (up) a ~ 2. to have; lack a ~ quota n. 1. to assign, establish, fix, set a ~ 2. to fill, fulfill, meet a ~ 3. to exceed one's ~ 4. an import; production; racial ~ quotation n. 1. to give a ~ from 2. a direct ~ quote I see quotation II v. 1. to ~ directly 2. (A) she ~d several verses to us; or: she ~d us several verses 3. (d; intr.) to ~ from (she loves to ~ from Shakespeare) 4. (D; tr.) to ~ from (to ~ a passage from the Bible) quotient n. an intelligence ~ (= IQ) r n. 1. to roll, trill an ~ 2. a retroflex; rolled, trilled; uvular ~ rabbi n. a chief; Conservative; Orthodox; Reform rabbit n. ~s breed quickly; burrow rabid adj. ['fanatical'] ~ about, on (~ on a certain subject) rabies n. to come down with, get ~ race I n. ['group distinguished by certain physical traits'] 1. the Caucasoid; Mongoloid; Negroid ~ 2. the human ~ 3. the (so-called) master ~ II n. ['contest of speed'] ['competition'] 1. to organize, stage a ~ 2. to drive; row; run a ~ 3. to lose; win a ~ 4. to fix (the results of) a ~ 5. to scratch ('cancel') a ~ (at a racetrack) 6. a close, even, hotly contested, tight; grueling; uneven ~ 7. an automobile (AE), motor (esp. BE); boat; cross-country; dog; drag ('acceleration') ~; footrace; horse; relay ~ 8. (pol.) a congressional; governor's, gubernatorial; political; presidential ~ 9. the arms ~ 10. a ~ against, with; between; for (the ~ for the presidency was run between well qualified candidates; a ~ against time) 11. a ~ to + int. (the ~ to conquer space) ['misc.'] 12. a rat ~ ('very hectic activity') III v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ against, with (to ~ against time) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ for (to ~ for a prize) 3. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ to (let's ~ to school I'll ~ you to the car) racialism (BE) see racism racing n. auto (AE), motor (esp. BE); harness; horse ~ racism n. 1. to stamp out ~ 2. blatant, rampant, vicious, virulent ~ rack I n. ['framework, stand'] 1. a bomb; clothes; hat; luggage (AE), roof (BE); rifle; towel ~ ['instrument of torture'] 2. on the ~ II n. (obsol.) ['destruction'] to go to ~ and ruin racket I n. ['noise'] 1. to make a ~ 2. a terrible ~ ['dishonest practice'] 3. to operate, run a ~ 4. a numbers; protection ~ racket II racquet n. ['bat used to play tennis'] 1. to swing a ~ 2. to string a ~ 3. a badminton; tennis racketeer n. a big-time; petty ~ radar n. early-warning ~ radiant adj. ~ with (~ with joy) radiate v. (D; intr.) to ~ from radiation n. 1. to emit ~ 2. nuclear ~ radio n. ['radio receiving set'] 1. to put on, switch on, turn on a ~ 2. to switch off, turn off a ~ 3. to turn down; turn up a ~ 4. to listen to the ~ 5. an AM; clock; FM; shortwave; transistor ~ 6. on, over the ~ (I heard the bad news over the ~) ['radio broadcasting industry'] 7. (to be) in ~ radioactivity n. 1. to emit, generate, produce ~ 2. (a) dangerous (level of) ~ radishes n. a bunch of ~ radius n. 1. a cruising ~ 2. in, within a ~ of (within a ~ of fifty miles) raffle n. 1. to hold a ~ 2. a ~ for raft n. 1. to launch a ~ 2. a life ~ rafting n. white-water ~ rag I n. to chew the ~ (slang) ('to chat') II v. (slang) (D; tr.) to ~ about (they ~ged him about his beard) rage I n. ['anger'] 1. to provoke, stir up smb.'s ~ 2. to express; feel ~ 3. to fly into a ~ 4. (a) blind, towering, ungovernable, violent; jealous; sudden ~ 5. a fit, outburst of ~ 6. a ~ against 7. in a ~ 8. (misc.) to quiver with ~ ['fashion'] (colloq.) 9. the latest ~ 10. a ~ for 11. (misc.) it's all the ~ II v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ against, at 2. (misc.) to ~ out of control (the fire ~d out of control) ragged adj. to run smb. ~ rags n. 1. a bundle of ~ 2. (dressed) in ~ 3. (misc.) from ~ to riches ('from poverty to prosperity') raid n. 1. to carry out, conduct a ~ 2. an air; border; guerrilla; police; retaliatory; suicide ~ 3. a ~ into (a ~ into enemy territory) 4. a ~ on, upon (a ~ on an illegal gambling casino) rail I n. ['barrier, handrail'] 1. at the ~ (to stand at the ~) 2. (to jump) over the ~ 3. (misc.) to hold on to a ~ II v. (d; intr.) ('to complain') to ~ against, at railroad I n. (esp. AE) 1. to manage, run, operate a ~ 2. a double-track; elevated; single-track ~ 3. a ~ from; to II v. (colloq.) (d; tr.) ('to force') to ~ through (to ~ a bill through a legislature) rails n. 1. to go off, j ump the ~ 2. to ride the ~ (see rod 5) railway n. 1. (esp. BE) see railroad I 2. a scenic ~ (BE) 3. a cog; rack ~ 4. a narrow-gauge; normal-gauge ~ rain I n. 1. to make, produce ~ 2. (a) driving, heavy, pouring, soaking, torrential; freezing; intermittent; light; steady ~ 3. acid ~ 4. ~ falls; freezes; lets up; pours; starts; stops 5. ~ beats, patters (against the windows) 6. (misc.) the ~ came down in buckets; to get caught in the ~ II v. to ~ hard rainbow n. a ~ appears, comes out rain check n. (AE) ['offer to accept an invitation at a later date'] to take a ~ on raindrops n. ~ fall rainfall n. 1. to measure ~ 2. annual, yearly; average; heavy; light; measurable;, normal ~ rain in v. (D; intr.) to ~ on (it was ~ing in on us) rainwater n. to catch ~ (in a barrel) raise I n. (AE) 1. to give smb. a ~ (in salary) 2. to deserve; geta ~ 3. an across-the-board; annual ~ (BE has rise) II v. 1. (D; tr.) ('to lift') to ~ from; to (to ~ a sunken ship from the bottom of the sea to the surface) 2. (d; tr.) ('to elevate') to ~ to (to ~ smb. to the peerage) 3. (esp. AE) (H) ('to bring up') they ~d their children to respect the rights of other people raising n. consciousness ~ raisins n. seeded; seedless ~ rake v. (D; tr.) to ~ into (to ~ hay into piles) rally I n. ['mass meeting'] 1. to hold, organize a ~ 2. a peace; pep; political ~ ['competition, race between cars'] (also spelled rallye) 3. to hold, organize a ~ II v. 1. (d; intr., tr.) to ~ around, round (to ~ around a leader) 2. (d; intr., tr.) to ~ for (the commander ~ied his troops for a counterattack) 3. (d; intr., tr.) to ~ to (they ~ied to the support of their country) ram I n. a battering ~ II v. 1. (d; tr.) to ~ into (to ~ piles into a river bed) 2. (misc.) to ~ smt. down smb.'s throat ('to force smb. to accept smt.') ramble on v. (D; intr.) ('to talk in a disorganized manner') to ~ about (she ~d on about her childhood) ramp n. 1. a steep ~ 2. (misc.) to go down a ~; to go up a ~ rampage n. to go on a ~ ramparts n. to storm the ~ ranch n. 1. a cattle; dude ~ 2. at, on a ~ (he works at the ~; to live on a ~) rancher n. a cattle ~ rancor, rancour n. 1. to stir up ~ 2. to express; feel; show ~ 3. deep-seated ~ 4. ~ against, towards (to feel ~ towards smb.) random n. at ~ (to choose at ~) random sample n. to select, take a ~ range I n. ['series of connecting mountains'] 1. a mountain ~ ['distance that a gun fires, can fire'] 2. close; long; point-blank ~ 3. artillery; rifle ~ 4. at a certain ~ (at close ~) 5. in, within ~ 6. out of ~ ['place where shooting is practiced'] 7. an artillery; firing; rifle; rocket ~ 8. at, on a ~ ['extent, scope'] 9. a narrow; wide ~ 10. within a ~ (within a narrow ~) ['cooking stove'] 11. an electric; gas ~ ['open region on which livestock graze'] 12. to ride the ~ 13. on the ~ ['misc.'] 14. a driving ~ (where one practices driving golf balls) II v. I. (d; tr.) ('to align') to ~ against (they were all ~d against us) 2. (d; intr.) ('to extend') to ~ from; to (prices ~ from ten dollars to thirty dollars) ranger n. a forest ~ rank I n. ['row'] (esp. mil.) 1. to form a ~ 2. to break ~s (also fig.) 3. (misc.) to come up, rise from the ~s ['position, grade'] 4. to hold a ~ (to hold the ~ of captain) 5. to pull (colloq.), use one's ~ 6. high; junior; low; senior ~ 7. (mil.) permanent (AE), substantive (BE) ~ 8. (mil.) other ~s (BE; AE has enlisted personnel) 9. cabinet ~ 10. by, in ~ (to be seated by ~) 11. of ~ (of cabinet ~; of high ~) ['misc.'] 12. to close ~s ('to unite'); a taxi ~ (BE; AE has taxi stand); to come up from the ~s ('to work one's way up to a high position'); the ~ and file ('everyone') II v. 1. (d; intr., tr.) ('to be rated; to rate') to ~ above (nobody ~s above Shakespeare; we do not ~ anyone above him) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ among (she ~s among our best instructors) 3. (d; intr., tr.) to ~ as (to ~ as an outstanding chess player; we ~ you as our best candidate) 4. (d; intr., tr.) to ~ with (Pushkin ~s with Tolstoy) rankle v. (R) it ~d me that they got all the credit ransom n. 1. to pay (a) ~ for 2. to demand; exact a ~ from 3. to hold smb. for ~ rant v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ at 2. (misc.) to ~ and rave rap I n. (colloq.) (AE) ['blame'] 1. to take the ~ for 2. a bad, bum ~ (she got a bum ~) ('she was punished for smb. else's misdeeds') ['charge'] 3. to beat the ~ 4. on a ~ (he was sent to prison on a murder ~) II v. 1. (d; intr.) ('to strike') to ~ at, on (to ~ on the window) 2. (d; tr.) ('to strike') to ~ over (she ~ped him over the knuckles) III v. (colloq. )(AE)(D; intr.) ('to converse') to ~ about; with rape n. 1. to commit ~ 2. attempted ~ 3. acquaintance, date; gang; marital; statutory ~ rapidity n. (with) lightning ~ rapids n. to ride, shoot ('pass by') (the) ~ rapport n. 1. to establish ~ 2. close ~ 3. in ~ with (they worked in close ~ with us) rapprochement n. to bring about a ~ between rapture n. 1. complete, total, utter ~ 2. in ~ over rare adj. 1. ~ to + int. (it's ~ to see snow in September) 2. ~ that + clause (it is ~ that he gets home before dark) raring adj. (colloq.) ['eager'] (cannot stand alone) ~ to + int. (we are ~ to go) rash I adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of her to try that) II n. 1. a diaper (AE), nappy (BE); heat (the baby has heat ~) 2. nettle ~ 3. a ~ breaks out 4. (misc.) to break out in a ~ raspberry n. (slang) ['contemptuous noise'] to give smb. the ~ rat I n. 1. the black; brown; water ~ 2. (misc.) to smell a ~ ('to suspect that the truth is not being told'); a dirty ~ ('a contemptible person') II v. (colloq.) (D; intr.) ('to inform') to ~ on rate I n. ['amount in relation to something else'] 1. to fix, set a ~ 2. a fast; flat; high; low; moderate; slow; steady ~ 3. bargain; reasonable; reduced; regular ~s 4. an accident; birth; crime; death; divorce; fertility; growth; marriage; morbidity; mortality ~ 5. a discount; exchange; group; inflation; interest; primary; tax ~ 6. a metabolic; pulse; respiration ~ 7. an annual; hourly; monthly; seasonal; weekly ~ 8. at a certain ~ (at a steady ~; she borrowed money at a high interest ~) ['misc.'] 9. at any ~ ('in any case'); first ~ ('top quality') II v. 1. to ~ high; low 2. (d; intr., tr.) ('to be ranked; to rank') to ~ among (that player is ~d among the very best) 3. (d; intr., tr.) ('to be ranked; to rank') to ~ as (this wine ~s as excellent; she is ~d as one of the best tennis players in the country) 4. (d; intr.) ('to compare') to ~ with (this wine ~s with the very best) 5. (colloq.) (AE) (D; intr.) ('to enjoy a favored status') to ~ with (she really ~s with them) 6. (P; tr.) ('to rank') this restaurant is ~d very highly 7. (GB) (P; tr.) ('to assess for tax purposes') their flat is ~d at eight hundred pounds this year 8. (misc.) on a scale of one to ten, we would ~ this restaurant eight rather adv. 1. ~ + inf. + than (she would ~ play tennis than watch TV) 2. (colloq.) ~ + clause + than (I would ~ you stayed home than go out in this blizzard; she would ~ you did your homework than watched TV) 3. ~ + inf. (she would ~ not watch TV) 4. (colloq.) ~ + clause (she would ~ you didn't watch TV) 5. (misc.) I prefer to walk ~ than to ride; I prefer walking ~ than riding rating n. ['classification'] ['limit'] 1. a high; low ~ 2. a credit; efficiency; octane; power ~ ['ordinary seaman'] (BE) 3. a naval ~ ratio n. 1. a compression ~ 2. an inverse ~ 3. a ~ between 4. at a ~ of; to (at a ~ of three to one) ration I n. ['fixed allowance'] 1. a daily; monthly; weekly ~ 2. a food; gasoline (AE), petrol (BE) ~ II v. l.to~strictly2.(D;tr.)to~to(we were ~ed to ten gallons of gasoline/petrol a month) rational adj. ~ to + inf. (it is not ~ to expect miracles) rationalization n. ['excuse'] 1. a mere ~ 2. a ~ for (a ~ for refusing to contribute) 3. a ~ to + inf. (it was a ~ to argue that increased spending would spur the economy) 4. a ~ that + clause (their ~ that increased spending is bad has been disproved) rationing n. 1. to introduce ~ 2. to end, terminate ~ 3. food; gasoline (AE), petrol (BE) ~ 4. emergency; wartime ~ ration out v. (D; tr.) to ~ among, to rations n. 1. to issue ~ 2. army; emergency; short ~ 3. on ~ (we were on short ~) rattle I n. ['noise in the throat caused by air passing through mucus'] 1. the death ~ ['device producing a rattling sound'] 2. a baby's ~ II v. (colloq.) (R) it ~d me to realize how close we had been to a real catastrophe rattlesnake n. a ~ bites, strikes ravages n. ['destruction'] to repair the ~ (wrought by war) rave v. (D; intr.) to ~ about, over; to (she was ~ing to us about her grandchild) ravine n. a deep ~ raw n. ['natural state'] in the ~ ray n. 1. to emit, send forth, send out ~s 2. a cathode; cosmic; death; gamma; infrared; ultraviolet; X ~ 3. heat; light ~s raze v. (D; tr.) to ~ to (to ~ a building to the ground) razor n. 1. to hone, set, sharpen a ~ 2. a dull; keen, sharp ~ 3. a double-edged; electric; safety; single-edged; straight ~ reach I n. 1. beyond, out of ~ 2. in, within ~ (to bring smt. within ~) 3. (misc.) a boardinghouse ('very long') ~; the vast ~es (of the western plains) II v. 1. (A; used without to) ('to pass') ~ me the salt 2. (d; intr.) ('to extend one's hand') to ~ for (she ~ed for a cigarette) 3. (d; intr.) ('to extend one's hand') to ~ into (she ~ed into her pocket for her keys) 4. (D; intr.) ('to extend') to ~ to (the rope doesn't ~ to the ground) reach out v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ for ('to attempt to obtain') (to ~ for mutual understanding) 2. (D; tr.) ('to extend') to ~ for (she ~ed out her hand for the change) 3. (d; intr.) to ~ into, to ('to attempt to help') (to ~ to the local community) 4. (D; tr.) ('to extend') to ~ to (~ your hand to me) react v. 1. to ~ strongly 2. (D; intr.) to ~ against (to ~ against unfair treatment) 3. (D; intr.) to ~ to (to ~ to a stimulus; to ~ to a provocation) reaction n. 1. to cause, trigger a ~ 2. to encounter, meet with a ~ 3. an adverse, negative; favorable, positive; strong; weak ~ 4. an allergic; chain; chemical; delayed; knee-jerk (usu. fig.); natural, normal; nuclear; physiological ~ 5. a ~ against, to (a natural ~ to provocation) 6. in ~ to reactionary n. a dyed-in-the wool ~ reactor n. an atomic, nuclear; breeder; fission ~ read v. 1. (A) she read a nice story to the children; or: she read the children a nice story 2. (D; intr.) to ~ about 3. (d; intr., tr.) to ~ for (she used to ~ for the patients in the nursing home; could you ~ that material for me?) 4. (esp. BE) (d; intr.) ('to study') to ~ for (to ~ for a degree; to ~ for the bar) 5. (d; tr.) to ~ into ('to attribute') (don't try to ~ anything else into her letter) 6. (AE) (d; tr.) to ~ out of ('to exclude') (he was read out of the party) 7. (d; intr.) to ~ to (she loves to ~ to the children) 8. (misc.) to ~ by candlelight; to ~ a language fluently; to ~ between the lines; to ~ aloud; the letter ~s like an accusation; the cablegram ~s as follows...; to ~ a child to sleep; to ~ smb. like a book ('to comprehend smb.'s motives very clearly') reader n. ['one who reads'] 1. an avid, voracious ~ 2. a regular ~ (of a newspaper) 3. a copy ~ (AE; BE has subeditor) 4. (rel.) a lay ~ ['university teacher below the rank of professor'] (BE) 5. a ~ in (a ~ in physics) ['practice book for reading'] 6. a basic ~ ['supervisor of a dissertation, thesis'] 7. a first; second ~ ['misc.'] 8. a mind ~ (see the Usage Note for professor) readiness n. 1. ~ to + inf. (her ~ to help was appreciated) 2. (to hold oneself) in ~ reading n. ['act of reading'] 1. light; remedial; responsive; serious; solid ~ 2. a dramatic; poetry ~ 3. assigned; suggested ~(s) (have you done the assigned ~ for the course?) 4. at a ~ (at the first ~) 5. in a ~ (you will not be able to absorb the material in one ~) ['interpretation'] 6. a new ~ of (Shakespeare) readjust v. (D;intr., refl., tr.)to ~ to read up v. (d; intr.) to ~ on (to ~ on a subject) ready adj. 1. ~ for (~ for any emergency) 2. ~ with (she is always ~ with an answer) 3. ~ to + inf. (we are ~ to begin) 4. (misc.) to get (smb.) ~ for; at the ~ reaffirm v. (L) she ~ed that she would serve as treasurer realism n. to lend ~ (the sound effects lend ~ to the scene) realist n. a down-to-earth, hardheaded ~ realistic adj. ~ to + inf. (is it ~ to expect such results?) reality n. 1. (the) grim, harsh, sober ~ (the harsh ~ of life) 2. in ~ 3. (misc.) to accept ~; to deny ~ realization n. 1. to come to the ~ 2. the ~ that + clause (the ~ that a catastrophe could occur at any time sobered them up) realize v. 1. to ~ fully 2. (L) she ~d that she had been cheated 3. (Q) I ~d how my words had been distorted reaper n. the grim ~ ('death') reapply v. (D; intr.) to ~ for; to (to ~ for admission to a university) reappoint v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ as (to ~ smb. as chairperson) 2. (D; tr.) to ~ to (to ~ smb. to a commit-tee) 3. (H) to ~ smb. to serve as secretary 4. (N; used with a noun) we ~ed her treasurer reappraisal n. to do, make a ~ rear I n. 1. to bring up the ~ 2. at, from, in the ~ (the column was attacked from the ~) II v. (H) we ~ed our children to help others reason I n. ['cause, justification'] 1. to cite, give a ~ 2. a cogent, compelling, convincing, plausible, sound, strong, urgent ~ 3. a logical; personal; underlying; valid ~ 4. every ~; (a) sufficient ~ 5. a ~ against; behind; for (the real ~ behind their decision was never made public; to have a ~ for not going) 6. a ~ to + inf. (we had every ~ to complain; there is sufficient ~ to be concerned) 7. a ~ that + clause (the ~ that/why she did it is a mystery) 8. for a ~ (he quit for personal ~s) ['logic'] 9. to listen to; see ~ 10. to stand to ~ ('to be logical') (it stands to ~ that the majority party will be reelected) ['reasonable limits'] 11. within ~ (I'll do anything for you within ~) ['sanity'] 12. to lose one's ~ II v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ with ('to attempt to persuade') (you can't ~ with him) 2. (L) ('to argue') they ~ed that any new proposal would fail reasonable adj. 1. ~ about (let's be ~ about this) 2. ~ to + inf. (it is not ~ to demand so much from them) reasoning n. 1. cogent, logical, plausible, solid, sound ~ 2. faulty; shrewd; specious ~ 3. deductive; inductive ~ 4. ~ that + clause (her ~ that the crime had been committed elsewhere proved to be true) reassign v. (D; tr.) to ~ to (to ~ smb. to headquarters) reassure v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ about, of (they ~d us of their support) 2. (L; must have an object) we ~d them that we would not be late reassuring adj. 1. ~ to + inf. (it is ~ to note that airport security has been improved) 2. ~ that + clause (it is ~ that airport security has been improved) rebate n. 1. to give a ~ 2. to get, receive a ~ rebel I n. a ~ against II v. (D; intr.) to ~ against, at (to ~ against tyranny; they ~ied at the thought of getting up before dawn) rebellion n. I. to foment, stir up a ~ 2. to crush, put down, quash, quell a ~ 3. open ~ 4. a ~ breaks out 5. a ~ against 6. in ~ (in open ~) rebound I n. 1. (basketball) to grab a ~ 2. (misc.) on the ~ (right after her divorce she married smb. on the~) II v. (D; intr.) to ~ from (to ~ from a setback) rebuff n. 1. to meet with a ~ 2. a polite; sharp ~ rebuke I n. 1. to administer, deliver, give a ~ 2. to draw, receive a ~ 3. a mild; scathing, sharp, stern, stinging ~ 4. a ~ to II v. 1. to ~ mildly; sharply, sternly 2. (D; tr.) to ~ for (to ~ smb. for sloppy work) rebuttal n. to make a ~ recall I n. ['remembrance'] 1. beyond ~ ['memory'] 2. complete, total ~ ['signal recalling troops'] 3. to sound the ~ II v. 1. ('to remember') to ~ distinctly, vividly 2. (d; tr.) ('to remember') to ~ as (I ~ him as a very bashful child) 3. (D; tr.) ('to call back') to ~ from; to (to ~ smb. from retirement to active duty) 4. (G) ('to remember') she ~ed seeing him 5. (K) ('to remember') I ~ed their visiting us 6. (L) ('to remember') she ~ed that she had an appointment 7. (Q) ('to remember') I could not ~ where we had agreed to meet recede v. (D; intr.) to ~ from receipt n. ['receiving'] 1. to acknowledge ~ of 2. on ~ of ['written acknowledgment of something received'] 3. to give, make out, write out a ~ 4. to get a ~ 5. (esp. AE) a return ~ (for registered mail) 6. a ~ for receive v. 1. to ~ smb. coldly, coolly; favorably; warmly 2. (d; tr.) to ~ as (the astronauts were ~d as conquering heroes) 3. (D; tr.) to ~ from (he ~d a letter from her) 4. (d; tr.) to ~ into (to ~ smb. into a church) receiver n. ['part of a telephone'] 1. to pick up the ~ 2. to hang up, put down, replace a ~ 3. a telephone ~ ['radio'] 4. a shortwave ~ ['one who catches a forward pass'] (Am. football) 5. to hit; spot a ~ (to spot a ~ down the field) receivership n. 1. to put a firm into ~ 2. in ~ reception n. ['social gathering'] 1. to give, hold; host a ~ 2. a diplomatic; formal; informal; official; wedding ~ 3. a ~ for (a ~ for graduating students) 4. at a ~ (we met at the ~) ['reaction, response'] ['greeting'] 5. to get, meet with a ~ 6. to accord, give (smb.) a ~ 7. a chilly, cold, cool; cordial, friendly, warm; emotional; enthusiastic; favorable; lavish; mixed; rousing; unfriendly ~ (their proposal got a mixed ~; they gave us a warm ~; the book received a favorable ~) ['registration desk in a hotel'] (BE) 8. at ~ (leave your key at ~) ['receiving of broadcasts'] 9. good, strong; poor, weak~ receptive adj. ~ to (~ to any reasonable offer) recess n. 1. to take a ~ 2. a spring; summer; winter ~ 3. in ~ (parliament was in ~) recession n. 1. a business, economic ~ 2. (misc.) to come out of a ~; to go into a ~ recipe n. a ~ for recipient n. a worthy ~ reciprocate v. (D; intr.) to ~ by; for; with reciprocity n. 1. ~ between 2. (misc.) on a basis of recital n. 1. to give a ~ 2. an organ; piano; violin ~ recite v. (B) she ~d her poetry to the audience reckless adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of them to go out alone at night) reckon v. 1. (colloq. in AE)(d; intr.) ('to depend') to ~ on (you can always ~ on my support) 2. (colloq. in AE) (d; intr.) ('to deal') to ~ with (we'll have to ~ with him later) 3. (colloq.) (L) I ~ we'll have to see them eventually reckoning n. ['navigation'] 1. dead ~ ['calculations'] 2. by smb.'s ~ (by my ~) reclaim v. (D; tr.) to ~ from reclamation n. land; water ~ recluse n. an aging; virtual ~ recognition n. 1. to give, grant ~ 2. to gain, receive, win ~ 3. general, universal; growing; official; public; tacit; wide ~ (to receive universal ~) 4. (diplomatic) de facto; de jure ~ 5. ~ for; from (to receive ~ for one's accomplishments from one's colleagues) 6. beyond ~ (burned beyond ~) 7. in ~ of 8. (misc.) to give/show no signs of ~ recognizance n. (legal) on one's own ~ (she was released on her own ~) recognize v. 1. to ~ generally, universally; officially; widely 2. (D; tr.) to ~ as (she is universally ~d as an authority on the subject) 3. (L) we ~d that the situation was hopeless recoil v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ at, from 2. (misc.) to ~ in horror recollect v. 1. (G) she could not ~ being there 2. (K) can you ~ my calling you? 3. (L) I ~ that the weather was cold 4. (Q) can anyone ~ how the alarm is deactivated? recollection n. 1. to have a ~ of 2. a hazy, vague; painful; vivid ~ recommend v. 1. to ~ enthusiastically, highly, strongly 2. (BE) (A) she ~ed a good dictionary to me; or: she ~ed me a good dictionary 3. (B) she ~ed a good dictionary to me 4. (D; tr.) to ~ as (she was ~ed as a suitable candidate for the job) 5. (D; tr.) to ~ for (to ~ smb. for a job) 6. (G) he ~ed waiting 7. (BE) (H; no passive) I ~ you to buy this book 8. (K) he ~ed their investing in railroad stocks 9. (L; subj.; to) she ~ed (to us) that our trip be/should be postponed recommendation n. 1. to give smb. a ~ 2. to provide, write a ~ for smb. 3. to make a ~ 4. to act on, carry out, implement a ~ 5. a lukewarm; negative; positive; strong; weak ~ 6. a ~ for 7. a ~ to (her ~ to us was to postpone the trip) 8. a ~ to + inf. (we ignored her ~ to postpone the trip) 9. a ~ that + clause; subj. (we ignored her ~ that our trip be/ should be postponed) 10. at, on smb.'s ~ (we hired him on her ~) recommit v. (D; tr.) ('to confine again') to ~ to (he was ~ted to the mental hospital) recompense I n. (formal) ~ for II v. (formal) (D; tr.) to ~ for reconcile v. 1. (D;refl.,tr.) to ~ to (he had to ~ himself to his fate) 2. (d; tr.) to ~ with (we tried to ~ her with her family; to ~ a checkbook with a bank statement) reconciliation n. 1. to bring about, effect a ~ 2. a ~ with reconnaissance n. 1. to carry out, conduct ~ 2. aerial ~ 3. (a) ~ in force record I n. ['best performance'] 1. to establish, set a (new) ~ 2. to equal, tie a ~ 3. to beat, better, break, surpass a ~ 4. to hold a ~ 5. an unbroken ~ 6. an attendance; speed ~ 7. a national; Olympic; world ~ 8. ~s fall ['account of events'] ['file'] 9. to keep; make a ~ (to keep a ~ of events) 10. to close; open up a ~ 11. to destroy ~s 12. an accurate; detailed; official; sketchy; verbatim ~ 13. public ~ (a matter of public ~) 14. medical ~s 15. of; on ~ (the coldest day on ~) 16. (misc.) to set the ~ straight ('to correct a misunderstanding') ['past performance'] 17. (to have) a clean; good ~ 18. an academic; distinguished; excellent; mediocre, spotty; safety; service ~ (her academic ~ is excellent; he's been in jail and has a police ~; this airline's safety ~ is impeccable; she has a distinguished ~ as a public official) ['recorded crimes'] 19. to have a ~ (he's been in jail and has a ~) 20. a criminal, police ~ ['publication'] ['public disclosure'] 21. to go on ~ 22. for the ~ (was his statement for the ~?) 23. off the ~ (what she told the reporters was off the ~) ['grooved disc'] 24. to cut (AE), make a ~ 25. to play a ~ 26. a gramophone (BE), phonograph (AE); long-playing ~ II v. 1. to ~ live 2. (L) ('to report') the newspapers ~ed that a new era in international cooperation had begun recorder n. a tape; voice ~ recording n. 1. to make a ~ 2. to play a ~ 3. a tape records n. ['recorded information'] 1. to file; keep ~ 2. accurate ~ recount I n. to do, make a ~ (of votes) II v. (B) to ~ a story to smb. recourse n. to have ~ to recover v. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ from (to ~ from an illness; the police ~ed the missing items from the bottom of the river) recovery n. 1. to make a ~ 2. a quick, rapid, speedy; remarkable; slow ~ (the patient made a quick ~) 3. an economic ~ 4. a ~ from 5. (misc.) to wish smb. a speedy ~ recreation n. for ~ (what do you do for ~?) recruit I n. a fresh, green, raw ~ II v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ for (to ~ volunteers for charitable work) 2. (D; tr.) to ~ from (to ~ volunteers from friendly countries) 3. (H) to ~ mercenaries to serve in the army recruiter n. an air force; army; marine; navy ~ recuperate v. (D; intr.) to ~ from (to ~ from the flu) recuperation n. ~ from recur v. (D; intr.) ('to come again to mind') to ~ to (that thought keeps ~ring to me) red n. ['color'] 1. bright; dark; light ~ 2. (misc.) as ~ as a beet (AE), beetroot (BE) ['red light'] 3. on ~ (no turn on ~) ['debt'] 4. in the ~ (to operate in the ~) red carpet n. ['warm reception'] to put out, roll out the ~ for smb. rededicate v. (d;refl.,tr.) to ~ to (we must ^ourselves to our cause) rededication n. ~ to redeem v. (D; tr.) to ~ from redemption n. 1. ~ from 2. beyond, past ~ redeploy v. (D; tr.) to ~ from; to (troops were being ~ed from Europe to Asia) redeployment n. 1. large-scale ~ (the large-scale ~ of troops) 2. ~ from; to redevelopment n. urban ~ red-faced adj. ~ with (~ with shame) red light n. 1. to go through, run (AE) a ~ (she ran a ~ and was fined) 2. at a ~ (to stop at a ~) redolent adj. (formal) ~ of, with (~ of honeysuckle) redound v. (formal) (d; intr.) to ~ to ('to affect') (her success ~s to the credit of her teachers) redress n. legal ~ red tape n. 1. to get caught up in, get involved in ~ 2. to cut, eliminate (the) ~ reduce v. 1. (d;tr.) to ~ in (he was ~d in rank) 2. (d; tr.) to ~ to (she was ~d to poverty; the corporal was ~d to the rank of private) reduction n. 1. to take a ~ (in salary) 2. to make a (price) ~ 3. a ~ in (a ~ in salary) 4. a ~ to 5. at a ~ (to sell merchandise at a substantial ~) reef n. 1. to strike a ~ (the ship struck a ~) 2. a barrier; coral ~ reek v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ of (to ~ of alcohol) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ with (to ~ with sweat) reel v. (D; intr.) ('to stagger') to ~ under (to ~ under blows) reeling adj. to send smb. ~ reentry n. a ~ into (a spaceship's ~ into the atmosphere) refer v. (d; intr., tr.) to ~ to (in her autobiography she never ~red to her parents; the problem was ~red to a committee; they ~red me to the manager) referable adj. ~ to refer back v. (d; tr.) to ~ to (the report was ~red back to the committee) reference n. ['mention, allusion'] 1. to make (a) ~ (she made no ~s to her opponents) 2. to contain a ~ (the statement contains several ~s to me) 3. a direct; indirect, oblique ~ 4. a ~ to (without ~ to age) ['regard, relation'] 5. in, with ~ to 6. a frame of ~ ['recommendation'] ['statement'] 7. to give, provide a ~ 8. a good, positive, satisfactory; negative ~ ['consultation'] ['source of information'] 9. further; quick ~ 10. for ~ (to file for future ~) referendum n. to conduct, hold a ~ on referral n. 1. to make a ~ 2. a ~ from; to refill n. 1. to give smb. a ~ 2. a ~ for (a ~ for a ballpoint pen) refine v. (d; intr.) to ~ on, upon ('to improve') (to ~ on a method) refinery n. an oil; sugar ~ reflect v. 1. ('to think about') to ~ closely; seriously 2. (D; intr.) to ~ on, upon ('to think about') (to ~ on one's past mistakes) 3. (d; intr.) to ~ on ('to discredit') (her unfounded accusations ~ed on her credibility) 4. (d; intr.) to ~ on ('to show') (her unselfish act ~s well on her upbringing) 5. (d; tr.) to - on ('to bring to') (the team's victory ~ed credit on the coach) reflection n. ['criticism'] 1. a ~ on (this is no — on your qualifications) ['meditation, thought'] 2. quiet; serious; sober ~ 3. ~ on (~s on the war) 4. after, on ~ (on further ~ she saw her mistake) reflex n. 1. to test one's ~es 2. a conditioned ~ 3. abnormal; diminished; hyperactive; normal ~es reform n. 1. carry out, effect a ~ 2. a far-reaching; radical, sweeping ~ 3. (an) agrarian, land; economic; labor; orthographic, spelling; penal; social ~ reformatory n. (now AE; obsol.) at, in a ~ (he spent time at/in a ~) reformer n. an economic; social ~ refraction n. ['eye examination'] to do a ~ (the oculist did a ~) refrain I n. to sing a ~ II v. (D; intr.) to ~ from (to ~ from smoking) refreshments n. 1. to offer ~ 2. light; liquid ~ refrigeration n. under ~ (to keep food under ~) refrigerator n. 1. to defrost a ~ 2. a frostfree ~ 3. an electric; gas ~ 4. (misc.) to raid the ~ ('to consume large quantities of food from the refrigerator, esp. at night') refueling, refuelling n. inflight, midair ~ refuge n. 1. to give, provide ~ 2. to find, take; seek ~ 3. a wildlife ~ 4. a place of ~ 5. ~ from (to take ~ from the storm) refugee n. 1. a political ~ 2. a ~ from refund I n. 1. to give, pay a ~ 2. to get, receive a ~ 3. a tax ~ II v. (B) the manager ~ed the purchase price to the customer refusal n. 1. an adamant, curt, flat, outright, point-blank, unyielding ~ 2. a first ~ (BE; CE has first option) 3. a ~ to + int. (I could not comprehend her ~ to help) 4. (misc.) to meet with a ~ refuse I n. (BE) to collect the ~ (see also garbage, trash) II v. 1. to ~ categorically, completely, outright, point-blank 2. (E) she ~d to see him 3. (0; can be used with one object) he ~d them nothing refute v. to ~ completely regain v. (D; tr.) to ~ from regale v. (d; tr.) to ~ with (to ~ one's guests with funny stories) regard I n. ['consideration'] 1. to show ~ 2. ~ for (he shows no ~ for the feelings of others; you must have ~ for our safety) ['esteem'] 3. high; low ~ (to hold smb. in high ~) ['aspect, relation'] 4. in a ~ (in this ~) 5. in, with ~ to (in ~ to your request, no decision has been made) II v. 1. to ~ highly (highly ~ed in the scientific community) 2. (d; tr.) to ~ as (to ~ smb. as a friend) 3. (d; tr.) to ~ with (to ~ smb. with contempt) regardless adj. ~ of regards n. ['greetings'] 1. to convey smb.'s ~; to send one's ~ 2. to give smb. one's ~ 3. best, cordial, friendly, kind, kindest, sincere, warm, warmest; personal ~ (with best personal ~) regatta n. an annual ~ regime n. 1. to establish a ~ 2. to overthrow a ~ 3. a puppet; totalitarian ~ regiment n. 1. a Guards (GB); infantry ~ 2. a colonel commands a ~ region n. a border; mountainous; outlying, remote; polar; unpopulated ~ register I n. ['record, record book'] 1. to keep a ~ 2. a case; hotel ~ ['roster'] 3. the Social Register ['machine that registers the amount of each sale'] 4. a cash ~ II v. 1. (D;intr.,tr.) to ~ as (she ~ed as a Republican; he was not ~ed as a voter) 2. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ for (she ~ed for two courses; our departmental secretary has ~ed ten students for the seminar) 3. (D; tr.) to ~ in (how many ~ed in the course?) 4. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ with (he had to ~ with the authorities; to ~ a pistol with the police) registration n. 1. to conduct ~ 2. gun; voter ~ regress v. (D; intr.) to ~ to (to ~ to one's childhood) regret I n. 1. to express ~(s) 2. to feel; show ~ 3. deep, keen ~ 4. a token of (one's) ~ 5. ~ at, over; for (to express ~ at not being able to accept an invitation; ~ for one's mistake) II v. 1. to ~ deeply, very much 2. (formal) (E) we ~ to inform you that your position has been eliminated 3. (G) I ~ having to leave so early 4. (K) everyone ~ted his being dismissed 5. (L) we ~ that we cannot accept your invitation regrets n. ['expression of regret at declining an invitation'] 1. to send ~ 2. ~ only (appears on invitations instructing recipients to respond only if they are unable to accept) regulation n. 1. to adopt, enact a ~ 2. to apply, enforce a ~ 3. to obey, observe a ~ 4. to ignore; violate a ~ 5. rigid, strict ~s 6. army; government; health; police; security; traffic ~s 7. a ~ that + clause; subj. (we obeyed the ~ that no cars be/ should be parked there) rehabilitation n. physical ~ rehearsal n. 1. to conduct, hold; schedule a ~ 2. a dress, final ~ 3. a ~ for 4. at a ~ (I'll see you at the dress ~) rehearse v. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ for (to ~ for a concert) reign I n. during smb.'s~ II v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ over 2. (s) to ~ supreme reimburse v. 1. to ~ amply, fully, generously 2. (rare) (B) all expenses will be ~d to you 3. (D; tr.) to ~ for (you will be ~d for all expenses) reimbursement n. ~ for rein I n. ['control'] 1. to keep a ~ on 2. to give free, full ~ to ('to remove restraints on') 3. a tight ~ (to keep a tight ~ on smb.) 4. (misc.) to seize the ~s of government II v. (D; tr.) to ~ to (to ~ a horse to the left) reinforcements n. to bring up; commit; send ~ reins n. ['straps used to control an animal'] to draw in, tighten the ~ reinstate v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ as (she was ~d as treasurer) 2. (D; tr.) to ~ in (to ~ smb. in her/his former position) reissue v. (B) the supply sergeant ~d ammunition to the platoon reiterate v. 1. (B) she ~d her story to the police 2. (L) he ~d that he would resign reject v. to ~ completely, flatly, outright, totally rejection n. complete, flat, outright, total ~ rejoice v. (D; intr.) to ~ at, in, over (they ~d at the good news) rejoinder n. 1. a sharp; telling ~ 2. a ~ to relapse n. 1. to have, suffer a ~ 2. a complete, total ~ relate v. 1. (B) she ~d her version of the incident to the police 2. (d; intr.) to ~ to (this law does not ~ to your case; how do they ~ to each other?) related adj. ~ by; to (I am ~ to him by marriage) relation n. 1. a ~ between 2. in ~ to relations n. 1. to establish; have, maintain; normalize; renew ~ 2. to cement, improve, promote, strengthen ~ 3. to break off, sever; strain ~ (to break off diplomatic ~ with a country) 4. close, intimate; friendly; strained, troubled ~ 5. business, commercial, economic, trade; diplomatic; extramarital; foreign; international; labor; marital; premarital; public; race; sexual ~ (to have sexual ~ with smb.) 6. ~ among, between; with 7. (misc.) friends and ~ ('friends and relatives') relationship n. 1. to cement; establish a ~ (to establish a ~ with smb.) 2. to bear, have a ~ (to bear a ~ to smt.) 3. to break off a ~ (to break off a ~ with smb.) 4. a casual; close, intimate; direct; indirect; meaningful; solid; tenuous; warm ~ 5. a doctor-patient ~ 6. an extramarital; incestuous ~; interpersonal; spatial ~s 7. an inverse ~ 8. a ~ between; to, towards; with relative I adj. ~ to II n. a blood; close; distant ~; one's nearest ~s relaxant n. a muscle ~ relaxation n. for ~ (what do you do for ~?) relaxing adj. ~ to + inf. (it is ~ to spend a few days camping out) relay I n. to run a ~ II v. (B) she ~ed the information to us release I n. ['liberation'] 1. to bring about, effect smb.'s ~ 2. a ~ from (a ~ from prison) ['surrender of a claim or right'] (legal) 3. to agree to; sign a ~ ['handing over'] 4. ~ to (the ~ of information to the press) 5. a news ~ II v. l.(D;tr.) to ~ from (he has been ~d from prison) 2. (D; tr.) to ~ to (the judge ~d the youthful culprit to his parents; the film has been ~d to various movie theaters; the information was ~d to the press) relegate v. 1. (d; tr.) to ~ to (to ~ smb. to second-class status) 2. (misc.) (GB) to ~ a team to the second division relevance n. 1. to have ~ to 2. of ~ to (his testimony is of no ~ to the case) relevant adj. ~ to (the evidence is ~ to the case) reliance n. ~ on reliant adj. ~ on relics n. ancient; holy ~; ~ of the past relief n. ['easing of pain, of a burden'] 1. to bring; give ~ 2. to express; feel ~ 3. to find; receive; seek ~ (they found ~ in looking at their son's photographs) 4. great, immense; instant; permanent; temporary ~ 5. (esp. BE) tax ~ 6. ~ from (the rain brought instant ~ from the heat) 7. ~ to (the news was a great ~ to us) 8. a ~ to + inf. (it was a ~ to get home) 9. ~ that + clause (they expressed ~ that the crisis was over) 10. to smb.'s ~ (to my ~ they got there safely) ['welfare, government aid'] (esp. AE; obsol.) 11. on ~ (in the 1930s they were on ~) ['comic scenes'] 12. comic; mock ~ ['differences in height'] 13. in ~ (to show terrain in ~) ['sharpness of outline'] 14. in bold ~ against (a light background) relieve v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ of (the general was ~d of his command) 2. (R) it ~d me to learn that they were safe relieved adj. 1. ~ at (we were ~ at the news) 2. ~ to + inf. (we were ~ to learn that they had arrived safely) 3. ~ that + clause (we were ~ that they had arrived safely) religion n. ['formal belief in a divine power'] 1. to practice a ~ 2. to abjure a ~ 3. a fundamentalist; monotheistic; polytheistic ~ 4. (an) established, organized ~ 5. a personal; state ~ ['study of systems of worship'] 6. comparative ~(s) religious adj. deeply, profoundly ~ relinquish v. (B) ('to yield') he ~ed his business interests to his children relish I n. ['enjoyment'] to show ~ for II v. 1.(G) I don't ~ confronting him 2. (K) no one ~es his coming here reluctance n. 1. to display, show ~ 2. extreme, great ~ 3. ~ to + inf. (her ~ to get involved was understandable) reluctant adj. (usu. does not stand alone) ~ to + inf. (we were ~ to act) rely v. (d; intr.) to ~ on, upon (to ~ on smb. for advice) remain v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ of (did anything ~ of the wreckage?) 2. (E) that ~s to be seen 3. (S) she ~ed a widow for the rest of her life; to ~ silent remains n. human, mortal ~ remand v. (d; tr.) ('to send') to ~ to (the judge ~ed the accused to the county jail) remark I n. 1. to drop, make a ~ 2. a biting, catty, caustic, cutting, nasty, scathing ~ 3. a casual; complimentary; cryptic; derogatory; facetious; flattering; impertinent; inane; indiscreet; off ~ the-cuff; passing; pithy; pointed; reassuring; sarcastic; slanderous; snide; suggestive; sullen; timely; trite; trivial; witty ~ 4. one's closing, concluding; opening ~s 5. a ~ that + clause (she made the ~ that being interviewed was boring) II v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ on, upon (the visitors ~ed on the excellent condition of the streets) 2. (L; to) she ~ed (to us) that she found our story very strange remarkable adj. 1. ~ for 2. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ to see such clean streets) 3. ~ that + clause (it's ~ that the streets are so clean after the parade) remedy n. 1. to resort to a ~ 2. to prescribe a ~ 3. (legal) to pursue a (legal) ~ 4. (legal) to exhaust all (legal) ~ies 5. a certain, reliable, sure; effective, efficacious ~ 6. a cold; cough ~ 7. a folk; homeopathic ~ 8. a ~ for remember v. 1. (B; colloq. the direct object is always a personal pronoun) please ~ me to your family ('please give my regards to your family') 2. (D; tr.) to ~ as (I ~ him as a young man) 3. (D; tr.) to ~ of (what do you ~ of them?) 4. (E) she ~ed to buy a newspaper 5. (G) she ~ed buying the newspaper 6. (J) I ~ him being very generous 7. (K) I ~ his being very generous 8. (L) she ~ed that she had an appointment 9. (Q) I could not ~ how to open the safe USAGE NOTE: The sentence she didn't remember to buy a newspaper means 'she forgot to buy a newspaper'. The sentence she didn't remember buying a newspaper means 'she had no memory of buying a newspaper', whether she bought one or not. remembrance n. in ~ of remind v. 1. (d; tr.) ('to cause to remember') to ~ about, of (he ~ed me of my promise) 2. (d; tr.) ('to call to mind') to ~ of (he ~s me of my cousin) 3. (H) she ~ed me to buy a newspaper 4. (L; must have an object) we ~ed them that the meeting had been postponed reminder n. 1. a bitter; final; gentle; grim ~ 2. a ~ that + clause (we received a ~ that the rent was due) reminisce v. (D; intr.) to ~ about reminiscences n. 1. personal ~ 2. ~ about reminiscent adj. (cannot stand alone) ~ of (that melody is ~ of the old days) remiss adj. (formal) ~ about, in (~ in performing one's duties) remission n. ['lessening of the effects of a disease'] (med.) in ~ remit I n. (BE) ['assignment, area of responsibility'] 1. a limited; wide ~ 2. a ~ to + inf. (they have a ~ to investigate the company's affairs) II v. 1. (BE) (A) they ~ted the money to us; or: they ~ted us the money 2. (AE) (B) they ~ted the money to us remittance n. 1. to enclose; send a ~ 2. (obsol.) (BE) a ~ man ('one living abroad on money sent from home') remonstrate v. (formal) (D; intr.) to ~ about; with (they ~d with the neighbors about the noise) remorse n. 1. to display, show ~ 2. to express; feel ~ 3. bitter, deep, profound ~ 4. a feeling; twinge of ~ 5. ~ for, over (he displayed no ~ for his crimes) remote adj. ~ from removal n. 1. snow ~ 2. (BE) furniture ~ 3. ~ from remove v. (D; tr.) to ~ from; to (to ~ a patient from a respirator) removed adj. 1. easily ~ 2. once; twice ~ (a first cousin once ~) remover n. (a) nail-polish (AE), nail-varnish (BE); paint; spot ~ remunerate v. (formal) (D; tr.) to ~ for remuneration n. 1. to offer ~ 2. to accept ~ 3. ~ for rend v. (D; tr.) ('to tear') to ~ into (to ~ one's clothes into shreds) render v. 1. (A) she ~ed a valuable service to me; or; she ~ed me a valuable service 2. (formal) (D; tr.) to ~ into (to ~ a text into English) 3. (N; used with an adjective) her remark ~ed me speechless rendezvous n. 1. to have; make a ~ with 2. a secret rendition n. 1. to give a ~ 2. a letter-perfect (AE), word-perfect (BE) ~ renege v. (D; intr.) to ~ on (to ~ on a commitment) renewal n. urban ~ renounce v. (D; tr.) to ~ for (to ~ wealth for happiness) renovations n. to make ~ renown n. (formal) 1. to achieve, attain ~ 2. great, wide ~ 3. of ~ (an artist of great ~) renowned adj. ~ as; for (~ as a pianist; ~ for one's inventions) rent I n. 1. to pay ~ for 2. to raise the ~ 3. (AE) for ~ (the house is for ~) (BE has the house is to let) 4. (misc.) ~ control II v. 1. (esp. AE) (A) she ~ed a room to me; or: she ~ed me a room 2. (D; tr.) to ~ from (to ~ a house from smb.) 3. (esp. AE) (d; intr.) to ~ to (she ~s to students) rental n. 1. car; film; office ~ 2. ~ to rent out v. (esp. AE) (B) to ~ rooms to students (see also let out) reorganization n. to undergo ~ repair I n. ['process of restoring to working order'] 1. to do, make a ~ (we have done the necessary ~s) 2. extensive, major; minor; necessary ~s 3. ~s to (the ~s to our roof cost one hundred dollars) 4. under ~ (the road is under ~) ['condition'] 5. in ~ (to keep a car in good ~; in poor~) II v. (formal or humorous) (d; intr.) ('to go') to ~ to (to ~ to the drawing room) reparations n. 1. to pay ~ 2. war ~ 3. ~ for repartee n. witty ~ repast n. a light, meager ~ repatriate v. (D; tr.) to ~ from; to repatriation n. 1. forced ~ 2. ~ from; to repay v. 1. (A) she repaid the money to me; or: she repaid me the money 2. (D; tr.) to ~ for (I repaid him for his expenses) 3. (D; tr.) to ~ to (to ~ one's debt to society) repeat v. 1. (B) she ~ed her story to us 2. (D; intr.) ('to cause an unpleasant aftertaste') to ~ on (this type of food ~s on me) 3. (L; to) he ~ed (to me) that he would buy some stamps 4. (misc.) ~ after me repellent I adj. ~ to II n. an insect, mosquito ~ repent v. 1. to ~ sincerely 2. (D; intr.) to ~ of (to ~ of one's sins) 3. (rare) (G) he ~ed having stolen the car repentance n. 1. to show ~ for 2. genuine, sincere repercussions n. 1. to have ~ on 2. far-reaching ~ repertory n. in ~ (to play in ~) replace v. (D; tr.) to ~ by, with replacement n. 1. to make a ~ 2. to get, receive a ~ for 3. (misc.) the ~ of smt. by smt. else replay n. action (BE), instant (AE) ~ replenish v. (D; tr.) to ~ with replete adj. (cannot stand alone) ~ with reply I n. 1. to give, make; send a ~ 2. to draw, elicit a ~ 3. a curt, gruff; immediate, prompt; stinging; succinct; sullen; terse; witty ~ 4. in ~ (to nod in ~) 5. in ~ to (in ~ to your letter) II v. 1. to ~ immediately, promptly 2. (D; intr.) to ~ to (she did not ~ to my letter) 3. (L) she replied that she would be happy to accept our invitation report I n. 1. to file, give, make, present, submit a ~ 2. to draw up, make out, write, write out, write up a ~ 3. to confirm a ~ 4. an accurate; biased, slanted; confirmed; detailed, exhaustive; favorable, positive; firsthand; negative, unfavorable; objective; unconfirmed ~ 5. an annual; daily; incident; interim; majority; minority; monthly; morning; newspaper; oral; status; traffic; weather; weekly; written ~ 6. a classified; confidential; restricted; secret; top secret ~ 7. a school ~ (BE; AE has report card) 8. a ~ about, on; to (she filed a ~ about the incident; the annual ~ to stockholders) 9. a ~ that + clause (we have heard ~s that the road is closed) II v. 1. (B) ('to relate') we ~ed the information to the authorities 2. (D; intr.) to ~ about, on ('to describe') (the correspondent ~ed on the situation at the front) 3. (D; intr.) ('to present oneself) to ~ for; to (to ~ to headquarters for duty) 4. (D; tr.) ('to inform on') to ~ for; to (to ~ smb. to the police for violating an ordinance) 5. (pol.) (AE) (d; tr.) to ~ out of ('to return smt. for further action') (to ~ a bill out of committee) 6. (D; intr.) to ~ to ('to answer to') (she ~s directly to the dean) 7. (G) ('to make known') several people ~ed having seen the stolen car 8. (K) ('to make known') smb. ~ed their leaving early 9. (L; to) ('to relate') she ~ed (to us) that she had accomplished her mission 10. (M) ('to describe') the fire was ~ed to be burning out of control 11. (N; used with an adjective, past participle) ('to describe') the patrol ~ed the entire area clear/ cleared; he was ~ed missing in action 12. (Q) ('to describe') they ~ed how the incident took place 13. (esp. BE) (s) to ~ sick report back v. (D; intr.) to ~ to (you will ~ to the chairperson of the committee) reported adj. (cannot stand alone) 1. ~ to + inf. (they were ~ to be safe) 2. ~ that + clause (it was ~ed that they were safe) reporter n. a court; cub; financial; investigative; news; police; roving; science; society; sports; TV report in v. (AE) (s) to ~ sick repose n. in (a state of) ~ represent v. 1. ('to depict') to ~ graphically 2. (B) ('to be the equivalent of) this room ~ed home to them 3. (esp. BE) (B) ('to convey') to ~ one's grievances to the authorities 4. (d; tr.) ('to depict') to ~ as (she was ~ed as a hero) representation n. ['statement'] ['protest'] 1. to make ~s to (our ambassador made ~s to their government) ['act of representing'] 2. proportional ~ representative I adj. ~ of II n. 1. a sales ~ (BE also has commercial traveller) 2. an elected ~ repression n. (to live) under ~ repressive adj. ~ of reprieve n. 1. to give, grant a ~ 2. to get, receive a ~ 3. a ~ from reprimand I n. 1. to administer, issue a ~ (the judge issued a ~ from the bench) 2. to receive a ~ 3. a mild; severe, sharp, stern ~ 4. an oral; written II v. (D; tr.) to ~ for (to ~ an employee for being late) reprint n. to issue a ~ (of a book) reprisal n. 1. to carry out ~s 2. a harsh ~ 3. a ~ against, on 4. in ~ for 5. (misc.) by way of ~ reproach I n. 1. a term of ~ 2. above, beyond ~ II v. (D;refl.,tr.)to~for reproduce v. (D; tr.) to ~ from (to ~ a photograph from an old negative) reproduction n. ['copy'] 1. (a) high-fidelity; stereophonic ~ ['biological process of reproducing'] 2. animal; human; plant ~ reprove v. (formal) (D; tr.) to ~ for reptile n. ~s crawl, creep, slither republic n. 1. to establish a ~ 2. an autonomous; banana (obsol.); democratic; people's ~ Republican n. (US) a registered ~ repugnance n. 1. to feel ~ 2. (a) deep, profound ~ repugnant adj. ~ to repulsive adj. ~ to reputation n. 1. to acquire, establish a ~ 2. to have, hold a ~ (he had the ~ of being a heavy drinker) 3. to guard, protect one's ~ 4. to compromise, destroy, ruin, tarnish smb.'s ~ 5. an enviable, excellent, fine, good, impeccable, spotless, unblemished, unsullied, untarnished ~ 6. a tainted, tarnished, unenviable ~ 7. an international, worldwide; local; national ~ 8. a ~ as, for (that judge has a ~ for being fair) 9. by ~ (to know smb. by ~) 10. (misc.) to live up to one's ~; to stake one's ~ on smt. repute n. ill, low ~ (a place of ill ~; to be held in low ~ ) reputed adj. (cannot stand alone) 1. generally, widely ~ 2. ~ to + inf. (she is ~ to be very generous) request I n. 1. to file, make, submit a ~ (to file a ~ with the appropriate authorities; she has a ~ to make of us; to submit a ~ to the mayor's office) 2. to act on; honor a ~ 3. to deny, reject a ~ 4. a desperate, urgent; moderate, modest; reasonable; unreasonable ~ 5. a formal; informal; oral; unofficial; written ~ 6. a ~ for (to make a ~ for more money) 7. a ~ to + inf. (a ~ to be allowed to leave) 8. a ~ that + clause; subj. (we submitted a ~ that more lights be/should be installed on our street) 9. at smb.'s ~ (she did it at my ~) 10. by, on, upon ~ (brochures are mailed out on ~) II v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ from; of (to ~ a favor of smb.) 2. (rare) (H) to ~ smb. to do smt. 3. (L; subj.) she ~ed that I be/should be there require v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ from, of (she ~s a term paper of each student) 2. (esp. BE) (G) the house ~s painting 3. (H) we ~ all incoming students to take placement examinations 4. (K) this position ~s your getting here on time every day 5. (L; subj.) she ~d that everyone attend/should attend the meeting requirement n. 1. to establish, set ~s 2. to fill, fulfill, meet, satisfy a ~ 3. to waive a ~ 4. admission, entrance; distributional (AE); legal; minimum; physical ~s 5. a ~ that + clause; subj. (this candidate does not meet the ~ that secondary school be/should be completed) requisite n. a ~ for requisition I n. 1. to make out, send in, submit a ~ 2. to fill a ~ 3. a ~ for 4. on ~ (that item is on ~) II v. (D; tr.) to ~ for rerun n. to show a ~ (that channel keeps showing ~s of old TV programs) rescue I n. 1. to attempt; effect, make, mount a ~ 2. a daring, heroic ~ 3. a ~ from II v. (D; tr.) to ~ from research n. 1. to conduct, do, pursue ~ 2. detailed, laborious, painstaking, solid, thorough; independent; original ~ 3. animal; market; medical; operations; scientific; space ~ 4. ~ in, into, on (~ on the development of an electric engine) researcher n. an independent ~ resemblance n. 1. to bear a ~ to 2. a close, strong; remote; striking ~ 3. a family ~ 4. a ~ between; to resemble v. to ~ closely resent v. 1. to ~ bitterly, strongly 2. (G) she ~s having to wait 3. (J) we ~ him being the center of attraction 4. (K) we ~ed his being the center of attraction resentful adj. 1. bitterly ~ 2. ~ about, at, of resentment n. 1. to arouse, stir up ~ 2. to bear, feel, harbor ~ 3. to express, voice ~ 4. bitter, deep, profound, sullen ~ 5. ~ about; against; at, towards 6. ~ that + clause (they felt ~ that nobody paid attention to their request) reservation n. ['booking'] 1. to make a ~ (we made a ~ at a very good hotel) 2. to confirm a ~ 3. to cancel a ~ 4. an advance; hotel, motel ~ ['qualification'] 5. a mental ~ 6. without ~ ['tract of land'] 7. an Indian; military ~ reservations n. ['doubts'] 1. to have ~ 2. deep, strong ~ 3. ~ about (do you have any ~ about the agreement?) reserve I n. ['restraint, coolness'] 1. to display, show ~ 2. to break down smb.'s ~ ['limitation, restriction'] 3. without ~ (to accept a proposal without ~) ['availability'] 4. in ~ (to hold/keep smt. in ~) ['tract of land'] 5. a nature ~ ['military force kept available for future use'] 6. the active; inactive ~ II v. 1. (D; tr.) ('to set aside') to ~ for (these seats are ~d for the handicapped) 2. (esp. AE) (D; tr.) ('to order in advance') to ~ for (we have ~d a room for you) (BE usu. has to book) reserved adj. ['restrained, reticent'] 1. ~ about 2. ~ towards, with reserves n. ['forces kept available for future use'] (usu. mil. and sports) 1. to call out, call up the ~ 2. to commit one's ~ 3. limited; limitless ~ reservoir n. an artificial; natural ~ reside v. (P; intr.) they ~ in London residence n. ['home, abode'] 1. to establish, take up ~ 2. to change one's (place of) ~ 3. one's legal; permanent ~ ['state of being officially present'] 4. in ~ (a poet in ~) resign v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ from (she ~ed from her job) 2. (d; refl.) to ~ to (he ~ed himself to his fate) resignation n. ['act of resigning'] 1. to hand in, offer, submit, tender; withdraw one's ~ 2. to accept; reject smb.'s ~ 3. a ~ from ['acceptance, submission'] 4. ~ to (one's fate) resigned adj. ['submissive'] ~ to (~ to one's fate) resist v. (G) they couldn't ~ making fun of him resistance n. 1. to offer, put up ~ 2. to break down, crush, overcome, overpower, put down, smash, wear down ~ 3. determined, fierce, stiff, strong, stubborn, valiant ~ 4. armed; non ~ violent, passive; spotty; weak ~ 5. ~ to (~ to a disease) resistant adj. ~ to (~ to change) resolute adj. ~ in (~ in one's decision to do smt.) resolution n. ['decision'] 1. to propose a ~ 2. to adopt, pass a ~ 3. a joint ~ (of Congress) 4. a ~ to + inf. (they adopted a ~ to increase membership dues) 5. a ~ that + clause; subj. (a ~ was passed that aid to farmers be/should be increased) ['vow'] 6. to make a (New Year's) ~ ['resolve'] 7. firm ~ ['fine detail'] (optics) 8. sharp ~ resolve I n. 1. to display, show ~ 2. to strengthen one's ~ 3. (a) firm ~ II v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ into (to ~ an issue into several component parts) 2. (E) she ~d to work harder 3. (L) we ~d that we would resist to the end resolved adj. (usu. does not stand alone) 1. firmly ~ 2. ~ to + inf. (we are ~ to finish the work on time) 3. (formal) ~ that + clause; subj. (be it ~ that an official delegation be/should be sent) resort I n. ['recourse'] 1. (formal) to have ~ to 2. a last ~ (as a last ~) ['recreational center'] 3. a health; holiday, vacation (esp. AE); summer; winter ~ II v. (d; intr.) to ~ to (to ~ to trickery) resources n. 1. to develop; exploit, tap ~ 2. to husband; marshal!; pool, share one's ~ 3. economic; natural; untapped ~ (to exploit natural ~) 4. the ~ to + inf. (we have the ~ to do the job) respect I n. ['esteem'] 1. to pay, show ~ to 2. to command, inspire ~ (she commands ~ from everyone = she commands everyone's ~) 3. to earn, win; lose smb.'s ~ 4. deep, profound, sincere; due; grudging; mutual ~ 5. ~ for (~ for the law) 6. out of ~ (she did it out of ~ for her parents) 7. in ~ (to hold smb. in ~) 8. with ~ (with all due ~, I disagree) ['regard'] 9. in a ~ (in this ~; in all ~s) 10. in, with ~ to II v. (D; tr.) to ~ as (to ~ smb. as a scholar) respectful adj. ~ of, to (~ of one's elders) respects n. to pay; send one's ~ respiration n. artificial; labored; normal ~ (to give smb. artificial ~) respite n. 1. to allow, give ~ (we allowed them no ~) 2. a brief, temporary ~ 3. a ~ from (there was no ~ from the cold) 4. without ~ respond v. 1. (D; intr.) ('to react') to ~ by (they ~ed by walking out) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ to ('to answer') to ~ to a letter 3. (D; intr.) ('to react') to ~ to (to ~ to treatment) response n. 1. to elicit, evoke a ~ 2. to give a ~ 3. a glib; sullen; witty ~ 4. a lukewarm ~ 5. a ~ to 6. in ~ to responsibility n. ['accountability'] ['obligation'] 1. to accept, assume, shoulder, take, take on (a) ~ 2. to bear, exercise; share (the) ~ 3. to dodge, evade, shirk ~ 4. an awesome; clear; grave, great, heavy, terrible (colloq.) ~ 5. collective; personal ~ 6. the ultimate ~ 7. ~ lies with smb. 8. ~ for (to bear the ~ for the smooth operation of the assembly line) 9. the ~ to + inf. (everyone has the ~ to pay taxes) 10. ~ that + clause; subj. (it was her ~ that all members be/should be notified) 11. on one's ~ (she did it on her own ~) ['blame'] 12. to lay the ~ at smb.'s door 13. to admit, claim ~ (a shadowy group claimed ~ for the hijacking) 14. to disclaim ~ 15. ~ for responsible adj. ~ for; to (politicians are ~ to the voters; people are ~ for their actions) responsive adj. ~ to (~ to flattery) responsiveness n. ~ to rest I n. ['repose'] 1. to have, take a ~ 2. a well ~ earned ~ 3. bed; complete ~ 4. ~ from 5. at ~ 6. (misc.) to go to one's eternal ~ ('to die'); laid to ~ ('buried'); at parade ~ (mil.); to set one's mind at ~ ['support'] 7. an armrest; chin ~ II v. 1. (d; intr.) ('to stand') to ~ on (the statue ~s on a pedestal) 2. (d; intr.) ('to depend') to ~ with (the decision ~s with the court) restaurant n. 1. to manage, operate, run a ~ 2. an elegant, first ~ class ~ 3. a dairy; fast ~ food ~ 4. (BE) a licensed ~ (that may sell alcoholic drinks) restful adj. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ just to sit and read = it's ~ just sitting and reading) restitution n. 1. to make; offer ~ 2. ~ for 3. ~ to restore v. (d; tr.) to ~ to (to ~ smb. to her/his former position) restrain v. (D; refl., tr.) to ~ from (to ~ smb. from committing violence) restraint n. ['control'] ['act of restraining'] 1. to display, exercise, show ~ 2. to cast off, fling off, shake off (all) ~ 3. (legal) prior ~ 4. ~ in (they showed ~ in responding to the provocation) 5. in ~ of (in ~ of trade) ['device for restraining'] 6. to apply, put on ~s restrict v. (D; refl., tr.) to ~ to (the chair ~ed discussion to items on the official agenda; she ~ed herself to two meals a day) restriction n. 1. to impose, place, put ~s on 2. to lift a ~ 3. ~s on result I n. 1. to achieve, produce ~s 2. to evaluate, measure; tabulate ~s 3. to negate, nullify, undo a ~ 4. a direct; final; lasting; logical; negative; net; positive; striking; surprising ~ 5. overall; surefire ~s II v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ from (her death ~ed from an overdose of pills) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ in (the argument ~ed in a fight) resume v. (G) she ~d working resurrect v. (D; tr.) to ~ from (to ~ smb. from the dead) resuscitation n. 1. to give ~ (the victim was given mouth-to-mouth ~) 2. cardiopulmonary (= CPR); mouth-to-mouth ~ retail I adv. to buy; sell ~ II v. to ~ for (it ~s for fifty dollars) retainer n. ['advance fee'] to put down a ~ retaliate v. (D; intr.) to ~ against; for (to ~ against the enemy for shelling civilian targets) retaliation n. 1. massive ~ 2. an act of ~ 3. in ~ for retardant n. a fire; rust ~ retardation n. mental ~ retarded adj. mentally ~ retell v. (usu. B; occ. A) she has retold the story to us many times reticence n. 1. to display ~ 2. ~ about reticent adj. ~ about retina n. a detached ~ retire v. 1. (D; intr.) ('to end one's working career') to ~ from (to ~ from one's job) 2. (D; intr.) ('to withdraw') to ~ to (the troops ~d to safer positions; let's ~ to the drawing room) retirement n. 1. to go into ~ 2. to come out of ~ 3. compulsory, forced; early ~; semi ~ retirement; voluntary ~ 4. in ~ (to live in~) retool v. 1. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ for (to ~ for wartime production) 2. (H) to ~ a plant to build prefabricated houses retort I n. 1. to make a ~ 2. a ~ to II v. (L) he ~ed heatedly that he needed no favors retraction n. to issue a ~ retreat I n. ['withdrawal'] 1. to beat, carry out, make a ~ (they made good their ~; the regiment carried out its ~ in good order) 2. a hasty, precipitate ~ 3. full ~ (in full ~) 4. a strategic; tactical ~ ['signal for withdrawal'] 5. to sound ~ ['music for a flag-lowering ceremony'] (mil.) 6. to play, sound ~ ['secluded gathering'] 7. to go on (a) ~ 8. a religious; weekend ~ ['secluded spot'] 9. a country ~ II v. (D; intr.) to ~ from; to (our troops ~ed from the border to safer positions; our government has ~ed from its hard-line position) retribution n. 1. to exact ~ from; to visit ~ on 2. divine ~ retrieval n. data, information ~ retrieve v. (D; tr.) to ~ from (to ~ data from a computer) retroactive adj.. ~ to retrorocket n. to activate, fire a ~ retrospect n. in ~ retrospection n. in ~ return I n. ['statement about income'] 1. to file a (tax) ~ 2. a joint; tax ~ ['going back, coming back'] 3. a ~ from; to (his ~ to civilian life) 4. on smb.'s ~ (on their ~ from a trip abroad) 5. the point of no ~ ['profit'] 6. to yield a ~ (this investment will yield a ~ of ten percent) ['compensation'] 7. in ~ (to give smt. in ~) 8. in ~ for II v. l.(B)she~edthemoneytome2.(D;intr., tr.) to ~ from; to (to ~ from a holiday/vacation; she ~ed to her home; to ~ books to the library) returns n. ['election results'] 1. early; election; final; late ~ ['misc.'] 2. many happy ~ of the day ('happy birthday') reunion n. 1. to hold a ~ 2. a touching ~ 3. an annual; class; family ~ reunite v. (D; tr.) to ~ with (to ~ smb. with her/ his family) reveal v. 1. (B) she ~ed the secret to us 2. (L; to) he ~ed (to us) that he had been ill for years 3. (M) the document ~ed her to be a conscientious employee reveille n. (mil.) 1. to play, sound ~ 2. to fall out for ~ revel v. (D;intr.)to~in revelation n. 1. to make a ~ 2. an amazing, astonishing, astounding, startling, stunning, surprising ~ 3. (a) divine ~ 4. a ~ to (the story was a ~ to us) 5. a ~ that + clause (the ~ that she had been in prison surprised everybody) revenge I n. 1. to exact, get, have, take ~ on 2. sweet ~ 3. ~ for; on (to take ~ on smb. for smt.) 4. in ~ for II (BE) see avenge revenue n. ['income'] 1. to generate, produce, yield ~ 2. to collect ~ 3. government ~ 4. Inland (BE), Internal (AE) Revenue 5. one's annual, yearly; monthly; weekly ~ reverberate v. (D; intr.) to ~ through (the cheers ~d through the arena) revere v. (D;tr.) to ~ for reverence n. 1. to feel ~ 2. to show ~ 3. deep, profound ~ 4. ~ for 5. in ~ (to hold smb. in ~) reverie n. 1. to indulge in ~s 2. to be lost in ~ reverse n. ['setback'] 1. to suffer, sustain a ~ 2. a serious; slight; tactical ~ 3. financial ~s ['reverse gear'] 4. to put a transmission into ~ 5. to go into, shift into ~ 6. in ~ ['reversing mechanism'] 7. an (automatic) ribbon ~ (on a typewriter) reversion n. ~ to revert v. (d; intr.) to ~ to (her property ~ed to the state; to ~ to enlisted status) review I n. ['renewed study'] (AE) 1. to do a ~ 2. a comprehensive ~ ['military ceremony'] 3. to hold a ~ (of troops) 4. to pass in ~ ['critical evaluation'] 5. to do, write a ~ (of a book) 6. to get, receive a ~ 7. a favorable, positive, rave; negative, unfavorable ~ (the play got rave ~s) 8. a book ~ 9. (legal) judicial ~ 10. under ~ (the entire matter is under ~) II v. (AE) (D; intr., tr.) ('to study again') to ~ for (to ~ for an exam) revise (BE) see review II revision n. ['renewed study'] (BE) 1. to do ~ (he had to do some ~ for the examination) ['revised version'] 2. to make a ~ revolt I n. 1. to incite, stir up a ~ 2. to crush, put down, quash, quell a ~ 3. a peasant ~ 4. a ~ breaks out, erupts 5. a ~ against II v. (D; intr.) to ~ against, at revolting adj. 1. ~ to 2. ~ to + int. (it's ~ to contemplate such a possibility) 3. ~ that + clause (it's ~ that they use such obscene language) revolution n. ['overthrow of a regime'] 1. to foment, stir up a ~ 2. to carry out, conduct, fight; organize a ~ 3. to crush, defeat, put down a ~ 4. a cultural; industrial; palace; political; sexual; social ~ ['complete orbital turn'] 5. to make a ~ 6. a ~ about, around, round revolve v. (D; intr.) to ~ about, around, round (the earth ~s around the sun) revolver see pistol 1-4,6 revue n. to produce, put on, stage a ~ revulsion n. 1. to express; feel ~ 2. deep, utmost ~ 3. a feeling of ~ 4. ~ against, at, towards reward I n. 1. to offer, post; pay a ~ 2. to claim; reap; receive a ~ 3. a just; tangible; well-deserved ~ 4. a ~ for II v. (D; tr.) to ~ for; with (she was ~ed with a bonus for her outstanding work) rhapsody n. to compose; play a ~ rhetoric n. 1. to resort to, spout ~ 2. eloquent; impassioned, passionate; soothing ~ rheumatism n. 1. to develop ~ 2. to suffer from ~ 3. chronic ~ rhubarb n. (slang) ['argument'] 1. to get into a ~ 2. a ~ about rhyme I n. 1. a nursery ~ 2. (poetry) a feminine; masculine ~ 3. (misc.) without ~ or reason ('with no apparent reason') II v. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ with (this word ~s with that word; to ~ one word with another) rhythm n. 1. (a) frenzied; pulsating; steady; undulating ~ 2. to a ~ (to dance to the ~ of drums) rib n. 1. to poke smb. in the ~s 2. a false; floating ~ 3. (misc.) to break, fracture a ~ ribbing n. ['teasing'] to take a ~ ribbon n. ['strip of ink-impregnated cloth on a typewriter'] 1. to change a ~ 2. a typewriter ~ 3. the ~ reverses (automatically) ['misc.'] 4. a blue ~ ('a first prize'); to cut to ~s ('to destroy completely') rice n. 1. to mill, winnow ~ 2. brown; enriched; polished; quick-cooking; wild ~ rich I adj. ~ in (~ in coal deposits) II n. the idle ~ riches n. to amass ~ ricksha, rickshaw n. 1. to pedal; pull a ~ 2. to ride in a~ ricochet v. (D; intr.) to ~ off rid II v. 1. (d; refl., tr.) to ~ of (to ~ the town of rats) 2. to get ~ of riddance n. (colloq.) ['act of getting rid of smt.'] good ~! (good ~ to bad rubbish!) riddle n. 1. to solve a ~ 2. (misc.) to speak in ~s ride I n. ['short trip by vehicle, on horseback'] 1. to catch, get; go for, go on, have (BE), take a ~ 2. (colloq.) to bum, hitch, thumb a ~ (as a hitch-hiker) 3. to give (smb.) a ~; to take (smb.) for a ~ 4. a joy; train ~ (to go on a joy ~ in a stolen car) ['attraction'] (in an amusement park) 5. to go on the ~s ['misc.'] 6. to take smb. for a ~ ('to victimize smb.') II v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ at (the ship was ~ing at anchor) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ by, in, on (to ~ in/on a bus) 3. (d; intr.) to ~ from; to (we ~ to work by bus) 4. (d; intr.) to ~ on ('to be wagered on') (a lot of money was ~ing on one horse) 5. (misc.) to ~ sidesaddle; to ~ roughshod over smb. ('to treat smb. in an abusive manner') ride out v. (d; intr.) to ~ to (he rode out to the procession) rider n. ['amendment, addition'] to attach a ~ to (a bill) ridicule n. 1. draw, incur ~ 2. to heap, pour ~ on smb. 3. (misc.) to hold smb. up to ~ ridiculous adj. 1. ~ to + int. (it's ~ to apply for that position) 2. ~ that + clause (it's ~ that they could not receive visas) rife adj. ['abounding in'] 1. (cannot stand alone) ~ with (the city was ~ with rumors) ['misc.'] 2. to run ~ ('to be out of control') (rumors about them are running ~) rifle I n. 1. to fire a ~ 2. to aim, point; level a ~ 3. to load a ~ 4. to handle, operate a ~ 5. to assemble; disassemble a ~ 6. an air; automatic; high-powered; hunting; recoilless; semiautomatic ~ 7. a ~ fires, goes off; jams; misfires II v. (d; intr.) to ~ through ('to search') to ~ through the drawers) rift n. 1. to cause a ~ 2. to heal a ~ 3. an ideological ~ 4. a ~ among, between rig n. ['large vehicle'] 1. to drive a ~ ['equipment'] 2. an oil-drilling ~ right I adj. 1. ~ about (to be ~ about smt.) 2. ~ in (you were ~ in assuming that) 3. ~ to + int. (it was ~ of her to refuse = she was ~ to refuse) 4. ~ that + clause (it's not ~ that they should be treated in that manner) 5. (misc.) all ~; just ~; she is the ~ person for the job = she is ~ for the job (colloq.); to be in one's ~ mind ('to be sane'); to put things ~ ('to straighten things out') II n. ['that which is due'] 1. to achieve, gain a ~ (to achieve full civil ~s) 2. to enjoy, exercise, have a ~ 3. to assert, claim a ~ 4. to protect, safeguard smb.'s ~s 5. to abdicate, relinquish, renounce, sign away, waive a ~ 6. to deny (smb.) a ~ 7. a divine; exclusive, sole; inalienable; inherent; legal; natural; vested ~ 8. civil; conjugal; consumers'; film; grazing; human; individual; mineral; patients'; political; property; squatters'; states'; veterans'; voting; women's ~s 9. the ~ of assembly; asylum; a free press; free speech 10. a ~ to (the ~ to privacy) 11. the ~ to + inf. (the ~ to exist; you have the ~ to remain silent) 12. within one's ~s 13. (misc.) a bill of ~s ['right side'] 14. on, to the ~ ['conservative group'] 15. the extreme, far ~ ['punch delivered with the right hand'] 16. to deliver, throw a ~ 17. a hard, stiff ~ 18. a ~ to (a ~ to the jaw) ['turn to the right'] 19. to take a ~ ['misc.'] 20. in the ~ ('in accordance with the truth, accepted standards'); she has a promising career in her own ~; as of (BE), by ~ ('properly'); by ~ of (by ~ of conquest); ~ and wrong; within one's ~s (you are within your ~s not to answer); by ~s ('ideally') right-of-way n. 1. to have the ~ 2. to give, yield the ~ 3. the ~ over (ambulances have the ~ over other vehicles) rigid adj. ~ about, on (~ on points of procedure) rigor mortis n. ~ sets in rile v. (R) it ~d me that they were paying no taxes filed adj. (colloq.) ['annoyed'] 1. ~ at 2. ~ that + clause (she was ~ that nobody believed her story) rim n. along; on; up to a ~ (on the ~ of a crater) rind n. lemon; melon ~ USAGE NOTE: One usu. speaks of the rind of a melon, the pee/ or the rind of a lemon, and the pee/ of an orange. ring I n. ['circular band'] 1. a diamond; gold; sapphire ~ 2. an earring; engagement; signet; wedding ~ 3. a key; napkin; teething ~ 4. a piston ~ 5. smoke ~s (to blow smoke ~s) 6. (misc.) to wear a ~ on one's finger ['group'] 7. a smuggling; spy ~ ['enclosed square area'] 8. the prize ~ ['misc.'] 9. to run ~s around smb. ('to far outperform smb.') II n. ['sound'] a false, hollow ~ (there was a false ~ to his words) III v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ for ('to call by ringing') (to ~ for the maid) 2. (s) to ~ false; hollow (her words ~ false) ringside n. at ~ ring up v. (D; tr.) ('to record') to ~ on (to ~ a bill on a cash register) rink n. 1. an ice-hockey; ice-skating; roller-skating ~ 2. at a ~ riot n. 1. to cause, foment, incite, instigate, spark (AE), spark off (BE), stir up, touch off a ~ 2. to crush, put down, quell a ~ 3. a communal; food; race ~ 4. a ~ breaks out, erupts 5. (misc.) to run ~ ('to act wildly') riot act n. ['stern warning'] to read the ~ to rioting n. communal ~ rip v. (colloq.)(d;intr.) to ~ into ('to attack') (the politician ~ped into her opponent) ripe adj. ~ for (~ for the picking; the time is ~ for action) ripen v. (d; intr.) to ~ into (their friendship ~ed into love) ripple v. (P; intr.) applause ~d through the auditorium rise I n. ['origin'] 1. to give ~ to ['angry reaction'] 2. to get a ~ out of smb. ['pay increase'] (BE) 3. an across-the-board ~ 4. a ~ in (wages) (AE has raise) ['increase'] 5. a sharp ~ 6. a ~ in (a ~ in prices) 7. on the ~ (prices are on the ~) ['success'] 8. a meteoric ~ II v. 1. (D; intr.) ('to revolt') to ~ against (to ~ against tyranny) 2. (D; intr.) ('to ascend') to ~ from (smoke rose from the chimney) 3. (d; intr.) ('to be resurrected') to ~ from (to ~ from the dead; to ~ from the ashes) 4. (d; intr.) ('to ascend') to ~ to (to ~ to the surface; to ~ to one's feet) 5. (d; intr.) ('to be equal') to ~ to (to ~ to the challenge; can you ~ to the occasion?) risk I n. 1. to assume, incur, run, take; face; spread a ~ (to run the ~ of being outvoted) 2. to outweigh a ~ (the advantages outweigh the ~s) 3. a calculated; grave, great, high; low; security ~ (to take a calculated ~; he is a security ~) 4. a ~ to (a ~ to safety) 5. a ~ to + int. (it was a ~ to enter that area) 6. at (a) ~ (at one's own ~; at the ~ of being ridiculed) II v. 1. (G) she ~ed losing everything 2. (K) he ~ed their turning against him risky adj. ~ to + int. (it's ~ to play with fire) rite n. 1. to perform a ~ 2. a pagan; religious; solemn ~ 3. last ~s (to administer last ~s) 4. fertility ~s ritual n. 1. to go through; perform a ~ 2. to make a ~ of smt. 3. a pagan; religious; solemn ~ rival I n. a ~ for; in II v. (D;tr.) to ~ in (to ~ smb. in skill) rivalry n. 1. to stir up ~ 2. intense, keen, strong ~ 3. sibling ~ 4. ~ among, between; for; in; with (keen ~ between them for the award) river n. 1. to cross; ford a ~ 2. to dredge a ~ 3. a ~ floods; flows (into the sea); overflows (its banks); recedes; rises 4. down ~; up ~ 5. (misc.) to sell down the ~ ('to betray') rivet n. to drive a ~ (into metal) riveted adj. (cannot stand alone) ~ on, to (all eyes were ~ on the door; she stood ~ to the spot) road n. 1. to resurface; surface a ~ 2. an impassable; rocky (also fig.); rough (also fig.); smooth (also fig.); straight; winding ~ 3. a back, country; dirt (AE), unpaved; macadam; main, trunk (BE); mountain; paved, surfaced; ring (BE); secondary; service; slip (BE); toll ~ 4. intersecting; merging ~s 5. a ~ goes, leads, runs somewhere 6. a ~ curves, winds 7. a ~ from; to (the ~ to town) 8. in, on a ~ 9. (also fig.) on the ~ (on the ~ to recovery) 10. (misc.) to take a ~ (they took the wrong ~); one for the ~ ('a final drink') road block n. 1. to establish, set up a ~ 2. to remove a ~ 3. to break through, crash through, run a ~ roadhouse n. (AE) at a ~ (to stop at a ~ for a drink) roadside n. on the ~ road sign n. to put up a ~ roadster n. (obsol.) to drive a ~ roadwork n. ['running'] to do ~ (the boxer did ~ every day) roam v. (P; intr.) to ~ around town roar I n. a deep ~ II v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ at 2. (D; intr.) to ~ with (to ~ with laughter) roast n. 1. to make a ~ 2. a chuck; eye; lamb; pork; pot; rib; veal ~ rob v. (D; tr.) to ~ of (the bandits ~bed the passengers of their money) robbery n. 1. to commit (a) ~ 2. armed; bank; daylight (BE) ('overcharging'); highway (fig.) ~ rock I n. ['stone'] 1. to throw a ~ at (see Usage Note) 2. jagged; rugged ~s 3. (misc.) solid as a ~ USAGE NOTE: In BE, a rock is usu. too big to be thrown. Thus, to throw a rock at smb. is esp. AE. II n. ['type of music'] punk ~;rock-and-roll III v. (D;tr.) ('to lull') to ~ to (to ~ a baby to sleep) rocket n. ['device propelled by a rocket engine or explosives'] 1. to fire; launch a ~ 2. a booster; liquid-fuel; long-range; multistage; solid-fuel ~ ['reprimand'] (colloq.) (BE) 3. to give smb. a ~ 4. to get a ~ rocket ship see the Usage Note for ship rocks n. 1. on the ~ ('with ice') (scotch on the ~) 2. on the ~ ('ruined') rod n. ['bar, shaft'] 1. a connecting; divining; lightning; piston ~; ramrod ['pistol'] (slang) (AE) 2. to pack ('carry') a ~ ['metal track'] 3. a curtain; traverse ~ ['pole'] 4. a fishing ~ ['misc.'] 5. to ride the ~s (AE) ('to ride illegally in the framework below a railroad car') rodent n. ~sgnaw rodeo n. to hold, stage a ~ roe n. 1. to spawn ~ 2. hard; soft ~ role n. 1. to assume, take (on) a ~ 2. to assign, hand out ~s 3. to interpret; perform, play; understudy a ~ 4. an active; key; leading; passive; secondary; starring; supporting; title ~ 5. (misc.) cast in the ~ of roll I n. ['list of names'] 1. to call, take the ~ 2. an honor ~ (AE; BE has roll of honour) ['small cake or bread'] 3. to bake ~s 4. a hamburger; jelly (AE), swiss (BE); kaiser (esp. AE); poppyseed; sweet ~ II v. 1. (A) ~ the ball to me; or: ~ me the ball 2. (C) ~ a cigarette for me; or: ~ me a cigarette 3. (d; intr., tr.) to ~ down (the children ~ed down the hill; we ~ed the barrels down the incline) 4. (d; intr.) to ~ in (to ~ in the mud) 5. (d; intr.) to ~ off (the football ~ed off the field; new cars ~ed off the assembly line) 6. (d; intr.) to ~ with ('to lessen the impact by moving in the same direction') (he ~ed with the punch) rollaway, rollaway bed n. to f old up; open up a ~ roll up v. 1. (d; tr.) to ~ in (to ~ smt. up in a blanket) 2. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ into (to ~ smt. into a ball) 3. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ to (the ball ~ed up to me) romance n. 1. to find ~ 2. a whirlwind ~ romanticize v. (D; intr.) to ~ about romp v. (D; intr.) to ~ with roof n. 1. to install a ~ 2. a gabled; shingle; slate ~ 3. a ~ leaks 4. (misc.) to raise the ~ ('to complain vociferously'); to hit the ~ (AE) ('to lose one's temper') room n. ['partitioned part of a building'] 1. to rent a ~ from 2. to let (BE), let out (BE), rent, rent out (AE) a ~ to 3. to book (BE), reserve a ~ 4. an adjoining; back; baggage (AE); banquet ~; bathroom; bedroom; board; changing (BE), dressing; common (BE); dining; double; drawing, front (BE), living, sitting; family; game, recreation, rumpus (AE); guest; locker; lumber (BE), storage; reading ~; showroom; single; spare; utility; waiting ~ 5. (in a hospital) a delivery; emergency (AE); hospital; operating (esp. AE; BE prefers operating theatre); private; recovery; emiprivate ~ 6. a ladies', powder; men's (AE); rest (AE) ~; (BE; euphemism) the smallest ~ ('the room with the toilet') 7. a furnished; rented ~; (a) ~ to let (now BE) ['space'] 8. to make ~ for 9. to occupy, take up ~ 10. headroom; legroom 11. (in a theater) standing ~ only 12. ~ for (there is ~ for another bed) 13. ~ to + int. (the children have ~ to play) ['possibility'] 14. ~ for (there is no ~ for doubt) USAGE NOTE: In the US, a bathroom usu. contains a toilet, sink, and bathtub or shower. In GB, it must contain a bath or shower and may have a toilet and washbasin. In CE, a cloakroom is a place in a public building where coats, umbrellas, etc. may be left temporarily. In GB, it can also denote a small room on the ground floor of a house near the front door; this room often contains a toilet and a place for hanging coats. rooster n. (esp. AE) a ~ cock-a-doodle-doos, crows, goes cock-a-doodle- doo (BE has cock) root I n. 1. to take ~ 2. to put down ~s; to strike ~(s) 3. deep ~s 4. (mathematics) a cube; square ~ 5. by the ~s (to pull smt. up by the ~s) 6. (misc.) at the ~ of the matter; to go back to, search for one's ~s; to get at the ~ of smt. ('to tackle smt. at the source'); (BE) ~ and branch ('wholly'); the ~ of all evil; her ~s are in Canada; a ~ cause II v. (AE) (D; intr.) to ~ for ('to support') (to ~ for a team) root about, root around v. (D; intr.) to ~ for ('to search for') (to ~ in a stack of papers for a specific document) rooted adj. 1. deeply ~ 2. ~ in (~ in poverty) 3. ~ to (~ to the spot) rooter n. (AE) an ardent ~ rope I n. 1. to jump, skip ~ 2. to ease up on; tighten a ~ 3. a loose, slack; tight ~ 4. a length; piece of ~ 5. by a ~ (to lower smt. by a ~) 6. (misc.) (boxing and fig.) on the ~s ('in a weak, vulnerable position') II v. (colloq.) (d; tr.) to ~ into ('to induce') (to ~ smb. into doing smt.) rosary n. to pray, recite, say the ~ rose n. 1. a long-stemmed; rambling; wild ~ 2. a bouquet of ~s roster n. 1. to make up a ~ 2. a duty; personnel ~ rostrum n. 1. to get up on, mount the ~ 2. from; on a ~ rot n. 1. black; creeping; dry ~ 2. (misc.) to talk ~ ('to talk nonsense') rotate v. (D; intr.) to ~ on (the earth ~s on its axis) rotation n. 1. to make a ~ 2. crop ~ rote n. ['repetition'] by ~ (to learn by ~) rotten adj. (colloq.) ~ to+inf. (it was ~ of him to do that) rouge n. to apply, put on ~ rough I adj. (colloq.) ['not gentle'] 1. ~ on (you've been pretty ~ on the children) ['difficult'] 2. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ to work at night = it's ~ working at night) 3. (misc.) it was ~ on him, losing his job like that II n. ['unpolished condition'] in the ~ (a diamond in the ~) roughshod adv. to ride ~ over smb. ('to treat smb. in an inconsiderate manner') roulette n. 1. to play ~ 2. Russian ~ round n. ['unit of ammunition'] 1. to fire a ~; to get a ~ off 2. an incoming ~ (of artillery fire) 3. the ~ jammed ['drinks served to everyone in a group'] 4. to buy; order a ~ (of drinks) ['complete game'] 5. to play, shoot a ~ (of golf) ['song sung in unison in which each part is repeated'] 6. to sing a ~ roundabout n. to ride a ~ (BE; CE has merry-go-round) roundhouse n. ['type of blow'] to throw a ~ rounds n. to make one's ~ (the doctor was making her ~ ) rouse v. (D; tr.) to ~ from, out of (to ~ smb. out of bed) rouser n. a rabble ~ rout I n. a complete, utter ~ II v. to ~ completely, utterly route I n. 1. to map out, plan a ~ 2. to follow, take a ~ 3. a circuitous; devious; direct; indirect; scenic ~ (to take the scenic ~) 4. a bus; newspaper; streetcar (AE), tram (BE); truck (AE) ~ 5. an overland; sea; trade ~ II v. (d; tr.) to ~ to (to ~ a memorandum to the appropriate persons) routine n. (a) daily, ordinary; dull ~ row I /rou/ n. ['arrangement in a straight line'] 1. an even, straight ~ 2. in a ~ ['misc.'] 3. death ~ ('cell block where prisoners await execution') (on death ~); skid ~ (AE) ('area in a city where destitute persons congregate') (on skid ~) II /rau/ n. 1. to kick up, make, raise a ~ 2. to have a ~ 3. a ~ about, over; with (to have a ~ with smb. about a trifle) III /rau/ v. (D; intr.) to ~ about, over; with rowboat n. (AE) to row a ~ rowing n. 1. to go ~ 2. to go in for ~ rowing-boat (BE) see rowboat row out v. (d; intr.) to ~ to (to ~ to an island) royalty n. ['percentage of revenue'] 1. to pay a ~/ ~ties on (the publisher paid them ~ties on their dictionaries) 2. to bring in, earn ~ties (the book brings in handsome ~ties) 3. author's ~ties rub v. 1. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ against (one part was ~bing against the other; ~ your hand against this surface) 2. (d; tr.) to ~ into (to ~ lotion into one's skin) 3. (N; used with an adjective) ~ it dry rubber n. 1. crude; foam; sponge; synthetic ~ 2. ~ stretches (see the Usage Note for eraser) rubbers n. (AE) ['rubber overshoes'] 1. to put on; wear ~ 2. a pair of ~ rubbish n. an accumulation, heap, pile of ~ rubble n. 1. a heap, pile of ~ 2. (misc.) to reduce smt. to ~ rubdown n. to give smb. a ~ Rubicon n. to cross the ~ ('to commit oneself irrevocably') rub off v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ on, onto (the paint ~bed off on my shirt) 2. (colloq.) (D; intr.) to ~ on, onto ('to affect') (we hoped that some of these cultural activities would ~ on our children) rub up v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ against ('to touch') (don't let the wire ~ against the pipe) 2. (colloq.) (d; intr.) to ~ against ('to have contact with') (he used to ~ against many famous movie stars) ruck n. (esp. BE) ['mass of undistinguished people'] 1. the common ~ 2. above; out of the ~ ruckus n. to raise a ~ rude adj. 1. ~ of (that was ~ of him) 2. ~ to 3. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ to talk during a concert) rudeness n. 1. to display, show ~ 2. ~ to rug n. 1. to weave a ~ 2. to clean; shampoo; vacuum a ~ 3. a scatter, throw; shag ~ ruin I n. 1. complete, utter ~ 2. financial ~ (to face financial ~) II v. to ~ completely, utterly ruins n. 1. ancient; charred, smoking ~ 2. a heap, pile of ~ 3. (misc.) to sift through the ~; to lie in ~ rule I n. ['regulation'] ['principle'] 1. to establish, lay down, make (the) ~s 2. to formulate a ~ 3. to adopt a ~ 4. to apply, enforce a ~ 5. to obey, observe a ~ 6. to break, violate a ~ 7. to bend, stretch a ~ 8. to rescind, revoke a ~ 9. a firm, hard-and-fast, inflexible, strict ~ 10. a general; ground ~; the Golden Rule 11. an exclusionary (AE); gag; parliamentary ~ 12. (ling.) a deletion; rewrite; substitution ~ 13. a ~ against 14. a ~ for 15. a ~ to + inf. (it's our ~ not to smoke at staff conferences) 16. a ~ that + clause (they established a ~ that everyone must share the expenses) 17. (to be) against, in violation of the ~s 18. (misc.) the golden ~; a ~ of thumb; as a ~ ('generally'); the ~ of law ['government, reign'] 19. to establish; extend one's ~ 20. to overthrow smb.'s ~ 21. benevolent; despotic; foreign; home; majority; minority; mob; popular ~ 22. ~ over 23. under smb.'s ~ (under foreign ~) ['straightedge, ruler'] 24. a slide ~ II v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ against (the judge ~d against the plaintiff) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ on (to ~ on a question) 3. (D; intr.) to ~ over (to ~ over a country) 4. (L; subj.) the court ~d that the witness be/should be disqualified 5. (M) the judge ~d her to be out of order 6. (N; used with an adjective) the judge ~d him incompetent to stand trial ruler n. ['person who rules'] 1. to put a ~ into power 2. to overthrow, unseat a ~ 3. an absolute, despotic, dictatorial; strong; weak ~ ruling n. 1. to hand down (AE), make a ~ (the court handed down a ~) 2. a fair, just; unfair, unjust ~ 3. a court ~ 4. a ~ about, on 5. a ~ that + clause (the court's ~ that the company had violated the law was appealed) rumblings n. ['rumors'] ~ about; of(~ of discontent were heard) ruminate v. (D; intr.) ('to reflect') to ~ about, on rummage v. (D; intr.) to ~ through (to ~ through old clothes) rumor, rumour n. 1. to circulate, spread a ~ 2. to confirm a ~ 3. to deny; dispel, spike a ~ 4. an idle, unfounded, wild ~ 5. an unconfirmed; vague ~ 6. ~s circulate, fly, spread 7. a ~ that + clause (we heard a ~ that she was back in town) 8. a ~ about 9. (misc.) ~ has it that she will be getting married soon rumored adj. (cannot stand alone) 1. ~ to + inf. (he is ~ to have escaped to Canada) 2. ~ that + clause (it is ~ that she has returned home) rumpus n. (colloq.) to raise a ~ run I n. ['course'] 1. a ski ~ ['freedom of movement'] 2. to have free ~ of the house ['race'] 3. a cross-country ~; the mile ~ ['series of demands'] 4. a ~ on a bank ['running away'] 5. on the ~ ['trial'] 6. a dry, dummy (BE) ~ ['flight'] 7. to make a ~ (over a target) 8. a bombing ~ ['point scored'] (baseball, cricket) 9. to score a ~ 10. (baseball) a home ~ ['unraveled stitches in a stocking'] (BE often has ladder) 11. to get, have a ~ (in a stocking) ['duration'] 12. in the long; short ~ II v. 1.(C) ('to fill') ~ a bath for me; or ~ me a bath 2. (d; intr.) to ~ across ('to meet by chance') (to ~ across an old friend) 3. (d; intr.) to ~ after ('to chase') (to ~ after a bus) 4. (esp. AE) (d; intr.) to ~ against ('to oppose') (I would not like to ~ against her in the senatorial race; popular feeling was ~ning against the president) 5. (d; intr.) ('to ply') to ~ between (this train ~s between New York and Philadelphia) 6. (d; intr.) to ~ down ('to descend quickly'); ('to pour') (to ~ down the stairs; tears ran down her face) 7. (esp. AE; BE has stand) (D; intr.) ('to be a candidate') to ~ for (to ~ for office; to ~ for Congress) 8. (d; intr.) ('to extend') to ~ from; to (the sale will ~ from the first of the month to the tenth; the fence ~s from the house to the road) 9. (d; intr.) to ~ in ('to be present') (ability for languages ~s in their blood; talent ~s in the family) 10. (d; intr.) to ~ into ('to meet') (to ~ into an old friend; to ~ into trouble) 11. (d; intr.) to ~ into ('to hit') (he ran into a pole) 12. (d; intr.) to ~ into ('to enter quickly') (to ~ into the house) 13. (d; intr.) to ~ into ('to amount to') (the expenses will ~ into thousands of dollars) 14. (d; intr.) ('to move quickly') to ~ off (the car ran off the road) 15. (d; tr.) ('to force') to ~ off (she ran the other car off the road) 16. (d; intr., tr.) to ~ on ('to operate') (the engine ~s on diesel oil; they ran the business on borrowed money) 17. (d; intr.) to ~ out of ('to use up') (she ran out of money) 18. (d; intr.) to ~ out of ('to leave quickly') (to ~ out of the room) 19. (d; intr.) ('to pass') to ~ through (a blue thread ~s through the cloth; a strange thought ran through her mind) 20. (d; intr.) to ~ through ('to examine') (let's ~ through the material again) 21. (d; tr.) to ~ through ('to process') (~ the data through the computer again) 22. (d; intr.) ('to go quickly') to ~ to (she ran to the doctor) 23. (d; intr.) to ~ to ('to seek help from') (he keeps ~ning to his mother; don't ~ to the police) 24. (d; intr.) to ~ to ('to amount') (the dictionary ~s to a thousand pages) 25. (d; tr.) ('to drive') to ~ to (I'll ~ you to the station) 26. (d; intr.) to ~ up ('to ascend quickly') (to ~ up the stairs) 27. (P; intr.) ('to go') the road ~s south 28. (s) supplies are ~ning low; the differences ~ deep 29. (misc.) to ~ rampant ('to run wild'); (colloq.) ~ that by me again ('repeat that for me') run afoul v. (d; intr.) to ~ of (to ~ of the law) run aground v. (D; intr.) to ~ on (the boat ran aground on a sandbank) runaround n. (colloq.) ['delaying action'] to give smb. the ~ run around v. (D; intr.) to ~ with (he ~s around with a fast crowd) run away v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ from (to ~ from home) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ with run back v. (D; intr.) to ~ to (he ran back to his room) run counter v. (d; intr.) to ~ to (their actions ~ to their promises) rundown n. ['summary'] to give smb. a ~ v. 1. (d; intr.) ('to go') to ~ to (to ~ to the grocery store) 2. (D; intr.) ('to descend quickly') to ~ to (to ~ to the bottom of the hill) run foul v. see run afoul rung n. the bottom, lowest; highest, top ~ (of a ladder) run low v. (D; intr.) to ~ on (to ~ on fuel) runner n. ['one who runs'] 1. a distance, long-distance ~ ['unraveled stitches in a stocking'] 2. see run I, II runner-up n. a ~ to running n. ['competition'] 1. in the ~ 2. out of the run off v. (D; intr.) to ~ with (he ran off with his company's funds) run out v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ into (to ~ into the street) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ on ('to abandon') (he ran out on his family) run over v. (d; intr.) to ~ to (she ran over to her friend's place) run short v. (d; intr.) to ~ of (they never ~ of money) run-up n. (BE) ['preparatory period'] a ~ to (the ~ to the election) run up v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ against ('to encounter') (to ~ against strong competition; to ~ against difficulties) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ to ('to approach quickly') (she ran up to me) ruse n. a clever ~ rush I n. 1. a gold ~ 2. a ~ to + inf. (there was a ~ to buy tickets for the concert) 3. in a ~ II v. 1. to ~ headlong, pell-mell 2. (d; intr.) to ~ at ('to attack') 3. (D; intr.) to ~ into (to ~ headlong into a business deal) 4. (d; intr., tr.) to ~ to (to ~ to the office; to ~ to smb.'s assistance; to ~ smb. to the hospital) rut n. ['groove, furrow'] 1. a deep ~ (in a road) ['dreary routine'] 2. in a ~ ruthless adj. ~ in (he is ~ in his methods) rye n. 1. winter ~ 2. a sheaf of ~ sabbath n. 1. to keep, observe the ~ 2. to desecrate, violate the ~ sabbatical n. 1. to give, grant a ~ 2. to get; have; take a ~ 3. (to be, go) on a ~ (she was on a ~) saber, sabre n. 1. to draw one's ~ 2. to brandish a ~ 3. (misc.) to rattle one's ~ ('to threaten to wage war') sabotage n. 1. to commit ~ 2. an act of ~ sack n. ['bag'] 1. a mail ~ ['bed'] (colloq.) 2. to hit the ~ ('to go to bed') ['dismissal'] (colloq.) 3. to get the ~ 4. to give smb. the ~ sackcloth n. ['mourning'] in ~ and ashes sacrament n. 1. to administer a ~ 2. to receive a ~ sacred adj. ~ to (the shrines were ~ to them sacrifice I n. 1. to make; offer a ~ 2. a great; heroic; personal ~ 3. a human ~ 4. the supreme, ultimate ~ 5. a ~ to 6. at (a) ~ (we achieved our success at great personal ~) II v. 1. (D;refl.,tr.) to ~ for (to ~ oneself for a just cause) 2. (D; refl., tr.) to ~ to (to ~ an animal to the gods) sacrilege n. 1. to commit (a) ~ 2. (a) ~ to + inf. (it was ~ to speak like that) sacrilegious adj. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ to speak like that) sad adj. 1. ~ about (we felt ~ about the accident) 2. ~ to + inf. (it is ~ to be alone) 3. ~ that + clause (it's ~ that we could not see each other) sadden v. (R) it ~ed me to watch him turn into an alcoholic; it ~ed her that she would never see them again saddened adj. ~ to + inf. (we were ~ to learn of her death) saddle I n. 1. to put a ~ on (a horse) 2. an English; stock, western ~ 3. in the ~ II v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ for (they ~d a gentle pony for the child) 2. (d; tr.) to ~ with (to ~ smb. with an unpleasant task saddle sore n. to develop ~s sadism n. to display ~ sadness n. 1. to express; feel ~ 2. deep, profound ~ 3. ~ over sad sack n. (slang) (AE) ['inept person'] a hopeless ~ safari n. 1. to organize a ~ 2. to go on a ~ 3. a ~ to safe I adj. 1. absolutely ~ 2. ~ for (~ for children) 3. ~ from (~ safe from attack) 4. ~ to + inf. (it is not ~ to lean out of the window) II n. 1. to open; unlock a ~ 2. to close; lock a ~ 3. to break open, crack a ~ 4. a wall ~ safe-conduct n. to issue a ~ safeguard n. 1. built-in ~s 2. a ~ against safety n. ['security'] 1. to assure smb.'s ~ 2. to jeopardize smb.'s ~ 3. industrial; public ~ 4. in ~ (to live in ~) 5. (misc.) a margin of~; ~ first! ['device that prevents accidental discharge of a firearm'] 6. to set the ~ 7. to release the ~ safety factor n. a built-in ~ sag v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~fo (to ~ to one side) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ under (the floor ~ged under the weight) saga n. a ~ about, of sagacity n. the ~ to + inf. (she had the ~ to diversify her investments) said adj. 1. ~ to + inf. (she is ~ to be very wise) 2. ~ that + clause (it is ~ that they own five cars) sail I n. 1. to hoist, raise the ~s; to make ~ 2. to let out the ~s 3. to furl, take in a ~; to reduce; slacken ~ 4. to trim ('adjust') the ~s 5. to lower, strike the ~s 6. (misc.) to set ~ for ('to leave for by ship, bpat'); to make ~ ('to set out on a voyage') II v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ along (to ~ along the coast) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ around, round (to ~ around the world) 3. (d; intr.) to ~ down (to ~ down a river) 4. (d; intr.) to ~ for (to ~ for Europe) 5. (d; intr.) to ~ from; to (to ~ from New York to Liverpool) 6. (d; intr.) to ~ into (the ship ~ed into port) 7. (colloq.) (d; intr.) to ~ into ('to attack') (the opposing candidates ~ed into each other) 8. (d; intr.) to ~ through (to ~ through the straits) 9. (colloq.) (d; intr.) to ~ through ('to cope with easily') (she just ~ed through her finals) 10. (d; intr.) to ~ up (to ~ up the river) sailing n. smooth ~ ('unimpeded progress') saint n. a patron ~ sake n. 1. for smb.'s ~ (do it for my ~) 2. for old times' ~ 3. for pity's ~ salad n. 1. to make a ~ 2. to garnish; season a ~ 3. a fruit; green; mixed; potato; tossed ~ salad dressing n. to make a ~ salary n. 1. to pay a ~ 2. to command, draw, get, receive; earn a ~ 3. (colloq.) to pull down (AE), pull in (BE) a ~ 4. to boost, raise ~ries 5. to cut, reduce, slash ~ries 6. to attach smb.'s ~ 7. an annual; fixed; handsome; meager; modest ~ 8. (misc.) to negotiate a ~ sale n. ['selling'] 1. to make a ~ 2. a cash ~ 3. for, on ~ ('being sold') (house for ~; the book will be on ~ next month) ['selling at reduced prices'] 4. to conduct, have, hold, run (colloq.) a ~ 5. an annual; clearance; closeout; fire; garage (AE), yard (AE); going-out-of-business; jumble (BE), rummage (AE); storewide; warehouse ~ 6. on ~ (AE) = at, in a ~ (BE) ('being sold at a reduced price') sales n. 1. brisk ~ 2. gross; net ~ 3. (misc.) all ~ are final salesman n. 1. a door-to-door ~ 2. a traveling ~ (BE also has commercial traveller) salesmanship n. high-pressure ~ salient n. (mil.) 1. to form a ~ 2. a ~ juts out (into enemy lines) saliva n. ~ dribbles sally n. ['sortie'] 1. to make a ~ against ['trip'] 2. a ~ into (a ~ into strange territory) salmon n. pink; red ~ salon n. a beauty; literary ~ salt n. 1. to pour ~ 2. common, table; fine; garlic; mineral; onion ~ 3. a dash, pinch; grain of ~ 4. a spoonful of ~ 5. (misc.) to take smt. with a grain of ~ ('to regard smt. with skepticism'); the ~ of the earth ('the very best') sans n. bath; smelling ~ salute I n. 1. to fire; give a ~ (the president was given a 21-gun ~) 2. to return; take a ~ 3. a smart, snappy ~ 4. a military; naval; 19-gun; rifle; royal; 21-gun ~ 5. a ~ to II v. to ~ smartly (the soldier ~d smartly) salvage v. (D; tr.) to ~ from (to ~ records from a fire) salvation n. 1. to bring; preach ~ 2. to seek ~ 3. ~ from salve n. 1. to apply a ~ 2. a ~ for; to salvo n. to fire a ~ Samaritan n. a good ~ ('a person who helps those in need') same n. it's all the ~ to me ('it makes no difference to me') sample n. ['representative item'] 1. to distribute, hand out (free) ~s 2. a floor; free ~ ['selected segment'] (statistics) 3. a random ~ sampler n. ['needlework'] to work a ~ sampling n. (a) random ~ sanction I n. ['approval'] 1. to give ~ to 2. to receive ~ 3. legal ~ II v. (K) no one ~ed his smoking marijuana sanctions n. ['coercive measures'] 1. to apply, impose ~ 2. to lift ~ 3. economic, trade ~ 4. ~ against sanctuary n. 1. to give, offer, provide (a) ~ 2. to find; seek ~ 3. a bird; wildlife ~ 4. a ~ for 5. a ~ from sanctum n. an inner ~ sand n. 1. to scatter, spread, sprinkle, strew ~ 2. coarse; fine ~ 3. a grain of ~ sandals n. 1. beach ~ 2. a pair of ~ sandwich I n. 1. to make a ~ out of 2. a cheese; club (AE); corned-beef; double-decker; grilled- cheese (AE), toasted-cheese (BE); ham; open-face; tomato-and- lettuce; tuna ~ II v. (d; tr.) to ~ between (to ~ a meeting between a staff conference and lunch) sanitation n. environmental ~ sanity n. 1. to keep, maintain, preserve, retain one's ~ 2. to lose one's ~ sarcasm n. 1. biting, devastating, keen, piercing, scathing, withering; mild ~ 2. ~ about 3. (misc.) dripping with ~ (her remarks were dripping with sardines n. 1. a can (AE), tin (BE) of ~ 2. (misc.) to pack in like ~ sashay v. (colloq. )(AE)(P; intr.) ('to stroll') they ~ed down to the beach satellite n. 1. to launch; orbit a ~ 2. an artificial (earth); communications; spy; weather ~ satire n. 1. (a) biting, scathing ~ 2. a ~ on satisfaction n. ['act of satisfying') ['state of being satisfied'] 1. to afford, give ~ to 2. to express; feel ~ 3. to find, take ~ in 4. deep, profound; quiet ~ 5. ~ that + clause (they felt ~ that a fair compromise had been reached) 6. ~ about, with 7. to smb.'s ~ (the work was done to my ~) ['compensation for a wrong or injury'] 8. to demand; seek ~ 9. to get, receive; have ~ 10. ~ for (to receive ~ for an insult) satisfactory adj. 1. highly ~ 2. ~ to satisfied adj. 1. completely, greatly, perfectly, thoroughly ~ 2. ~ with (we are ~ with the results) 3. ~ to + inf. (she is not ~ to spend her days doing nothing) 4. ~ that + clause (we are ~ that all requirements have been met) satisfy v. 1. to ~ completely, thoroughly 2. (L; refl.) she ~fied herself that all doors were locked) SATS n. (US) ['Standard Achievement Tests'] (for admission to US universities) to take the ~ saturate v. (D; tr.) to ~ with sauce n. apple; barbecue; cranberry; soy; steak; tomato ~ saunter v. (P; intr.) to ~ along the street sausage n. liver ~ (BE; AE has liverwurst) savage n. the noble ~ savagery n. 1. to display, show ~ 2. an outburst of save I n. ['action that prevents an opponent from scoring'] 1. to make a ~ 2. a brilliant, spectacular II v. 1. (C) ~ a place for me; or: ~ me a place 2. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ for (they are ~ing for a new car; to ~ money for a new TV) 3. (D; tr.) to ~ from (to ~ valuable records from destruction) 4. (D; intr.) to ~ on (during the mild winter we ~d on fuel) 5. (0) it will ~ you the trouble of making a second trip; the computer will ~ us a lot of time save up v. (D; intr.) to ~ for (to ~ for a new tape recorder) savings n. 1. to set aside ~ 2. to deposit; invest one's ~ 3. to withdraw one's ~ (from a bank) 4. to dip into; squander one's ~ savings bond n. (AE) 1. to issue a ~ 2. to cash (in), redeem a ~ 3. to roll over a ~ savings certificate n. 1. to issue a ~ 2. to cash (in), redeem a ~ 3. (AE) to roll over a ~ savour v. (BE) (d; intr.) to ~ of ('to suggest') (to ~ of treason) savvy n. ['knowledge'] (colloq.) 1. to demonstrate ~ 2. political ~ (to demonstrate considerable political ~) saw n. 1. to set ('put an edge on') a ~ 2. a band; buzz (AE), circular (BE), carpenter's; chain; coping; hand; power ~ say I n. ['decision'] 1. to have the final ~ ['opportunity to speak'] 2. to have one's ~ II v. 1. (B) ('to utter') she said a few words to us 2. (d; tr.) ('to state') to ~ about, of (what did they ~ about our offer?) 3. (d; tr.) to ~ for ('to say in justification of) (what can you ~ for yourself?) 4. (d; tr.) to ~ to ('to respond to') (what do you ~ to the charges?) 5. (colloq.) (E) ('to state') the instructions ~ to take one tablet every morning 6. (L; to) ('to state') they said (to us) that they would be late 7. (Q) ('to state') she did not ~ when our next meeting would be 8. (misc.) to ~ smt. in jest; to ~ smt. under one's breath saying n. 1. a common, old, popular, wise ~ 2. (misc.) it goes without ~ that we will help scab n. a ~ falls off; forms scabies n. to catch, get ~ scaffolding n. 1. to erect, put up ~ 2. to take down scale I n. ['series of notes arranged in a certain sequence'] (mus.) 1. to play; sing a ~ 2. a chromatic; diatonic; major; minor; natural ~ ['system of classifying in a series of steps'] 3. a sliding; social ~ 4. a pay, salary, wage; union ~ ['relative size'] 5. an enormous, grand, large; moderate; monumental; small ~ 6. on a certain ~ (everything was planned on a monumental ~; on a ~ of one to ten) 7. (misc.) drawn to ~ II n. ['weighing machine'] 1. a bathroom; beam; kitchen; spring; table ~ 2. on a ~ (to weigh smt. on a ~) scale down v. (D;tr.) to ~ to (to ~ production to decreased demand) scales n. ['weighing machine'] 1. see scale II 2. a pair of ~ 3. (misc.) to tip the ~ at one hundred fifty pounds ['decisive influence'] 4. to tip, turn the ~ ('to have a decisive influence') scallions n. (esp. AE; BE prefers spring onions) a bunch of ~ scalp n. a dry; itchy; oily ~ scamper v. (P; intr.) to ~ across the field scan n. ['radiographic image'] 1. to do, perform; interpret a ~ 2. to have, undergo a ~ 3. a bone; CAT; heart; liver; lung ~ scandal n. 1. to cause, create a ~ 2. to cover up, hush up; uncover a ~ 3. a juicy, sensational ~ 4. an open; political; public ~ 5. a ~ bursts, erupts 6. a breath, hint, suggestion of ~ 7. a ~ that + clause (it's a ~ that the buses are always so late) scandalize v. (R) it ~d public opinion that the mayor had taken bribes scandalous adj. 1. ~ to + inf. (it is ~ to behave like that) 2. ~ that + clause (it is ~ that this road has so many potholes) scapegoat n. to make a ~ of smb. scar n. 1. to leave a ~ 2. to bear, carry a ~ 3. a hideous, ugly; identifying; noticeable, prominent; permanent; psychological ~ scarcity n. 1. to cause a ~ 2. a severe ~ scare I n. (colloq.) 1. to give smb. a ~; to put, throw a ~ into smb. 2. to eet a ~ II v. (colloq.) 1. (D; tr.) to ~ into (to ~ smb. into doing smt.) 2. (D; tr.) to ~ out of (she ~d me out of my wits) 3. (N; used with an adjective) to ~ smb. stiff 4. (R) it ~d us that no one answered the doorbell 5. (misc.) to ~ smb. to death scared adj. (colloq.) 1. ~ at (~ at the sound of the air raid siren) 2. ~ to + inf. (they are ~ to say anything) scarf n. 1. to knit a ~ 2. to wear a ~ (around the neck) 3. a knitted; silk; woolen ~ scarlet fever n. to develop; have ~ scar tissue n. ~ forms scavenge v. (D; intr.) to ~ for scenario n. ['film script'] 1. to write a ~ 2. a film ~ ['potential situation'] 3. a worst-case ~ (in the worst-case ~) scene n. ['division of a play'] 1. to play; rehearse a ~ 2. to steal ('dominate') a ~ ['display of anger, feelings'] 3. to make a ~ 4. an awkward, painful ~ ['location'] 5. at, on a ~ (she was at the ~ of the crime) 6. on the national ~ ['spectacle, picture'] 7. to depict a ~ 8. a beautiful; disgraceful, shameful; distressing; familiar; funny; gruesome; revolting; ridiculous; tragic ~ ['misc.'] 9. behind the ~s ('in secret') scenery n. ['stage props'] 1. to set up ~ 2. to move, shift ~ 3. to dismantle ~ 4. stage ~ ['landscape'] 5. beautiful, majestic, picturesque; wild ~ 6. (misc.) (usu. fig.) a change of ~ scent n. ['track, trail'] 1. to have; follow; pick up a (the) ~ (the dogs picked up the ~) 2. to leave a ~ 3. a cold; false; hot ~ 4. (misc.) to throw smb. off the ~ ['intuition'] 5. a ~ for (a ~ for news) ['odor'] 6. a faint; pungent ~ ['sense of smell'] 7. a keen ~ sceptical see skeptical scepticism see skepticism schedule n. 1. to draw up, make out, make up, plan a ~ 2. a fixed; flexible; full; heavy; rigid; rotating ~ 3. (esp. AE) an airline; bus; train ~ (BE prefers timetable) 4. a production ~ 5. a ~ for 6. according to, on; ahead of; behind ~ (our work is coming along according to/on ~) scheduled adj. (cannot stand alone) ~ to + inf. (we're ~ to arrive at one o'clock) scheme I n. 1. to concoct, cook up, devise, think up a ~ 2. to foil, thwart a ~ 3. a diabolical; fantastic; get-rich-quick; grandiose; nefarious; preposterous, wild-eyed ~ 4. a ~ to + inf. (she concocted a ~ to get publicity) 5. (misc.) in the overall ~ of things USAGE NOTE: In CE, a scheme can be dishonest or crafty; this connotation is probably encountered more frequently in AE than in BE. II v. (derog.) (E) they are ~ing to take over the government schism n. 1. to cause, create a ~ 2. a ~ between scholar n. an eminent; productive ~ scholarship n. ['systematized knowledge, research'] 1. to foster, promote ~ 2. productive; scientific; solid, sound, thorough ~ ['aid to a student, researcher, writer'] 3. to establish, found a ~ 4. to award, grant a ~ 5. to apply for; get, receive, win; hold a ~ 6. a ~ for (to receive a ~ for language study) 7. a ~ to + inf. (she won a ~ to study abroad) school I n. ['educational institution'] 1. to direct; operate a ~ 2. to attend, go to ~; to enter (a) ~ (they go to a good ~) 3. to accredit a ~ 4. to finish, graduate from (AE), leave (BE) ~ (she left ~ and went to university) 5. to drop out of, leave, quit ~ 6. (by level) an elementary, grade (AE), grammar (AE), primary; first (BE); infant (BE); junior (BE); nursery ~ 7. (by level) a junior high (AE); middle ~ 8. (by level) a comprehensive (BE), high (esp. AE), secondary; grammar (BE); public (BE) ('private secondary'); secondary modern (BE; now rare) ~ 9. (by level) a graduate, postgraduate (esp. BE); undergraduate ~ 10. (by subject) an art; ballet; beauty; business; dancing; divinity; driving; fencing; military; naval; riding; secretarial; technical; trade, vocational ~ 11. (by type) a boarding; church; consolidated; correspondence; council (BE; now rare), public (AE), state (BE); day; evening; finishing; magnet (AE); night; parochial; preparatory; private; reform (AE; now rare); religious; segregated; summer; Sunday ~ 12. (at a university; see also faculty 1) a dental; engineering; law; medical; nursing (AE; CE has school of nursing); professional ~ 13. at, in (a) ~ (she works at/in a ~; their son is still at ~; AE also has: their son is still in ~) 14. a ~ for (a ~ for gifted children) 15. (misc.) to be kept after ~; late for ~ ['group of persons holding similar views'] 16. an avant-garde ~ of artists; a radical ~ of economists 17. a ~ of opinion, thought 18. (misc.) of the old ~ ('adhering to established traditions') ['misc.'] 19. the ~ of hard knocks ('life with all its difficulties') USAGE NOTE: One says to attend school and to go to school, but with a modifier an article must be included-- to attend a good school, to go to a good school, they go to the school of their choice. Note that one can say either they go to a school in California or they go to school in California, (see the Usage Note for university) II v. 1. to ~ thoroughly 2. (D; tr.) to ~ in (to ~ smb. in the martial arts) 3. (H) they were ~ed to obey instantaneously schooled adj. ~ in (well ~ in military tactics) schooling n. 1. to receive one's ~ 2. formal ~ 3. ~ schoolwork n. to do one's ~ science n. 1. to advance, foster, promote ~ 2. an exact ~ 3. applied; basic; behavioral; domestic; information; library; linguistic; military; natural; naval; physical; political; popular; social; space ~ scientist n. a nuclear; political; social ~ scissors n. 1. to use ~ 2. to sharpen ~ 3. bandage (AE); manicure; nail ~ 4. a pair of ~ sclerosis n. multiple ~ scoff v. (D; intr.) to ~ at scold I n. ['person who constantly complains'] a common ~ II v. (D; intr.) to ~ about, for (they ~ed me for being late) scolding n. 1. to give smb. a ~ 2. to get, receive a scoop I n. ['utensil for scooping'] 1. a coal; flour; grain; ice- cream ~ ['hot news item'] (colloq.) 2. to get the latest ~ II v. (d; tr.) to ~ out of scoot v. (P; intr.) the boys ~ed out of the room scooter n. 1. to ride a ~ 2. a motor ~ score I n. ['tally'] (usu. sports) 1. to keep ~ 2. a close; even; lopsided ~ 3. (AE) (usu. baseball) a box ~ 4. a ~ stands (the ~ stood five to three = the ~ stood five-- three = the ~ stood at five to three; how does the ~ stand?) 5. by a ~ (we won by a lopsided ~) ['points'] (sports) 6. (esp. AE) to run up a ~ 7. a lopsided ~ (our team ran up a lopsided ~) ['grievance'] ['matter'] 8. to pay off, settle a ~ 9. an old ~ (they had some old ~s to settle) 10. a ~ between (there are some old ~s between them) ['musical composition'] 11. to play; write a ~ ['copy of a musical composition'] 12. a full; orchestra; piano; vocal ~ ['matter'] 13. on a certain ~ (we are even on that ~) ['facts of a situation'] (colloq.) 14. to know the ~ II v. 1. (D; intr., tr.) ('to make a score') to ~ against (to ~ against a team; they ~d five points against the visiting team) 2. (D; intr., tr.) ('to make a score') to ~ for (she ~d ten points for her team; who ~d for their team?) 3. (d; intr.) ('to write music') to ~ for (to ~ for full orchestra) 4. (colloq.) (BE) (d; intr.) to ~ off ('to beat in an argument') (it's difficult to ~ off him in an argument) 5. (colloq.) (D; intr.) ('to achieve success') to ~ with (I really ~d with the boss) 6. (s) to ~ high; low (they ~d high in/on the proficiency tests) scoreboard n. an electronic ~ scorecard n. to keep a ~ scorer n. (sports) a high; low ~ (who was the game's high ~?) scorn I n. 1. to express; feel ~ 2. to heap ~ on 3. ~ for (to feel ~ for smb.) II v. (formal) 1. (BE) (E) she ~s to compromise 2. (G) she ~s compromising scornful adj. ~ of scorpion n. ~s sting scot-free adj. to get off, go ~ scourge n. a ~ to (a ~ to the human race) scout n. 1. a boy ~ (esp. AE; BE usu. has scout) 2.agirl~(AE;BE has girl guide) 3. a talent ~ scout about, scout around v. (D; intr.) to ~ for (to ~ for new talent) scowl v. (D; intr.) to ~ at Scrabble n. (T) ['game'] to play ~ scramble I n. 1. a mad, wild ~ 2. a ~ for (a wild ~ for tickets) 3. a ~ to + inf. (there was a ~ to buy tickets) II v. 1. (C) ~ a couple of eggs for me; or: ~ me a couple of eggs 2. (d; intr.) to ~ for, over (to ~ for government subsidies) scrap I n. ['waste metal'] to sell (smt.) for ~ II n. (colloq.) ['fight'] to put up a (good) ~ III v. (colloq.) (D; intr.) ('to fight') to ~ over scrapbook n. to keep a ~ scrape I n. ['awkward predicament'] ['fight'] to get into a ~ II v. l.(D;tr.) to ~ off (to ~ paint off furniture) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ through ('to manage to get through') (to ~ through a crisis) 3. (N; used with an adjective) (she ~d the dishes clean) 4. (misc.) to bow and ~ ('to be obsequious') scrape along v. (D; intr.) to ~ on, with (to ~ on a small salary) scratch I n. ['injury produced by scratching'] 1. (to come through a battle) without a ~ ['beginning'] 2. from ~ ['prescribed level'] 3. up to ~ II v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ at (the cat was ~ing at the door) 2. (misc.) (AE; colloq.) to ~ for oneself ('to eke out one's living independently') scrawl n. ['bad handwriting'] 1. to decipher a ~ 2. an illegible ~ (to write in an illegible ~) scream I n. a bloodcurdling, shrill ~ II v. 1. (B) she ~ed a few words to me 2. (D; intr.) to ~ at; for (he ~ed at the children for making noise) 3. (d; intr.) to ~ for (to ~ for help) 4. (D; intr.) to ~ with (to ~ with pain) 5. (L) she ~ed that the house was on fire 6. (N; used with a reflexive pronoun and an adjective) (she ~ed herself hoarse) screen I n. 1.to put up a ~ 2.aradar; smoke; television, TV ~ 3. a ~ between 4. on a ~ (there was no picture on the TV ~) II v. (d; tr.) to ~ from screening n. 1. to do a ~ 2. (a) mass ~ screen test n. 1. to get, have a ~ 2. to give smb. a ~ screw I n. 1. to tighten; turn a ~ 2. a loose ~ II v. 1. (d;tr.) to ~ into (to ~ a bracket into a wall) 2. (slang) (D; tr.) to ~ out of ('to cheat out of) (they ~ed him out of his bonus) screw around v. (colloq.) (D; intr.) ('to fool around') to ~ with USAGE NOTE: This verb also has an obscene meaning. screw on v. (N; used with an adjective) ~ the cap on tight scrimp v. 1. (D; intr.) ('to be frugal') to ~ on (to ~ on food) 2. (misc.) to ~ and save script n. ['alphabet'] phonetic ~ (transcribed in phonetic ~) Scriptures n. Holy ~ (to be found in the Holy ~) scrounge v. (colloq.) 1. (D; intr.) ('to scavenge') to ~ for 2. (D; tr.) ('to wheedle') to ~ from (he ~d a cigarette from me) scrounge around v. (colloq.) (D; intr.) ('to scavenge') to ~ for scrub v. (N; used with an adjective) we ~bed the tables clean scruff n. (to take smb.) by the ~ of the neck scruples n. 1. to have ~ 2. moral ~ 3. ~ about scrupulous adj. ~ in (she was ~ in avoiding references to her opponent) scrutinize v. to ~ closely, thoroughly scrutiny n. 1. to bear ~ (his record will not bear close ~) 2. close, strict; constant ~ 3. open to ~ 4. under ~ (under constant ~) scud v. (P; intr.) the clouds ~ded across the sky scuffle v. (D; intr.) to ~ with sculpture n. 1. to create, produce a ~ 2. to cast a ~ scurry v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ for (to ~ for cover) 2. (P; intr.) to ~ along the street sea n. 1. to sail the ~s 2. a calm, smooth; choppy, heavy, high, raging, rough, stormy, turbulent; open ~ 3. at ~ (buried at ~) 4. (misc.) to drift out to ~; to go to ~('to become a sailor'); to put out to ~; at ~ ('bewildered'); to sail the seven ~s ('to travel the world as a sailor') seaboard n. (esp. AE) 1. the eastern ~ 2. on the (eastern) ~ seal I n. ['sea mammal'] 1. ~s bark 2. a colony of ~s 3. a young ~ is a pup 4. a female ~ is a cow 5. a male ~ is a bull II n. ['piece of molten wax'] 1. a privy; wax ~ ['closure'] 2. to break a ~ ['stamp, symbol'] 3. to affix a ~ 4. a ~ of approval III v. 1. to ~ hermetically 2. (N; used with an adjective) they ~ed the area shut sea level n. above; at; below ~ sea lion n. a colony of ~s seam n. 1. to let out; rip open, tear open a ~ 2. (misc.) (to come apart) at the ~s (also fig.) seaman n. an able, able-bodied; junior (BE), ordinary; merchant ~ seance n. 1. to conduct, hold a ~ 2. at a ~ seaport n. a bustling, busy ~ search I n. 1. to conduct, make a ~ 2. a careful, exhaustive, painstaking, thorough ~ 3. a fruitless ~ 4. a body; literature ~ 5. a ~ for (the ~ for truth) 6. in ~ of 7. (misc.) (legal) unwarranted ~ and seizure II v. 1. to ~ carefully, thoroughly 2. (D; intr.) to ~ for (to ~ for a lost child) 3. (d; intr.) to ~ through (she ~ed through her purse for the keys) searchlight n. 1. to direct, focus, shine a ~ 2. ~s play on (a wall) search party n. to organize; send out a ~ search warrant n. to issue a ~ seas n. 1. the high ~ (on the high ~) 2. see seal; calm, smooth; choppy, etc. ~ seashore n. at the ~ seasick adj. to get; feel ~ seaside n. (BE) at, by the ~ (a holiday at the ~) (AE has shore) season n. 1. to open, usher in the (a) ~ 2. to close, usher out the (a) ~ 3. the dead, low, off, slack; high ~ 4. (sports) the baseball; basketball; fishing; football; hunting; open ~ 5. the dry; harvest; holiday; hurricane; mating, rutting; monsoon; planting; rainy; tourist ~ 6. at a ~ (at that ~ of the year) 7. in ~; out of ~ 8. (misc.) it's open ~ on members of the opposition ('members of the opposition are being subjected to attack') seasoned adj. highly; lightly ~ seat n. ['place to sit'] 1. to take one's ~ 2. to assign ~s 3. to book (esp. BE), reserve a ~ 4. to give up, relinquish; keep one's ~ 5. a box; bucket; car; front-row; jump; ringside ~ 6. a rumble ~ (AE; BE has dicky) 7. the driver's (AE), driving (BE) ~ 8. (misc.) please have a ~ ('please sit down') ['right to sit'] ['public office'] 9. to hold; win a ~ 10. to lose one's ~ ['administrative center'] 11. a county ~ (AE; BE has county town) ['dominant position'] 12. the catbird (AE), driver's (AE), driving (BE) ~ seated adj. 1. be ~ 2. to remain ~ secateurs n. a pair of ~ secede v. (D; intr.) to ~ from (a township cannot ~ from a county) secession n. ~ from seclude v. (D; refl., tr.)to~ from seclusion n. in ~ second I adj. ['inferior'] 1. ~ to (~ to none) ['placing after the first'] 2. to come in ~ (in a race) II n. ['one who ranks after the first'] 1. a close ~ ['assistant'] 2. a ~ to smb. 3. (misc.) ~s away! (in wrestling); ~s out! (in boxing) ['second gear'] 4. in ~ (don't start in ~) ['vote of endorsement'] 5. (do I hear) a ~ to (the motion?) III n. ['sixtieth part of a minute'] 1. a split ~ 2. for a ~ (I'm stepping out into the corridor for a ~) 3. in a ~ (she'll be here in a ~) 4. (misc.) wait a ~; it will take a ~ IV /si'kond/ v. (BE) (D; tr.) ('to assign temporarily') to ~ from; to (she was ~ed from the British Council to a university) secondary adj. ~to second best adj. to come off ~ second-class adv. to travel ~ second fiddle n. ['subordinate role'] to play ~ to second hand n. at ~ ('indirectly') secondment n. (BE) on ~ from; to second opinion n. to get a ~ seconds n. ['second portion of food'] to ask for ~ second thought n. 1. to have ~s about smt. 2. on ~ (AE)/on ~s (BE) ('after reconsideration') 3. (misc.) without giving the matter a ~ second wind n. to get one's ~ secrecy n. 1. to ensure ~ 2. strict ~ 3. ~ in (~ in conducting negotiations) 4. in ~ (to meet in ~) (the meetings were held in the strictest ~) 5. (misc.) to swear smb. to ~ secret I adj. 1. strictly ~ 2. most; top ~ 3. to keep smt. ~ (from smb.) II n. 1. to make a ~ of smt. 2. to guard, keep a ~ 3. to betray, blurt out, divulge, reveal a ~ 4. to ferret out, uncover a ~ 5. a closely guarded; military; open; state; trade ~ 6. in ~ (to meet in ~) secretary n. ['administrative assistant'] 1. a corresponding; executive; personal; press; recording; social ~ 2. a private ~ (AE; BE has personal assistant) 3. a ~ of, to ['company official'] (BE) 4. a company ~ ['officer supervising a government department'] 5. a defense; foreign; Home (GB); labor ~; the Secretary of State (US) secretion n. 1. an internal ~ 2. a ~ from secretive adj. ~ about (~ about one's plans) sect n. a religious ~ section n. ['division of a newspaper'] 1. the business; classified; news; sports; travel ~ ['plane figure'] (geometry) 2. a conical; cross; vertical ~ ['group of instruments'] 3. a brass; percussion; string; woodwind ~ 4. in a ~ (to play in the woodwind ~) ['group'] 5. a cheering ~ (in a grandstand) ['surgical cutting'] 6. an abdominal; cesare-an ~ ['area'] 7. a business; residential ~ ['department'] 8. the political ~ (of an embassy) ['part'] 9. in ~s (the bookcases come in ~s) sector n. 1. the private; public ~ 2. in a ~ (in the private ~) secure I adj. 1.~ against, from (~ against attack) 2. ~ in (~ in one's beliefs) II v. (D; refl., tr.) to ~ against (to ~ borders against attack) securities n. 1. to issue; register ~ 2. corporate; gilt-edged; government; negotiable ~ security n. ['safety'] 1. to ensure, provide ~ 2. to strengthen, tighten ~ 3. to compromise; undermine ~ 4. collective; internal; maximum; national; personal ~ (to compromise national ~) 5. ~ against (~ against attack) 6. (misc.) a feeling, sense of ~ ['system of insurance'] 7. social ~ USAGE NOTE: The social security systems are quite different in the United States and Britain. sedative n. 1. to administer, give a ~ 2. to take a ~ 3. a mild; strong ~ sediment n. to deposit ~ sedition n. 1. to foment, incite, stir up ~ 2. an act of ~ see v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ about, after ('to take care of) (to ~ about an important matter) 2. (d; tr.) to ~ as ('to visualize'); ('to consider acceptable') (I can't ~ them as members of our organization; can you ~ him as Hamlet?) 3. (d; tr.) ('to find attractive') to ~ in (what does she ~ in him?) 4. (d; tr.) to ~ of ('to encounter') (we haven't seen much of you recently; you haven't seen the last of them) 5. (d; intr.) to ~ through ('to comprehend') (she saw through the scheme immediately) 6. (d; tr.) to ~ through ('to assist, guide") (to ~ a book through the press; they saw me through my period of grief) 7. (d; tr.) ('to accompany') to ~ to (she saw him to the door) 8. (d; intr.) to ~ to ('to attend to') (I had to ~ to the arrangements) 9. (d; tr.) to ~ (through) to ('to be sufficient for') (this money will have to ~ us through to the end of the month) 10. (I) we saw him enter the building 11. (J) we saw him entering the building 12. (L) ('to perceive') they saw that further resistance was hopeless 13. (L) ('to make certain') ~ that you get there on time 14. (N; used with a past participle) ('to watch') we saw the play performed in New York 15. (0) ('to perceive') I could not ~ how the trick is done 16. (P; tr.) ('to accompany") I'll ~ you home 17. (misc.) they are ~ing each other regularly ('they are dating each other'); I ~ by the newspapers that... seed n. 1. to plant, sow, spread ~s 2. ~s germinate, sprout; grow 3. (misc.) to go to ~ ('to be neglected and become useless') seeding n. cloud ~ seek v. (E) she sought to help seeker n. a status ~ seem v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ like (she ~s like a reasonable person) 2. (E) they ~ to be pleasant; they ~ to like me 3. (L; to) it ~s (to me) that there will be more rain 4. (S) they ~ pleasant; it ~ed a waste of time seep v. (P; intr.) the water ~ed into the basement seesaw v. (d; intr.) ('to alternate') to ~ between (the lead ~ed between the two teams) seethe v. (D; intr.) to ~ with (to ~ with rage) see to v. (L) he saw to it that the same mistake didn't happen again segregate v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ from (to ~ one group from another) 2. (D; tr.) to ~ into (to ~ people into different groups) segregation n. 1. to maintain, practice ~ 2. racial; religious ~ seize v. (d; intr.) to ~ on, upon (to ~ upon a chance remark) seized adj. ~ with (an acute illness) seizure n. ['convulsion, paroxysm'] 1. to have a ~ 2. a cardiac, heart; epileptic; uncontrollable ~ ['act of seizing'] 3. search and ~ select v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ from among (we ~ed her from among many candidates) 2. (H) we ~ed her to represent us selection n. ['choice'] 1. to make a ~ 2. natural ~ ['selected piece of music'] 3. to play a ~ 4. a musical ~ self n. 1. one's real, true ~ 2. one's old ~ (she performed like her old ~) self-assurance see self-confidence self-confidence n. 1. to acquire, gain; display, show; have ~ 2. to instill ~ 3. to restore smb.'s ~ 4. to undermine smb.'s ~ 5. the ~ to + inf. (she doesn't have the ~ to run for public office) self-conscious adj. ~ about self-consciousness n. 1. to display ~ in 2. ~ about self-control n. 1. to display; exercise ~ 2. to lose ~ 3. admirable, complete, total ~ self-defense, self-defence n. 1. in ~ (to kill smb. in ~) 2. the art of ~ self-denial n. to exercise, practice ~ self-determination n. 1. to give, grant ~ 2. to achieve, realize ~ self-discipline n. 1. to display, exhibit; exercise; have ~ 2. the ~ to + inf. (who has the ~ to write a dictionary?) self-examination n. 1. to do, make a ~ 2. a frank, honest ~ self-flattery n. to indulge in ~ self-fulfillment, self-fulfilment n. to achieve; seek self-government n. 1. to grant ~ 2. to enjoy ~ self-interest n. 1. enlightened ~ 2. in one's own ~ selfish adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of them to do that) self-management n. workers' ~ self-pity n. to indulge in ~ self-portrait n. to do, paint a ~ self-respect n. to keep one's ~ self-restraint n. to display, exercise, practice, show ~ self-rule n. 1. to grant ~ 2. to enjoy ~ self-sufficiency n. 1. to achieve, attain ~ 2. economic ~ self-treatment n. to resort to ~ sell I n. (colloq.) ['method of selling'] a hard; soft II v. 1. to ~ retail; wholesale 2. (A) we sold our old car to him; or: we sold him our old car 3. (d; intr., tr.) to ~ for (it sold for ten pounds; we sold the car to them for three thousand dollars) 4. (colloq.) (d; tr.) to ~ on ('to convince of) (to ~ smb. on an idea) 5. (misc.) to ~ as is ('to sell with no guarantee as to quality'); to ~ smt. at a loss; to ~ by the dozen; to ~ in bulk; to sell like hot cakes ('to be sold very quickly in large quantities'); to ~ smb. down the river ('to betray and ruin smb.') selling n. panic ~ sellout v. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ to (she sold out to her partner) semantics n. general; generative ~ semester n. (esp. US) the fall; spring; summer ~ semicircle n. 1. to form a ~ 2. in a ~ semicolon n. to place, put in a ~ seminar n. 1. to conduct, hold a ~ 2. a ~ on seminary n. a theological ~ senate n. 1. to convene, convoke a ~ 2. to disband, dissolve a ~ 3. a ~ meets, is in session 4. a ~ adjourns senator n. a junior; senior ~ send v. 1. (A) we sent the manuscript to her; or: we sent her the manuscript 2. (D; tr.) to ~ as (he was sent as our representative) 3. (D; tr.) to ~ by (to ~ a letter by airmail) 4. (d; intr.) to ~ for ('to ask to come') (to ~ for the doctor) 5. (d; tr.) to ~ for ('to send smb. to fetch smt.') (she sent me for some beer) 6. (d; tr.) ('to insert') to ~ into (the coach sent some new players into the game) 7. (d; tr.) to ~ on (to ~ students on a field trip) 8. (d; tr.) to ~ out of (the teacher sent the unruly pupils out of the room) 9. (d; tr.) to ~ to (her parents sent her to camp) 10. (H) we sent him to buy beer 11. (J) the explosion sent things flying; we sent him packing ('we dismissed him summarily') send away v. (d; intr.) to ~ for; to (we had to ~ to the factory for spare parts) send down v. (BE) (D; tr.) ('to expel') to ~ from (he was sent down from Oxford) send in v. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ for (the children sent in box tops for prizes) send-off n. to give smb. a (big) ~ (they gave her quite a ~) send out v. 1.(B) they sent out invitations to many people 2. (d; tr.) to ~ as (they were sent out as our representatives) 3. (d; intr., tr.) to ~ for (to ~ for pizza; they sent him out for beer) 4. (d; tr.) to ~ on (the young reporter was sent out on her first assignment) senior I adj. ~ to (she is ~ to me by one year) II n. (AE) a college; graduating; high-school (AE) ~ seniority n. according to, by ~ (to promote according to ~) sensation n. ['excitement'] 1. to cause, create a ~ ['feeling'] 2. a burning; choking; numbing; pleasant; unpleasant ~ sense I n. ['judgment'] 1. to display, show ~ 2. common, good, horse (colloq.) ~ 3. a grain of ~ 4. the ~ to + inf. (they don't have the ~ to admit defeat) 5. (misc.) to bring smb. to her/his ~s; to come to one's ~s; to take leave of one's ~s ['logic'] 6. to make ~ (her choice makes ~; it makes ~ to file an application; can you make any ~ out of this?) ['reaction to stimuli'] 7. to sharpen the ~s 8. to dull the ~s 9. an intuitive; keen ~ 10. the five ~s 11. the sixth ~ ('intuition') ['feeling'] 12. (to have) a false ~ (of security) 13. (misc.) a ~ of humor ['meaning'] 14. a figurative; literal, narrow, strict ~ 15. in a ~ (in the literal ~ of the word; in every ~ of the word) ['appreciation'] 16. a ~ of beauty II v. (L) she ~d immediately that smt. was wrong senseless adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ to lie) sense of humor n. 1. to demonstrate, display a ~ 2. a wry ~ sensible adj. ['reasonable'] 1. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of her to postpone the trip) ['aware'] (formal) (BE) 2. ~ of (they were ~ of the danger that they faced) sensitive adj. ~ to (~ to charges of corruption; ~ to criticism) sensitivity n. ~ to (~ to criticism) sensitize v. (D;tr.) to ~ to sensor n. to trip a ~ sentence I n. [' judgment of a court'] 1. to impose, pass, pronounce (a) ~ 2. to carry out, execute a ~ 3. to serve (out) a ~ 4. to commute; reduce; suspend; vacate a ~ 5. a harsh, severe, stiff; light ~ 6. a death; indefinite, indeterminate; life; prison; suspended ~ 7. under ~ 8. (misc.) to get off with a light ~ ['independent group of words'] 9. to form, formulate, make up; generate a ~ 10. an affirmative; complex; compound; declarative; elliptical; embedded; exclamatory; impersonal; interrogative; negative; simple ~ II v. (D;tr.) to ~ for; to (the judge ~d him to five years for theft; the convicted murderer was ~d to death) sentiment n. ['feeling'] 1. to express a ~ 2. to display, show ~ 3. a growing; lofty; patriotic; shocking; strong ~ 4. ~ against; for, in favor of (there is growing ~ in favor of a tax reduction) 5. ~ that + clause (there was strong ~ that the government should step down) sentimental adj. ~ about, over sentimentality n. 1. maudlin, mawkish ~ 2. ~ about sentimentalize v. (D; intr.) to ~ about, over sentry n. 1. to post a ~ 2. to relieve a ~ separate I adj. ~ from (to keep ~ from) II v. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ from (she was ~d from her family; to be ~d from the service) separation n. ~ from separatism n. political; racial; religious ~ sequel n. a ~ to sequence n. 1. a chronological; natural ~ 2. in ~ serenade n. 1. to play, sing a ~ 2. a ~ to sergeant n. 1. a buck; color; drill; first, top; flight (BE); gunnery; master; platoon; recruiting; staff; technical ~ 2. a ~ major series n. ['sequence'] (math.) 1. an alternating; convergent; divergent; geometric; harmonic; infinite ~ ['succession'] 2. an unbroken ~ ['cycle of programs, publications'] 3. a miniseries; TV ~ serious adj. 1. deadly ~ 2. ~ about (she is ~ about her work) sermon n. 1. to deliver, give, preach a ~ 2. a lay ~ servant n. 1. a domestic; personal; public ~ 2. a faithful, loyal, trusted ~ 3. a ~ to serve I n. (tennis) 1. the ~ was good; long; out 2. a ~ to (a ~ to the backhand) II v. 1. (A) ('to bring') she ~d dinner to us; or: she ~d us dinner 2. (d; intr.) to ~ as ('to fulfill the functions of) (his illness ~d as an excuse; to ~ as mayor) 3. (D; intr.) to ~ on ('to be a member of) (to ~ on a jury) 4. (D; tr.) to ~ on ('to deliver to') (to ~ a summons on smb.) 5. (tennis) (D; intr.) ('to put the ball in play') to ~ to (I hate to ~ to her -- she always returns the ball to my backhand) 6. (D; intr.) ('to be in service') to ~ under (he ~d directly under a general) 7. (d; tr.) to ~ with ('to deliver to') (to ~ smb. with a summons) 8. (E) ('to have an effect') it ~d to calm everyone's nerves 9. (misc.) it ~s him right ('he got what he deserved') service n. ['work done for others'] 1. to do, offer, perform, provide, render a ~ 2. custom; meritorious; public; yeoman ('loyal') ~ 3. professional; social (BE) ~s (a fee for professional ~s) 4. ~ to (she received an award for meritorious ~ to the community) 5. (misc.) to press smb. into ~ ['facility that satisfies a need'] 6. to introduce; offer, provide; restore ~ 7. to suspend a ~ 8. an ambulance; answering; bus; clipping (AE), press-cutting (BE); customer; dating; delivery; diaper (AE); door-to-door; employment (esp. AE); express; ferry; health-visitor (BE), visiting-nurse (AE); janitorial (AE); laundry; limousine (esp. AE); news, wire; placement; postal; repair; room; telephone; towing ~ ['operation, use'] 9. to see ~ (this equipment has seen plenty of ~) 10. in; out of ~ (the bus was not in ~) 11. (misc.) to put smt. into ~ ['disposal'] 12. to be at smb.'s ~ ['help, benefit'] 13. to be of ~ to ['religious ceremony'] 14. to hold a ~; to hold ~s 15. a burial; marriage; memorial; prayer, religious ~ 16. an evening; morning; noontime; sunrise ~ (they hold sunrise ~s once a week) ['set of utensils'] 17. a coffee; dinner; tea ~ 18. a ~ for ['administrative division of government'] 19. the civil; consular; diplomatic; foreign; intelligence, secret ~ 20. human ~s ('social services') ['game during which one serves'] (tennis) 21. to hold ('win'); lose one's ~ 22. to break smb.'s ~ ['duty in the armed forces'] 23. to see ~ (she saw ~ during the Second World War) 24. military; national (BE), selective (AE) ~ 25. active; inactive ~ 26. in the ~ ['position as a servant'] (esp. BE) 27. domestic ~ 28. to be in ~; to go into ~ ['scheduled routes, flights'] 29. to introduce; offer, provide ~ 30. to suspend ~ 31. daily; regular ~ 32. ~ between; from; to (regular ~ between two cities; that airline provides daily ~ from New York to London) ['manner of dealing with customers'] 33. fast; fine; slow ~ ['misc.'] 34. lip ~ ('meaningless promises') serving n. ['portion'] a generous, liberal; second; small ~ servitude n. involuntary; penal ~ session n. 1. to hold a ~ 2. a briefing; bull (AE; colloq.), rap (AE; colloq.); jam; joint; legislative; plenary; practice; rap; special; summer; winter; working ~ 3. (colloq.) (AE) a stroking ~ ('an attempt at conciliation') 4. a ~ on (to hold a special ~ on problems of air pollution) 5. in ~ (in secret ~; the court was in ~) set I adj. ['opposed'] 1. (cannot stand alone) ~ against (her parents were dead ~ against the marriage) ['ready'] 2. ~ for (we are ~ for the big celebration) 3. ~ to + inf. (we are ~ to begin) 4. (misc.) to get ~ for; (before a race) get ready, get ~, go! (AE; BE has ready, steady, go!) II n. ['collection of things used together'] 1. to make up a ~ 2. to break, break up a ~ 3. a carving; chemistry; chess; tea ~ ['group of six or more games'] (tennis) 4. to play a ~ 5. to lose; win a ~ ['apparatus'] 6. a radio; television, TV ~ ['clique'] 7. the fast (old-fashioned); international; jet; smart (old- fashioned) ~ (to belong to the jet ~) ['stage, film scenery'] 8. to dismantle, strike a ~ ['misc.'] 9. to make a dead ~ at smb. ('to attack smb.'); ('to attempt to win smb.'s favor') III v. 1. (BE) (C) ('to assign') the teacher set several problems for the pupils; or: the teacher set the pupils several problems 2. (d; tr.) ('to place') to ~ against (to ~ a ladder against a wall) 3. (d; tr.) ('to pit') to ~ against (to ~ brother against brother) 4. (D; tr.) ('to arrange') to ~ for (to ~ the stage for smt.; to ~ a trap for smb.; to ~ a date for a wedding) 5. (d; tr.) ('to incite') to ~ on (to ~ dogs on a trespasser) 6. (D; tr.) ('to put') to ~ on (to ~ a price on an article) 7. (d; tr.) ('to attach') to ~ on (to ~ one's eyes on smt.) 8. (d; tr.) ('to adapt') to ~ to (to ~ a poem to music) 9. (d; intr.) to ~ upon ('to attack') (the wolves set upon the sheep) 10. (BE) (H) ('to assign as a task') she set them to write reports; I set myself to study these problems 11. (J) ('to compel') that set me thinking 12. (N; used with an adjective) to ~ smb. free 13. (P; tr.) ('to place') she set the lamp on the fable 14. (nrrsc.) to ~ an example for smb.; to ~ smt. apart; to ~ store by smb. ('to rely on smb.'); to ~ fire to ('to ignite'); to ~ a match to ('to ignite'); to ~ one's mind to do smt. ('to resolve to do smt.'); to ~ smt. in motion; to ~ one's sights on ('to aspire to') to ~ sail for ('to leave by ship for') set about v. 1.(E) ('to begin') he set about to undo the damage that he had caused 2. (G) ('to begin') we set about working on the project set apart v. (D; tr.) to ~ from (certain traits ~ them apart from the others) set aside v. (D; tr.) to ~ for (to ~ money for one's old age) setback n. 1. to have, receive, suffer a ~ 2. a serious; unexpected ~ 3. a business; diplomatic; financial; military; personal; political; professional ~ set off v. (D; intr.) ('to start') to ~ for, on (to ~ for home; to ~ on a trip) set out v. 1. (D; intr.) ('to leave') to ~ for; from (to ~ for town) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ on ('to begin') (to ~ on a new career) 3. (E) ('to resolve') he has set out to get revenge 4. (misc.) to ~ in search of smt. setting n. ['set of tableware'] 1. a place ~ for ['frame in which a gem is set'] 2. to fashion a ~ for ['surroundings'] 3. a natural ~ ['arrangement of stage props'] 4. a stage ~ ['point at which a measuring device is set'] 5. to adjust, change the ~ (of a thermostat) settle v. 1. to ~ peacefully (to ~ a dispute peacefully) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ for ('to be content with') (they had to ~ for a very modest house with no garage) 3. (d; intr.) ('to decide') to ~ on (have you ~d on a place for your vacation?) 4. (D; intr., tr.) ('to adjust accounts; to adjust') to ~ with (to ~ with one's creditors; we have ~d our accounts with our creditors) 5. (misc.) to ~ (a case) out of court; to ~ oneself in an armchair; to ~ on the land; to ~ into a routine settled adj. to get ~ settle down v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ into, to (to ~ into a routine; to ~ to family life) 2. (E) to ~ to study 3. (misc.) to ~ for the night settlement n. 1. to come to, make, negotiate, reach a ~ on 2. a fair, reasonable; tentative ~ 3. a lump-sum; marriage; out-of-court ~ setup v. 1.(d;refl.,tr.) ('to establish') to ~ as (she set herself up as a real estate agent) 2. (D; tr.) ('to establish') to ~ in (to set smb. up in business) several determiner, pronoun ~ of (~ of them) USAGE NOTE: The use of the preposition of is necessary when a pronoun follows. When a noun follows, the use of the limits the meaning -- we saw several students; we saw several of the students whom we had discussed earlier. sew v. (C) she ~ed a dress for me; or: she ~ed me a dress sewage n. 1. to treat ~ 2. raw, untreated ~ sewer n. a sanitary; storm ~ sex n. ['sexual relations'] 1. to have ~ with smb. 2. explicit; illicit; kinky (slang), perverse; premarital ~ ['division of organisms into male and female'] 3. the fair; female; male ~ 4. a member of the opposite ~ sex organs n. female; male ~ sexual intercourse n. to have ~ with sexuality n. human ~ shack n. a dilapidated, run-down; jerry-built ~ shackle v. (d; tr.) to ~ to (the prisoner was ~d to the bars) shackles n. to cast off, throw off one's ~ shack up v. (slang.) (D; intr.) to ~ with (he ~ed up with his girlfriend) shade I n. ['gradation of color'] 1. a delicate, pale, pastel, soft ~ 2. a dark; light ~ ['window cover'] (AE;BEhas blinds) 3. to draw, pull down; raise the ~s 4. a window ~ ['shaded place'] 5. in the ~ ['misc.'] 6. a lampshade II v. (d; intr.) to ~ into (the colors ~ into each other) shadow n. 1. to cast, produce, throw a ~ (the setting sun cast long ~s) 2. ~s fall 3. (misc.) a mere ~ of one's former self; beyond a ~ of a doubt; to walk in smb.'s ~ ('to be subservient to smb.) shaft n. 1. to bore, sink a ~ 2. a cardan (BE), drive (AE) ~ 3. an air; elevator (AE), lift (BE) ~ shake I n. ['act of shaking'] 1. to give smb. or smt. a ~ (she gave the rug a good ~) ['opportunity'] (colloq.) (AE) 2. a fair ~ (she got a fair ~) II v. 1. to ~ vigorously; violently 2. (d; tr.) to ~ from, out of (to ~ apples from a tree) 3. (D; intr.) to ~ with (to ~ with fear) 4. (misc.) ~ well before using shakedown v. (D; tr.) to ~ from (to ~ fruit down from a tree) shaken adj. easily; visibly ~ shaker n. 1. a cocktail ~ 2. a pepper ~ (AE; BE has pepper pot) shake-up n. a personnel ~ shall v. (F) we ~ see shambles n. 1. to make a ~ of; to turn smt. into a ~ 2. in (a) ~ (their economy is in ~) shame I n. 1. to bring ~ on, to, upon 2. to feel ~ at (they felt ~ at accepting bribes) 3. (colloq.) an awful, crying, dirty ~ 4. a ~ to + int. (it's a ~ to waste so much time = it's a ~ wasting so much time) 5. a ~ that + clause (it was a ~ that they could not come) 6. for, in ~ (to hang one's head in ~) 7. to smb.'s ~ (to my ~, I never did help them) 8. with ~ (his cheeks burned with ~) 9. (misc.) to put smb. to ~; a damned ~; ~ on you! II v. 1. (d; tr.) to ~ into (to ~ smb. into doing smt.) 2. (d; tr.) to ~ out of shameful adj. 1. ~ to + int. (it was ~ of them to surrender 2. ~ that + clause (it was ~ that they surrendered) shameless adj. ~ to + int. (it was ~ of them to do that) shampoo n. ['washing of the hair'] 1. to give smb. a ~ 2. to get a ~ shape I n. ['form'] 1. to give ~ to 2. to assume a ~; to take ~; to take the ~ of (our plans are beginning to take ~; to take the ~ of a human being) ['good physical condition'] 3. to get (oneself) into ~ 4. to keep (oneself) in ~ ['physical condition'] 5. bad; good ~ 6. in ~ (to be in bad ~) 7. (misc.) she is in no ~ to give a speech II v. (d;tr.) to ~ into (to ~ clay into a jug) share I n. 1. to do one's ~ 2. an equal; fair; full; large, lion's, major ~ 3. ordinary ~s (BE; AE has common stock) 4. preference ~s (BE; AE has preferred stock) 5. a ~ in (to have a ~ in the profits) II v. 1. (D;tr.) to ~ among (the thieves ~d the loot among themselves) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ in (to ~ in the profits; to ~ in using the computer) 3. (D; tr.) to ~ with (we ~d our food with them) sharing n. 1. profit ~ 2. revenue ~ (by the states) shark n. 1. a man-eating ~ 2. (fig.) a loan ~ sharp adj. razor ~ sharpener n. a pencil ~ shave I n. 1. to give smb. a ~ 2. a close ~ 3. (misc.) a close ~ ('a narrow escape') II v. (N; used with an adjective) she ~d me close; he ~d his head bald shavings n. wood ~ shears n. 1. pinking; pruning ~ 2. a pair of ~ shed v. (D; tr.) to ~ on (to ~ light on a mystery) ('to clear up a mystery') sheen n. ['brightness'] a high ~ sheep n. 1. to raise, rear (BE) ~ 2. to shear ~ 3. ~ baa, bleat, go baa 4. a flock, herd of ~ 5. the meat of the ~ is mutton 6. a young ~ is a lamb; its meat is lamb 7. a female ~ is a ewe 8. a male ~ is a ram 9. (misc.) ~ are tended by a shepherd sheet n. ['piece of bed linen'] 1. a bed; cotton; percale ~ 2. a double; fitted; flat; king-sized; queen-sized; single; twin ~ 3. (misc.) to change the ~s == to put on clean ~s ['financial statement'] ['record'] 4. a balance ~ 5. (BE) a wages ~ ['diagram'] 6. a flow ~ ['piece of paper'] 7. a blank ~ ['newspaper'] (colloq.) 8. a scandal ~ ['statement'] 9. a charge ~ ('a statement of charges brought against an accused person') ['pan'] 10. a cookie ~ shelf n. 1. to build, put up a ~ 2. adjustable; built-in shelves 3. a continental ~ 4. (misc.) on the ~ ('no longer in demand'); to stock shelves with supplies shell n. 1. to fire a ~ at 2. to fuse a ~ 3. to lob a ~ (our artillery was lobbing ~s into enemy positions) 4. an armor-piercing; high-explosive; hollow-charge; incendiary; mortar; smoke ~ 5. ~s burst shellacking n. ['beating'] (colloq.) (AE) 1. to give smb. a ~ 2. to get, take a ~ shelling n. constant, round-the-clock; heavy, intensive; light ~ shell out v. (colloq.) (B) ('to pay') they had to ~ money to their creditors shelter I n. 1. to afford, give, offer, provide ~ 2. to seek; take ~ from 3. an air-raid, bomb; fallout; tax ~ II v. (D; tr.) to ~ from shelving n. to put up ~ sheriff n. a deputy ~ sherry n. dry; sweet ~ shield v. (D; tr.) to ~ against, from shift I n. ['change'] 1. to bring about, produce a ~ in 2. (ling.) a consonant; functional; vowel ~ ['work period'] 3. a day; eight-hour; night; split; swing ~ (she works the night ~; to work an eight-hour ~) ['transmission'] 4. an automatic; standard, stick ~ II v. 1. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ from; to (to ~ from first to second gear; to ~ responsibility to smb. else) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ into (to ~ into neutral) 3. (misc.) to ~ for oneself ('to live independently') shift key n. (on a typewriter) to press a ~ shin n. to bark ('scrape') one's ~s shine I n. ['liking'] (colloq.) (esp. AE) 1. to take a ~ to ['shining of shoes'] 2. to give smb. a ~ ('to shine smb.'s shoes') II v. 1. (D; intr.) ('to give light') to ~ on (the hot sun was ~ing directly on our heads) 2. (d; tr.) ('to direct') to ~ on (~ the floodlights on this part of the field) shiner n. ['black eye'] (colloq.) (old-fashioned) 1. to give smb. a ~ 2. to sport a ~ shingle n. ['small sign designating a professional office'] (colloq.) (AE) to hang out one's ~ shingles I n. ['building material on a roof] to lay II n. ['herpes zoster'] to develop ~ ship I n. 1. to build; refit a ~ 2. to christen; launch a ~ 3. to navigate; sail a ~ 4. to scuttle; sink; torpedo a ~ 5. to abandon ~ (when it is sinking) 6. to jump ~ ('to desert from a ship's crew') 7. to raise a sunken ~ 8. to load; unload a ~ 9. a battleship; capital; hospital; merchant; oceangoing; passenger; rocket; sailing ~; spaceship; steamship; supply ~; warship; weather ~ 10. a ~ heaves; pitches; rolls 11. (misc.) to board a ~; to disembark from a ~; to run a tight ~ ('to operate efficiently') USAGE NOTE: The term rocket ship is now used chiefly in science fiction. The terms spacecraft and space vehicle are now used for the real thing. The term spaceship is sometimes used for 'manned spacecraft'. II v. (A) they have ~ped the merchandise to us; or: they have ~ped us the merchandise ship off v. (D; tr.) to ~ to (they ~ped their children off to camp) shipping n. merchant ~ shipwreck n. to experience, suffer (a) ~ shipyard n. a naval ~ shirk v. (G) no one should ~ doing her/his duty shirt n. 1. to put on; take off a ~ 2. a body; dress; hair; polo; sport; wash-and-wear ~ 3. (misc.) to lose one's ~ ('to lose everything') shiver I n. a ~ went up and down my spine II v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ at (she ~ed at the thought of getting up) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ from, with (to ~ from the cold) shock I n. 1. to give smb. a ~ 2. to express; feel; get, have a ~ 3. to absorb a ~ 4. an emotional; mild, slight; profound, rude, severe, terrible ~ 5. (a) culture; electric; future; insulin; shell (old- fashioned) ~ 6. a ~ to (his arrest was a ~ to everybody) 7. a ~ to + int. (it was a ~ to learn of his death = it was a ~ learning of his death) 8. a ~ that + clause (it came as a ~ that he had been released from prison) 9. ~ at (everyone expressed ~ at the hijacking) II v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ into (to ~ smb. into doing smt.) 2. (R) it ~ed me (to learn) that he had been in prison shocked adj. 1. ~ at (~ at the results) 2. ~ to + int. (we were ~ to learn that he had been fired) 3. ~ that + clause (everyone was ~ that he had been arrested) shocking adj. 1. ~ to + int. (it is ~ to read of such crimes) 2. ~ that + clause (it's ~ that the article was censored) shock therapy n. 1. to administer ~ 2. to get, receive ~ shock wave n. to send a ~ (the uprising sent ~s through the country) shoelace n. 1. to tie; untie a ~ 2. to knot a ~ shoes n. 1. to put on; wear ~ 2. to slip off, take off ~ 3. to break in (new) ~ 4. to lace (one's) ~ 5. to polish, shine ~ 6. to fix, mend (esp. BE), repair ~ 7. tight; well-fitting ~ 8. basketball; earth; gym ~; overshoes; running; saddle ~; snowshoes; sports; tennis; track ~ 9. ~ fit; pinch 10. (misc.) to fill smb.'s ~ ('to replace smb.') shoestring n. (colloq.) ['limited funds'] on a ~ (to operate a business on a ~) shoot I n. ['young plant']!, a bamboo ~ ['hunting trip'] (esp. BE) 2. (to go on) a tiger ~ II v. 1. (D; tr.) ('to execute by shooting') to ~ as (he was shot as a deserter) 2. (D; intr.) ('to fire') to ~ at (to ~ at smb.) 3. (colloq.) (esp. AE) (d; intr.) ('to aim') to ~ for (to ~ for the top) 4. (D; intr., tr.) ('to fire') to ~ into (to ~ into the air) 5. (N; used with an adjective) ('to hit with gun-fire') to ~ smb. dead 6. (P; intr.) ('to move quickly') they shot past us in a sports car shop I n. ['store'] 1. to manage, operate a ~ 2. an antique ~; barbershop (esp. AE), barber's ~ (BE); bookshop; butcher (AE), butcher's (BE); chemist's (BE); duty- free; gift; novelty; pastry ~; sweetshop (BE); thrift; toy ~ 3. a draper's ~ (BE; AE has dry-goods store) 4. at, in (she works in a ~) ['workshop'] 5. a beauty (esp. AE); body; machine; paint; printing ~ ['place of work'] 6. a closed ~ ('firm that hires only union members') 7. an open ~ ('firm that hires union members and non-union members') 8. a union ~ ('firm that hires only workers who will join the union if they are not already members') ['misc.'] 9. to close down (a) ~ ('to stop operations'); to set up ~ ('to begin operations'); to talk ~ ('to discuss one's work while not at work'); a coffee ~ (AE; BE has coffee bar); a betting ~ (BE; CE has book-maker's) USAGE NOTE: Shop and store are CE. In BE, store tends to be used for a very large retail establishment (department store) and shop for the others (bookshop, sweetshop). In AE, store is used for all, regardless of size (department store, book store, candy store). However, AE can also use shop for a small specialized store (bookshop, millinery shop). II v. L (D: intr.) to ~ for (to ~ for food) 2. (misc.) to go ~ping; let's go window ~ping; to ~ smb. to the police (BE; slang) ('to inform on smb. to the police') shop around v. (D; intr.) to ~ for (to ~ for bargains) shopper n. a Christmas; comparison; window ~ shopping n. 1. to do the ~ 2. Christmas; comparison; window ~ (to do the Christmas ~; to do comparison ~) shore n. l. (AE; BE has seaside) at the ~ (a vacation at the ~) 2. off ~ (two miles off ~) 3. on a ~ (smb. was standing on the ~) short adj. 1. ~ in (~ in stature) 2. ~ of (~ of funds; to run ~ of food; to fall ~ of one's goal) 3. (misc.) to be caught ~ ('to find oneself in acute need'); and: (BE; colloq.) ('to feel the need to go to the toilet') shortage n. 1. an acute ~ 2. a food; housing; labor; teacher ~; wartime ~s shortcut n. 1. to take a ~ 2. a ~ to (a ~ to success) shorten v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ by (to ~ trousers by two inches) 2. (D; tr.) to ~ to (to ~ a manuscript to acceptable length) shortening n. (esp. AE) vegetable ~ shorthand n. (to take smt. down) in ~ short haul (esp. AE) see short run short run n. ['brief period'] in the ~ shorts n. 1. Bermuda; boxer ~ 2. a pair of ~ short shrift n. ['quick work'] 1. to make ~ of ('to finish with quickly') 2. to give smb. ~ ('to deal with smb. summarily') 3. to get ~ from smb. ('to be treated summarily by smb.') shortsighted adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of her not to make a reservation) short term see short run shot n. ['act of shooting'] 1. to fire, take a ~ at (she took a ~ at him) 2. a random; warning ~ 3. a pistol; rifle ~ ['marksman'] 4. a bad; crack, good ~ ['throw, kick of the ball to score points'] 5. (esp. basketball) to make, sink; miss; take a ~ (to take a ~ at the basket) 6. (basketball) a dunk, stuff; foul; jump; lay-up ~ 7. (tennis) a drop; passing ~ 8. (ice hockey) a penalty ~ ['metal ball used in the shot put'] 9. to put the ~ ['injection'] 10. to give smb. a ~ 11. to get a ~ 12. a booster ~ ['critical remark'] 13. a cheap; parting ~ ['attempt'] (colloq.) 14. to get; have a ~ at (the boxer never got a ~ at the title) ['chance'] (colloq.) (AE) 15. a ~ that + clause (it's a five to one ~ that she'll find out) ['misc.'] 16. to call the ~s ('to direct matters'); a ~ in the arm ('a stimulus'); a ~ in the dark ('a wild guess') shotgun n. a sawed-off (AE), sawn-off (BE) ~ (see also gun 1,2,4,5) should v. (F) she ~ help shoulder I n. 1. to shrug one's ~s 2. to square one's ~s 3. broad, square ~s 4. (misc.) ~ to ~ (to work ~ to ~) ('to work closely together'); to give smb. a cold ~ ('to be unfriendly to smb.'); to put one's ~ to the wheel ('to work very hard'); to rub ~s with ('to associate with'); straight from the ~ ('in a direct manner') II v. (d; tr.) to ~ through (he ~ed his way through the crowd) shout I n. 1. to give a ~ 2. a loud; piercing; triumphant ~ II v. 1. (B) she ~ed a few words to me 2. (D; intr.) to ~ at (don't ~ at me) 3. (L; to) he ~ed (to us) that we should call the police 4. (N; refl.; used with an adjective) he ~ed himself hoarse shove n. to give smb. a ~ shovel n. a steam ~ show I n. ['theatrical presentation'] ['performance'] ['program'] 1. to direct; do, produce, put on, stage; promote; sponsor a ~ 2. to catch (colloq.), see, take in a ~ 3. a chat (BE), talk; floor; ice; peep; Punch-and-Judy; sound- and-light; talent; TV; variety ~ (to sponsor a TV ~) ['display, exhibition'] 4. an air; auto (AE), motor (BE); flower; horse; ice ~ ['misc.'] 5. for ~ ('designed to make an impression'); bad ~ ('very bad'); good ~ ('very good'); to put on a ~ ('to pretend'); to steal the ~ ('to draw the most attention'); to stop the ~ ('to receive a great deal of applause, attention'); a ~ of strength; who is running this ~? ('who is in charge here?'); to get the ~ on the road (slang) ('to get things going') II v. 1. (A) ('to display') ~ the book to me; or: show me the book 2. (d; tr.) ('to guide') to ~ around, over, round (esp. BE), through (she ~ed me through the museum) 3. (d; tr.) to ~ for ('to have as a result of) (what can we ~ for our efforts?) 4. (d; tr.) ('to guide') to ~ to (I ~ed her to her seat) 5. (J) ('to display') the photograph ~ed them conversing 6. (L; may have an object) ('to demonstrate') the research ~ed (us) that our theory was correct 7. (M) ('to demonstrate') she ~ed herself to be an excellent worker; history ~ed her to be a prophet 8. (Q; usu. has an object) ('to demonstrate') can you ~ me how to operate the copying machine? 9. (misc.) to ~ to advantage ('to show in the best light'); to ~ oneself in public showdown n. to come to, have; force a ~ with shower I n. ['bath using an overhead spray'] 1. to have (BE), take a ~ ['short period of rain'] ['brief downpour'] 2. a heavy; light ~ 3. April; passing; scattered ~s 4. a meteor; rain; thunder ~ 5. a sun ~ (esp. AE) ('rain that falls while the sun is shin- ing') ['party to which the guests are expected to bring gifts'] (AE) 6. to make a ~ for smb. 7. a baby; bridal ~ II v. 1. (d; tr.) to ~ on, upon (to ~ gifts on smb.) 2. (d; tr.) to ~ with (to ~ smb. with gifts) showing n. ['performance'] 1. to make a ~ 2. a good; poor ~ (he made a poor ~) show up v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ as (the incident ~ed him up as a charlatan) 2. (s) he ~ed up drunk shrapnel n. to catch a piece of ~ (in the leg) shreds n. to rip, tear smt. to ~ shrewd adj. 1. ~ at 2. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of her to do that) shrewdness n. 1. to display ~ 2. ~ at 3. the ~ to + inf. (she had the ~ to buy real estate when the market was depressed) shriek I n. 1. to let out a ~ 2. a loud ~ II v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ at 2. (D; intr.) to ~ with (to ~ with laughter) shrine n. 1. to consecrate; create, establish a ~ 2. to desecrate a ~ 3. a sacred ~ 4. a ~ to 5. at a ~ (to pray at a ~) shrink v. (d; intr.) to ~ from (to ~ from responsibility) shrouded adj. ~ in (~ in mystery) shrubbery, shrubs n. to prune; trim ~ shrug I n. with a ~ (of the shoulders) II v. (D; intr.) to ~ at ('to express indifference to') (she ~ged at the suggestion) shudder I n. a ~ ran (through the audience) II v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ at (to ~ at the thought of going back to work) 2. (E) I ~ed to contemplate what lay ahead shufty n. (slang) (BE) ['quick look'] to have, take a ~ at shunt v. (d; tr.) to ~ onto, to (to ~ a train onto a siding) shut v. l.(D;tr.)to~on(to~thedooronsmb.) 2. (D; tr.) to ~ to (they shut their eyes to poverty) shut off v. (D; tr.) to ~ from shutter n. ['shield in a camera') 1. to release the ~ ['window cover'] 2. to close; open the ~s shuttle I n. ['vehicle used on an established route'] 1. to take a ~ 2. a space ~ 3. a ~ between II v. (d; intr.) to ~ between (these ships ~ between the two ports) shy I adj. ['wary'] 1. ~ about, of (BE) ['lacking'] (esp. AE) 2. ~ of (we are still a little ~ of our quota) II v. (D; intr.) to ~ at (the horse shied at the noise) shy away v. (d; intr.) to ~ from (they shied away from going through with the deal) sic v. (D; tr.) ('to urge to attack') to ~ on (to ~ a dog on smb.) sick adj. 1. ~ at (~ at heart; ~ at the prospect of leaving home) 2. ~ of (we are ~ of the red tape) 3. (misc.) ~ to one's stomach; worried ~; to be ~ and tired of smt. sick call n. (mil.) to go on ~ sicken v. (R) it ~ed me to watch him drink himself to death sickening adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ to watch them bicker constantly) sickness n. 1. altitude, mountain; car; decompression; morning; motion, travel; radiation; sea; sleeping ~ 2. in ~ (and in health) side I n. ['right or left part'] 1. the left; right ~ 2. the credit; debit ~ (of a ledger) 3. on a ~ (on the sunny ~ of the street) ['faction, party'] 4. to take smb.'s ~; to take ~s ('to support a faction') 5. the losing; right; winning; wrong ~ 6. on smb.'s ~ (of a dispute) ['direction'] 7. from a ~ (from the other ~; from all ~s) 8. (to turn) to one ~ ['surface'] ['part'] 9. a far; near; reverse ~ 10. the east; north; south; west ~ 11. on a ~ (on the other ~; on the north ~ of the town square) ['aspect'] 12. the bright; dark, gloomy; humorous; practical ~ (of things); the seamy ~ of life 13. a ~ to (there are two ~s to every question) 14. (misc.) to study all ~s of a problem ['area near a person'] 15. at, by smb.'s ~ (she sat at my ~) ['shore, bank'] 16. on a ~ (on the other ~ of the river) ['arrogance'] (slang) (BE) 17. to put on ~ ['misc.'] 18. to tutor smb. on the ~ ('to tutor smb. part-time'); we split our ~s laughing ('we laughed long and hard'); time is on our ~ ('time is working for us'); on smb.'s ~ (of the family); he's a bit on the short ~ (see the Usage Note for team) II v. (d; intr.) to ~ against; with sidelines n. on the ~ ('out of action') sidestroke n. to do, swim the ~ siding n. ['material attached to the outside of a building'] (AE) 1. to install ~ 2. aluminum ~ ['short stretch of railway track'] 3. a railway ~ 4. on a ~ sidle up v. (d; intr.) to ~ to (she ~d up to me) siege n. 1. to conduct a ~ of; to lay ~ to 2. to lift, raise a ~ 3. a state of ~ (in a state of ~) 4. at, during a ~ (he was killed at the ~ of Leningrad) 5. under ~ (a city under ~) siesta n. to have a ~ sieve n. to pass smt. through a ~ sift v. 1. to ~ carefully 2. (d; tr.) to ~ from (to ~ fact from fiction) 3. (d; intr.) to ~ through (to ~ through the debris) sigh n. 1. to breathe, heave a ~ (of relief) 2. a deep, profound ~ sight n. ['view'] 1. to catch; keep ~ of 2. to lose ~ of 3. at (the) ~ (to faint at the ~ of blood; to fall in love at first ~) 4. by ~ (to know smb. by ~) 5. in, within ~ (the ship was no longer in ~) 6. on ~ (to shoot looters on ~) 7. out of ~ 8. (misc.) to come into ~ ['something seen'] 9. a beautiful; comical, funny; disturbing; familiar; horrendous, horrible; memorable; pitiful; pleasant; sorry; thrilling; ugly; unpleasant ~ ['device used to aim a gun'] 10. to adjust one's ~s 11. to line up one's ~s 12. a front; panoramic; peep; rear; telescopic ~ 13. (misc.) to have smb. in one's ~s ['ability to see'] 14. keen ~ sighting n. a confirmed; radar; visual ~ sights n. ['aspirations'] 1. to set one's ~ on (she set her ~ on a career in politics) 2. to lower; raise one's ~ 3. (misc.) to set one's ~ high ['something worth seeing'] 4. to see, take in the ~ (the tourists took in the ~) sign n. ['indication'] 1. to give, show a ~ (he showed ~s of advanced emphysema; they showed no ~s of life) 2. an encouraging; sure, telltale, unmistakable ~ 3. vital ~s ('basic indications of life') 4. a ~ that + clause (there had been no ~ that the volcano would erupt) ['mark, symbol'] 5. a minus; plus ~ 6. a dollar ~ 7. a call ~ ('identifying letters of a radio station') ['marker'] ['placard'] 8. to post, put up; set up a ~ 9. a for sale; no trespassing; road, traffic ~ 10. (esp. AE) a ~ that + clause (the police put up a ~ that the road was closed) ['misc. '] 11. to make the ~ of the cross signal I n. ['sign'] ['message'] 1. to flash, give, send a ~ 2. a clear, unmistakable ~ 3. a smoke ~ (Indians used to send up smoke ~s) 4. a turn ~ (AE; BE has traffic indicator) 5. (AE) a traffic ~ 6. a storm ~ 7. a ~ from; to 8. a ~ to + inf. (the ~ to attack) 9. a ~ that + clause (the troops received the ~ that the attack was to begin) 10. at, on a ~ (the raid began at a given ~) 11. (misc.) (Am. football) to call the ~s (also fig.) ['electrical impulses'] 12. a radar; shortwave ~ II v. 1. to ~ wildly 2. (B) they ~ed their position to us 3. (d; intr.) to ~ for (to ~ for help) 4. (H) he ~ed us to come closer 5. (L; to; may have an object) the radio operator ~ed (to us)/ ~ed (us) that the ship was in distress 6. (misc.) she ~ed for us to come closer signature n. 1. to affix; scrawl one's ~ 2. to forge smb.'s ~ significance n. 1. to acquire; have ~ for 2. to be of ~ to significant adj. 1. ~ for, to 2. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ to note that the story did not appear in the newspapers) 3. ~ that + clause (it is ~ that our ambassador was not invited) signify v. (L) their statements ~ that no action will be taken sign on v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ as (to ~ as a seaman) 2. (misc.) (BE) to ~ for the dole sign over v. (B) she ~ed over the property to her children sign up v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ as (to ~ as a volunteer) 2. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ for (she ~ed up for an evening course; to ~ smb. up for a course) 3. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ with (they ~ed up with the volunteers) 4. (E) they ~ed up to serve as volunteers 5. (H) they ~ed us up to serve as volunteers silence n. 1. to impose ~ 2. to keep, maintain, observe ~ 3. to break (the) ~ 4. (an) awkward; dead; eerie; hushed; ominous; prolonged; stony ~ 5. (a) complete, perfect, total, utter; stony; stunned ~ 6. ~ reigns 7. in ~ (we were received in ~) 8. (misc.) radio ~ silent adj. to keep, remain ~ silhouetted adj. ~ against, on (~ against a light background) silk n. ['fine fabric'] 1. to spin ~ 2. fine ~ 3. natural; synthetic ~ ['misc.'] (BE) to take ~ ('to become a King's Counsel or Queen's Counsel) silkworm n. 1. to keep (BE), raise (esp. AE), rear (BE) ~s 2. ~s spin cocoons silly adj. 1. ~ about 2. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of her to say that) 3. (misc.) to make smb. look ~ silver n. sterling ~ similar adj. 1. strikingly ~ 2. ~ in (~ in outlook) 3. ~ to (this specimen is ~ to that one) similarity n. 1. to bear (a) ~ 2. a striking ~ 3. a ~ among, between; to simple adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ to do the job = it was a ~ job to do) simultaneous adj. ~ with sin I n. 1. to commit a ~ 2. to expiate; recant a ~ 3. to forgive smb.'s ~ 4. a deadly; inexpiable; mortal; unforgivable, unpardonable; venial ~ 5. original ~ 6. a ~ against 7. a ~ to + inf. (it's a ~ to tell a lie) 8. a ~ that + clause (it's a ~ that her talents are being wasted) 9. (misc.) (obsol.) to live in ~ ('to live together without being married') II v. (D; intr.) to ~ against sincerity n. 1. to demonstrate, show ~ 2. (misc.) to doubt smb.'s ~; in all ~ sinful adj. ~ to + inf. (it is ~ to waste so much food) sing v. 1. (C; more rarely A) ~ a song for/to us; or: ~ us a song 2. (D; intr.) to ~ about, of 3. (D; intr.) to ~ to (to ~fo a piano accompaniment) 4. (D; intr.) to ~ with 5. (misc.) to ~ in tune; to ~ out of tune; to ~ a baby to sleep singer n. a folk ~ single file n. (to walk) in ~ single out v. (D; tr.) to ~ for (to ~ smb. out for special treatment) sink I n. the bathroom (AE; BE has handbasin, wash-hand basin); kitchen ~ II v. 1.(d; intr.) to ~ below (to ~ below the surface) 2. (d; intr., tr.) to ~ into (to ~ into oblivion; to ~ one's teeth into a good steak) 3. (D; intr.) to ~ to (to ~ to the bottom) sip n. to take a ~ siren n. 1. to sound, turn on a ~ 2. an air-raid; ambulance ~ 3. a ~ goes off, rings, sounds, wails sister n. 1. a big, older; kid (colloq.), little, younger; twin ~ 2. a foster; half ~; stepsister 3. a lay; soul ~ 4. a ~ to (she was like a ~ to us) sit v. 1. to ~ quietly, still 2. (d; intr.) ('to pose') to ~ for (to ~ for a portrait) 3. (d; intr.) to ~ on ('to be a member of) (to ~ on a committee) 4. (d; intr.) to ~ through (we had to ~ through the whole boring speech) 5. (misc.) to ~ tight ('to refrain from taking action'); to ~ for an examination/to ~ an examination (BE) ('to take an examination'); to ~ on the bench ('to be a judge'); to be ~ting pretty ('to be well off) sit down v. 1. to ~ hard 2. (d; intr.) to ~ to (to ~ to a meal) site n. a battlefield; camping; construction ~ sit-in n. to conduct, hold; organize, stage a ~ sit in v. 1. (D; intr.) ('to attend') to ~ as (she sat in as our representative) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ for ('to replace') (she sat in for me while I was out of town) 3. (D; intr.) to ~ on ('to attend') (we sat in on a few meetings) sitter n. a baby; house ~ sitting duck n. ['easy target'] a ~ for situation n. 1. to comprehend, grasp, take in a ~ 2. to accept a ~ 3. an awkward; crisis, emergency; critical; delicate; desperate; embarrassing; explosive; fluid; hopeless, no-win (colloq.); intolerable; life-and-death; stable; tricky; unpleasant ~ 4. the housing; international, world; political ~ 5. (misc.) to take stock of the ~ USAGE NOTE: Some purists prefer the simple words crisis and emergency to phrases such as crisis situation and emergency situation. sit-up n. ['exercise'] to do ~s situp v. (D; intr.) to ~ with (to ~ with a sick child) sit well v. (D; intr.) to ~ with ('to be accepted by') (such behavior doesn't ~ with them) six-shooter n. see pistol 1-4,6 size n. 1. to take (colloq.), wear (a) certain ~ (what ~ do you wear?) 2. an enormous, tremendous; large; moderate; small ~ 3. the right; wrong ~ (they gave me the wrong ~) 4. boys'; children's; girls'; junior; men's; misses'; women's ~s5. life ~ 6. of acertain ~ (of tremendous ~) 7. (misc.) what ~ shirt do you wear? skate n. 1. an ice; roller ~ 2. a pair of ~s skate over n. (D; intr.) to ~ to (she ~d over to us) skater n. a figure; speed ~ skating n. figure; ice; roller; speed ~ skeleton n. a human ~ skeptical, sceptical adj. ~ about, of skepticism, scepticism n. 1. to demonstrate, display ~ 2. to maintain (a) ~ 3. ~ about (to maintain a healthy ~ about smt.) 4. (misc.) an air of ~ sketch n. ['drawing'] 1. to draw, make a ~ 2. a composite ~ 3. a rough ~ ['short essay'] 4. a brief, thumbnail ~ 5. a biographical ~ skid v. (D; intr.) to ~ on (cars often ~ on ice) skid row see row 13 skill n. 1. to acquire, master; hone a ~ 2. to demonstrate, display, show ~ 3. consummate, great ~ 4. diplomatic; professional; technical ~ 5. marketable ~s 6. ~ at, in; with (~ at/in using a computer; ~ with one's hands) 7. the ~ to + inf. (she had the ~ to cope with a difficult job) 8. (misc.) to market one's ~s skilled adj. 1. highly ~ 2. ~ at, in; with skillful, skilful adj. ~ at, in; with (~ at tying knots; ~ with one's hands) skim v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ through ('to read quickly') (to ~ through an article) 2. (P; intr., tr.) ('to bounce') the boy ~med stones along the surface of the water skimp v. (D; intr.) to ~ on (to ~ on food) skin I n. 1. to tan a ~ 2. to cast, shed, slip one's ~ (the snake shed its ~) 3. chapped; coarse, rough; dark; delicate; dry; fair; fine; irritated; light; oily; sensitive; smooth; soft ~ 4. human ~ 5. (after sunburn) ~ blisters; peels 6. (misc.) to save one's ~ ('to save one's life'); a thick ~ ('insensitivity'); a thin ~ ('excessive sensitivity'); to get under smb.'s ~ ('to irritate smb.') II v. (N; used with an adjective) to ~ smb. alive ('to punish smb. severely') skirmish I n. 1. a border; minor ~ 2. a ~ between; with II v. (D; intr.) to ~ with skirt n. 1. to hem; lengthen; shorten a ~ 2. a divided; full; gored ~; miniskirt; pleated; slit; wraparound ~ skis n. water ~ skit n. to do a ~ on skunk n. (misc.) to smell a ~ (esp. AE; colloq.) ('to sense trouble') sky n. 1. a blue, clear, cloudless; cloudy; dull, gray, overcast, sullen; starry ~ 2. a ~ clears up; clouds up, clouds over 3. a patch of (blue) ~ 4. in the ~ skyline n. an imposing; jagged ~ slab n. a concrete; marble; mortuary; stone ~ slack n. ['part that hangs loose'] to take up the ~ (of a rope) slacks n. a pair of ~ slander n. to spread ~ slang n. student; underworld ~ slanted adj. ['biased'] ~ against; towards (the article was ~ against our viewpoint) slap I n. 1. to give smb. a ~ (in the face) 2. (misc.) a ~ in the face ('a direct insult'); a ~ on the wrist ('a gentle reprimand') II v. 1. (d; intr.) ('to strike') to ~ against (the waves were ~ping against the sides of the boat) 2. (D; tr.) ('to strike') to ~ in (to ~ smb. in the face) 3. (d; tr.) ('to impose') to ~ on (to ~ new restrictions on exporters) 4. (misc.) to ~ smb. on the wrist ('to reprimand smb. gently') slash v. (D; intr.) to ~ at (to ~ at smb. with a knife) slate I n. ['record of past performance'] a clean ~ (to start off with a clean ~) II v. (colloq.) (BE) (D; tr.) ('to criticize severely') to ~ for (the play was ~d for its dialogue) slated adj. (AE) ['scheduled'] (cannot stand alone) 1. ~ for (~ for promotion) 2. ~ to + int. (she is ~ to be promoted soon) slaughter n. indiscriminate, mass, wanton, wholesale ~ slave I n. 1. to free, liberate a ~ 2. a fugitive, runaway ~ 3. (fig.) a ~ to (a ~ to a habit) 4. (misc.) to buy; sell ~s II v. (d; intr.) to ~ over (to ~ over a hot stove) slave away v. (D; intr.) to ~ at; over (to ~ over a hot stove) slavery n. 1. to establish, introduce ~ 2. to abolish ~ 3. white ~ sledding n. (colloq.) (AE) ['progress'] rough, tough ~ sleep I n. 1. to induce ~ 2. to get (enough) ~ 3. deep, heavy, profound, sound; fitful; light; restful ~ 4. (misc.) to go to ~; to walk in one's ~; to put to ~ ('to kill'); ('to make unconscious'); to lose ~ over ('to worry a great deal about'); one's beauty ~; to get/have a good night's ~ II v. 1. to ~ fitfully; lightly; soundly 2. (D; intr.) to ~ on ('to postpone for a day') (to ~ on a decision) 3. (d; intr.) to ~ with ('to have sexual relations with') 4. (misc.) my foot went to ~ sleeper n. a heavy, sound; light ~ sleeve n. 1. to roll up one's ~s 2. (misc.) to have smt. up one's ~ ('to have a secret'); to roll up one's ~s and get down to work ('to get down to serious work') slice I n. 1. to cut off a ~ of 2. a thick; thin ~ II v. 1. (C) ~ a piece of meat for me; or: ~ me a piece of meat 2. (d; intr.) to ~ into (to ~ into the bread) 3. (d; intr.) to ~ through (the icebreaker ~d through the ice) 4. (N; used with an adjective) she ~d the bread thin slick n. an oil ~ slide I n. a hair ~ (BE; AE has barrette) II v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ down (to ~ down a hill) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ from, out of (the glass slid from her hand) 3. (d; intr.) to ~ into (the car skidded and slid into a ditch) 4. (AE) (baseball) (D; intr.) to ~ into ('to occupy by sliding') (he slid into second base) slide rule n. to operate, use a ~ slides n. 1. to project, show ~ 2. to mount ~ slight n. (lit.) ['slur'] a ~ on, to (a ~ on smb.'s honor) slime n. ~ oozes sling I n. in a ~ (her arm was in a ~) II v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ at (to ~ stones at smb. 2. (misc.) to ~ mud at smb.) ('to slander smb.') slink v. (P; intr.) to ~ through the bushes slip I n. ['error'] 1. to make a ~ (of the tongue) 2. a Freudian ~ ['escape'] (colloq.) 3. to give smb. the ~ ['piece of paper'] 4. a credit (BE), deposit ~ (in a bank); a sales ~ (AE) 5. a call ~ ('request for a library book') 6. a pink ~ ('notice of termination of employment') 7. a rejection ~ ('notification that a manuscript has been rejected by a publisher') II v. 1. (A) ('to hand') she ~ped a note to me; or: she ~ped me a note 2. (d; intr.) to ~ by, past ('to get by unnoticed') (they easily ~ped by the roadblock) 3. (D; intr.) to ~ from, out of ('to fall from') (the glass ~ped out of her hand) 4. (d; intr.) ('to move quickly') to ~ into (to ~ into a room) 5. (d; intr.) to — into ('to change into') (to ~ into smt. more comfortable; to ~ into a dressing gown) 6. (d; tr.) to ~ into ('to insert surreptitiously') (to ~ a clause into a contract; she ~ped a note into his hand) 7. (D; intr.) ('to slide and fall') to ~ on (he ~ped on a banana peel) 8. (d; intr.) ('to move quickly') to ~ out of (to ~ out of a house) 9. (d; intr.) to ~ out of ('to take off) (he ~ped out of his sweat suit) 10. (d; intr., tr.) to ~ through ('to pass through; to cause to pass through') (several scouts ~ped through their lines; we were able to ~ an agent through their security net; the opportunity ~ped through his fingers) slipcovers n. (AE) 1. to make ~ 2. to put on ~ 3. custom-made ~ slippers n. 1. house ~ 2. a pair of ~ slip up v. (D; intr.) ('to blunder') to ~ on (she ~ped up on the last question) slit I n. a narrow ~ II v. (N; used with an adjective) she slit the envelope open slither v. (P; intr.) to ~ along the ground slobber v. (colloq.) to ~ all over smb. slog v. (P; intr.) to ~ through the mud slogan n. 1. to coin a ~ 2. a catchy ~ slog away v. (D;intr.) to ~ at (to keep ~ging away at one's homework) slope I n. a gentle, gradual ~ II v. 1. to ~ gently, gradually 2. (P; intr.) the river bank ~s to the east slosh v. (P; intr.) to ~ through the snow slot n. (colloq.) ['position'] to fill; fit into a ~ slot machine n. (AE) ['gambling device'] to play a ~ (BE has fruit machine) slouch n. (colloq.) ['incompetent person'] no ~ at (she is no ~ at getting things done) slouch down v. (D; intr.) to ~ behind (she ~ed down behind the steering wheel) slow adj. 1. ~ at, in (she was ~ in reacting) 2. ~ to + inf. (she was ~ to react) slow burn n. (slang) (AE) to do a ~ ('to become angry gradually') slowdown n. an economic ~ slow motion n. ['slow-motion photography'] in ~ (they showed the finish in ~) sludge n. activated ~ slug v. (colloq.) (0) (can be used with one animate object) ('to punch') I'll ~ you one slum v. to go ~ming slumber n. deep ~ slump I n. a business, economic ~ II v. (D; intr.) to ~ to (the ground) slums n. 1. to clean up, clear away, tear down ~ 2. festering; inner-city, urban ~ slur I n. ['insult'] 1. to cast a ~ 2. an ethnic, racial ~ 3. a ~ on (his remark was a ~ on my character) II v. (d; intr.) to ~ over ('to minimize') (to ~ over a blunder) slut n. a common ~ smack I v. (colloq.) (0) (can be used with one animate object) I'll ~ you one II v. (d; intr.) to ~ of ('to suggest') (to ~ of treason) smallpox n. 1. to contract, develop ~ 2. a ~ epidemic (there have been no ~ epidemics for many years) small talk n. to make ~ smart I adj. ['impudent'] (colloq.) 1. to get ~ with (don't get ~ with me) ['shrewd'] 2. ~ to + inf. (she was ~ to refuse; it was ~ of him to reinvest his money) II v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ at, over (to ~ at an insult) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ under (to ~ under injustice) smash v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ into (to ~ into another car) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ through (to ~ through a fence) smattering n. to acquire, pick up a ~ of (they have picked up a ~ of the language) smear n. (med.) 1. to do, take a ~ 2. a Pap ~ (they did a Pap ~ on each patient) smell I n. 1. to give off a ~ 2. an acrid; bad, disagreeable, foul; faint, slight; persistent; rank; strong; sweet ~ 3. a ~ of (the ~ of paint) II v. 1.(D; intr.) to ~ like, of (to ~ of fish) 2. (J) we ~ed smt. burning 3. (s) the food ~s good smile I n. 1. to crack, flash a ~ at 2. to give smb. a ~ 3. to evoke a ~ 4. to hide, repress a ~ 5. a beguiling, intriguing; cheerful, happy; disarming; fixed; forced; infectious; radiant; ready; sardonic; sunny; supercilious ~ 6. (misc.) they are all ~s at the good news II v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ at (she ~d at me) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ on ('to favor') (fortune ~d on us) 3. (misc.) to ~ from ear to ear smirk v. (D; intr.) to ~ at smite v. (rare; formal) (N; used with an adjective) to ~ smb. dead smithereens n. to break, smash smt. into, to ~ smitten adj. ['affected'] (formal) 1. ~ by, with (~ by disease) ['infatuated'] (colloq.) 2. ~ by, with (he was totally ~ with her) smoke n. ['gaseous products of burning'] 1. to belch, emit, give off ~ (chimneys belch ~) 2. to inhale ~ 3. heavy, thick; light ~ 4. ~ pours from (a chimney) 5. ~ eddies, spirals (upward) 6. a column; pall; puff; wisp of ~ ['act of smoking'] 7. to have a ~ 8. (to go out) for a ~ smoker n. a chain; habitual, heavy, inveterate ~ smoke screen n. to lay (down) a ~ smooth adj. 1. ~ to (~ to the touch) 2. (misc.) as ~ as silk smuggle v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ across (to ~ goods across a border) 2. (D; tr.) to ~ by, past, through (to ~ a diamond past customs) 3. (D; tr.) to ~ into (to ~ currency into a country) 4. (D; tr.) to ~ out of (to ~ stolen goods out of a country) smuggling n. to engage in ~ smut n. (esp. AE) a ~ peddler snack n. 1. to have a ~ 2. to fix ('prepare') a ~ 3. a between-meal; midnight ~; party ~s snag n. ['obstacle'] (colloq.) 1. to hit a ~ ['jagged tear'] 2. to get a ~ (in one's stocking) snake I n. 1. a poisonous, venomous ~ 2. ~s bite, strike; coil; crawl; hibernate; hiss; molt, shed skin 3. (misc.) a ~ in the grass ('a treacherous person') II v. (colloq.) he ~d his way through the crowd snap I n. ['spell of weather'] 1. a cold ~ ['something easy'] (colloq.) 2. a ~ to + inf. (it was a ~ to find information about that author = it was a ~ finding information about that author) II v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ at (the dog ~ped at him; to ~ at the bait) 2. (misc.) to ~ to attention; to ~ out of a bad mood snapshot n. to take a ~ snarl v. 1. (B) he ~ed a few words to me 2. (D; intr.) to ~ at snatch I n. ['fragment'] to catch ~es (of conversation) II v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ at (she ~ed at the line that the sailors threw to her) 2. (D; tr.) to ~ from, out of (he ~ed the purse from her hand) sneak v. (P; intr.) the boy ~ed into the theater; to ~ around in the bushes sneak up v. (D; intr.) to ~ on, to (he ~ed up to them) sneaky adj. (colloq.) ~ of (that was ~ of him) sneer v. (D; intr.) to ~ at sneeze v. (colloq.) (d; intr.) to ~ at ('to consider lightly') (don't ~ at their offer) sniff v. (D; intr.) to ~ at (the dog ~ed at her) snipe v. (D; intr.) to ~ at (the press keeps ~ing at her) snit n. (colloq. )(AE) ['state of agitation'] in a ~ snook n. (colloq.) (BE) to cock a ~ at ('to thumb one's nose at') snore I n. a loud ~ II v. to ~ loudly snow I n. 1. drifting; driving, heavy; light ~ 2. crisp; new-fallen ~ 3. ~ falls; melts; sticks 4. a blanket of ~ 5. in the ~ (to play in the ~) 6. (misc.) to shovel ~; as white as ~ II v. to ~ hard, heavily; lightly snowball I n. to throw a ~ at II v. (D; intr.) ('to expand') to ~ into snowball fight n. to have a ~ snowfall n. a heavy; light ~ snow job n. (colloq.) ['deception, flattery'] to give smb. a ~ snowman n. to build, make a ~ snowshoes n. 1. a pair of ~ 2. (to walk) on ~ snowstorm n. see storm 1 2 snub n. a deliberate; obvious ~ snuff n. 1. to take ~ 2. a pinch of ~ 3. (misc.) not up to ~ ('not up to an acceptable standard') snuggle v. (d; intr.) to ~ against (the children ~d against each other) snuggle up v. (d; intr.) to ~ to (the little girl ~d up to her doll) soak v. (d; intr.) to ~ into (the water ~ed into the soil) soap n. 1. face; laundry; liquid; powdered; saddle; scented; toilet ~ 2. a bar, cake of ~ sob I n. a bitter ~ II v. 1. to ~ bitterly 2. (B) the child ~bed a few words to us 3. (misc.) to ~ oneself to sleep sober adj. cold, stone ~ socialism n. 1. Fabian; Utopian 2. under ~ (to live under ~) social work n. to do ~ society n. ['group, association'] 1. to establish, found, set up a ~ 2. to disband, dissolve a ~ 3. a burial; historical; honor; humane; learned; literary; medical; musical; secret ~ 4. a friendly (BE), mutual-aid (AE) ~ 5. a building ~ (BE; AE has building and loan association) ['community'] 6. to polarize; unite a ~ 7. an advanced; affluent; civilized; closed; open; pluralistic; primitive ~ ['class'] 8. high; polite ~ 9. in ~ (such words are not used in polite ~) sock I n. 1. to knit ~s 2. to darn, mend a ~ 3. athletic; knee; stretch; tube ~s 4. a pair of ~s II v. (colloq.) to ~ it to smb. ('to speak to smb., act towards smb. in a very forceful manner') socket n. a wall ~ soda n. ['form of sodium'] 1. baking; caustic; washing ~ ['beverage'] 2. (a) club; cream; ice-cream ~ ['soda water'] 3. a dash of ~ 4. (misc.) (a) whiskey and ~ sodomy n. to commit, practice ~ soft adj. (colloq.) ['attracted'] 1. ~ on (he is ~ on her) ['lenient'] 2. ~ on (this judge is not ~ on drunk drivers) soft spot n. ['weakness'] to have a ~ for software n. computer; proprietary; public-domain soil n. 1. to cultivate, till, work the ~ 2. to fertilize; irrigate the ~ 3. barren, poor; fertile; firm; packed; sandy; soggy; swampy ~ solace n. 1. to find ~ in 2. a ~ to (she was a ~ to her parents) solder n. to apply; melt ~ soklier n. 1. an armed; common; foot; professional; seasoned ~ 2. a ~ defects, deserts; enlists; fights; goes AWOL; reenlists; serves; trains 3. (misc.) the Unknown Soldier sole I n. ['bottom part of a shoe'] 1. to put (new) ~s on shoes 2. a half ~ II n. ['type of fish'] fillet of ~ solicitor n. 1. The Solicitor General ('the assistant attorney general') 2. (GB) barristers and ~s solicitous adj. ~ about, of solicitude n. to show ~ for solid adj. to be in ~ with smb. solidarity n. 1. to express; feel; show ~ 2. ~ with (to express one's ~ with the protestors) solitaire n. (AE) ['card game'] to play ~ (BE has patience) solitary confinement n. 1. to put smb. into ~ 2. in solitude n. 1. complete, utter ~ 2. in ~ (to live in complete ~) solo I adv. to dance; fly; perform; play; sing ~ II n. to perform a ~ solstice n. the summer; winter ~ solution n. ['answer'] ['explanation'] 1. to find a ~ 2. to apply a ~ 3. an easy; glib; ideal; ingenious; neat; satisfactory ~ 4. a ~ for, to (a ~ to a problem) ['mixture'] 5. a strong; weak ~ 6. a saline ~ some pronoun, determiner 1. ~ to + inf. (we have ~ to sell; we have ~ books to sell) 2. ~ of (~ of them) USAGE NOTE: The use of the preposition of is necessary when a pronoun follows. When a noun follows, the use of of the limits the meaning--we saw some people; we saw some of the people whom we had discussed earlier, (see also the Usage Note for something) somebody pronoun ~ to + inf. (we have ~ to talk to) (see also the Usage Note for something) someone see somebody someplace (AE)see somewhere somersault n. to do, execute, turn a ~ something n., pronoun 1. an indefinable, indescribable, intangible ~ 2. ~ for (she has ~ for you) 3. ~ to + inf. (we have ~ to say) 4. (misc.) to make ~ of oneself ('to have success in life'); ('slang') I don't know if he wants to make ~ of it ('I don't know if he wants to make an issue of if); there is ~ unusual about them; she is ~ of a celebrity USAGE NOTE: The form some and its compounds are often used in affirmative statements, whereas any and its compounds are often used in neg. and interrogative statements. Compare we have some books to sell--we don't have any books to sell; we have something to say--do you have anything to say? we have somebody to talk to--we don't have anybody to talk to; we have somewhere to go--do you have anywhere to go? However, in the meaning 'no matter', any and its compounds occur in affirmative statements--we will take any of these; they can say anything they want; we will talk to anyone; we will go anywhere. Some and its compounds can occur in questions, especially when an affirmative answer is expected-- don't you have something to say to me? would you like some brandy? somewhere adv. ~ to + inf. (we have ~ to go) (see also the Usage Note for something) son n. 1. to adopt a ~ 2. to marry off a ~ 3. an only ~ 4. an adopted; foster ~; stepson 5. a ~ to (he was like a ~ to them) 6. (misc.) a favorite ~ (AE; pol.); a prodigal ~ (fig.) song n. 1. to compose, write a ~ 2. to belt out (colloq.), sing; hum; play; whistle a ~ (the orchestra was playing our ~) 3. a drinking; folk; love; marching; theme ~ 4. a swan ('farewell') ~ 5. (misc.) the same old ~ ('the same story, complaint') sonic barrier n. to break the ~ sonic boom n. to cause, generate, produce a ~ sonnet n. 1. to compose, write a ~ 2. an Italian, Petrarchan; Shakespearean; Spenserian ~ sop n. ['concession'] to throw a ~ to sophistication n. the ~ to + inf. (will she have enough ~ to deal with their questions?) sophistry n. 1. pure ~ 2. ~ to + inf. (it's pure ~ to rationalize such behavior) soprano n. to sing ~ sorcery n. to practice ~ sore I adj. ['angry'] (colloq.) (esp. AE) 1. ~ at (why is she ~ at me?) 2. ~ over (~ over smb.'s remark) ['hurt'] 3. ~ from (~ from riding horseback) II n. a bedsore; canker; cold; open, running; saddle ~ sore throat n. to come down with; have a ~ sorority n. (US) 1. to pledge a ~ ('to agree to join a sorority') 2. a college ~ (see also fraternity) sorrow n. 1. to cause ~ 2. to express; feel; show ~ 3. to alleviate smb.'s ~ 4. deep, great, inexpressible, keen, profound ~ 5. personal ~ 6. ~ at (to feel deep ~ at the death of a friend) 7. to smb.'s ~ (to my great ~ I never saw them again) sorry adj. 1. dreadfully, terribly ~ 2. ~ about 3. ~ for (she is ~ for him; we are ~ for being late) 4. ~ to + inf. (I am ~ to inform you that your application has been rejected) 5. ~ that + clause (we are ~ that you weren't able to come) sort n. a bad; curious; good ~ (a curious ~ of a life) sortie n. 1. to carry out, make a ~ 2. to fly a ~ sort of adv. (colloq.) ['more or less'] I ~ expected it (to happen) SOS n. to broadcast, send an ~ soul n. 1. to save smb.'s ~ 2. an artistic; immortal; kindly; kindred; lost; poor; timid ~ sound I adj. ['healthy'] ~ in, of (~ in mind and body) II n. 1. to emit, make, produce, utter; transmit a ~ 2. to articulate, enunciate, pronounce a ~ 3. to turn down; turn up the ~ (on a radio, TV set) 4. to carry ~ (air carries ~s) 5. a faint; hollow; loud; rasping; soft ~ 6. ~ travels (much slower than light) 7. a ~ rings out 8. to a ~ (to the ~ of music) III v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ like (that ~s like a great idea) 2. (BE) (S) that ~s a great idea 3. (s) their excuse ~ed reasonable sound barrier n. to break the ~ sound off v. (colloq.) (D; intr.) to ~ against ('to criticize') (to ~ against an idea) soup n. 1. to eat; make ~ 2. clear; cold; hot; thick; warm ~ 3. cabbage; celery; chicken; onion; pea; tomato; vegetable ~ 4. a bowl; cup of ~ sour adj. to go, turn ~ (things went ~; the whole affair turned ~) source n. 1. to tap a ~ 2. to cite; disclose, indicate, reveal one's ~s 3. an impeccable, unimpeachable; reliable, reputable, trustworthy; unreliable ~ 4. an undisclosed, unnamed ~ 5. an original ~ 6. an energy ~ 7. ~s dry up 8. at a ~ (it is best to make inquiries at the original ~s) 9. (misc.) ~s close to the government revealed that... south I adj., adv. 1. directly, straight ~ 2. ~ of (~ of the city) 3. (misc.) to go/head ~ II n. 1. in, to the ~ 2. (misc.) down ~ South Pole n. at the ~ sovereignty n. 1. to grant ~ 2. to establish ~ 3. to violate a country's ~ 4. ~ over space n. 1. to save ~ 2. breathing ~; (an) empty ~ 3. a crawl; parking ~ 4. office; storage ~ 5. airspace; interplanetary, interstellar, outer ~ 6. (a) ~ between 7. ~ for 8. (misc.) the (wide) open ~s; to indent several ~s; to violate a country's airspace spacebar n. (on a typewriter) to press a ~ spacecraft n. a manned ~ (see the Usage Note for ship) spaceflight n. 1. a manned; unmanned ~ 2. a ~ to (a ~ to the moon) space probe n. to launch a ~ space vehicle n. to launch a ~ (see the Usage Note for ship) spacing n. (on a typewriter) double; single ~ span n. 1. a brief ~ 2. an attention; life; memory ~ 3. in a ~ (in the brief ~ of ten years) spanking n. 1. to give smb. a (good) ~ 2. to get a ~ 3. (misc.) to deserve a ~ spanner n. a box ~ (BE; AE has lug wrench) spare v. 1. (C) can you ~ a few minutes for me today? or: can you ~ me a few minutes today? 2. (0; can be used with one animate object) ~ us the details; he wanted to ~ you embarrassment sparing adj. (cannot stand alone) ~ of spark n. 1. to emit, produce a ~ 2. ~s fly sparrow n. 1. ~s chirp 2. a flock of ~s spasm n. a muscle ~ spat I n. ['quarrel'] to have a ~ with II v. (D; intr.) ('to quarrel') to ~ with speak v. 1. ('to talk') to ~ bluntly, candidly, frankly, freely; coherently; correctly; fluently; glibly; incorrectly; irresponsibly; loudly; openly; politely; quickly, rapidly; quietly, softly; responsi-biy; rudely; slowly; truthfully 2. (D; intr.) ('to talk') to ~ about, of (to ~ about politics) 3. (d; intr.) to ~ for ('to be a spokesperson for') (she spoke for all of us; who will ~ for the accused?) 4. (d; intr.) ('to talk') to ~ from (to ~ from the heart; to ~ from experience) 5. (d; intr.) ('to converse') to ~ in (they were ~ing in English; more usu. is: they were ~ing English) 6. (d; intr.) to ~ to ('to address') (she spoke to the crowd; to ~ to the subject; to ~ to the question on the agenda; don't ~ to him) 7. (D; intr.) ('to converse') to ~ to, with (she spoke to me about several things; I spoke with them for an hour) 8. (misc.) to ~ well of smb. ('to praise smb.'); to ~ ill of smb. ('to criticize smb.'); it ~s for itself ('it is self- evident'); roughly ~ing ('approximately'); strictly ~ ('in concrete terms') speaker n. ['one who speaks'] 1. a native ~ (of a language) 2. an effective, good; fluent ~ 3. a guest; public ~ (she is a good public ~) ['device that amplifies sound'] 4. an extension ~; loudspeaker speaking n. public ~ speaking terms n. to be on ~ with smb. speak out v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ about, concerning, on (to ~ on a subject) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ against ('to oppose') (to ~ against a proposal) 3. (d; intr.) to ~ for ('to support') (to ~ for a proposal) speak up see speak out spear n. 1. to hurl, throw a ~ at 2. to thrust a ~ into spearhead n. 1. to send out a ~ 2. an armored ~ special adj. ~ to specialist n. 1. to call in; consult a ~ 2. a ~ in, on (a ~ in plastic surgery; a ~ on Milton) specialize v. (D; intr.) to ~ in species n. 1. an endangered ~ 2. a ~ becomes extinct, dies out; survives specifications n. 1. to adhere to, meet ~ 2. rigid ~ specify v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ by (to ~ smb. by name) 2. (L) the contract ~fies that a penalty must be paid if the work is not completed on time 3. (Q) the instructions ~ how the medicine is to be taken specimen n. a blood; sputum; stool; urine ~ specs (colloq.)see spectacles spectacle n. ['show, exhibition'] 1. to stage a ~ 2. a dramatic ~ ['object of curiosity'] 3. to make a ~ of oneself 4. a pitiful ~ spectacles n. (now esp. BE) a pair of ~ spectators n. to seat ~ (the stadium seats sixty thousand ~) spectrum n. a broad, wide ~ speculate v. 1. (D; intr.) ('to meditate, think') to ~ about, on (to ~ about what might have been) 2. (D; intr.) ('to conduct business by taking risks') to ~ in; on (to ~ in oil shares; to ~ in gold; to ~ on the stock market) 3. (L) ('to assume, think') they ~d that the election results would be close speculation n. ['meditation, thinking'] 1. to indulge in ~ 2. idle; wild ~ 3. a flurry of ~ 4. ~ about (~ about the upcoming elections) 5. ~ that + clause (there was ~ that a treaty would be signed) ['risky business methods'] 6. to engage in ~ 7. ~ in (~ in stocks and bonds) speculator n. a property (BE), real-estate (AE); stock-market ~ speculum n. a nasal; vaginal ~ speech n. ['address, talk'] 1. to deliver, give, make a ~ 2. to ad-lib, improvise a ~ 3. a boring; brief, short; impromptu, unrehearsed; long; long- winded; passionate; rambling; rousing, stirring ~ 4. an acceptance; after-dinner; campaign; farewell; inaugural; keynote; political; welcoming ~ 5. a ~ about ['communication in words'] 6. free ~ ['pronunciation'] 7. clipped ~ 8. impaired; slurred ~ speechless adj. 1. to be left ~ 2. ~ with (~ with anger) speed n. ['swiftness, velocity'] 1. to build up, pick up; maintain ~ 2. to reach a ~ (to reach cruising ~; to reach a ~ of one hundred miles an hour) 3. breakneck, breathtaking, high, lightning; cruising; deliberate, full, top; low; moderate; steady; supersonic ~ 4. a burst of ~ 5. at a certain ~ (at top ~) 6. (misc.) full ~ ahead! ['amphetamine'] (slang) 7. to shoot; snort ~ speed limit n. 1. to enforce; establish a ~ 2. to observe a ~ 3. to exceed a ~ speed trap n. to set up a ~ spell n. ['incantation'] 1. to cast a ~ on, over 2. to break, remove a ~ 3. a magic ~ 4. under a ~ spellbinding adj. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ to read her memoirs) spelling n. 1. phonetic ~ 2. in (phonetic) ~ spell out v. (B) they ~ed out their demands to us spend v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ for, on (to ~ a lot of money for a new car; to ~ a lot on repairs) 2. (D; tr.) to ~ in (to ~ a great deal of time in studying/ time studying) spending n. deficit; defense; govern men t ~ spider n. 1. ~s crawl 2. ~s spin webs spill I n. ['accidental pouring'] 1. an oil ~ ['fall'] 2. to take a ~ (from a horse) 3. a nasty ~ II v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ all over, on (I ~ed the milk all over her) 2. (d; intr.) ('to pour') to ~ into (the crowd was ~ing into the streets) 3. (d; intr.) ('to flow') to ~ out of (the liquid was ~ing out of the container) spin n. ['fast drive'] (colloq.) to go for, take a ~ (let's go for a ~ around town) spinal tap n. to do a ~ (on smb.) spiral n. an inflationary; wage-price ~ (a vicious inflationary ~) spirit I n. ['vigor'] ['enthusiasm'] 1. to display, show ~ 2. to catch the ~ (of the times) 3. to break smb.'s ~ (her ~ was broken) 4. (a) civic; class; college; competitive; dauntless, hardy; ecumenical; fighting; partisan; patriotic; rebellious; religious; school; scientific; team ~ 5. a guiding; moving ~ 6. (misc.) a ~ of good will pervaded the conversation ['supernatural being, ghost'] 7. to conjure up, evoke a ~ 8. an evil; holy ~ ['soul'] 9. a kindred ~ 10. in ~ (in body and in ~) ['attitude'] 11. in a ~ (in a ~ of cooperation) II v. (P; tr.) he was ~ed off to prison spirits n. ['mood'] 1. to lift, raise smb.'s ~ 2. to dampen smb.'s ~ 3. good, high ~ 4. ~ droop, flag; rise 5. in ~ (in high ~) ['alcohol'] 6. to drink ~ spit v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ at, on 2. (d; intr.) to ~ in, into (to ~ in smb.'s face) 3. (d; tr.) to ~ out of (to ~ smt. out of one's mouth) spite n. 1. in ~ of 2. out of ~ (they did it out of ~) spiteful adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of him to say that) splash n. (colloq.) ['vivid impression'] to make a (big) ~ spleen n. ['bad temper'] 1. to vent one's ~ on ['ductless organ near the stomach'] 2. a ruptured splendid adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of you to make the offer) splendor, splendour n. 1. regal ~ 2. in ~ (to dine in regal ~) splice v. (D; tr.) to ~ to (to ~ a wire to a cable) splint n. 1. to apply a ~ to 2. a ~for (a fractured leg) splinter n. 1. to get; have a ~ (in one's finger) 2. to extract, get out, remove a ~ (she got the ~ out of my finger) split I n. ['breach'] 1. a formal; irreparable ~ 2. a ~ between 3. a ~ in (the party) II v. 1. (d; tr.) ('to divide') to ~ between; with (we split the profits with them) 2. (d; intr., tr.) ('to divide') to ~ into (they split into several factions; the teacher split the class into two groups) spot ticket n. (AE) to vote a ~ ('to distribute one's vote among candidates of more than one party') split up v. (colloq.) (D; intr.) to ~ with (she split up with her boyfriend) splurge v. (colloq.) (D; intr.) ('to spend extravagantly') to ~ on (to ~ on a new car) spoil v. (d; intr.; usu. in a progressive form) to ~ for ('to seek') (to be ~ing for a fight) spoils n. to divide the ~ (of war) spokesman see spokesperson spokesperson n. a ~ for (a ~ for the strikers) spokeswoman see spokesperson sponge I n. ['spongy substance'] 1. to squeeze a ~ ['symbol of surrender'] 2. to throw in, toss in the ~ II v. (colloq.) l.(D;tr.) ('to wheedle') to ~ from, off, off of (AE) (he ~d a cigarette from me) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ on ('to impose on') (to ~ on one's friends) sponsor I n. 1. a radio; television, TV ~ 2. a ~ for, of II v. (D; tr.) to ~ for (she ~ed me for membership) sponsorship n. under smb.'s ~ spoon n. a dessert; measuring; soup ~; table-spoon; teaspoon spoonful n. a heaping; level ~ sport n. ['person judged by her/his ability to take a loss or teasing'] 1. a bad, poor; good ~ 2. a ~ about (she was a good ~ about losing the bet) ['mockery'] 3. to make ~ of smb. ('to mock smb.') ['type of physical activity'] 4. a contact; spectator ~ 5. an exciting; strenuous, vigorous ~ (skiing is an exciting ~) ['physical activity'] (BE) 6. to go in for ~ 7. fond of ~; in the world of ~ (AE has sports) sports n. ['physical activity'] (AE) 1. to go in for ~ 2. fond of ~; in the world of ~ (BE has sport) ['types of physical activity'] 3. amateur; aquatic, water; competitive; intercollegiate (AE), inter-university (BE); intramural; outdoor; professional; varsity (AE); winter ~ ['track meet'] (BE) 4. school ~; ~ day sportsmanship n. to display, show ~ spot I n. ['mark, stain'] 1. to leave, make a ~ 2. to get out, remove a ~ 3. a grease ~ ['mark on the skin'] 4. a beauty ~ ['area, place'] 5. a high; isolated, secluded; low ~ 6. (soccer) the penalty ~ 7. at a ~ (let's meet at this same ~ tomorrow) ['place of entertainment'] (colloq.) 8. to hit ('visit') all the night ~s ['point, position'] 9. the high; low ~ (the high ~ of our visit) ['misc.'] 10. on the ~ ('immediately'); ('at the center of activity'); ('exposed to the worst danger'); to put smb. on the ~ ('to expose smb. to danger'); a blind ~ ('an area that cannot be seen') (also fig.); to have a soft/tender/ warm ~ (in one's heart) for ('to have a weakness for'); to be in a tight ~ ('to be in a difficult situation'); a trouble ~ (that reporter has been in many trouble ~s throughout the world); (BE; colloq.) a ~ of bother ('a bit of trouble') II v. 1. (d; tr.) ('to identify') to ~ as (the police ~ted him as a known criminal) 2. (J) ('to see') we ~ted them going through the gate spot check n. to do, make a ~ spotlight n. 1. to direct, focus, shine, turn a ~ on 2. (fig.) in the ~ spouse n. a beloved; faithful; unfaithful ~ spout v. (d; intr.) ('to spurt') to ~ from sprawl I n. urban ~ II v. (P; intr.) to ~ on the sofa sprawling adj. to send smb. ~ spread v. l. to ~ smt. evenly (to ~ paint evenly) 2. to ~ quickly; unchecked (the epidemic spread unchecked) 3. (D; intr.) to ~ to (the epidemic spread to neighboring countries) 4. (misc.) to ~ like wildfire spree n. 1. to go on a ~ 2. a spending; weekend ~ spring I n. ['season'] 1. an early ~ 2. in (the) ~ 3. (misc.) there is a touch of ~ in the air; a harbinger of ~ ['source of water'] 4. a hot, thermal; mineral; subterranean ~ ['bounce, elasticity'] 5. a ~ to (there was a ~ to her step) II v. 1.(D; intr.) to ~ at (the lion sprang at the hunter) 2. (D; intr.) ('to arise, result') to ~ from 3. (D; tr.) ('to prepare') to ~ on (to ~ a surprise on smb.) 4. (d; intr.) ('to jump') to ~ to (to ~ to smb.'s defense; to ~ to one's feet) springboard n. a ~ for (a ~ for a new campaign) spring-dean n. (BE) to do a ~ spring-cleaning (esp. AE) see spring-dean spruce up v. (D; refl.) to ~ for (they ~d themselves up for the big party) spunk n. (colloq.) ['courage'] 1. to show ~ 2. the ~ to + inf. (she had the ~ to defend her rights) spur I n. ['incentive, stimulus'] 1. a ~ to ['misc.'] 2. on the ~ of the moment ('without planning') II v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ to (to ~ smb. to action) 2. (H) what ~red her to do that? spur on v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ to (to ~ smb. on to greater effort) 2. (H) we ~red them on to make a greater effort spurs n. ['recognition'] 1. to win one's ~ ['devices worn on a rider's heel'] 2. to dig, drive one's ~ (into the side of a horse) 3. ~ jingle spurt I n. a growth ~ II v. (D; intr.) to ~ from (blood ~ed from the wound) sputum n. to cough up, produce ~ spy v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ for (to ~ for a foreign power) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ on, upon 3. (J) we spied them coming through the gate squabble I n. a ~ about, over; between; with II v. (D; intr.) to ~ about, over; with squad n. 1. a demolition; firing; flying (BE) ~ 2. a vice ~ squalor n. in ~ (to live in ~) squander v. (D; tr.) to ~ on (to ~ a fortune on bad investments) square I n. 1. to draw, make a ~ 2. (misc.) on the ~ ('honest'); back to ~ one ('back to the begin-ning') II v. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ with (their story doesn't ~ with the facts; to ~ one's account with smb.) square root n. to find, extract the ~ squash I n. (BE) ['fruit drink'] lemon; orange ~ II n. (AE) ['marrow-like plant'] summer; winter ~ (BE has marrow) squawk I n. to let out a ~ II v. (colloq.)(D; intr.) ('to complain') to ~ about squeak n. ['shrill cry'] 1. to emit, let out a ~ ['escape'] (colloq.) 2. a close ~ squeal I n. to emit, let out a ~ II v. 1. (slang) (D; intr.) ('to inform') to ~ on; to (he ~ed on them to the police) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ in, with (to ~ with delight) squeamish adj. ~ about squeeze I n. (colloq.) ['hug'] 1. to give smb. a ~ ['misc.'] 2. in a tight ~ ('in difficulty') II v. 1. (C) ~ some orange juice for me; or: ~ me some orange juice 2. (d; tr.) to ~ from, out of (~ some tooth paste out of the tube) 3. (d; intr., tr.) to ~ into (to ~ into a small room; to ~ juice into a glass) 4. (d; intr.) to ~ through (to ~ through a narrow passage) 5. (N; used with an adjective) ~ the mops dry squelch n. (colloq.) ['crushing rebuke'] a perfect squint v. (D; intr.) to ~ at squirm v. (d; intr.) to ~ out of ('to evade') (to ~ out of an obligation) squirt I n. ['instance of squirting'] 1. to give smt. a ~ ['insignificant person'] (colloq.) 2. a little ~ II v. (d; intr.) to ~ out of (the liquid ~ed out of the bottle) stab n. ['attempt'] (colloq.) 1. to have, make a ~ at ['sensation'] 2. a sharp; sudden ~ (of pain) ['thrust of a pointed weapon'] 3. a ~ in the back (also fig.) stability n. 1. to lend ~ to 2. ~ in stable n. 1. a livery; riding ~ 2. (misc.) (Greek mythology) to clean the Augean ~s stack I n. 1. a bookstack; haystack; smokestack (esp. AE) 2. (misc.) to blow one's ~ ('to lose one's temper') II v. 1. (esp. AE) (D; tr.) ('to arrange underhandedly') to ~ against (the cards were ~ed against her) 2. (d; tr.) to ~ with (the floor was ~ed with books) stacks n. (in a library) closed; open ~ stack up v. (colloq.) (D; intr.) to ~ against, to ('to compare to') (how do we ~ to the competition?) stadium n. 1. to crowd, fill, jam, pack a ~ 2. to empty a ~ 3. a baseball; football; Olympic ~ 4. a ~ empties; fills staff n. ['personnel'] 1. an administrative; coaching; editorial; hospital; medical; nursing; office; teaching ~ 2. a skeleton ~ 3. on the ~ 4. (misc.) to join a ~ (she joined the ~ as an editor) ['group of officers serving a commander'] 5. a general; joint; military; personal; special ~ 6. on a ~ (he was on the general ~) 7. (misc.) to assign smb. to a ~ (she was assigned to the ~ as an intelligence officer) stag adj., adv. ['unaccompanied by a member of the opposite sex'] 1. to go ~ 2. (misc.) a ~ party stage n. ['platform on which plays are performed'] 1. a revolving; sinking; sliding ~ 2. on (the) ~ (she has appeared many times on ~; to go on ~) ['scene, setting'] 3. to set the ~ for (the ~ was set for a showdown) ['level, degree, step'] 4. to reach a ~ 5. an advanced; beginning, elementary; closing, final; critical, crucial; intermediate; opening ~ 6. flood ~ 7. at a ~ (negotiations were at a crucial ~; the river was at flood ~) 8. in a ~ (in this ~ of one's development) ['portion, part'] 9. easy ~s 10. by, in ~s (to cover a distance by easy ~s; to learn a language in easy ~s) stagger v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ from; into (to ~ into a room) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ out of (to ~ out of a building) 3. (R) it ~ed me to learn of his defection 4. (misc.) to ~ to one's feet; to ~ under a heavy burden staggered adj. 1. ~ at, by (~ at the news of the earthquake) 2. ~ to + inf. (she was ~ to learn of the fire) staggering adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ to total up the losses) stain I n. ['discolored spot'] 1. to leave a ~ 2. to remove a ~ 3. a stubborn ~ 4. (fig.) a ~ on (a ~ on one's reputation) II v. (N; used with an adjective) we ~ed the wood dark brown staircase n. a circular, spiral; winding ~ stairs n. 1. to climb, go up the ~ 2. to come down; go down the ~ 3. moving ~ stairway see staircase stake I n. ['piece of wood'] 1. to drive a ~ (into the ground) 2. to plant a ~ (in the ground) ['post'] 3. (to burn smb.) at the ~ ['share'] 4. to have a ~ in smt. ['risk'] 5. at ~ (our whole future is at ~) II v. (D; tr.) to ~ to (to ~ a claim to smt.) stake out v. (D;tr.) to ~ on, to (AE)(to ~ a claim to a mine) stakes n. ['wager'] ['prize'] 1. big, high ~ (to play for high ~) ['misc.'] (AE) 2. to pull up ~ ('to move elsewhere') stalemate n. 1. to break a ~ 2. a continuing ~ stalk v. (P; intr.) to ~ out of the room stall (BE) see stand 18 stamina n. the ~ to + inf. (she lacked the ~ to finish the race) stammer v. (B) she ~ed a few words to us stamp I n. ['postage stamp'] 1. to put, stick a ~ on (an envelope) 2. to lick, moisten a ~ 3. to issue a ~ (the post office has issued a new commemorative ~) 4. to cancel a ~ 5. an airmail; commemorative; postage; revenue; tax ~ 6. a book; roll; sheet of ~s ['coupon'] 7. a food; trading ~ ['device for imprinting'] 8. a rubber ~ II v. 1. (d; tr.) to ~ as ('to mark') (these revelations ~ed him as a cheat) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ on ('to crush') (to ~ on an insect) 3. (N; used with an adjective) she ~ed the document secret stampede I n. to cause, create a ~ II v. (D; tr.) to ~ into (they were ~d into selling their homes) stand I n. ['defense'] 1. to make, put up a ~ 2. a last ~ ['position'] 3. to take a ~ 4. a firm, resolute, strong ~ 5. a ~ on (they took a resolute ~ on the issue of tax reform) ['rack, small table'] 6. a music ~ ['place taken by a witness'] 7. a witness ~ (AE; BE has witness box) ['small structure used for conducting business'] (BE often prefers stall) 8. a fruit; hot-dog ~; newsstand; vegetable ~ ['performance, engagement'] 9. a one-night ~ ['row'] 10. a taxi ~ (esp. AE; BE prefers taxi rank) II v. 1. ('to hold oneself) to ~ firm; still 2. (BE) (d; intr.) ('to be a candidate') to ~ as (to ~ as a Labour candidate) 3. (d; intr.) ('to hold oneself erect') to ~ at (to ~ at attention; to ~ at ease) 4. (d; intr.) to ~ by ('to support') (her family stood by her throughout the trial) 5. (d; intr.) to ~ for ('to represent') (our party used to ~ for progress) 6. (BE) (d; intr.) to ~ for ('to be a candidate') (to ~ for Parliament) 7. (d; intr.) to ~ for ('to tolerate') (we will not ~ for such conduct) 8. (d; intr.) to ~ on ('to insist on') (to ~ on one's rights; to ~ on ceremony) 9. (d; intr.) to ~ over ('to watch') (he always ~s over me when I work) 10. (d; intr.) ('to be regarded') to ~ with (how do you ~ with your boss?) 11. (E) ('to face') ('to have as a prospect') we stood to gain a great deal 12. (esp. BE) (E; usu. with cannot -- can't -- couldn't) ('to tolerate') she couldn't ~ to wait any longer 13. (G; usu. with cannot -- can't -- couldn't) ('to tolerate') she can't ~ waiting 14. (K; usu. with cannot -- can't --couldn't) ('to tolerate') I can't ~ his boasting 15. (esp. BE) (0) ('to buy') can I ~ you another round of drinks? 16. (s) she stood first in her class; to ~ accused of murder 17. (misc.) to ~ by one's guns ('to defend one's viewpoint stubbornly'); to ~ on one's own feet ('to support oneself); to ~ tall (esp. AE; colloq.) ('to be resolute') standard n. 1. to establish, set a ~ 2. to apply a ~ 3. to adhere to, maintain a ~ 4. to lower; raise ~s/ a ~ (to raise the ~ of living; to raise academic ~s) 5. to abandon a ~ (the gold ~ was abandoned) 6. a high; low ~ 7. a double ~ (to apply a double ~) 8. the gold ~ (to go off the gold ~) 9. a living ~ (or: a ~ of living) 10. academic, scholastic ~s 11. on a ~ (on a gold ~) standardization n. to achieve, bring about ~ standard of living n. 1. to raise the ~ 2. a high; low ~ 3. a ~ falls, goes down; goes up, rises stand back v. (D; intr.) to ~ from standby n. ['alert'] to be on ~ stand by v. (D; intr.) ('to be ready') to ~ with (they were ~ing by with additional supplies) stand clear v. (d; intr.) to ~ of stand for v. (K) ('to tolerate') I will not ~ their behaving like that stand in v. (d; intr.) to ~ for ('to substitute for') (can anyone ~ for her?) standing n. ['duration'] 1. of (long) ~ (a custom of long ~) ['status'] 2. academic; advanced ~ (at a university) 3. ~ among, with (~ among the voters) 4. the ~ to + inf. (who has the ~ to take over the leadership of the party?) 5. (misc.) in good ~; (US; on a traffic sign) No Standing/No Stopping (GB has No Waiting) stand out v. 1. (D; intr.) ('to be clearly visible') to ~ against (to ~ against a dark background) 2. (D; intr.) ('to be noticeable') to ~ among, from, in (to ~ among the others; to ~ in a crowd; to ~ from the rest of the group) 3. (D; intr.) ('to be noticeable') to ~ as (she ~s out as the leading candidate) standpoint n. from a ~ (from a practical ~; from our ~ ) stands n. ['benches for spectators') in the ~ standstill n. 1. to bring smt. to a ~ 2. to come to a ~ 3. a complete, total ~ 4. at a ~ (negotiations were at a complete ~) 5. (misc.) to fight smb. to a stand up v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ for ('to defend') (to ~ for one's rights) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ to ('to oppose') (no one dared to ~ to the boss) star I n. ['heavenly body'] 1. a bright ~ 2. a falling, shooting ~ 3. the evening; morning; north ~ 4. a distant ~ 5. ~s shine, twinkle ['prominent performer'] 6. a baseball; basketball; box-office; film, movie (AE); football; guest; rugby; soccer; track ~ ['fortune'] 7. a ~ rises; sets, wanes (her ~ was rising) 8. under a ~ (she was born under a lucky ~) ['medal'] 9. a battle ~ II v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ as (in his last film he ~red as a cowboy) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ in (to ~ in a new play) starch I n. cornstarch; potato ~ II v. to ~ stiffly stare I n. a haughty; icy; vacant ~ II v. 1. to ~ wide-eyed 2. (D; intr.) to ~ at starlet n. a film ~ starlight n. by ~ start I n. 1. to get off to, make a ~ 2. a false; flying, running; fresh, new; head; promising ~ 3. at the ~ 4. for a ~ (for a ~ let's agree where we should meet) 5. from the ~ II v. 1. (d; intr., tr.) to ~ as (she ~ed her career as a dancer) 2. (D; intr.) ('to leave') to ~ for (when did they ~ for the airport?) 3. (d; intr.) ('to leave') to ~ from (we ~ed from Philadelphia) 4. (d; intr.) to ~ on (to ~ on another case) 5. (d; intr., tr.) to ~ with (we'll ~ with you) 6. (E) she ~ed to cough 7. (G) she ~ed coughing 8. (J) what ~ed them drinking? starter n. for ~s ('to begin with') start in v. (d; intr.) to ~ on ('to put pressure on') (then they ~ed in on her) startle v. (R) it ~d me to see them dressed like that startled adj. 1. ~ at (~ at the news) 2. ~ to + inf. (she was ~ to hear of their divorce) startling adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ to realize that we were completely cut off from the rest of the world) start off v. 1. (d; intr., tr.) to ~ as (she ~ed off her career as a dancer) 2. (D; intr.) ('to leave') to ~ for (to ~ for the airport) 3. (D; intr.) to ~ from ('to leave') (we ~ed off from our house) 4. (D; intr., tr.) ('to begin') to ~ with (we ~ed our tour off with a visit to the zoo) start out see start off starve v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ into (to ~ smb. into submission) 2. (misc.) to ~ to death; to ~ oneself to death starved adj. ~ for, of (BE) (~ for company) state I n. ['government'] 1. to establish, found, set up a ~ 2. to govern, rule a ~ 3. a buffer; client; garrison; independent; police; puppet; secular; sovereign; welfare ~ 4. a member ~ (the member ~s of the UN) ['condition'] 5. a comatose; good; moribund; nervous; poor; transitional; unconscious; unspoiled; weakened ~ 6. one's financial; mental ~ 7. a gaseous; liquid; solid ~ 8. in a ~ (in a good ~ of repair; in a poor ~ of health; in a highly nervous ~) 9. (misc.) the ~ of the art ('the level of development') ['nervous condition'] 10. in a ~ (she was in quite a ~) ['pomp'] 11. to lie in ~ ['one of the fifty American states'] 12. a dry ~ ('a state in which the sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited') 13. (historical; US) a border; free; slave ~ II v. 1. to ~ clearly; emphatically 2. (B) we ~d our views to them 3. (L; to) they ~ed (to the reporters) that a summit conference would take place soon 4. (Q) she did not ~ how she expected to win the election statehood n. 1. to achieve ~ 2. to seek, strive for ~ statement n. ['act of stating'] ['something stated'] 1. to issue, make a ~ 2. to confirm a ~ 3. to deny; refute; retract, withdraw a ~ 4. a brief, short; clear; false; oral; rash; succinct; sweeping; terse; vague; written ~ 5. a ~ that + clause (she has issued a ~ that she intends to be a candidate) 6. (misc.) a ~ to the effect that... ['report'] 7. to issue a ~ 8. a bank; financial; official; public ~ 9. a ~ about (the government issued a ~ about the strike) state's evidence n. to turn ~ (see also King's evidence, Queen's evidence) statesman n. an elder, prominent ~ statesmanship n. to practice ~ static n. to produce ~ station I n. ['building or place used for a specific purpose'] 1. a broadcasting; bus; coaling; coastguard; comfort (AE); experimental; fire; freight (AE); hydroelectric, power; naval; police; polling; radar; radar-tracking; railroad (AE), railway (esp. BE); recruiting; space; television, TV; tracking; weather ~ ['place where motor vehicles are serviced'] 2. a filling, gas (AE), gasoline (AE), petrol (BE), service ~ ['place of duty'] 3. an action; battle ~ ['position'] 4. one's ~ in life II v. (P; tr.) they were ~ed in Germany statistics n. 1. to collect, gather; tabulate ~ 2. to bandy ~ (about) 3. cold, hard ~ 4. vital ~ ('essential data about a population') 5. ~ indicate, show statue n. 1. to carve; sculpt, sculpture a ~ 2. to cast a ~ (in bronze) 3. to unveil a ~ 4. an equestrian ~ stature n. 1. imposing ~ (a person of imposing ~) 2. the ~ to + inf. (does she have the ~ to run for national office?) status n. 1. to achieve ~ 2. celebrity ~ 3. a most-favored nation ~ 4. legal ~ (to enjoy/have legal ~)5. one's marital ~ status quo n. to maintain, preserve; restore the ~ statute n. a penal ~ statute of limitations n. the ~ takes effect, goes into effect (or: colloq. and illogically - the ~ expires, runs out) stay I n. ['delay'] (legal) 1. to issue; vacate a ~ 2. (misc.) a ~ of execution II v. 1. (D; intr.) ('to remain') to ~ for (to ~ for dinner) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ off ('to keep off) (to ~ off the grass) 3. (d; intr.) to ~ out of ('to avoid') (to ~ out of trouble) 4. (d; intr.) to ~ with smb. ('to be smb.'s guest') (they ~ed with us) 5. (s) to ~ calm stay abreast v. (D; intr.) to ~ of (to ~ of the news; the runners ~ed abreast of each other) stay ahead v. (D; intr.) to ~ of stay away v. (D; intr.) to ~ from (to ~ from smb.) staying power n. the ~ to + inf. (does she have the ~ to finish the race?) stead n. to stand smb. in good ~ ('to be useful to smb.') steady adj. 1. (colloq.) (AE) to go ~ with smb. ('to be smb.'s boyfriend or girlfriend') 2. (misc.) (before a race) ready, ~, go! (BE; AE has get ready, get set, go!) steak n. 1. to broil (AE), grill a ~ 2. a juicy; tender; tough ~ 3. to like one's ~ medium; rare; well-done 4. a beefsteak; club; cube; flank; minute; Porterhouse; rump; Salisbury; salmon; sirloin; Swiss; T-bone ~ steal v. 1. (D; tr.) ('to give surreptitiously') to ~ at (to ~ a glance at smb.) 2. (D; intr., tr.) ('to take illegally') to ~ from (to ~ from the rich; he stole money from his employer) 3. (d; intr.) ('to/depart silently') to ~ from, out of (she stole out of the room) stealth n. by ~ (to enter a building by ~) steal up v. (D; intr.) ('to sneak up') to ~ on, to (he stole up on me in the dark) steam I n. 1. to emit; produce ~ 2. ~ condenses; forms 3. (misc.) (colloq.) to let off ~ ('to vent one's feelings') II v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ into; out of (to ~ into harbor) 2. (N; used with an adjective) she ~ed the envelope open steamed up adj. (colloq.) ['angry'] ~ about, over steamer n. an oceangoing; tramp ~ steam out v. (d; intr.) to ~ to (to ~ to sea) steel I n. 1. to make, produce ~ 2. to temper ~ 3. stainless ~ 4. a bar; ingot; sheet; slab; strip of~5. (misc.) cold ~ ('bayonet, knife used in close combat') II v. 1. (D; refl.) to ~ for (to ~ oneself for the next attack) 2. (H; refl.) to ~ oneself to face an ordeal steeped adj. (cannot stand alone) ~ in (~ in local traditions) steeple n. a church ~ steer I n. (colloq.) ['suggestion'] 1. to give smb. a (bum) ~ 2. a bum ('bad'); friendly ~ II n. ['castrated bovine'] to rope a ~ steerage n. ['section in a passenger ship'] 1. to travel ~ 2. in ~ (to cross the ocean in ~) steer clear v. (d; intr.) to ~ of (to ~ of danger) steering n. power ~ steering wheel n. 1. to turn a ~ 2. at the ~ (who was at the ~?) (see wheel 7-9) stem I n. (ling.) a consonant; verb ~ II v. (d; intr.) to ~ from stench n. a dreadful, horrible, unbearable ~ stencil n. to cut a ~ step I n. ['placing the foot'] 1. to make, take a ~ (to take a ~ backward) 2. to retrace one's ~s 3. a giant (usu. fig.); mincing ~ 4. (usu. fig.) ~ by ~ ['sequence of movements') (dancing) 5. to execute, perform a ~ ['stride in marching'] (mil.) 6. to keep in ~ 7. to change ~ 8. an even, steady ~ 9. half; route ~ 10. in ~; out of ~ (also fig.: she was out of ~ with everyone else) ['action'] 11. to take a ~ 12. a bold; careful, prudent; critical; dangerous; decisive; drastic; false; fatal; forward; giant; historic; positive; precautionary; preventive; rash, risky ~ (to take a giant ~ forward) ['gait'] 13. a heavy ~ ['distance'] 14. a ~ from (their place is just a few ~s from the station) II v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ between (the referee ~ped between the two boxers) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ into (to ~ into a room) 3. (d; intr.) to ~ off (to ~ off a train) 4. (d; intr.) to ~ on (she ~ped on my foot; to ~ on the brake) 5. (d; intr.) to ~ out of (to ~ out of the room) 6. (d; intr.) to ~ over (she ~ped over the body) step aside v. (D; intr.) to ~ for (he ~ped aside for a younger person) step back v. (D; intr.) to ~ from (to ~ from the abyss) step down v. (D; intr.) to ~ from (to ~ from the presidency) step out v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ into (to ~ into the corridor) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ on ('to betray') (he was ~ping out on his wife) steppingstone n. a ~ to (a ~ to advancement) steps n. ['stairs'] 1. steep ~ 2. a flight of ~ step up v. (D; intr.) to ~ to (helped up to me and told me who he was) stereotype n. to perpetuate a ~ stern ad;. ~ towards; with stew n. beef; Irish; mulligan; veal ~ steward n. a shop ~ stick I n. 1. a hiking; hockey; pointed; walking ~ 2. a celery ~ 3. a composing ~ ('device for typesetting') 4. a swagger ~ (carried by a military officer) 5. (misc.) to carry a big ~ ('to threaten to use force to settle a dispute') II v. 1. ('to remain fixed') to ~ fast (the car is stuck fast in the mud) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ by ('to be loyal to') (to ~ by one's friends) 3. (d; tr.) ('to thrust') to ~ into (to ~ a needle into a cushion; to ~ one's hands into one's pockets) 4. (d; tr.) ('to fasten, paste') to ~ on (to ~ a stamp on an envelope) 5. (d; tr.) ('to thrust') to ~ through (she stuck her head through the window) 6. (d; intr.) ('to adhere') to ~ to (the stamp didn't ~ to the envelope) 7. (d; intr.) ('to limit oneself) to ~ to (to ~ to the subject) 8. (d; intr.) to ~ to ('to be loyal to') (to ~ to one's principles) 9. (d; intr.) ('to remain') to ~ with (~ with me, and you will not get lost) 10. (misc.) to ~ in one's throat ('to be hard to say'); ('to be a source of irritation') sticker n. a bumper; price ~ stickler n. ['one who insists on exactness'] a ~ for (a ~ for protocol) stick out v. 1. (D; intr.) ('to protrude') to ~ from; into (the nail stuck out from the wall; his feet stuck out into the aisle) 2. (D; tr.) ('to extend') to ~ to, towards (she stuck out her hand to us) sticks n. (colloq.) ['rural area'] in the ~ (to live way out in the ~) stick shift n. (colloq.) (A E) to operate a ~ stick up v. (colloq.) (d; intr.) to ~ for ('to defend') (to ~ for one's friend) stiff adj. frozen ~ stigma n. 1. to attach a ~ to 2. a ~ attaches to (no ~ attaches to being poor) 3. a ~ about, to (there is no ~ to being poor) stigmatize v. (D;tr.) to ~ as (to be ~d as a traitor) still I adj., adv. deathly; perfectly ~ (to stand perfectly ~) II n. in the ~ of the night stilts n. 1. (to walk) on ~ 2. a pair of ~ stimulate v. 1. (d; tr.) to ~ into 2. (H) to ~ smb. to do smt. stimulating adj. ~ to + inf. (it is ~ intellectually to live in a large city) stimulation n. 1. to provide ~ 2. erotic, sexual ~ stimulus n. 1. to give, provide a ~ 2. a powerful ~ 3. a ~ to sting n. ['skin wound'] 1. a bee; wasp ~ ['trap'] ['police trap'] (colloq.) (AE) 2. to set up a ~ stingy adj. ~ with (~ with one's money) stink v. (D; intr.) to ~ of (the place ~s of rotten fish) stint n. ['period of service'] to do, serve one's ~ (he did his ~ as a soldier) stipend n. 1. to receive a ~ 2. to pay a ~ 3. a modest ~ (to live on a modest ~) stipulate v. 1. (L) the contract ~s that the work must be finished by the end of the year 2. (Q) did they ~ how the job was to be done? stipulation n. 1. to make a ~ 2. a ~ that + clause (there was a ~ that court costs would be shared equally) stir I n. ['disturbance'] 1. to cause, create, make a ~ 2. a big ~ 3. a ~ about, over II v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ into (to ~ one ingredient into another) 2. (D; tr.) to ~ to (the news ~red them to greater efforts) 3. (H; usu. refl.) they couldn't ~ themselves to act stitch n. 1. to cast, make a ~ 2. to drop; pick up, take up a ~ 3. (med.) to put ~es in 4. (med.) to remove, take out ~es 5. a chain; knit, plain (BE); purl; running ~ stock n. ['inventory, supply'] 1. to take ~ 2. in ~; out of ~ (this item is not in ~) ['share, shares in a corporation'] 3. to issue; sell ~ 4. common ~ (AE; BE has ordinary shares) 5. blue-chip; over-the-counter; preferred (AE; BE has preference shares) ~ ['equipment'] 6. rolling ~ ('railway vehicles') ['confidence, trust'] 7. to put ~ in smb. ['evaluation'] 8. to take ~ (we must take ~ of the situation) ['stage productions'] 9. summer ~ ['livestock'] 10. to graze ~ ['lineage'] 11. of good ~ ['misc.'] 12. smb.'s ~ in trade (smb.'s customary practice') stock exchange see stock market stocking n. 1. mesh; nylon; seamless; silk; surgical ~s 2. a pair of ~s 3. (misc.) she got a ladder (BE)/ run (esp. AE) in her ~ stocking feet n. in one's ~ stock market n. 1. to gamble, speculate on the ~ 2. the ~ closes; opens (the ~ closed strong) stocks n. ['shares on the stock market'] (esp. AE; CE has shares) ~ close; open (did ~ close strong or weak?) stock up v. (D; intr.) to ~ on (to ~ on supplies) stockyards n. at, in the ~ (to work at/in the ~) stoical adj. ~ about stoicism n. to display ~ stole n. a fur ~ stomach n. ['digestive organ'] 1. to settle; turn, upset smb.'s ~ 2. an empty; full; queasy; sour; strong; upset; weak ~ 3. a ~ aches, hurts 4. on an empty ~ ['inclination'] 5. to have no ~ for smt. stomachache n. to get a ~ (AE)/to get ~ (BE) stone I n. ['rock'] 1. to hurl, throw a ~ 2. a foundation; paving ~ 3. (misc.) to leave no ~ unturned ('to try all methods of achieving an end') ['gem'] 4. to set a (precious) ~ 5. a precious ~ ['stony mass in the body'] 6. a gallstone; kidney ~ II v. to ~ smb. to death stool n. a cucking, ducking; step ~ stoop v. (d; intr.) to ~ to ('to lower oneself to') (to ~ to cheating) stop I n. ['halt'] ['cessation'] 1. to make a ~ 2. to put a ~ to (the teacher put a ~ to the cheating) 3. to bring to a ~ (the driver brought the bus to a ~) 4. to come to a ~ (the train came to a ~) 5. an abrupt, sudden; brief; dead; full; smooth ~ 6. a flag (AE), request (BE); regular, scheduled; unscheduled; whistle (AE) ('very brief) ~ 7. a bus; pit; streetcar (AE), tram (BE) ~ 8. (misc.) to miss one's ~ ['place for resting'] 9. a truck ~ (AE; BE has transport cafe) ['punctuation mark'] 10. a full ~ (BE; AE has period) II v. 1. to ~ short 2. (D;tr.) to ~ from (to ~ smb. from doing smt.) 3. (G) they ~ped talking 4. (BE) (J) to ~ smb. doing smt. 5. (K) I can't ~ his interrupting 6. (misc.) to ~ dead in one's tracks; to ~ at nothing ('to allow no scruples to interfere with one's efforts to achieve an end'); they ~ped (in order) to chat stop by v. (esp. AE) (D; intr.) to ~ at (we'll ~ at your place) stop in v. (D; intr.) to ~ at (they ~ped in at my place) stop off v. (D; intr.) to ~ at (we all ~ped off at a bar) stopover n. to make a ~ stoppage n. a work ~ stopping see the Usage Note for standing stop short v. (d; intr.) to ~ of (they ~ped short of imposing new taxes) stop sign n. to go through, run a ~ storage n. ['storing'] 1. to put smt. into ~ 2. to take smt. out of ~ 3. cold ~ ['memory of a computer'] 4. external; internal; magnetic ~ store n. ['shop, establishment where goods are sold'] (esp. AE; see the Usage Note for shop) 1. to manage, operate, run a ~ 2. a bookstore; candy; chain, multiple (BE); clothing; company; convenience; department; discount ~; drugstore; five-and-dime (AE), five-and-ten-cent (AE); food, grocery; furniture; general; hardware; jewelry; music; retail; self-service; shoe; toy ~ 3. (AE) a dry-goods ~ (BE has draper's shop) 4. (AE) a liquor, package ~ (BE has off licence) 5. (AE) a variety ~ (BE has haberdashery) 6. at, in a ~ (she works at/in a ~) ['misc.'] 7. to set ~ by ('to attribute importance to'); to lie/be in ~ ('to be imminent'); to have smt. in ~ for smb. ('to have smt. prepared for smb.') stores n. ['supplies'] 1. naval ~ 2. a cache of ~ storm I n. ['atmospheric disturbance'] 1. to ride out, weather a ~ (the ship finally rode out the ~) 2. a blinding; heavy, severe, violent ~ 3. a dust; electrical ~; firestorm; hailstorm; ice ~; rainstorm; sandstorm; snowstorm; thunderstorm; tropical ~ 4. a ~ hits, strikes; rages 5. a ~ blows itself out, blows over, subsides 6. a ~ was gathering (also fig.) ['disturbance, commotion'] 7. to raise, stir up a ~ 8. a ~ was brewing, gathering ['assault, attack'] (mil. and fig.) 9. to take by ~ (the new play took Broadway by ~) ['misc.'] 10. to talk up a ~ (colloq.) ('to talk a great deal') II v. (d; intr.) ('to rush angrily') to ~ into; out of (to ~ out of a room) story I n. ['tale'] 1. to narrate, tell a ~ 2. to carry, circulate, print, run a ~ (all the newspapers carried the ~ about the fire) 3. to edit; rewrite; write a ~ 4. to concoct, fabricate, invent, make up a ~ 5. to change, revise; embellish, embroider a ~ 6. to cover up, hush up, kill, suppress a ~ 7. a boring; charming; cock-and-bull, farfetched; coherent; complicated, involved; dirty, off-color, risque; funny, humorous; gripping; implausible; improbable; juicy; likely, plausible; long; sob; true; ugly; untold ~ 8. a bedtime, children's, fairy; detective; ghost; hard-luck; love ~ 9. a breaking ('very new'); cover; exclusive; feature; front- page; human-interest ~; the inside ~ 10. conflicting ~ries (they told conflicting ~ries to the police) 11. a shaggy dog ~ ('a long rambling joke with an illogical punch line') 12. a short ~ ('a short prose narrative') 13. the whole ~ (who knows the whole ~ of the incident?) 14. a ~ breaks ('becomes known'); circulates 15. a ~ about, of (she told charming ~ries about her travels; to narrate gripping ~ries of wartime heroism) 16. a ~ that + clause (have you heard the ~ that she intends to resign?) ['background information'] 17. to get the (whole) ~ ['misc.'] 18. the police could not make a coherent ~ out of his ravings; a success ~ ('a successful career') story II storey n. ['floor level'] a lower; top; upper ~ stove n. 1. to light a ~ 2. a coal; gas; kerosene (AE), paraffin (BE); kitchen; oil; pot- belly ~ straight adj. (misc.) to go ~ ('to be law-abiding'); to set smb. ~ ('to disabuse smb.') straight ticket n. (AE) to vote a ~ ('to vote for all the candidates of one party') strain I n. ['exertion'] ['tension'] 1. to impose, place, put a ~ on 2. to stand the ~ 3. to ease, relieve the ~ 4. an emotional, mental; physical ~ 5. back ~; eyestrain 6. a ~ on (a ~ on relations) 7. under a ~ II v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ at (the dog ~ed at the leash/BE lead) 2. (E) they were ~ing to get the car out of the mud III n. ['variety of microorganism'] a strong, virulent; weak ~ straits n. ['difficulties'] 1. desperate, dire; financial ~ 2. in desperate ~ strange adj. 1. ~ to 2. ~ to + int. (it was ~ to work at night = it was ~ working at night) 3. ~ that + clause (it is ~ that she hasn't written for a whole month) stranger n. 1. a complete, perfect, total, utter ~ 2. a ~ to (she's no ~ to us) strangle v. to ~ smb. to death stranglehold n. to get a ~ on smb. strap n. a chin; shoulder ~ stratagem n. 1. to resort to, use a ~ 2. a subtle ~ strategist n. an armchair ('amateur') ~ strategy n. 1. to adopt, map out, plan, work out a ~ 2. to apply, pursue a ~ 3. a global; grand, long-range, long-term ~ 4. military ~ 5. of matter; point of ~ straw n. ['tube'] 1. (to drink) through a ~ 2. (misc.) to decide smt. by drawing ~s (also fig.) ('misc.'] 3. a ~ in the wind ('a hint of smt. to come'); to clutch at ~s ('to try in desperation'); the last ~, or: the ~ that broke the camel's back ('a final burden that exceeds one's endurance') stray v. (D; intr.) 1. to ~ from (to ~ from the subject) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ into, onto (to ~ onto smb.'s property) streak I n. ['tendency, trait'] (usu. derog.) 1. a cruel; jealous; mean ~ 2. a yellow ~ ('cowardice') ['series'] 3. a losing; winning ~ II v. (P; intr.) to ~ across a field streaked adj. ~ with (~ with gray) stream I n. 1. to ford a ~ 2. a mountain; running; swollen ~ 3. a steady ~ (a steady ~ of refugees) 4. the jet ~ ('band of high-velocity winds moving from west to east') II v. (P; intr.) people were ~ing towards the town square street n. 1. to cross a ~ 2. to name; number ~s 3. a bustling, busy; congested; crowded; deserted, lonely; quiet ~ 4. a back; broad, wide; cross; dead-end; high (BE), main (AE); narrow; one way; through; winding ~ 5. in (esp. BE), on (esp. AE) the ~ (the children were playing in/on the ~) 6. (BE) in the high ~ 7. (AE) on (the) main ~ streetcar n. (AE) 1. to drive, operate a ~ 2. to go by ~; to ride a ~; to ride in a ~; to take a ~ (BE has tram) strength n. ['power'] 1. to build up, develop one's ~ 2. to find; gain, gather; recoup, regain; save ~ 3. to sap smb.'s ~ 4. brute, great; inner; physical; tensile ~ 5. a show of ~ 6. the ~ to + int. (do you have the ~ to lift this weight?) 7. in ~ ('in large numbers') ['number of personnel, units'] 8. full, maximum ~ (to bring a department up to full ~) 9. at; below ~ (our staff was at full ~; it is now five officers below ~) ['misc.'] 10. on the ~ of smt. ('relying on smt. ') (on the ~ of your recommendation); on the ~ (BE; colloq.) ('on the full-time permanent staff) stress I n. ['emphasis'] 1. to lay, place, put the ~ on 2. to shift the ~ from; to ['intensity of sound'] 3. to place, put the ~ on (a syllable) 4. to shift the ~ from; to 5. (a) dynamic; free; fixed; pitch; primary; qualitative; quantitative; secondary; strong; weak ~ 6. sentence; word ~ ['tension'] 7. to control ~ 8. mental; perceived; physical ~ 9. under ~ II v. (L) they ~ed that all regulations would be strictly enforced stretch I n. ['final phase'] to fade in the ~ II v. (N; used with an adjective) we ~ed the rope tight stretcher n. (to carry smb.) on a ~ stretch out v. (D; tr.) to ~ to (she stretched her hand out to us in friendship) strew v. (d; tr.) to ~ with (the field was strewn with bodies) stricken adj. ['afflicted'] 1. ~ with 2. (misc.) grief-stricken; poverty-stricken strict adj. 1. ~ about, concerning, in 2. ~ towards, with stricture n. a ~ against, on stride I n. ['normal speed'] 1. to hit one's ~ ['progress'] 2. to make great ~s in 3. great, tremendous ~s ['misc.'] 4. to take smt. in ~ ('to confront a new problem calmly') II v. 1. to ~ confidently; purposefully 2. (P; intr.) she strode confidently into the room strife n. 1. to cause, create ~ 2. bitter; communal; domestic; factional; industrial; internal; internecine; sectarian ~ 3. ~ among, between; in (to create ~ between two sisters) strike I n. ['refusal to work'] 1. to call, go (out) on; organize a ~ 2. to conduct, stage a ~ 3. to avert; break (up); settle a ~ 4. a buyers'; general; hunger; official (BE); rent; sit-down; sympathy; token; unofficial (BE), wildcat ~ (the prisoners went on a hunger ~) 5. on ~ (some of the workers were on ~) ['attack'] 6. to carry out a ~ 7. an air; first, preemptive; second; surgical ~ ['disadvantage'] (from baseball) (AE) 8. they have two ~s against them ('they are at a decided disadvantage') II v. 1. (D; intr.) ('to refuse to work') to ~ against; for (the workers struck against the company for higher pay) 2. (D; tr.) ('to hit') to ~ against, on (she struck her head against the door) 3. (d; tr.) ('to impress') to ~ as (the idea struck me as silly) 4. (d; intr.) to ~ at ('to attack') (to ~ at the root causes of poverty; to ~ at the enemy) 5. (N; used with an adjective) ('to make') to ~ smb. dead 6. (BE) (0) ('to give') he struck me a heavy blow strike back v. (D; intr.) to ~ at (to ~ at the enemy) strikebreaker n. to bring in ~s strike out v. 1. (d; intr.) ('to act') to ~ against, at (to ~ against injustice) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ for ('to set out for') (to ~ for shore) 3. (misc.) to ~ on one's own ('to begin an independent existence') striking distance n. ['effective range'] within ~ string n. ['grouping of players according to ability'] first; second ~ (see also strings) strings n. ['strips used for fastening'] 1. apron ~; shoestrings ['cords on a musical instrument'] 2. to pick (esp. AE), pluck ~ ['influence'] (colloq.) 3. to pull ~ strip I n. ['runway'] 1. an airstrip, landing ~ ['dividing patch'] 2. a centre (BE), median (AE) ~ (on a road) II v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ for (to ~ for a physical examination) 2. (d; tr.) to ~ of (to ~ smb. of all civil rights) 3. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ to (to ~ to the waist) 4. (N; used with an adjective) to ~ smb. naked strip down v. (d; intr.) to ~ to (he ~ped down to his underwear) stripe n. ['strip, band'] 1. a sergeant's ~s 2. a service ~ (worn on a soldier's sleeve to indicate length of service) ['sort'] (esp. AE) 3. of a certain ~ (people of their ~) stripping n. 1. weather ~ 2. (BE) (commercial) asset ~ striptease n. to do a ~ strive v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ for (to ~ for peace) 2. (formal) (E) we ~ to please stroke n. ['apoplexy'] 1. to have, suffer a ~ 2. an apoplectic; crippling, massive, severe; slight ~ ['movement, series of movements'] 3. (tennis) a backhand; forehand ~ 4. (swimming) a backstroke; breast; butterfly ~; sidestroke ['sound of striking'] 5. at a ~ (at the ~ of midnight) ['movement of a piston'] 6. an exhaust; exhaust-suction; intake; suction ~ ['action'] 7. a brilliant ~ 8. (misc.) a ~ of genius; to reduce inflation at one ~; their hard-won freedoms were abolished with the ~ of a pen ['misc.'] 9. a ~ of luck stroll I n. 1. to go for, take a ~ 2. to take smb. for a ~ (she took the children for a ~) II v. (P; intr.) to ~ through the park stroller n. (esp. AE) to push a ~ (BE has pushchair) structure n. 1. (ling.) to generate a ~ 2. (ling.) a deep; intermediate; surface ~ 3. (pol.) a power ~ 4. (physics) molecular ~ 5. a corporate; economic, financial; political; price; tax; wage ~ struggle I n. 1. to carry on, put up, wage a ~ 2. a bitter, desperate, fierce, frantic, violent; ceaseless, unending, unrelenting; internecine; life-and-death ~ 3. the class ~ 4. a ~ against, with; for (a ~ against poverty; a ~ for justice; a ~ with one's conscience) 5. a ~ to + inf. (it was a ~ to make ends meet = it was a ~ making ends meet) 6. in ~ (locked in ~) 7. (misc.) a ~ to the death II v. 1. to ~ bravely; desperately 2. (D; intr.) to ~ against, with (to ~ against tyranny) 3. (D; intr.) to ~ for (to ~ for freedom) 4. (E) they ~d to remain alive 5. (misc.) to ~ to one's feet strut v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ into (to ~ into a room) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ out of (to ~ out of a meeting) stub n. 1. a pencil; ticket ~ 2. a check (AE), cheque (BE) ~ stubborn adj. ~ about stubbornness n. 1. sheer ~ 2. ~ about 3. ~ to + inf. (it was sheer ~ not to agree) 4. out of ~ (she refused to compromise out of ~) stuck adj. (colloq.) ['burdened'] 1. ~ with (he always gets ~ with the worst jobs; I am ~ with the chore of breaking the bad news) ['infatuated'] 2. ~ on (he's ~ on her) ['fully involved'] (BE) 3. ~ into (there is no holding him once he gets ~ into smt.) stud n. at ~ ('for breeding') (the retired racehorses are at ~) student n. 1. an excellent, outstanding; good, strong ~ 2. a bad, poor, weak ~ 3. day; evening; foreign, overseas (BE); full-time; part-time; special; transfer ~ 4. a college, university; degree; graduate, postgraduate (esp. BE); high-school (AE); undergraduate ~ 5. (misc.) a student-teacher USAGE NOTE: In GB, students usu. refer to those in post-secondary education. Younger ones are usu. called pupils. However, secondary-school pupils in Britain have begun to call themselves school students. In the US, the term students is used for those at a university and in secondary school--college students, high-school students. Children at (BE)/in (esp. AE) primary schools are usu. called pupils in the US, and almost always in GB. In CE, one can differentiate between a student of Freud ('a student of Freud's ideas') and Freud's student ('one who was taught personally by Freud'). studies n. 1. to complete; pursue one's ~ 2. advanced; graduate, postgraduate (esp. BE); undergraduate ~ 3. Black; peace; social; women's studio n. an art; dance; film; recording; television, TV- study I n. ['investigation'] 1. to conduct, do, make a ~ 2. a careful, detailed, exhaustive, in-depth, intensive, rigorous, thorough; scientific ~ 3. a classic, classical; definitive ~ 4. a case; epidemiological; experimental; time-and-motion (AE), work (BE) ~ 5. under ~ (the matter is under ~) ['branch of learning, subject'] 6. nature ~ ['learning'] 7. supervised ~ II v. 1. to ~ diligently, hard 2. (D; intr.) to ~ for (to ~ for a degree) 3. (d; intr.) to ~ under (to ~ under a well-known professor) 4. (Q) to ~ how to survive in the wilderness study up v. (colloq. )(AE)(D; intr.) to ~ on (to ~ on a topic) stuff I n. (colloq.) ['subject matter'] 1. to know one's ~ 2. heady ('exciting'); kid ('elementary') ~; the same old ~ ['knowledge, ability'] 3. to show one's ~ 4. (AE) the ~ to + inf. (she has the ~ to succeed) 5. (misc.) (esp. AE) the right ~ ['duties'] 6. to do one's ~ II v. 1. (d; tr.) to ~ into (she ~ed her things into a suitcase) 2. (D; tr.) to ~ with (they ~ed their suitcases with all sorts of things) stumble v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ across, into, on, onto, upon ('to meet by chance') (to ~ across an old friend) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ over ('to trip over') (he ~d over every sentence) stumbling block n. a ~ to (a ~ to progress) stump I n. to remove a ~ (of a tree) II v. (d; intr.) to ~ for ('to support by making speeches') (to ~ for a candidate) stun v. (R) it ~ned me to see him drunk stunned adj. ~ to + inf. (we were ~ to learn of his defection) stunt n. 1. to do, perform a ~ 2. (colloq.) to pull a ~ ('to do smt. unexpected, probably for a bad purpose') 3. a publicity ~ stupid adj. 1. ~ about 2. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of him to lie; I was ~ to agree) stupidity n. 1. to display ~ 2. sheer ~ 3. the height of ~ 4. ~ to + inf. (it was sheer ~ to believe him) 5. ~ that + clause (it was sheer ~ that he decided to drop out of school) stupor n. 1. to fall into a ~ 2. a drunken ~ style n. ['manner of expression'] 1. to develop; polish, refine one's ~ 2. an affected; classic, classical; elegant; flowery, ornate; pedestrian; plain; vigorous ~ ['manner of acting'] 3. to cramp smb.'s ~ 4. an abrasive; grand ~ 5. in (a) ~ (to live in a/in grand ~) ['fashionable elegance'] 6. high ~ 7. in ~ (to live in ~) ['excellence of expression or behavior'] 8. to lack ~ suasion n. ['persuasion'] moral ~ subdivide v. (D; tr.) to ~ into subject I adj. (cannot stand alone) ~ to (~ to change) II n. ['topic, theme'] 1. to bring up, broach; pursue; tackle a ~ 2. to address, cover, deal with, discuss, take up, treat a ~ 3. to dwell on; exhaust; go into a ~ 4. to avoid; drop a ~ 5. to change the ~ 6. an appropriate, suitable; delicate, ticklish; favorite; inappropriate; pleasant; unpleasant; thorny ~ 7. a ~ comes up (for discussion) 8. a ~ for (a ~ for debate) 9. on a ~ (we have nothing to say on that ~) ['course of study'] 10. to study, tackle, take, take up a ~ 11. to master a ~ 12. an elective (AE), optional (BE); required ~ 13. a major (AE), main (BE); minor (AE), secondary (BE) ~ ['noun, noun phrase in a clause'] 14. a compound; grammatical; impersonal; logical; simple ~ ['citizen of a monarchy'] (esp. BE) 15. a British; loyal; naturalized ~ III v. (d;tr.) to ~ to (to ~ smb. to torture) subjection n. ~ to subject matter n. related; unrelated ~ subjugate v. (D;tr.) to ~ to subjugation n. in ~ sublease see sublet sublet v. 1. (B) to ~ an apartment to smb. 2. (D; tr.) to ~ from (to ~ a house from smb.) sublimate v. (D; tr.) to ~ into, to submarine n. 1. a conventional; midget; nuclear, nuclear-powered ~ 2. ~s dive; hunt in packs; surface submission n. ~ to submissive adj. ~ to submit v. 1. (B) ('to present') they ~ted their report to us 2. (D; intr.) ('to yield') to ~ to (to ~ to superior force; to ~ to arbitration) 3. (usu. legal) (L) ('to claim') their lawyer ~s that there are no grounds for denying bail subordinate I adj. ~ to II v. (D; refl., tr.) to ~ to (they had to ~ their own needs to the needs of the group) subordination n. ~ to subpoena I n. 1. to issue a ~ 2. to serve a ~ on 3. a ~ to + inf. (he received a ~ to appear in court in two weeks) II v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ as (to ~ smb. as a witness) 2. (H) to ~ smb. to testify subscribe v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ for ('to agree to purchase') (they ~d for a large number of shares) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ to ('to receive regularly') (to ~ to a magazine) 3. (d; intr.) to ~ to ('to agree with') (to ~ to an opinion) subscriber n. a ~ to (a ~ to a magazine) subscription n. ['arrangement for receiving a periodical'] 1. to enter a ~ to 2. to renew a ~ 3. to cancel a ~ 4. a ~ to (a ~ to a magazine) ['amount of money pledged'] 5. a public ~ subsequent adj. (cannot stand alone) ~ to subservience n. ~ to subservient adj. ~ to subsidiary adj. ~ to subsidy n. 1. to provide a ~ for 2. to grant a ~ to 3. a government, state ~ 4. a ~ for; to subsist v. (d; intr.) to ~ on subsistence n. 1. (a) bare, hand-to-mouth ~ 2. a means of ~ substance n. ['drug'] 1. (AE) a controlled ~ ('a drug regulated by law') 2. (misc.) ~ abuse ['meaningful quality'] 3. ~ to (is there any ~ to their claim?) 4. (misc.) a person of ~ ['matter'] 5. a chemical; hard; oily; pure; toxic ~ substitute I n. 1. a poor ~ 2. a ~ for (a ~ for sugar) II v. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ for (the coach ~d Smith for Jones) substitution n. 1. to make a ~ 2. a ~ for subsume v. (formal) (d; tr.) ('to classify') to ~ under (to ~ an item under a more inclusive category) subterfuge n. to resort to, use (a) ~ subtract v. (D;tr.) to ~ from (to ~ five from ten) subtraction n. to do ~ suburb n. 1. a fashionable; residential ~ 2. in the ~s (to live in the ~s) subvention see subsidy subversion n. to engage in ~ subway n. (esp. US) ['underground railway'] 1. (to travel) by ~ 2. in the ~ (crime in the ~) succeed v. 1. (D; tr.) ('to come after') to ~ as (she ~ed me as treasurer) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ in (to ~ in doing smt.; to ~ in business) 3. (D; intr.) to ~ to ('to inherit') (to ~ to the throne) success n. 1. to achieve, attain (a) ~; to enj oy ~ 2. to score a ~ 3. to make a ~ of smt. 4. a brilliant, great, howling, huge, resounding, signal, thorough, total, tremendous, unequivocal, unqualified ~ 5. a box-office, commercial; critical ~ 6. (a) ~ in; with successful adj. 1. highly ~ 2. ~ at, in; with (~ in business) succession n. ['right to succeed to an office, position'] 1. the ~ to (the ~ to the throne) ['misc.'] 2. in ~ ('successively, one after the other'); in quick successor n. a ~ to (the ~ to the throne) succumb v. (D; intr.) to ~ to (to ~ to smb.'s urging; to ~ to a disease) suck v. 1. (d;tr.) to ~ from (to ~ the juice from an orange) 2. (N; used with an adjective) (she ~ed the lemon dry) sucker n. (colloq.) ['easily deceived person'] 1. to make a ~ out of smb. 2. a ~ for (she's a ~ for any hardluck story) sue v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ for ('to request') (to ~ for peace) 2. (D; intr., tr.) ('to seek in court') to ~ for (to ~ for damages; she ~d him for a large sum of money) 3. (E) ('to seek in court') they ~d to get their property back suffer v. (D; intr.) to ~ from (to ~ from insomnia) suffering n. 1. to inflict ~ on 2. to bear, endure ~ 3. to alleviate, ease, relieve ~ 4. chronic; great, incalculable, intense, untold ~ suffice v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ for (my salary ~s for our basic needs) 2. (E) it should ~ to cite her previous accomplishments; my salary ~s to meet our basic needs 3. (misc.) ~ it to say that we will do our duty sufficient adj. 1. ~ for 2. ~ unto oneself ('independent') 3. ~ to + inf. (it would have been ~ to send a brief note) suffix n. a derivational; inflectional ~ suffrage n. 1. to extend, grant ~ 2. universal; women's ~ sugar n. 1. to produce; refine ~ 2. beet; brown; cane; confectioner's (AE), icing (BE); crude; demerara (BE); granulated; lump; maple ~ 3. (med.) blood ~ 4. a lump of ~ 5. (misc.) as sweet as ~ suggest v. 1. (B) she ~ed a compromise to us 2. (G) I ~ed waiting 3. (K) who ~ed his taking part? 4. (L; subj.; to) she ~ed (to us) that an exception be/should be made 5. (0) did she ~ where we should meet? suggestion n. 1. to advance, make, offer, put forward a ~ 2. to ask for, call for, invite ~s 3. to act on; adopt a ~ 4. to reject a ~ 5. an appropriate; helpful; pertinent; preposterous ~ 6. a ~ about, concerning 7. a ~ that + clause; subj. (she made a ~ that each worker contribute/should contribute one day's pay) 8. at smb.'s ~ (at my ~ we went on a picnic) suggestive adj.. ~ of suicide n. 1. to commit ~ 2. to attempt; contemplate ~ 3. political ~ suit I n. ['legal claim'] 1. to bring, file, institute (a) ~ against 2. to contest; press a ~ 3. to lose; win a ~ 4. to dismiss a ~ 5. a civil; class-action; malpractice; pending ~ ['courtship'] (old-fashioned) 6. to plead, press one's ~ ['set of clothes'] 7. to have a ~ made 8. to put on; take off; try on a ~ 9. a bathing; business (AE), lounge (BE); custom-made, made-to- measure (BE); diving; double-breasted; dress; gym; leisure; pants (AE), trouser; ready-made; sailor; single-breasted; ski; space; sweat; tank; three-piece; two-piece; union (AE) ~ 10. (BE) a boiler ~ ('overalls') 11. a ~ fits (well) 12. (misc.) (humorous) in one's birthday ~ ('naked') ['set of similar playing cards'] 13. to follow ~ (also fig.) 14. a trump ~ ['trait'] 15. smb.'s strong ~ II v. 1. to ~ perfectly 2. (misc.) to ~ to a T ('to be perfectly appropriate for') suitability n. ~ for suitable adj. 1. eminently ~ 2. ~ for 3. ~ to + inf. (would it be ~ to discuss this matter at lunch?) suitcase n. to pack; unpack a ~ suite n. ['group of connected rooms'] 1. a bridal; executive; hotel; luxury; office; penthouse ~ ['set of matched furniture'] 2. a bedroom; living-room suited adj. 1. ~ for, to (~ for the job; ~ to each other) 2. ~ to + inf. (is he psychologically ~ to be a police officer?) sulk v. (D; intr.) to ~ about, over sum n. 1. to raise a ~ (of money) 2. a considerable, large, substantial, tidy; flat; lump; nominal; round ~ summarize v. (D;tr.) to ~ for (she ~d the plot for the class) summary n. 1. to give, make a ~ 2. a brief ~ 3. a news ~ summer n. 1. Indian, St. Luke's (BE; rare), St. Martin's (BE; rare) ~ 2. during, over (esp. AE) the ~ 3. in (the) ~ summit n. ['peak'] (also fig.) 1. to reach a ~ 2. at a ~ (to stand at the ~) ['summit conference'] 3. to hold a ~ 4. at a ~ (we met at the ~ in Geneva) summit conference n. 1. to hold a ~ 2. at a ~ (to meet at a ~) summon v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ before (to be ~ed before a judge) 2. (D; tr.) to ~ to (we were ~ed to the director's office) 3. (H) to ~ smb. to do smt. summons n. 1. to issue a ~ 2. to serve a ~ on 3. a ~ to + inf. (I received a ~ to appear in court) sun n. 1. the blazing; bright; hot; midday; tropical ~ 2. the ~ beats down; rises; sets; shines 3. in, under the ~ sunburn n. 1. to get a ~ 2. a painful ~ sundae n. a butterscotch; cherry; chocolate; hot-fudge; strawberry ~ sundown n. at ~ sunlight n. 1. bright, brilliant, glaring ~ 2. in the ~ 3. a shaft of ~ sunrise n. at ~ sunset n. at ~ sunshine n. 1. to soak up ~ 2. bright, dazzling; warm ~ sunstroke n. to get, have ~ suntan n. to get a ~ supercilious n. ~ about superimpose v. (D; tr.) to ~ on (to ~ one image on another; to ~ a new way of life on old customs) superintendent n. a building; school ~ superior I adj. 1. clearly, decidedly, definitely, far ~ 2. ~ in (~ in numbers) 3. ~ to (~ to all other competitors) II n. an immediate ~ superiority n. 1. to achieve, establish ~ 2. to enjoy, hold ~ 3. clear ~ 4. ~tn; over, to superlative n. (to express oneself) in ~s supermarket n. at, in a ~ (to shop at/in a ~) supersensitive adj. ~ to superstition n. a ~ about superstitious adj. ~ about supervision n. 1. to exercise ~ of, over 2. to tighten ~ 3. to ease up on, relax ~ 4. lax, slack; strict ~ 5. under smb.'s ~ supper n. 1. to eat, have ~ 2. to make, prepare; serve ~ 3. at ~ (what did they discuss at ~?) 4. for ~ (what was served for ~?) supplement n. 1. a literary; Sunday ~ (to a newspaper) 2. a vitamin ~ (to take a vitamin ~ every day) 3. a ~ to supplementary adj. ~ to supplicate v. (formal) (H) to ~ smb. to do smt. supply I n. 1. to bring up, provide ~ies 2. to lay in, receive; replenish; store ~ies 3. an abundant, liberal, plentiful; fresh ~ 4. military; office; relief ~ies 5. the coal; money; water ~ 6. in short ~ II v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ to (to ~ power to industry) 2. (D: tr.) to ~ with (to ~ industry with power) supply lines n. 1. to overextend ~ 2. to cut ~ support I n. 1. to give, lend, offer, provide; pledge ~ 2. to enlist, line up, mobilize, round up ~ for 3. to derive, draw, get, receive ~ from 4. to gain, get, win ~ for 5. to have the ~ of 6. ardent, complete, firm, solid, strong, unflagging, unqualified, unstinting, unwavering; wholehearted ~ 7. active; liberal; loyal; lukewarm, qualified ~ (to give lukewarm ~ to a candidate) 8. government, state; popular, public ~ 9. farm; price ~s 10. ~ for; in 11. in ~ of (she came out in ~ of the party) II v. 1. to ~ completely, strongly, wholeheartedly 2. (K) we ~ed their seeking office supporter n. 1. an ardent, enthusiastic, fervent, loyal, stalwart, steady, strong ~ 2. an athletic ~ (see also the Usage Note for fan II) supportive adj. ~ of suppose v. 1. (L) we ~ that the situation will improve 2. (formal) (M) we ~d him to be guilty supposed adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ to rain; she was ~ to work today) supposition n. 1. to make a ~ 2. a ~ that (I reject the ~ that she stole the money) 3. on (a) ~ (to condemn smb. on mere ~) suppository n. 1. to insert a ~ 2. a rectal; vaginal ~ supremacy n. 1. to achieve, establish ~ 2. to acknowledge smb.'s ~ 3. military; naval ~ 4. (so-called) racial, white ~ supreme adj. to reign ~ surcharge n. 1. to add a ~ to 2. a ~ on sure adj. 1. ~ about (are you ~ about this?) 2. ~ of (~ of success) 3 to + inf. (she is ~ to pass the exam) 4. ~ that + clause (I am ~ that they will come; please make ~ that there will be enough light and heat) surf n. to ride the ~ surface n. 1. a bumpy; even, smooth; frozen; plane; rough ~ 2. below, beneath, under the ~ (also fig.) 3. on the ~ (also fig.) 4. (misc.) to scratch, skim the ~ ('to treat superficially') surge I n. (technical) a voltage ~ II v. (P; intr.) the crowd ~d around the entrance surgeon n. 1. a flight; orthopedic (AE), orthopaedic (BE); plastic; veterinary (BE) ~ 2. a tree ~ 3. a ~ performs operations, operates (on patients) surgery n. ['branch of medicine'] 1. to perform ~ 2. to undergo ~ 3. elective; emergency; heroic; major; minor; radical; remedial ~ 4. bypass; cosmetic; open-heart; plastic ~ ['office'] (BE) 5. a doctor's ~ (CE has doctor s of fice) 6.anMP's~ (to receive and listen to constituents) ['misc.'] 7. tree ~ (see the Usage Note for office) surmise I n. (formal) ['conjecture'] a ~ that + clause (she expressed a ~ that the situation would improve) II v. (L) I ~d that the situation would improve surplus n. 1. to accumulate a ~ 2. to run ('have') a ~ 3. food ~es; war ~ surprise I n. 1. to spring, uncork a ~ on smb. 2. to achieve ~ 3. to express ~ 4. to show ~ 5. (a) complete, outright, total ~ (we achieved complete ~) 6. a pleasant; unpleasant ~ (they sprang an unpleasant ~ on us) 7. ~ at (to express ~ at recent events) 8. a ~ to (the results were a complete ~ to everyone) 9. a ~ to + inf. (it was a pleasant ~ to learn of her promotion) 10. a ~ that + clause (it was a ~ that he got here on time) 11. by ~ (our troops took the fortress by ~) 12. to smb.'s ~ (to our ~ he was not drunk) II v. 1. to ~ greatly, very much 2. (R) it ~d me to see them drunk; it ~d us that their party won the election surprised adj. 1. ~ at (~ at the news) 2. ~ to + inf. (I was ~ to see her) 3. ~ that + clause (everyone was ~ that we attended the meeting) surprising n. 1. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ to see her there) 2. ~ that + clause (it was ~ that she was nominated) surrender I n. unconditional ~ II v. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ to (to ~ to the enemy; to ~ a fortress to the invader) surrounded adj.. ~ by, with surroundings n. austere; elegant; pleasant; unpleasant ~ surtax n. to impose a ~ (on) surveillance n. 1. to conduct, maintain ~ 2. to keep; place smb. under ~ 3. around-the-clock, constant; close, strict ~ (she was placed under strict ~) 4. electronic ~ 5. under ~ survey n. 1. to conduct, do, make a ~ 2. a brief; comprehensive ~ 3. a geodetic; topographical ~ survival n. 1. to assure smb.'s ~ 2. (misc.) the ~ of the fittest survivor n. to pick up ~s (at sea) susceptibility n. ~ to (~ to disease) susceptible adj. ~ to suspect I n. 1. to arrest a ~ 2. to interrogate, question a ~ 3. to place a ~ under surveillance 4. a prime ~ II v. l. to ~ strongly 2.(D;tr.) to ~ as (to be ~ed as an accomplice) 3. (D; tr.) to ~ of (the police ~ed him of participation in the robbery) 4. (L) we ~ strongly that she is guilty suspend v. 1. (D; tr.) ('to hang') to ~ from (to ~ a hook from the ceiling) 2. (D; tr.) ('to bar temporarily') to ~ from (to ~ smb. from duty) suspenders n. (AE; BE has braces) a pair of ~ (that hold up trousers) suspense n. 1. to bear the ~ 2. to break the ~ 3. in ~ over (everyone was in ~ over the outcome) suspension n. independent ~ (on a car) suspidon n. ['suspecting'] ['mistrust'] 1. to arouse, cause, create, evoke, sow, stir (a) ~ 2. to entertain, harbor, have a ~ 3. to confirm a ~ 4. to cast ~ on 5. to allay, dispel ~ 6. a groundless, unfounded ~ 7. a lingering, lurking; slight, sneaking; strong; vague ~ 8. a ~ about, of (there was some ~ about her motives) 9. ~ falls on smb. 10. a ~ that + clause (these events confirmed my strong ~ that he is guilty) 11. above ~ ('not suspected') 12. on ~ of (arrested on ~ of murder) 13. under ~ ('suspected') 14. (misc.) a cloud of ~ ['slight trace'] 15. a ~ of (not even the slightest ~ of scandal) suspidous adj.. 1. ~ about, of 2. ~ that + clause (it was ~ that no story appeared in the press) suture n. 1. to put in a ~ 2. to remove, take out a ~ swallow n. ['act of swallowing'] to take a ~ swamp v. (d; tr.) to ~ by, with (they were ~ed with work) swan n. as graceful as a ~ swap I n. ['exchange'] to make a ~ for II v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ for (she ~ped her bicycle for a hi-fi) 2. (0) I'll ~ you my bicycle for your hi-fi swarm v. 1. (d; intr.) ('to crowd') to ~ around (the autograph seekers ~ed around the actor) 2. (d; intr.) ('to throng') to ~ into (to ~ into an auditorium) 3. (d; intr.) ('to throng') to ~ over, through (to ~ through the streets) 4. (d; intr.) ('to teem') to ~ with (the streets were ~ing with tourists) swarming adj. ~ with swath n. ['path'] to cut a ~ (to cut a wide ~ of destruction) swathe v. (d; tr.) ('to wrap') to ~ in (she was ~d in mink) sway I n. ['dominance'] 1. to hold ~ over 2. under smb.'s ~ II v. 1. to ~ gently 2. (D; intr.) to ~ to (to ~ to the music) 3. (misc.) to ~ from side to side; to ~ back and forth; to ~ in the breeze swear v. 1. to ~ solemnly 2. (B) ('to promise solemnly') they swore allegiance to the government 3. (D) intr.) ('to curse') to ~ at (he swore at them) 4. (d; intr.) ('to rely completely') to ~ by (everyone ~s by her remedy for a cold) 5. (d; intr.) to ~ to ('to confirm solemnly') (to ~ to the truth of a statement) 6. (d; tr.) ('to bind solemnly') to ~ to (to ~ smb. to secrecy) 7. (E) ('to promise solemnly') she swore to tell the truth 8. (L; to) ('to promise solemnly') she swore (to us) that she would tell the truth 9. (misc.) to ~ on the Bible; to ~ like a trooper ('to use obscene language freely'); to ~ smb. into office swear in v. (D; tr.) to ~ as (she was sworn in as president) sweat n. 1. to break out in a cold ~ 2. beads of ~ 3. (misc.) by the ~ of one's brow ('by working very hard') sweater n. 1. to crochet; knit a ~ 2. a light; warm ~ 3. a plaid; woolen ~ sweep I n. ['reconnaissance'] 1. to make a ~ (behind enemy lines) ['winning of a series of contests'] 2. to make a clean ~ (of a series) ['sweeper'] 3. a chimney ~ II v. 1. (d; intr., tr.) ('to move overwhelmingly') to ~ into (the other party swept into office; they were swept into the sea) 2. (d; intr.) ('to move swiftly') to ~ through (our troops swept through the village) 3. (N; used with an adjective) ('to clean with a broom') to ~ a floor clean sweep down v. (d; intr.) to ~ on (the storm swept down on the village) sweep in v. (D; intr.) to ~ from (the hurricane swept in from the sea) sweepstakes n. to win the ~ sweet adj. (colloq.) 1. ~ on ('in love with') (he is ~ on her) 2. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of you to think of me) swell I n. ['growing wave'] a ground ~ (a ground ~ of support was building up) II v. (d; intr.) to ~ with (to ~ with pride) swelling n. (the) ~ goes down, subsides (the ~ went down) swerve v. (D; intr.) to ~ from; to (to ~ from a course; to ~ to the right) swift adj. 1. (lit.) ~ of (~ of foot) 2. ~ to + inf. (she was ~ to react) swig n. ['swallow'] to take a ~ swim I n. 1. to have, take a ~ 2. to go for a ~ II v. (D; intr.) to ~ for (to ~ for shore) swindle v. (D; tr.) to ~ out of (to ~ smb. out of money) swing I n. ['punch'] 1. to take a ~ at smb. 2. a wild ~ ['shift'] 3. a ~ to (in the last elections there was a ~ to the right) ['operation'] 4. in full ~ (the work was in full ~) II v. 1. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ at (he swung at me; I swung the bat at the ball) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ from; to (to ~ from right to left) swipe n. (colloq.) ['critical remark'] to take a ~ at switch I n. ['change'] 1. to make a ~ 2. a ~ from; to ['device used to open or close an electrical circuit'] 3. to flick, throw a ~ 4. a master; power; time; toggle ~ ['movable section of railroad track'] (AE) 5. a railroad ~ (BE has railway point) II v. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ from; into; to (to ~ to the metric system; she ~ed her support to the other candidate; to ~ from English into Russian) switchboard n. at a ~ (to work at a ~) switcheroo n. (slang) (AE) ['variation'] to pull a ~ switch over v. (D; intr.) to ~ to (we ~ed over to French) swoon I n. to fall into a ~ II v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ over (to ~ over a new film idol) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ with (to ~ with joy) swoop n. ['stroke'] at one fell ~ ('at one time') swoop down v. (D; intr.) to ~ on (the hawk ~ed down on the sheep) swop (colloq.) (BE) see swap I, II sword n. 1. to draw, unsheathe a ~ 2. to wield a ~ 3. to cross ~s with smb. (now usu. fig.) 4. to thrust a ~ into 5. to sheathe a ~ 6. (misc.) a double-edged, two-edged ~ ('smt. that can have opposite results to those intended') syllable n. 1. to stress a ~ 2. a closed; open; stressed; unstressed ~ syllabus n. to draw up, make up a ~ symbol n. 1. a chemical; phallic; phonetic; religious; status ~ 2. (misc.) a ~ of authority symbolic adj. ~ of symmetrical adj. ~ to, with sympathetic adj. ~ to, with sympathize v. 1. to ~ deeply 2. (D; intr.) to ~ with sympathy n. 1. to arouse, stir up ~ for 2. to capture; command ~ 3. to express; feel, have ~ for 4. to display, show ~ for 5. to lavish ~ on 6. to accept smb.'s ~ 7. deep, deepest, great, heartfelt, profound, strong ~ (please accept our deepest ~) 8. little ~ for (to have little ~ for smb.) 9. one's ~ goes out to smb. 10. a token of one's ~ 11. ~ for (to have ~ for the underdog) 12. in ~ with (to be in complete ~ with smb.'s cause) 13. out of ~ (we did it out of ~ for your family) symphony n. 1. to compose, write a ~ 2. to perform, play a ~ symposium n. to hold a ~ on symptom n. 1. to have, manifest, show ~s (of) 2. an acute; chronic ~ 3. a specific ~ 4. withdrawal ~s symptomatic adj. ~ of synchronize v. (D;tr.)to ~ with syndrome n. 1. the China; Stockholm ~ 2. premenstrual; toxic shock ~ (to suffer from premenstrual ~) synonymous adj. ~ to, with synopsis n. to give; make, prepare a ~ synthesis n. to make a ~ syphilis n. 1. to spread, transmit ~ 2. to catch, develop; have ~ 3. acquired; congenital; early; late; latent; primary; secondary; tertiary ~ syringe n. a hypodermic ~ syrup n. 1. chocolate; corn; maple ~ 2. cough ~ system n. ['group of items serving a common purpose'] 1. an air- conditioning; amplifying; brake; data-processing; filing; guidance; heating; highway (AE), motorway (BE), road; intercommunication; life-support; number; public-address; railroad (AE), railway (BE); sprinkler; steering; transit (esp. AE), transport (esp. BE) ['form of organization, principles pertaining to a form of organization'] 2. a capitalist; caste; communist; Copernican; economic; educational, school; electoral; governmental; hierarchical; honor; merit; multiparty; one-party; patronage; philosophical; political; quota; seniority; socialist; spoils; two-party ~ 3. (colloq.) (AE) a buddy ~ 4. under a ~ (under our political ~) 5. (misc.) to beat the ~ ('to circumvent established procedures') ['group of items forming a unified whole in nature'] 6. an ecosystem; mountain; river; solar ~ ['functionally related group of bodily elements or structures'] 7. the cardiovascular; central nervous; circulatory; digestive; excretory; genito-urinary; immune; reproductive; respiratory ~ ['classification'] ['type of measurement'] 8. a decimal; metric; monetary; taxonomic ~ ['group of substances in or approaching equilibrium'] (chemistry) 9. a binary; ternary ~ ['set of meteorological conditions'] 10. a high-pressure; low-pressure ~ ['procedure'] 11. the touch ~ (of typing) ['elements that allow the operation of a computer'] 12. to boot up; reboot a ~ 13. a disk operating, operating ~ ['misc.'] 14. ~s analysis; ~s theory