T n. to a ~ ('precisely') (you fit the role to a ~) tab I n. ['tabulator, device for setting a margin'] I. to set a ~ ['bill'] (colloq.) (AE) 2. to pick up the ~ for (she picked up the ~ for everyone) 3. the ~ for II v. (colloq.) (AE) 1. (d;tr.) ('to identify') to ~ as (she was ~bed as a leading contender) 2. (d; tr.) ('to designate') to ~ for (large sums were ~bed for school construction) tabernacle n. to build a ~ table n. ['piece of furniture'] 1. to lay (esp. BE), set (esp. AE) a ~ 2. to clear a ~ 3. a card; coffee; dining-room; dressing; drop-leaf; end; folding; kitchen; night; operating; ping-pong; pool; tray; writing ~ 4. (AE) a training ~ (for members of a team) 5. around, round a ~ (to sit around a ~) 6. at the ~/at ~ (BE) ('while eating') (we never discuss politics at the dinner ~) ['table for conducting discussions, negotiations'] ['negotiating session'] 7. a bargaining, conference, negotiating; round ~ 8. at the ~ (at the negotiating ~) ['enumeration, list'] 9. to compile, draw up a ~ 10. a conversion; genealogy; mortality; multiplication; periodic ~ 11. logarithmic ~s 12. in a ~ (to give data in ~s) ['level'] 13. a water ~ ['misc.'] 14. to turn the ~s on smb. ('to reverse the roles in a struggle with smb.'); under the ~ ('illegally') tablespoon n. a heaping; level ~ tablet n. ['pad'] 1. a writing ~ ['pill'] 2. to take a ~ 3. an aspirin ~ 4. a scored ~ ['slab'] 5. a bronze; clay; marble ~ taboo n. 1. to break, violate a ~ 2. a rigid ~ 3. a ~ on 4. (to place smt.) under (a) ~ tabs n. (colloq.) ['watch, surveillance'] to keep ~ on tack I n. ['short nail'] 1. a carpet; thumb (AE; BE has drawing pin) ~ ['direction of a sailing ship'] 2. the port; starboard ~ ['course of action'] ['direction'] 3. to change ~ 4. (misc.) to go off on the wrong ~ II v. (d; tr.) ('to attach') to ~ onto, to tackle n. fishing ~ tact n. 1. to display, exercise, show; have ~ 2. considerable, great; subtle ~ 3. the ~ to + int. (does she have the ~ to conduct the negotiations?) tactful adj. ~ to + inf. (it was not ~ to mention that) tactic n. a scare ~ (see tactics) tactics n. 1. to devise; employ; use ~ 2. bullying; delaying; diversionary; pressure; questionable; roughhouse (AE); scarce smear; strong-arm; wily ~ (to employ questionable ~) 3. (esp. AE) Madison Avenue ~ ('reliance on sophisticated promotion, advertising') 4. salami ~ ('maneuvering by stages') tactless adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of him to speak like that) taffy n. (esp. AE) 1. to make; pull ~ 2. saltwater tag I n. ['children's game'] to play ~ II n. ['label, marker'] 1. to put a ~ on smt. 2. a name; price ~ 3. (AE) license ~s (on a car) 4. (AE) (mil.) dog (colloq.), identification ~s (BE has identification disc) ['short phrase'] (ling.) 5. a question ~ III v. (colloq.) 1. (d; intr.) to ~ after ('to follow') (the child ~ged after the others) 2. (d; tr.) ('to label') to ~ as (he was ~ged as a quitter) 3. (AE) (d; tr.) ('to fine') to ~ for (she was ~ged for going through a red light) tag along v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ behind (she would always ~ behind them) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ with tag end n. ['very end'] at the ~ (of smt.) tail n. ['rear appendage to an animal's body'] 1. to wag a ~ 2. to dock ('shorten') a ~ 3. a bushy ~ 4. (misc.) to turn ~ ('to flee') ['person who conducts surveillance'] (colloq.) 5. to put a ~ on smb. tail end n. ['very end'] at the ~ (of smt.) tailor I n. a custom; ladies'; men's ~ II v. (d; tr.) to ~ for; to (to ~ an insurance policy to the needs of the insured) tailor-made adj. ~ for (~ for the assignment) tailspin n. to go into a ~ tainted adj. ~ by, with take I n. (colloq.) ['reaction'] 1. a double ~ ('delayed reaction') (to do a double ~) ['illegal payments'] 2. on the ~ (they were all on the ~) ('they were all accepting bribes') II v. 1. to ~ (a matter) lightly; seriously 2. (A) ('to carry') she took a cup of tea to him; or: she took him a cup of tea 3. (d; intr.) to ~ after ('to resemble') (he ~s after his father) 4. (d; tr.) ('to construe') to ~ as (we took her gesture as a sign of friendship; I took his remark as a compliment) 5. (d; tr.) ('to grasp') to ~ by (she took him by the hand) 6. (D; tr.) ('to lead, accompany') to ~ for (she took her daughter for a walk; he took us for a ride) 7. (D; tr.) ('to obtain, secure') to ~ for (I took the book for him) 8. (d; tr.) to ~ for ('to assume to be') (do you ~ me for a fool?) 9. (D; tr.) ('to obtain'); ('to remove') to ~ from (he took the book from her; I took the money from the safe) 10. (d; tr.) ('to subtract') to ~ from (~ five from ten) 11. (d; tr.) ('to carry') to ~ into (~ the chairs into the house) 12. (d; tr.) to ~ into ('to bring into') (to ~ smb. into one's confidence; they took the prisoner into custody) 13. (d; tr.) to ~ into ('to include') (to ~ smt. into consideration; we took all the facts into account) 14. (d; tr.) ('to remove'); ('to deduct') to ~ off (I took the books off the shelf; they took ten pounds off the bill) 15. (d; tr.) ('to carry') to ~ out of (~ the chairs out of the house) 16. (d; intr.) to ~ to ('to like') (to ~ kindly to an offer; she took to them at once) 17. (d; intr.) to ~ to ('to begin'); ('to engage in') (to ~ to drink; she took to gambling at the casinos; he took to fishing with great gusto) 18. (d; intr.) ('to go'); ('to have recourse') to ~ to (to ~ to one's bed; to ~ to the streets; to ~ to the lifeboats; to ~ to the air-waves) 19. (d; tr.) ('to lead, accompany, transport') to ~ to (to ~ smb. to dinner; she took us to the art museum; we took them to the station) 20. (d; tr.) ('to carry') to ~ to (I took the books to the library; she took the money to the bank) 21. (d; tr.) ('to move, transfer') to ~ to (they took the case to the supreme court) 22. (D; tr.) ('to accept, bear') to ~ with (he took his punishment with a smile; to ~ a remark with a grain of salt) 23. (M) ('to consider'); ('to accept') I took him to be a friend; do you ~ this man to be your lawful wedded husband? 24. (0) ('to require') the job took us two hours 25. (0) ('to seize') we took him prisoner; to ~ smb. hostage 26. (R) ('to demand, require') it sometimes ~s courage to tell the truth 27. (misc.) she took it on herself to break the news; to ~ five (esp. AE; colloq.) ('to have a five minute break'); they took the law into their own hands ('they dispensed justice without a trial'); to ~ smb. to court ('to sue smb.'); to ~ smb. under one's wing ('to protect and help smb.'); to ~ to one's heels ('to flee'); to ~ by storm ('to overwhelm completely'); to ~ by surprise ('to surprise'); to ~ smt. lying down ('to accept a defeat without protest'); to ~ smt. for granted (see granted) take away v. (D; tr.) ('to remove') to ~ from (she took the scissors away from the child) take back v. 1. (D; tr.) ('to accept') to ~ from (they took the furniture back from the customer) 2. (D; tr.) ('to return') to ~ to (she took the book back to the library) takedown v. (D; tr.) ('to write down') to ~ in (to ~ testimony down in shorthand) take in v. (D; tr.) ('to accept') to ~ as (we took her in as a partner) taken adj. ['impressed'] ['infatuated'] ~ with (he was very much ~ with her) takeoff n. (colloq.) ['parody'] to do a ~ of (esp. BE), on take off v. 1. (colloq.) (D; intr.) ('to leave') to ~ for (they took off for town) 2. (D; intr.) ('to begin flight') to ~ from (we took off from a small landing strip) take out v. 1. (d; tr.) to ~ on (don't ~ your anger out on me) 2. (misc.) to ~ it out on smb. ('to make smb. else suffer for one's own problem') takeover I n. 1. a hostile ~ (of a firm) 2. (misc.) a ~ bid II v. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ from (the new government has taken over from the outgoing government; we will ~ power from them) take to v. (F) ('to resort to') they took to accepting bribes take up v. 1. (d; tr.) to ~ on ('to accept, adopt') (he took me up on my offer) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ with ('to join') (he took up with a rough crowd) taking n. for the ~ (it's there for the ~ ) ('it can be taken by anyone who wants it') tale n. 1. to concoct, make up a ~ 2. to narrate, tell a ~ 3. an absorbing, exciting, fascinating, gripping; fanciful; grizzly; hair-raising, harrowing, shocking ~ 4. a fairy; folk ~ 5. a tall ('unbelievable') ~6. (misc.) to tell ~s out of school ('to reveal secrets') talent n. 1. to demonstrate, display, show (a) ~ 2. to cultivate, develop a ~ 3. to squander one's ~(s) 4. (a) mediocre; outstanding ~ 5. (a) natural ~ 6. the ~ to + inf. (she has the ~ to go far) 7. (a) ~ for (a ~ for painting) 8. of ~ (a person of considerable ~) talented adj. ~ at, in talk I n. ['address, lecture'] 1. to give a ~ 2. a pep; sales ~ 3. a ~ about, on (she gave an interesting ~ on bringing up children) ['conversation'] ['chatter'] 4. to have a ~ (with) 5. blunt, plain; idle, small; loose; table ~ 6. a long ~ (she had a long ~ with him about his work) 7. sweet ~ ('flattery') 8. double, fast ~ ('deception') 9. a heart-to-heart ('frank') ~ 10. straight ('frank') ~ 11. (colloq.) big ~ ('boasting') 12. ~ about, of; with (there is ~ of her resigning) 13. ~ that + clause (there is ~ that there will be a strike) ['type of speech'] 14. baby ~ (to use baby ~) II v. 1. to ~ bluntly, candidly, frankly, freely; loud, loudly; openly 2. (D; intr.) to ~ about, of, on (they were ~ing about the elections; she was ~ing of her trip; to ~ on a topic) 3. (d; tr.) to ~ into ('to persuade') (to ~ smb. into doing smt.) 4. (d; tr.) to ~ out of ('to dissuade') (to ~ smb. out of doing smt.) 5. (d; intr.) ('to speak') to ~ to, with (esp. AE) (I will ~ to them about this problem) 6. (misc.) to ~ big ('to boast'); to ~ oneself hoarse talk back v. (D; intr.) to ~ to (to ~ to one's boss) talk down v. (d; intr.) to ~ to (to ~ to the audience) talker n. (colloq.) a fast, smooth ~ ('one who speaks glibly, in a deceptive manner') talking n. to do the ~ (she did all the ~) talking-to n. (colloq.) ['scolding'] to give smb. a (good)~ talk over v. (D; tr.) ('to discuss') to ~ with (we ~ed it over with them) talks n. ['negotiations'] 1. to conduct, hold ~ about 2. to break off ~ 3. contract; exploratory; formal; high ~ level; informal; peace; top ~ level ~ 4. ~ about; with (~ about smt.; ~ with smb.) tall adj. to stand ~ (esp. AE; colloq.) ('to be resolute') tally I n. to make a ~ II v. (D; intr.) ('to correspond') to ~ with tambourine n. to play (on) the ~ tamper v. (d; intr.) to ~ with (to ~ with a lock; one should not ~ with a jury) tampon n. to insert a ~ tan I n. to get a ~ II v. (intr.) to ~ easily, readily tandem n. in ~ tangent I adj. ~ to (~ to a circle) II n. ['digression'] to go off at, go off on a ~ tangential adj. (formal) ['incidental'] ~ to tangle I n. to unravel a ~ II v. (colloq.) (d; intr.) ('to quarrel') to ~ over; with (don't ~ with him) tango n. to dance, do the ~ tank n. ['armored combat vehicle'] 1. to drive a ~ ['receptacle, container'] 2. a fish; gas (AE), gasoline (AE), petrol (BE); oil; oxygen; septic; water ~ ['prison'] (slang) (esp. AE) 3. in the ~ ['misc.'] 4. a think ~ ('a group of thinkers, planners') tanker n. an oil ~ tantamount adj. (cannot stand alone) ~ to tantrum n. 1. to have, throw a ~ 2. a temper ~ (he threw a temper ~) tap I n. 1. on ~ ('ready to be drawn') (beer on ~) 2. on ~ ('available'); ('imminent') (what's on ~ for tonight?) 3. see faucet II v. 1. (d; tr.) ('to ask') to ~ for (to ~ smb. for information) 2. (D; tr.) to ~ on ('to strike lightly') (to ~ smb. on the shoulder) tape n. ['narrow strip of material'] 1. adhesive, sticky (BE); friction; magnetic; masking; measuring; name; ticker ~ ['string stretched across the track at the end of a race'] 2. to reach the ~ (both runners reached the ~ together) ['tape recording'] 3. to make a ~ 4. to play, put on; play back a ~ 5. to rewind; wind a ~ 6. to erase a ~ (see also red tape) taper v. (d; intr., tr.) to ~ to(~ed to a point) tape recorder n. 1. to start; turn on a ~ 2. to operate, play a ~ 3. to stop; turn off a ~ 4. a cassette; reel-to-reel ~ tape recording n. 1. to make a ~ 2. to play, play back a ~ tapestry n. 1. to weave a ~ 2. (misc.) (BE) life's rich ~ taps n. ['signal played on a bugle'] 1. to play. sound ~ 2. at ~ (lights go out at ~) tar n. coal~ tardiness n. ~ in target I n. 1. to aim at; hit; shoot at a ~ 2. to track a ~ 3. to miss; overshoot a ~ 4. a civilian; military; moving; stationary ~ 5. off ~ ('not accurate') 6. on ~ ('accurate') 7. (misc.) to use smt. as a ~ II v. (d;tr.) to ~ as (he was ~ed as the next victim) target practice n. to conduct ~ tariff n. 1. to impose, levy a ~ 2. to pay a ~ 3. a protective ~ 4. a ~ on (a stiff ~ was imposed on tobacco products) tarpaulin n. to spread a ~ tarry v. to ~ long task n. 1. to carry out, do, fulfill, perform; cope with; take on, undertake a ~ 2. to assign smb. a ~ 3. a delicate, ticklish; difficult; fruitless, hopeless; Herculean, monumental; irksome; menial; onerous; pleasant; unpleasant; unwelcome; welcome ~ 4. (misc.) to take smb. to ~ for smt. ('to criticize smb. for smt.') taskmaster n. a hard, rigid, severe, stern ~ taste I n. ['appreciation'] ['sense of what is proper'] 1. to acquire, cultivate, develop a ~ 2. to demonstrate, display, show (a) ~ 3. (an) acquired; artistic; bad; discriminating; elegant, excellent, exquisite; good ~ (it is bad ~ to ignore an invitation to a wedding) 4. a ~ for (to develop a ~ for music) 5. ~ in (they showed good ~ in planning the decor; excellent ~ in music) 6. in (a certain) ~ (everything was done in good ~) 7. (misc.) ~s differ; a sense of ~ ['sensation obtained from tasting, eating'] (also fig.) 8. to leave a ~ (the fruit left a pleasant ~ in my mouth; the whole affair left a bitter ~ in my mouth) 9. to spoil the ~ 10. a bad, foul; bitter; mild; nice. pleasant, sweet; sour; strong ~ 11. (misc.) the sense of ~ ['small amount tasted'] 12. to have, take (esp. AE) a ~ (of) 13. to give smb. a ~ of smt. (often fig.) (they gave him a ~ of his own medicine) II v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ of (the food ~s of garlic) 2. (s) the food ~s good taster n. a wine ~ tattle v. (colloq.) (D; intr.) ('to inform') to ~ on taunt I n. to hurl a ~ at smb. II v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ about 2. (d; tr.) to ~ into (to ~ smb. into doing smt.) tax I n. 1. to impose, levy, put a ~ on 2. to collect a ~ from 3. to pay a ~ (to pay a ~ on a new car; to pay a large sum in ~es; to pay a ~ to the government) 4. to increase, raise ~es 5. to cut, lower, reduce ~es 6. to rescind, revoke a ~ 7. an amusement; capital gains; cigarette; death (AE), inheritance (BE has death duty); direct; estate; excess-profits; excise; federal (AE); gasoline (AE), petrol (BE); gift; income; indirect; liquor; local; negative income; nuisance; personal- property; poll; property; real-estate; sales; state (US); transfer; value-added; windfall-profits (US); withholding (esp. AE; BE has PAYE) ~ 8. a flat; graduated, progressive ~ 9. a ~ on (a ~ on cigarettes) 10. delinquent ~es 11. (misc.) ~ evasion; a ~ haven ~; a ~ shelter; ~ relief II v. (formal) (d; tr.) ('to accuse') to ~ with (to ~ smb. with a crime) taxi n. 1. to take a ~ 2. to hire a ~ 3. (misc.) to go somewhere by ~ tax return n. to file, submit a ~ tea n. ['plant'] 1. to grow ~ ['beverage'] 2. to brew, make; steep ~ 3. to drink, have ~ 4. strong; weak ~ 5. decaffeinated; herbal; hot; iced; mint; scented ~ 6. (BE) high ~ ('early evening meal') 7. (BE) morning ~ 8. a cup; glass of ~ (bring us two cups of ~; or: bring us two ~s) USAGE NOTE: In Britain, tea can also mean'a meal where tea is served'. High tea includes substantial food. teach v. 1. (A) she taught history to us; or: she taught us history 2. (H) she taught them to swim 3. (L; may have an object) he taught (us) that the best policy is to tell the truth 4. (Q) she taught me how to drive teacher n. 1. to certify; license; train a ~ 2. an exchange; practice, student ~ 3. (BE) a supply ~ (AE has substitute) 4. a ~ of (a ~ of English) teaching n. 1. practice, student ~ 2. team ~ 3. health ~ 4. (misc.) to go into ~ teakettle n. 1. to put the ~ on 2. a ~ whistles team n. 1. to field; organize a ~ 2. to coach; manage a ~ 3. to disband, split up a ~ 4. a home; opposing, rival; visiting ~ 5. a baseball; basketball; cricket; drill; football; soccer; track, track-and-field; volleyball ~ 6. (Am. professional football) a wild-card ~ 7. (mil.) a combat ~ 8. a negotiating ~ 9. (misc.) (AE) to make a ~ ('to succeed in becoming a member of a team') USAGE NOTE: AE uses team more often than BE--Chicago has fielded a strong team for today's game; Chicago is the strongest team in the league. BE prefers side when referring to a competitive match--Liverpool have fielded a strong side for today's match. BE often uses club when referring to a team in general--Liverpool is the strongest club in the First Division. A player can be on a team, in/on a side. In references to international competition, team is standard in BE--the England team in the World Cup. team up v. (D; intr.) to ~ against; with (we ~ed up with them against our common enemy) teapot n. a storm (BE), tempest (AE) in a ~ ('a fuss over nothing') tear I /tiy(r)/ n. ['drop of the fluid secreted by the lacrimal gland'] 1. to shed a ~ 2. to weep (bitter) ~s 3 bitter ~s 4. ~s flowed, rolled, streamed down their cheeks 5. ~s welled up in my eyes 6. (misc.) crocodile ('false') ~s; to be in ~s over smt.; to break into ~s; eyes fill with ~s; bored to II /tey(r)/ n. ['rip'] 1. to make a ~ 2. to mend a ~ III v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ at (to ~ at the bandages) 2. (d; tr.) to ~ from, out of (she tore several pages out of the book) 3. (d; intr.) to ~ into ('to attack verbally') (he tore into his opponent) 4. (D; tr.) to ~ into, to (she tore the paper into/to pieces; to ~ an argument to shreds) 5. (d; tr.) to ~ off (she tore a button off the coat) tear away v. (D;refl.,tr.) to ~ from (she couldn't ~ herself away from the book) tease v. 1. (D;tr.) to ~ about (they ~d her about her new hairdo) 2. (D; tr.) to ~ into (to ~ smb. into doing smt.) teaspoon n. a heaping; level ~ teatime n. 1. at ~ 2. past ~ technicality n. on a ~ (we lost the case on a ~) technician n. a dental; lab, laboratory; medical; radar; television, TV ~ Technicolor n. (T) in ~ technique n. 1. to acquire, develop, work out; perfect a ~ 2. to apply a ~ 3. an acting; dance ~ 4. relaxation ~s technology n. 1. to create, develop (a) ~ 2. to apply, employ ~ 3. to export, transfer ~ (to developing countries) 4. high ~ (also high tech) 5. state-of-the-art ~ teed off adj. (colloq.) (AE) ['angry'] ~ about at teem v. (d; intr.) to ~ with ('to be full of) (the river was ~ing with fish) teens n. in one's ~ (they are still m their ~) teeth see tooth telegram n. 1. to send a ~ 2. to get, receive a ~3. a ~ from; to (a ~ from London to Glasgow) telegraph v. 1. (A) they ~ed the information to us; or: they ~ed us the information 2. (H; no passive) they ~ed us to leave immediately 3. (L; may have an object) she ~ed (us) that the manuscript had been received 4. (Q; may have an object) they ~ed (us) where we should meet telepathy n. mental ~ telephone I n. 1. to hook up, install a ~ 2. to answer a ~ 3. to tap a ~ 4. to disconnect a ~ 5. a cordless; dial; pay, public ~ 6. a ~ rings 7. by ~; on, over the ~ (she spoke to him by ~; I enjoyed our chat on/over the ~; to speak on/over the ~; he is always on the ~) 8. (misc.) to be wanted on the ~; to call smb. to the ~ II v. 1. (B) they ~d the message to us 2 (H; no passive) she ~d us to return home 3. (L; may have an object) he ~d (us) that he would be late 4. (Q; may have an object) I ~d (them) when to come telephone call n. see call 1, 12-17 telephone receiver n. see receiver 1-2 telescope n. 1. to focus a ~ on 2. a reflecting; refracting ~ television n. 1. to put on, turn on the ~ 2. to watch ~ 3. to turn off the ~ 4. black-and-white; color ~ 5. cable, pay; closed-circuit; educational; local; national; peak-viewing-time (BE), prime-time (esp. AE); public ~ 6. on ~ (I saw her on ~) television set n. 1. to put on, turn on a ~ 2. to turn off a ~ tell v. 1. (A; usu. without to) ('to relate') she told the news to everyone; or: she told everyone the news; he told me his name; she told them a story; ~ me the truth 2. (D; intr.) ('to be certain') to ~ about (you can never ~ about people like that) 3. (d; intr., tr.) ('to inform') to ~ about, of (he didn't want to ~ about the incident; ~ me about the game; she told everyone of her success) 4. (d; tr.) ('to ascertain') to ~ from (can you ~ anything from a quick examination?) 5. (d; tr.) to ~ from ('to differentiate') (can you ~ one twin from another?) 6. (colloq.) (d; intr., tr.) to ~ of (BE), on ('to inform on') (he told on her when the teacher returned; I'm going to ~ my father on you) 7. (D; intr.) to ~ on ('to affect') (the strain was beginning to ~ on her) 8. (H) ('to order') she told me to leave 9. (L; must have an object) ('to inform') we told them that we would be late 10. (Q; must have an object) ('to inform') ~ me how to get there 11. (Q) ('to ascertain') can you ~ from a quick examination where his injuries are? teller n. (AE) a bank ~ (BE has cashier) telling n. ['certainty'] there is no ~ what will happen temerity n. the ~ to + int. (he had the ~ to file a grievance) temper n. 1. to control, keep one's ~ 2. to lose one's ~ 3. a bad, explosive, hot, nasty, quick, uncontrollable, ungovernable, violent ~ 4. a calm, even ~ 5. ~s flare (up) 6. a display, fit of ~ (she said that in a fit of ~) temperament n. an artistic; poetic ~ temperance n. ~ in temperate adj. ~ in temperature n. ['degree of heat or cold'] 1. to take smb.'s ~ 2. a high; low; normal ~ 3. (smb.'s) body ~ 4. room ~ (at room ~) 5. a ~ drops, falls; goes down 6. a ~ goes up, rises 7. a ~ remains steady 8. at a (certain) ~ (water boils at a certain ~) ['excess over normal body heat'] 9. to have, run a ~ 10. a high; slight ~ tempo n. 1. to increase, step up the ~ 2. to slow down the ~ tempt v. 1. (D;tr.) to ~ into (to ~ smb. into doing smt.) 2. (H) to ~ smb. to do smt. temptation n. 1. to overcome, resist ~ 2. to be exposed to, face ~ 3. to succumb to ~ 4. to place, put ~ in smb.'s way 5. irresistible, strong ~ tenacity n. 1. to demonstrate, display, show ~ 2. bulldog; great ~ (to demonstrate great ~) 3. the ~ to + inf. (she had the ~ to finish the job) tend v. 1. (AE) (d; intr.) to ~ to (to ~ to one's own business) (CE has attend to) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ towards 3. (E) he ~s to exaggerate tendency n. 1. to demonstrate, display, show a ~ 2. a growing; pronounced; strong; universal ~ 3. homicidal; uicidal; vicious ~cies (for years he has displayed suicidal ~cies) 4. a ~ towards 5. a ~ to + inf. (she has a ~ to exaggerate) tender I adj. ~ to, towards, with II n. ['offer, bid'] (esp. BE) 1. to make, put in, send in, submit a ~ 2. to invite ~s3. a ~ for ['currency'] 4. legal ~ III v. 1. (B) ('to offer') she ~ed her resignation to the government 2. (BE) (d; intr.) to ~ for ('to bid on') (to ~ for the construction of a new motorway) tenderness n. ['kindness, care'] 1. to show ~ 2. ~ towards tendon n. 1. to pull a ~ 2. an Achilles' ~ tenet n. 1. a basic, fundamental ~ 2. a ~ that + clause (our basic ~ is that all people are equal) 3. (misc.) to embrace the ~s of a new philosophy tennis n. 1. to play ~ 2. lawn; paddle; table ~ 3. (misc.) a ~ match; a game of ~ (let's play a game of ~; she won the first game and went on to win the set and match) tennis racket n. to restring; string a ~ tenor n. to sing ~ tenpins n. to play ~ tense I adj. ~ with (~ with anxiety) II n. (grammar) the future; future perfect; past; past perfect; present; progressive ~ tension n. ['strained relations'] ['strain'] 1. to cause, create ~ 2. to heighten, increase ~ 3. to alleviate, ease, lessen, relieve ~ (to alleviate/ease ~ between the superpowers) 4. acute; mounting ~ 5. arterial; international; nervous; premenstrual; racial ~ 6. ~ builds up, mounts 7. ~ eases, subsides 8. ~ between ['tautness'] 9. fan-belt ~ ['voltage'] 10. high; low ~ tent n. 1. to erect, pitch, put up a ~ 2. to dismantle, take down a ~ 3. a circus; pup; pyramidal; wall ~ 4. a croup; oxygen ~ tenterhooks n. on ~ ('in suspense') tenure n. ['permanence of employment as a teacher'] 1. to give, grant ~ 2. to acquire, get, receive ~ 3. academic ~ term I n. ['expression, word'] 1. abstract; bold; clear; flattering; general; glowing; vague ~s (she described him in glowing ~s) 2. a general; generic; legal; technical ~ 3. in ~s (to speak in general ~s) 4. (misc.) a contradiction in ~s ['period of time served'] 5. to serve a ~ (in office) 6. an unexpired ~ 7. a ~ expires, runs out 8. a jail, prison ~ ['division of a school year'] 9. the autumn (BE), fall (AE); spring; summer ~ 10. at the end of a/of (BE) ~ ['time at which a normal pregnancy terminates'] 11. to have a baby at ~ (see also terms) II v. ['formal'] (N; used with a noun) ('to call') by what right does he ~ himself an artist? terminal n. ['point on an electric circuit'] 1. a negative; positive ~ ['device by which information enters or leaves a computer'] 2. a computer ~; a Visual Display Terminal = VDT (AE; BE has Visual Display Unit = VDU) ['passenger, freight station'] 3. an airline; bus; freight; shipping; trucking ~ 4. at a ~ (let's meet at the bus ~) termination n. ['cessation of employment'] voluntary ~ terminology n. 1. to codify, create, establish, standardize (a) ~ 2. basic; legal; scientific; technical ~ terms n. ['conditions, provisions'] 1. to dictate; set; state; stipulate ~ 2. easy; favorable ~ 3. surrender ~ (to stipulate surrender ~ to an enemy) 4. by the ~ (of an agreement) 5. on certain ~ (on one's own ~s; on our ~) 6. under (the) ~ of the agreement ['agreement'] 7. to come to ~ with smb. ['relationship'] ['footing'] 8. equal, even; familiar, intimate; speaking; unequal ~ 9. on certain ~ with (to be on speaking ~ with smb.; to negotiate with smb. on equal ~) terrace n. from; on a ~ terrain n. harsh, rough; hilly; mountainous; smooth ~ terrible adj. 1. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ to work there = it was ~ working there) 2. ~ that + clause (it is ~ that she lost her wallet; I feel ~ that you cannot accept our invitation) terrified adj. 1. ~ by, of 2. ~ that + clause (we are ~ that there may be another earthquake) terrify v. (R) it ~fied me to contemplate the consequences of your actions; it ~ies us that there may be another earthquake terrifying adj. 1. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ to watch) 2. ~ that + clause (it's ~ that there are so many drunk drivers on the road) territory n. 1. to annex; occupy ~ 2. to cede ~ 3. a neutral; trust ~ 4. (an) occupied; unoccupied ~ 5. unexplored ~ 6. (misc.) to reconnoiter enemy terror n. 1. to employ, engage in, resort to, sow, unleash ~ 2. to inspire ~; to strike ~ into (to strike ~ into the hearts of people) 3. sheer, stark ~ 4. (colloq.) a holy ~ 5. in ~ (to live in ~ of smt.) 6. (misc.) a campaign, reign of ~ terrorism n. 1. indiscriminate; state; urban ~ 2. an act of ~ 3. see terror 1 terrorist n. an armed; urban ~ terrorize v. (D; tr.) to ~ into test I n. ['examination, set of questions'] 1. to administer, conduct, give a ~ 2. to draw up, make up, set (BE) a ~ 3. to take a ~ 4. to fail; pass a ~ 5. a demanding, difficult; easy ~ 6. an achievement; aptitude; intelligence; loyalty (esp. AE); placement; proficiency ~ 7. a completion; free-association; lie-detector; multiple- choice; objective; true-and-false ~ 8. a competency; means ~ 9. a ~ in, on (a ~ in mathematics; a ~ on new material) ['trial, experiment'] ['examination'] 10. to carry out, conduct, do, run a ~ 11. exhaustive, extensive, thorough ~s 12. an acid, demanding, exacting, severe ~ 13. a blood; diagnostic; endurance; laboratory; litmus; means; nuclear; paraffin; Pap; patch; paternity; personality; psychological; road; saliva; screen; skin; tuberculin ~ 14. a ~ for (to do a skin ~ for tuberculosis) 15. a ~ on (they conducted a series of ~s on me at the health center) 16. (misc.) to stand the ~ of time; the ~ turned out to be positive; to put smb. to the ~ II v. 1. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ for (to ~ for excessive air pollution; to ~ the urine for sugar) 2. (D; tr.) to ~ in (we ~ed them in English) 3. (P; intr.) some of our students ~ed in the top percentile 4. (esp. AE) (s) some students ~ high, others low testament n. 1. the New; Old Testament 2. a ~ to 3. (misc.) smb.'s last will and ~ test flight n. to conduct a ~ testicle n. an undescended ~ testify v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ about (to ~ about a case) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ against; for, on behalf of (to ~ for the plaintiff) 3. (d; intr.) to ~ to (the results ~ to the quality of their work) 4. (L) he ~fied that he had not seen the accident 5. (misc.) to ~ under oath testimonial n. 1. to give, offer a ~ 2. an eloquent ~ 3. a ~ to (a ~ to smb.'s accomplishments) testimony n. 1. to give, offer ~ 2. to cite ~ 3. to recant, repudiate, retract (one's) ~ 4. to contradict, discount, refute ~ 5. false, perjured; reliable ~ 6. ~ about 7. ~ against; for, on behalf of (she gave ~ against the plaintiff) 8. ~ that + clause (nothing could refute her ~ that the driver was drunk) tetanus n. to develop ~ text n. 1. to set a ~ (in type) 2. to annotate a ~ 3. an annotated ~ (see also textbook) textbook n. 1. an introductory ~ 2. a ~ of, on (a ~ on advanced grammar) texture n. rough; smooth ~ thank v. 1. to ~ profusely; sincerely 2. (D; tr.) to ~ for (she ~ed me profusely for my help) 3. (colloq.) (H; no passive) I'll ~ you to make less noise in the future thankful adj. 1. ~ for; to 2. ~ to + inf. (~ to be alive) 3. ~ that + clause (we were ~ that you offered to help) thanks n. 1. to express; give one's ~; to say ~ 2. to accept smb.'s ~ 3. one's heartfelt, sincere, warm ~ 4. ~ for; to 5. (misc.) many ~; ~ a lot; I finished the whole job on time, no ~ to you; we completed the work on time, ~ to your help that pronoun 1. at ~ ('in addition') (she was a thief and a clever one at ~) 2. (misc.) take ~! ('I'm going to punch you!') thaw n. 1. the spring ~ 2. a ~ sets in (also fig.) theater, theatre n. ['building in which plays are performed or films shown'] 1. to crowd, jam, pack a ~ 2. an art; dinner (esp. AE); movie (AE; BE has cinema); open- air; repertory ~ 3. at the ~ (we were at the ~ last night) ['theatrical profession'] 4. the legitimate ~ 5. in the ~ (she was well thought of in the ~) ['room equipped for surgical operations'] (BE) 6. an operating theatre theft n. 1. to commit (a) ~; to practice ~ 2. petty ~ 3. a ~ from (a daring ~ from a museum) theme n. 1. a basic; contemporary; dominant ~ 2. a ~ for (a ~ for discussion) theorem n. 1. to deduce, formulate a ~ 2. to prove; test a ~ 3. a binomial ~ theorize v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ about 2. (L) the police ~d that the burglar had entered through a window theory n. 1. to formulate a ~ 2. to advance, advocate, present, propose, suggest a ~ 3. to confirm; develop; test a ~ 4. to disprove, explode, refute a ~ 5. a pet; scientific ~ 6. game; information; number; political; quantum; systems ~ 7. the big bang; steady state ~ 8. the germ ~ (of disease) 9. a ~ evolves; holds up 10. a ~ that (she has a ~ that drinking milk prevents colds) 11. in ~ (in ~ their plan makes sense) 12. on a ~ (they proceeded on the ~ that the supplies would arrive on time) 13. (misc.) the ~ of relativity; to combine ~ and practice therapist n. an occupational; physical ~; psychotherapist; speech ~ therapy n. 1. to employ, use ~ 2. art; dance; electro-convulsive (BE), electro-shock (AE); group; inhalation; music; occupational; physical; radiation, X- ray; recreational; shock; speech ~ 3. ~ for 4. in ~ (she was in ~) there adv. over ~ thermometer n. 1. a clinical; meat; oral; oven; rectal ~ 2. a ~ shows a temperature thermostat n. 1. to set a ~ 2. to calibrate a ~ thesis n. ['research paper'] 1. to write a ~ 2. a doctoral, Ph.D.; master's ~ ['proposition, hypothesis'] 3. to advance, propose; test a ~ 4. to challenge; refute a ~ 5. a ~ about, on 6. a ~ that + clause (these developments disprove their ~ that high taxes stifle investment) (see the Usage Note for dissertation) thick I adj. (misc.) as ~ as thieves ('very closely allied'); to lay it on ~ ('to exaggerate') II n. ['most intense part'] in the ~ (of the battle) thick and thin n. ['all difficulties'] through ~ (to remain friends through ~) thief n. a common, petty; sneak ~ thing n. ['deed'] ['event'] 1. to do a ~ (she did a nice ~ when she offered to help; to do great ~s; to do the right ~) 2. a bad; difficult; easy; good; mean; nasty; nice; sensible; strange; stupid; terrible ~; the right; wrong ~ 3. a ~ to + inf. (it was an easy ~ to do; it was the wrong ~ to do) ['object'] 4. to use a ~ for (don't use this ~ for removing paint) ['facts, details'] 5. to get a ~ out of smb. (I couldn't get a ~ out of her) 6. to know a ~ about (he doesn't know a ~ about music); to know a ~ or two ('to know quite a bit') ['fact, point'] (colloq.) 7. the ~ is that + clause (the ~ is that I still have a great deal of work to do; the other ~ is that I really don't want to go) ['article of clothing'] 8. not to have a ~ to wear (I don't have a ~ to wear) 9. to put on; take off one's ~s ['possessions, effects'] 10. to pack one's ~s ['step'] 11. the first; next ~ (the next ~ is to submit your application) ['person of a certain type'] 12. a pretty; poor ~ (a pretty little thing; you poor thing) ['thought, idea'] 13. to say the right ~ ['matters'] (used in the plural) 14. to even ~s up 15. to see ~s (as they are) 16. (misc.) all ~s considered ('with everything taken into account'); ~s don't look good; ~s are looking up for us; how do ~s stand? how are ~s? ['utensils'] 17. to clear the (breakfast) ~s away 'individual'] 18. a living ~ (there wasn't a living ~ in sight) ['fear'] ['obsession'] (colloq.) 19. a ~ about (she has a ~ about flying) ['misc.'] 20. to do one's ~ ('to do what one feels competent or motivated to do'); any old ~ ('anything at all'); a sure ~ ('smt. that is certain to succeed'); of all ~s ('most surprisingly'); to tell smb. a ~ or two ('to tell smb. frankly what one thinks') think I n. (colloq.) (BE) to have a ~ about II v. 1. to ~ aloud; clearly; hard (I thought hard and finally remembered the name) 2. (D; intr.) ('to reflect') to ~ about, of (I was ~ing about you; to ~ of the past) 3. (d; intr.) ('to be concerned') to ~ about, of (I was only ~ing of your welfare when I declined the offer) 4. (d; intr.) to ~ of ('to have an opinion of) (what do you ~ of this proposal?) 5. (d; intr.) to ~ of ('to consider; to intend') (she never thought of telephoning; to ~ of resigning) 6. (E) ('to remember') (she never thought to call) 7. (L) ('to anticipate') we thought that it would rain 8. (L) ('to believe') I ~ that he is a fool 9. (M; used in the passive) ('to consider') he is thought to be irreplaceable 10. (N; used with an adjective) ('to consider') many people ~ her charming 11. (misc.) I thought to myself that it would be nice to have some hot soup; he doesn't ~ of himself as a politician; to ~ better of doing smt. ('to change one's mind about doing smt.') think about v. (J and K) ('to direct one's thoughts to') I thought about you/your working out there in the hot sun think ahead v. (D; intr.) ('to direct one's thoughts ahead') to ~ to (to ~ to the future) think back v. (D; intr.) ('to direct one's thoughts back') to ~ on, to (to ~ to the old days) thinker n. a clear; great; logical; muddled; original ~ thinking n. clear; good; muddled; original; positive; quick; wishful ~ thinking cap n. (old-fashioned) to put on one's ~ ('to ponder a problem') thinner n. paint ~ third degree n. (colloq.) ['brutal, harsh interrogation'] to give smb. the ~ thirst I n. 1. to experience ~; more usu. is: to be thirsty 2. to quench, slake one's ~ 3. unquenchable; unquenched ~ 4. a ~ for (a ~ for knowledge) II v. (d; intr.) to ~ for (to ~ for knowledge) thorn n. 1. to remove a ~ (from one's finger) 2. (misc.) a ~ in one's side ('a source of irritation') thorough adj. ~ in thoroughfare n. a busy, crowded ~ thought n. ['reflection'] 1. to entertain, harbor, have; relish a ~ (to harbor ~s of revenge) 2. to express, present a ~ 3. to gather; sum up one's ~s 4. an evil; fleeting, passing; happy; intriguing; refreshing; sober, sobering; ugly; upsetting ~ 5. the ~ struck me that... 6. a ~ about, on (what are your ~s on this matter?) 7. a ~ that + clause (the ~ that we would soon reach home gave us courage) 8. at a ~ (my mind boggles at the very ~) 9. in one's ~s (she was always in my ~s) 10. (misc.) that ~ has crossed my mind; to read smb.'s ~s; a train of ~; in ~ and deed ['consideration'] 11. to give ~ to 12. to abandon, give up all ~s (of doing smt.) 13. (misc.) perish the ~! ('one should not even consider the possibility!') ['ideas, principles'] 14. liberal; logical; modern ~ ['opinion'] 15. to express a ~ 16. a ~ about, on 17. a ~ that + clause (she expressed her ~ that the case should be settled without litigation) ['concentration') 18. (deep) in ~ ['intention'] 19. to have no ~ (of doing smt.) thoughtful adj. 1. ~ about 2. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of her to do that) thoughtless adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of them to make noise) thousand n. by, in the ~s (the crowd streamed into the stadium by the ~s) thrall n. (formal) ['slavery'] in ~ to thrash v. to ~ soundly thrashing n. a sound ~ thread I n. ['fiber, cord'] 1. to make, spin; wind ~ 2. coarse; fine; heavy; thin ~ 3. cotton; lisle; nylon; polyester; rayon; silk ~ 4. a reel (BE), spool (AE) of ~ 5. (misc.) to hang by a ~ ('to be very uncertain') ['theme'] ['train of thought'] 6. to lose the ~ (of an argument) 7. the common ~ (of a story) 8. a tenuous ~ II v. (C) ~ a needle for me; or: ~ me a needle threat n. 1. to issue, make, utter a ~ 2. to carry out, fulfill a ~ 3. to be, constitute, pose a ~ 4. a covert; dire, grave, serious; direct; empty, idle; explicit; imminent; implicit; terroristic; veiled ~ 5. a security ~ 6. a ~ to (to constitute a ~ to the party leadership) 7. a ~ to + inf. (she carried out her ~ to resign) 8. a ~ that + clause (she carried out her ~ that she would resign) 9. under ~ of (under ~ of reprisals) threaten v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ with (to ~ smb. with reprisals) 2. (E) she ~ed to resign threshold n. ['entrance'] 1. (also fig.) to cross a ~ 2. (also fig.) on the ~ (to be on the ~ of a promising career) 3. (med.) a renal ~ thrift n. to practice ~ thrifty adj. ~ in thrill I n. 1. to give, provide a ~ 2. to experience, get, have a ~ 3. a ~ for smb. 4. a ~ to + inf. (it was a ~ to ride in your new car = it was a ~ riding in your new car) 5. (misc.) to gamble for the ~ of it ('to gamble for the sheer excitement of gambling') II v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ to (she ~ed to the sound of their voices) 2. (R) it ~ed me to learn of your success thrilled adj. 1. ~ with (they were ~ with the gift) 2. ~ to + inf. (she was ~ to receive an invitation) 3. ~ that + clause (we were ~ that he would give a concert in our town) thrilling adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ to see them) thrive v. (D; intr.) to ~ on (to ~ on hard work) throat n. 1. to clear one's ~ 2. to gargle one's ~ 3. a clear; inflamed, red, sore; scratchy; strep ~ 4. (misc.) to cut one's own ~ ('to ruin oneself); to jump down smb.'s ~ ('to criticize smb.'); to ram smt. down smb.'s ~ ('to impose smt. on smb.'); the words stuck in her ~ ('she found it difficult to say'); to have a lump in one's ~ ('to be overcome by emotion'); to cut/slash/slit smb.'s ~ throes n. in the ~ (in the ~ of a severe economic crisis) thrombosis n. a coronary ~ throne n. 1. to ascend, mount, succeed to a ~ 2. to seize, usurp a ~ 3. to occupy, sit on a ~ 4. to abdicate (from), give up a ~ throng v. (P; intr.) they all ~ed around the speaker throttle n. 1. to open a ~ 2. at full ~ ('at full speed') throw I n. 1. (basketball) a free ~ 2. (baseball) a wild ~ II v. 1. (A) ~ the ball to her; or: ~ her the ball 2. (D; tr.) to ~ across, over (to ~ a ball over a fence) 3. (D; tr.) to ~ at (he threw a stone at me) 4. (d; refl., tr.) to ~ into (he threw himself into his work; they threw the body into the river) 5. (d; refl., tr.) to ~ on (she threw herself on the mercy of the court; to ~ light on a subject) 6. (d; tr.) to ~ out of (they were thrown out of work) 7. (d; refl., tr.) to ~ to (I threw myself to the ground) 8. (misc.) to ~ smb. off balance throw away v. (D; tr.) ('to squander') to ~ on (to ~ one's money on gambling) throwback n. ['reversion'] a ~ to throw back v. (B) she threw the ball back to me throw up v. (B) ('to reproach') I was late, but she didn't ~ it up to me thrust I n. 1. to make a ~ 2. a ~ into II v. 1.(d;tr.) to ~ at (she thrust the money at me) 2. (d; tr.) to ~ into (she thrust the money into my hand) 3. (misc.) to ~ one's way through a crowd thud n. a dull ~ thumb n. ['finger'] 1. babies often suck their ~s ['misc.'] 2. under smb.'s ~ ('dominated by smb.'); to twiddle one's ~s ('to be idle'); to turn ~s down on ('to reject') thunder n. 1. ~ booms, reverberates, roars, rolls 2. a clap, peal, roll of ~ (a deafening clap of ~) 3. (misc.) to steal smb.'s ~ ('to do first what smb. else was going to do') thunderbolt n. a ~ struck (a tree) thunderstruck adj. 1. ~ at (~ at the news) 2. ~ to + inf. (they were ~ to learn that the train had already left) thwart v. (D;tr.)to~tn tic n. a nervous ~ tick I n. (colloq.) (esp. BE) ['credit'] on ~ (to let smb. have smt. on ~) II n. (colloq.) (BE) ['moment'] in a ~ (she'll be down in a ~) ticket n. ['document showing that a fare or admission fee has been paid'] 1. to issue a ~ 2. to buy; get a ~ 3. to honor ('accept') a ~ 4. a one-way (AE), single (BE); return (BE), round-trip (AE) ~ 5. a commutation (AE); complimentary, free; library (BE); meal (AE; BE has luncheon voucher); pawn; platform (BE); season; valid ~ 6. an airplane; bus; train ~ 7. a ~ for, to (a ~ for a concert; a ~ to a game) ['list of candidates'] (pol.) (AE) 8. to split a ~ 9. a split; straight ~ (to vote a split ~) ['printed card indicating participation in a game of chance'] 10. a winning ~ (she held the winning ~) 11. a lottery; sweepstakes ~ ['misc.'] 12. to write one's own ~ (esp. AE; colloq.) ('to have complete freedom of action') (see also traffic ticket) tickled adj. (colloq.) (esp. AE) ['happy'] 1.~ to + inf. (they would be ~ to come to the party) 2. ~ that + clause (we're ~ that you'll be at our party) 3. (misc.) ~ pink/silly ('very much pleased') tide n. ['rising and falling of the surface of bodies of water'] 1. a daily; ebb; falling; flood; high, spring; low, neap ~ 2. a ~ comes in; ebbs, goes out ['trend, tendency'] 3. to buck (AE), go against the ~ 4. to go with the ~ 5. to stem the ~ tidings n. 1. to bear, bring ~ 2. to receive ~ 3. glad; sad ~ tie I n. ['necktie'] 1. to tie one's ~ 2. (BE) an old-school ~ ('a tie showing which school the owner attended') ['draw'] (sports) 3. to break a ~ 4. a scoreless ~ 5. (to end) in a ~ ['match'] (BE) (sports) 6. a cup ~ ['link, bond'] 7. to establish ~s with 8. to cement, strengthen ~s 9. to cut, sever; loosen ~s with 10. close, intimate, strong ~s 11. old school ~s 12. ~s between; to, with (~s to other nations) ['support for rails'] (AE) 13. a railroad ~ (BE has sleeper) II v. l.(D;tr.) ('to equal the score of) to ~ for (to ~ smb. for the lead) 2. (D; tr.) ('to fasten') to ~ to (they ~d him to a post) 3. (D; intr.) ('to equal the score') to ~ with (our team ~d with them for the lead) 4. (N; used with an adjective) she ~d the rope tight tie down v. (D;tr.) to ~ to (he was ~d down to his job tie-in n. (colloq.) ['relation'] a ~ between; with tiers n. ['rows'] in ~ tie-up n. ['stoppage'] 1. to cause a ~ 2. a traffic ~ ['link'] 3. a ~ to; with tiff n. ['quarrel'] 1. to have a ~ with 2. a minor ~ tiger n. 1. a Bengal; man-eating; saber-toothed; Siberian ~ 2. ~s growl, roar 3. a young ~ is a cub 4. a female ~ is a tigress 5. (misc.) to fight like a ~ ('to fight very fiercely'); a paper ~ ('one who only seems to pose a threat') tight adj. ['stingy'] (colloq.) (esp. AE) 1. ~ with (~ with money) ['misc.'] 2. to sit ~ ('to maintain one's position') tightrope n. to walk a ~ (also fig.) tile n. ceramic; vinyl ~ tiller n. ['rudder'] to ship ('put in place for use') the ~ tilt I n. ['attack'] (colloq.) (BE) 1. to have, make a ~ at ['inclination'] 2. a ~ to, towards ['misc.'] 3. at full ~ ('at full speed') II v. 1.(D;intr.) to ~ to (to ~ to the right) 2. (misc.) to ~ at windmills ('to fight imaginary enemies') timber n. 1. to float, raft ~ (down a river) 2. seasoned; unseasoned ~ time n. ['unlimited duration'] ['entire period of existence'] 1. ~ flies; passes 2. in ~ (we exist in ~ and space) ['unlimited future period'] 3. ~ will tell (~ will tell if we are right) 4. in ~ (in ~ everything will be forgotten) ['moment'] ['fixed moment'] ['appropriate moment'] 5. to fix, set, specify a ~ for (to fix a ~ for a meeting) 6. to bide ('wait patiently for') one's ~ 7. bedtime; curtain ~; lunchtime; starting ~ 8. the appointed; present; right; wrong ~ 9. a closing; opening ~ 10. a ~ for (it's ~ for lunch) 11. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ for us to leave) 12. ~ that + clause (it's high time that she returned home) 13. at a certain ~ (at a bad ~; at the present ~; at that ~; at any old ~) 14. by a certain ~ (by that ~ he had left) 15. (misc.) in good ~; in plenty of ~ ('early enough') ['duration'] ['period'] ['interval'] 16. to pass, spend ~ (she spends her ~ reading) 17. to gain, save ~ 18. to find ~ (she somehow finds ~ to jog every day) 19. to consume, take ~ (it takes quite a bit of ~ to get there; how much ~ will this job take?) 20. to lose; waste ~; to fritter away one's ~ 21. a long; short ~ 22. ancient; former; olden; prehistoric; recent ~s (in ancient ~s) 23. (AE) compensatory ~ ('free time given to an employee for previously worked overtime') (BE has time off in lieu) 24. (AE) equal ~ (for political candidates on TV and radio) 25. peak viewing (BE), prime ~ (what's on TV tonight during prime ~?) 26. (a) record ~ (she ran the distance in record ~) 27. released ~ ('time given for extracurricular activities') 28. travel ~ ('time spent in going to and returning from work') 29. (the) running ~ (of a film) 30. ~ drags 31. ~ for (will you have ~ for an interview?) 32. (misc.) to kill ~ ('to make time pass'); to play for ~ ('to seek delay'); to take one's ~ ('to act slowly'); for a ~; for the ~ being ('for now'); ~ hangs heavy on our hands ['conditions during a period'] 33. bad, difficult, hard, rough ~s (during/in hard ~s) ['available period'] 34. free, leisure, spare ~ (what do you do in your leisure ~?) 35. ~to + inf. (there is no ~ to lose; will you have ~ to see me tomorrow?) 36. ~ for (~ for relaxation; I have no ~ for my family) ['period worked'] 37. full ~; overtime; part ~ (I work part ~) 38. lost ~ (to make up lost ~; or: to make up for lost ~) ['period of serving, service'] 39. to do, serve ~ (to do/serve ~ in prison) ['tempo, rhythm'] 40. to beat, keep ~ (to music, to a song) 41. (mus.) common ~ 42. (usu mil.) double; quick ~ (quick ~, march!) 43. in ~ to (the music) ['system of measuring duration'] 44. to keep, show, tell ~ (a clock tells ~; my watch keeps good ~) 45. central (US); daylight-saving (AE), summer (BE); eastern (US); Greenwich (mean); local; mountain (US); Pacific (US); solar; standard (AE) ~ ['schedule'] 46. ahead of ~ 47. behind ~ 48. in ~ for (we arrived in ~ for the concert) 49. on ~ (they got there on ~) ['experience'] 50. to have a (good) ~ 51. a good, great, lovely ~ (we had a great ~ on our trip) 52. a bad, rough, tough, unpleasant ~ ['timeout'] (sports) 53. to call ~ ['occasion'] 54. the first; last; next ~; that; this ~ ['end of pregnancy'] 55. her ~ is near ['misc.'] 56. at the same ~ ('however'); at ~s ('occasionally'); for the ~ being ('at present'); from ~ immemorial ('from the earliest period'); in good ~ ('when appropriate'); in no ~ ('very soon'); to have the ~ of one's life ('to enjoy oneself thoroughly'); to keep up with the ~s ('to keep abreast of the latest developments'); to make good ~ ('to travel quickly'); to make ~ with smb. (esp. AE; colloq.) ('to be successful in attracting smb.'); to mark ~ ('to be inactive'); ~ and ~ again; or ~ after ~ ('frequently'); to live on borrowed ~ ('to live beyond the expected time of death'); pressed for ~ ('in a hurry'); to work against ~ ('to work to meet a deadline'); the ~ is ripe for action ('it is time to act'); he died before his ~ ('he died prematurely') USAGE NOTES: 1. The phrase in time can mean 'eventually'--in time everything will be forgotten. 2. The phrase in time can also mean 'with some time to spare'-- we arrived in time for the concert. 3. The phrase on time means 'neither early nor late'--they got there on time. time bomb n. 1. to set off a ~ 2. a ~ ticks away time clock n. to punch a ~ time limit n. to set a ~ for timeout n. to take (a) ~ for timer n. ['timing device'] to set a ~ timetable n. 1. to make up a ~ 2. to issue a ~ 3. to follow a ~ 4. to upset a ~ (see schedule 3) timid adj. ~ about timing n. bad; good ~ tinged adj. (cannot stand alone) ~ with (~ with regret) tinker v. (colloq.) (D; intr.) to ~ with tint v. (N; used with an adjective) the windshield is ~ed blue tip I n. ['gratuity'] 1. to give, leave a ~ 2. a big, generous, handsome ~ (I left a generous ~ for the waitress) II v. 1. to ~ generously, handsomely, liberally 2. (0) we ~ped the waiter five dollars III n. ['information'] 1. give smb. a ~ 2. an anonymous; hot ~ 3. a ~ about, on IV n. ['pointed end'] 1. a filter ~ ['end'] 2. on the ~ of smb.'s tongue (the word was on the ~ of my tongue; it was on the ~ of my tongue to say something) tip off v. (D; tr.) ('to inform') to ~ about tiptoe n. (to stand, walk) on ~ tirade n. 1. to launch into a ~ 2. a blistering, lengthy ~ 3. a ~ against tire I tyre n. 1. to deflate; inflate a ~ 2. to mount a ~ 3. to change; patch, repair; recap; retread a ~ 4. to crisscross, rotate ~s (to reduce wear) 5. to slash a ~ 6. a flat ~ (we had a flat ~ during our trip) 7. a worn ~ 8. a balloon; radial; snow; spare; steel-belted; studded; tubeless ~ 9. whitewall ~s 10. a ~ blows out; goes flat II v. (d; intr.) to ~ of (to ~ of watching television) tired adj. 1. dead ~ 2. ~ of (I'm ~ of waiting) tiresome adj. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ to do the same thing every day = it's ~ doing the same thing every day) tissue n. ['structural material'] 1. cellular; con-junctival; connective; fatty; granulation; muscular; scar ~ ['soft paper'] 2. cleansing; toilet ~ ['misc.'] 3. a ~ of lies title n. ['appellation'] 1. to bestow, confer a ~ on 2. to renounce a ~ 3. an official ~ ['exclusive possession'] 4. to give smb. ~ to smt. 5. to hold ~ to smt. 6. clear ~to 7. ~to (they hold ~ to the property) 8. (misc.) there is a cloud on the ~ ['championship'] 9. to win a ~ 10. to hold a ~t 1. to clinch a ~ 12. to give up; lose a ~ toad n. a horned ~ toady up v. (d; intr.) to ~ to (he ~died up to the boss) toast I n. ['browned bread'] 1. to make ~ 2. French; melba ~ 3. a piece, slice of ~ II v. (C) ~ two slices for me; or: ~ me two slices III n. ['act of drinking to honor smb.'] 1. to drink; propose a ~ 2. a ~ to (we drank a ~ to her) 3. (misc.) to join smb. in a ~ ['highly admired person'] 4. the ~ of (the ~ of the town; the ~ of high society) tobacco n. 1. to grow, raise ~ 2. to cure ~ 3. to chew ~ 4. strong ~ 5. chewing ~ 6. a plug of (chewing) ~ to-do n. ['fuss'] to make a (big) ~ over toe n. 1. to stub one's ~ on 2. to curl one's ~s 3. the big; little ~ 4. (misc.) to keep on one's ~s ('to be alert') to tread on smb.'s ~s ('to offend smb.') toehold n. ['footing'] to get a ~ toenail n. an ingrown ~ toil I n. ['hard work'] 1. arduous, unremitting ~ 2. physical ~ II v. (D; intr.) ('to work hard') to ~ over toilet n. 1. to flush a ~ 2. a pay; public ~ token n. ['symbol, sign'] 1. to give, provide a ~ of 2. a tangible ~ 3. (misc.) by the same ~ ('for a similar reason'); in ~ of ('as evidence of) ['metal or plastic disc used as a substitute for money'] 4. to drop in, insert, put in a ~ (to insert a ~ into a slot) 5. a bus; subway (AE) ~ told adj. all ~ ('altogether') tolerance n. 1. to display, show ~ 2. to have ~ 3. ~ for tolerant adj. 1. ~ of (~ of criticism) 2. ~ towards tolerate v. (K) I will not ~ his smoking toleration n. 1. to display, show ~ 2. ~ for toll I n. ['amount levied'] 1. to charge, exact, impose a ~ 2. to collect ~s (on a bridge, road) 3. a bridge; tunnel; turnpike (AE) ~ 4. (misc.) ~ free ['damage'] 5. to take a ~ (on) (the storm took a heavy ~; the earthquake took a heavy ~ on several villages) 6. a heavy ~ ['casualties'] 7. the death ~ II v. (D; intr.) to ~ for (the bell ~ed for those who had made the supreme sacrifice) tomato n. 1. to grow ~es 2. to can ~es 3. a rotten ~ (also fig.) tome n. ['volume'] a scholarly ~ tom-tom n. 1. to beat a ~ 2. the beat of the ~ ton n. 1. a gross; long; metric; short ~ 2. (misc.) (BE; slang) to do the ~ ('to go one hundred miles per hour') USAGE NOTE: The ton in GB is the long ton (two thousand two hundred forty pounds). In the US, the ton is the short ton (two thousand pounds). The metric ton is one thousand kilograms and is officially spelled tonne in GB. tone n. ['style, trend'] 1. to set the ~ ['sound'] 2. dulcet, sweet; harsh; strident ~(s) ['manner of speaking that reveals the speaker's feelings'] 3. an abusive; angry; apologetic; arrogant; businesslike; condescending, patronizing; decisive; emphatic; firm; flippant; friendly; imperious; ironic; querulous; serious; solemn; strident; subdued; threatening ~ (their ~ was friendly) 4. in a ~ (in angry ~s) 5. (misc.) don't take that ~ with me ['signal'] 6. a dial (AE), dialling (BE) ~ ['pitch'] (ling.) 7. a falling; high; low; rising ~ tongs n. 1. coal; curling; ice; sugar ~ 2. a pair of ~ tongue n. ['language'] 1. one's mother, native ~ ['organ of speech'] ['speech'] 2. to use one's ~ ('to speak') 3. to hold one's ~ ('to be silent') 4. to find one's ~ ('to begin to speak') 5. to stick out one's ~ (the child stuck out its ~ at me) 6. to click one's ~ 7. a coated ~ 8. (misc.) a ~ depressor; on everyone's ~ ('discussed by everyone'); on the tip of one's ~ ('not quite recalled'); ~s were wagging ('people were gossiping'); to speak with a forked ~ ('to be deceitful') ['manner of speaking'] 9. a caustic, foul, nasty, sharp; glib; loose ~ (he has a nasty ~) tongue-lashing n. 1. to give smb. a (good) ~ 2. to get, receive a ~ tonic n. 1. to take a ~ 2. a ~ for 3. (misc.) a gin and ~ ('type of mixed drink') tonnage n. dead-weight; displacement; gross; net, registered ~ tonsillectomy n. to do, perform a ~ tonsils n. 1. enlarged; inflamed ~ 2. (misc.) to have one's ~ out/removed/taken out tool n. 1. to use a ~ 2. a garden; machine; power ~ 3. burglar's ~s toot n. (colloq.) to give a ~ (on a horn) tooth n. 1. to cut, get teeth (babies are often fretful when they are cutting teeth) 2. to brush (esp. AE), clean one's teeth 3. to cap; drill; extract, pull, take out; fill a ~ 4. to pick one's teeth 5. to clench, gnash, grind, grit one's teeth 6. an artificial, false; baby (AE), milk; back; front; lower; permanent; upper; wisdom ~ 7. an abscessed; decayed ~ 8. teeth ache; chatter; decay, rot; erupt ('appear'); fall out; get discolored 9. a set of teeth 10. (misc.) to have a sweet ~ ('to love sweets'); to sink one's teeth into smt. ('to become completely engrossed in smt.'); to show one's teeth ('to show hostile intentions'); ~ and nail ('with all one's strength') toothache n. to get, have a ~ (AE)/get, have (a) ~ (BE) toothbrush n. to use a ~ top I n. ['device that spins'] 1. to spin a ~ ['misc.'] 2. to sleep like a ~ ('to sleep soundly') II n. ['highest point'] 1. to reach the ~ 2. a mountain ~; rooftop 3. from; to (the) ~ (from ~ to bottom; we climbed to the ~) 4. at the ~ ['cover, cap'] 5. to put on, screw on a ~ 6. to screw off, unscrew a ~ 7. a bottle; box; screw ~ ['misc.'] 8. to blow one's ~ ('to explode in anger'); to go over the ~ ('to begin a charge by going over a parapet'); ('to exceed a limit'); to be on ~ of a situation ('to be in control of a situation') topic n. 1. to bring up, broach; discuss a ~ 2. a controversial; everyday ~ 3. (misc.) a ~ of conversation topple v. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ from (he was ~d from the throne) topsy-turvy adv. to turn smt. ~ torch n. ['portable electric light'] (BE; AE has flashlight) 1. to turn on a ~ 2. to flash, shine a ~ on ['burning stick'] 3. to light a ~ 4. to bear a ~ ['device used to produce a very hot flame'] 5. a welding ~ ['misc.'] 6. to put smt. to the ~ ('to set fire to smt.'); to carry a ~ for smb. (colloq.) ('to remain in love with smb. who does not return that love') torment v. (D; tr.) to ~ into (to ~ smb. into doing smt.) torn adj. ['divided'] (cannot stand alone) ~ between (he was ~ between his family and his job) tornado n. a ~ strikes (the ~ struck several cities) torpedo n. 1. to fire, launch a ~ 2. an acoustic; aerial; bangalore; magnetic ~ 3. a ~ explodes 4. a ~ hits; misses its target torrent n. 1. an angry, raging ~ 2. a mountain ~ 3. (misc.) the rain came down in ~s tort n. (legal) to commit a ~ torture I n. 1. to employ, resort to, use ~ 2. to inflict ~ on 3. to subject smb. to ~ 4. to undergo ~ 5. cruel; plain, sheer; sadistic; severe ~ 6. water ~ 7. ~ to + inf. (it was sheer ~ to listen to her sing = it was sheer ~ listening to her sing) 8. under ~ (he confessed under ~) II v. (D; tr.) to ~ into (he was ~d into confessing) toss I n. ['flipping of a coin to decide an issue'] to lose; win the ~ II v. 1. ('to turn and twist') to ~ restlessly (in one's sleep) 2. (A) ('to throw') ~ the ball to me; or: ~ me the ball 3. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ for ('to decide by flipping a coin') (let's ~ for it) total n. 1. to add up, calculate, tally up a ~ 2. a combined; grand; sum ~ touch I n. ['social contact'] 1. to get; keep, stay in ~ 2. to lose ~ with 3. close ~ 4. in ~ with smb. (keep in close ~ with me) 5. out of ~ with (I am out of ~ with the present situation) ['feel'] 6. to the ~ (smooth to the ~) ['physical contact'] 7. a delicate; gentle, light, soft; heavy ~ ['sensitivity'] 8. to have the common ~ ('to have the ability to appeal to the common people') ['ability'] 9. to lose one's ~ ['manner'] 10. a bold; distinctive; magic; man's; personal; woman's ~ ['detail, stroke'] 11. the finishing ~es (to put the finishing ~es on/to smt.) ['misc.'] 12. a soft ~ ('an overly generous person') II v. 1. (d; intr.) ('to stop briefly') to ~ at (the ship will ~ at three ports) 2. (colloq.) (d; tr.) to ~ for ('to ask for') (to ~ smb. for a loan) 3. (d; intr.) to ~ on ('to treat briefly') (to ~ on a topic) touchdown n. (esp. Am. football) to score a ~ touching adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ to watch) touchy adj. (colloq.) ~ about (he's ~ about his appearance) tough adj. (colloq.) ['strict'] 1. ~ on, with (they are ~ on drunk drivers) ['difficult'] 2. (cannot stand alone) ~ to + inf. (he is ~ to work with = it is ~ to work with him = it is ~ working with him = he is a ~ person to work with) ['unfortunate'] 3. ~ that + clause (it's ~ that you can't be with your family) ['misc.'] 4. to hang ~ (esp. AE; slang) ('to be very firm'); to talk ~ ('to take a very firm bargaining position') tour n. 1. to conduct, operate; organize a ~ 2. to go on, make a ~ of 3. a barnstorming (AE); city; concert; Cook's; goodwill; guided; lecture; lightning; organized; package; sightseeing; speaking; student; study ~ 4. on ~ (to be on ~) tournament n. 1. to conduct, hold a ~ 2. a bridge; chess; invitational; rapid-transit (for chess); tennis tourniquet n. 1. to apply a ~ 2. to loosen; tighten a ~ tour of duty n. to do a ~ tout v. (colloq.) ('to praise') 1. (d; tr.) to ~ as (he was ~ed as the next middleweight champion) 2. (P; tr'.) to ~ highly tow I n. 1. a ski ~ 2. to take (a ship) in ~ II v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ into (to ~ a barge into a port) 2. (D; tr.) to ~ out of (to ~ a boat out of a harbor) 3. (D; tr.) to ~ to (to ~ a car to a garage) towel n. ['cloth, paper for drying'] 1. a bath; dish (AE), tea (esp. BE); face; guest; hand; linen; paper; roller; Turkish ~ 2. a sanitary ~ (BE; AE has sanitary napkin) 3. a disposable ~ ['symbol of surrender'] 4. to throw, toss in the ~ tower I n. 1. a bell; conning; control; fire; TV; water ~ 2. a signal ~ (AE; BE has signal box) 3. a ~ stands (one hundred feet high) II v. (d; intr.) to ~ above, over (as a thinker, she ~s over her colleagues) town n. 1. a boom; ghost ('deserted'); jerkwater (AE; colloq.), one- horse, provincial, sleepy, small; market (BE) ~ (they live in a sleepy, little ~) 2. a company ~ 3. smb.'s hometown 4. a county ~ (BE; AE has county seat) 5. (misc.) to come to ~; to go to ~ (colloq.; fig.) ('to go all out'); to leave ~; to blow/skip ~ (esp. AE; colloq.) ('to leave town suddenly'); (out) on the ~ ('enjoying city nightlife') USAGE NOTE: In GB, many places are called towns that would be called cities in the US. In the US, many places are called towns or small towns that are villages in GB. AE rarely uses village for places in the US. tow out v. (d; tr.) to ~ to (they ~ed the barge out to the freighter) toy I n. 1. to make a ~ 2. an educational; mechanical; musical ~ (to wind a mechanical ~) 3. (misc.) to play with ~s; a ~ car; plane; train II v. (d; intr.) to ~ with (to ~ with smb.'s affections; cats ~ with mice) trace I n. 1. to leave a ~ 2. to show a ~ of (to show no ~ of remorse) 3. to lose (all) ~of4.a slight ~ (he didn't show the slightest ~ of intoxication) II v. (D;tr.) to ~ to (the letter was ~d to its sender) traceable adj. ~ to trace back v. (d; tr.) to ~ to (she ~d her origins back to the twelfth century) tracer n. ['inquiry'] (esp. AE) 1. to put out, send out a ~ on ['tracer bullet'] 2. to fire a ~ ['substance used to follow a reaction in the body'] (med.) 3. to inject, introduce a ~ (into the body) 4. to scan (for) a ~ 5. a radioactive ~ tracing n. to make a ~ track n. ['awareness'] 1. to keep ~ of (to keep ~ of expenses) 2. to lose ~ of 3. close ~ (to keep close ~ of smt.) ['course for racing'] 4. a fast; muddy; slow ~ 5. a cinder ~; racetrack; running ~ ['path, road'] 6. a cart ~ (BE; AE has dirt road) 7. (misc.) off the beaten ~ ('isolated') ['rail'] 8. to lay ~s 9. a double; main; railroad (AE), railway (BE); single ~ 10. (misc.) on the wrong side of the ~s (AE; colloq.) ('in the poor section of a city') ['recording'] 11. a sound ~ ['misc.'] 12. the inside ~ ('an advantageous position') USAGE NOTE: For footraces, track is CE. For horseracing, AE uses track and racetrack; BE prefers course and racecourse. tracks n. ['trail'] 1. to leave ~ 2. to make ~ for ('to go directly to') 3. to cover one's ~ ['misc.'] 4. to stop (dead) in one's ~ ('to stop instantaneously') tract n. ['system of organs'] the digestive; gas-trointestinal; genitourinary; intestinal; respiratory ~ traction n. in ~ (her leg is in ~) tractor n. to drive, operate a ~ trade I n. ['commerce, business'] 1. to carry on, conduct, engage in ~ 2. to build up, develop, drum up, promote; lose ~ 3. to restrain, restrict ~ 4. (a) brisk, lively ~ (they built up a lively ~) 5. fair ~ 6. domestic; export; foreign, international, overseas; free; illicit; maritime; retail; wholesale ~ (to promote international ~) 7. (the) slave ~ 8. the carriage ~ ('business with wealthy people') 9. ~ among, between; with (to conduct ~ with many countries) 10. ~ in 11. (misc.) (in) restraint of ~ ['exchange'] 12. to make a ~ with smb. 13. a fair ~ ['occupation'] 14. to ply, practice a ~ 15. to learn a ~ 16. by ~ (she is a bookbinder by ~) 17. (misc.) a jack of all ~s II v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ for (she ~d a knife for a hat) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ in (to ~ in furs) 3. (D; intr.) to ~ with (to ~ with various countries) 4. (0) she ~d me a knife for a spoon trade in v. (D; tr.) to ~ for (she ~d in her old car for a newer one) trademark n. 1. to issue a ~ 2. to receive, register a ~ 3. to bear; display a ~ 4. to infringe a ~ trader n. 1. a fur ~ 2. a ~ in trade up v. (colloq.) (D; intr.) to ~ from; to (to ~ to a larger car) trading n. brisk; slow, sluggish ~ (slow ~ on the stock market) tradition n. 1. to hand down a ~ 2. to establish, start a ~ (we started a new ~) 3. to cherish; maintain, preserve, uphold a ~ 4. to break with ~ 5. an ancient, old; cherished; deep-rooted, deep-seated, established; family; hallowed; popular; religious ~ 6. according to, by ~ (according to ancient ~; by popular ~) 7. in a ~ (in our ~) traditional adj. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ around here to fly the flag on holidays) traffic I n. ['movement of vehicles, aircraft'] 1. to direct ~ (the police officer was directing ~) 2. to block, hold up, obstruct, tie up ~ 3. bumper-to-bumper, heavy; light; rush-hour; slow-moving ~ 4. air; highway (AE), motorway (BE); inbound; local; long- distance; merging; one-way; through, thru (AE); two-way; vehicular ~ 5. (misc.) the flow of ~; an update on ~ conditions; a ~ report ['commerce, trade'] 6. brisk, lively ~ 7. illegal, illicit ~ 8. ~ in (illicit ~ in drugs) ['misc.'] 9. (colloq.) to charge what the ~ will bear ('to charge as much as people are willing to pay') II v. (d; intr.) to ~ in (to ~ in drugs) traffic light n. see light 11, 13-15 traffic ticket n. (AE) ['summons for a traffic violation'] (CE has ticket) 1. to give smb. a ~ 2. to get; pay a ~ 3. to fix a ~ ('to arrange to have a traffic ticket nullified') 4. a ~ for (the police officer gave her a ticket for speeding) tragedy n. ~ strikes (~ struck their family) trail I n. 1. to blaze, make; lay out a ~ 2. to leave a ~ (the wounded animal left a ~ of blood) 3. to cover up a ~ 4. a steep; winding ~ 5. a hiking; ski; vapor ~ (to lay out a ski ~) 6. on smb.'s ~ (the police were on his ~) 7. (misc.) the ~ winds through the forest II v. (D; intr.) to ~ behind (to ~ behind the leaders) trailer n. 1. a house ~ (AE; BE has caravan) 2. a flatbed; truck (esp. AE; BE prefers trailer) ~ train I n. ['row of connected railroad cars'] 1. to drive a ~ 2. to shunt ~s (onto different tracks) 3. to board, get on; catch; get off; miss; take a ~ (we took a ~ to the city) 4. to change ~s (we'll have to change ~s in Chicago) 5. to flag down; hold; stop a ~ (to stop a ~ by pulling the communication/ emergency cord) 6. a boat; commuter; down (BE) ('from a city'); electric; elevated; express; freight (AE), goods (BE); hospital; inbound; local; long-distance; outbound; passenger; shuttle; slow (BE); stopping (BE); suburban; through; up (BE) ('to a city') ~ 7. a ~ arrives, pulls in; derails; leaves, pulls out; stops 8. a ~ for, to; from (the ~ from Exeter to London) 9. by ~ (to travel by ~) 10. aboard, on a ~ (we met on the ~) ['column'] 11. a mule; supply; wagon ~ ['mechanism for transmitting power'] 12. a power ~ II v. 1. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ for (to ~ for the Olympics) 2. (D; tr.) to ~ in (to ~ smb. in defensive driving) 3. (d; tr.) ('to aim') to ~ on (he ~ed his gun on the intruder) 4. (H) they were ~ed to react instantaneously to an attack; they ~ed the workers to be precise trained adj. 1. ~ to + inf. (the dogs are ~ to attack) 2. (misc.) house-trained (esp. BE; AE prefers house-broken); potty-trained (BE), toilet-trained trainer n. an animal ~ training n. 1. to give, provide ~ 2. to get, receive ~ 3. intense; thorough ~ 4. assertiveness; basic; hands-on; in-service, on-the-job (AE); manual; military; physical; sensitivity; toilet; voice ~ 5. ~ in (hands-on ~ in the use of computers) 6. the ~ to + inf. (the soldiers did not have the necessary ~ to carry out the mission) 7. by ~ (she's an engineer by ~) 8. in ~ (he was in ~ for the big fight) traipse v. (colloq.) (P; intr.) they were ~sing around in the park trait n. an acquired; character; genetic, hereditary; negative; personality; positive ~ traitor n. 1. a ~ to (a ~ to one's country) 2. (misc.) to turn ~ tram (BE) see streetcar tramcar (BE) see streetcar tramp v. (P; intr.) to ~ through the woods trample v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ on, upon (to ~ on smb.'s rights) 2. (misc.) to ~ underfoot trance n. 1. to fall into a ~ 2. (to be) in a ~ tranquillity, tranquility n. 1. to shatter the ~ 2. (misc.) an air of ~ tranquillizer n. 1. to take a ~ 2. to prescribe a ~ for transaction n. 1. to conduct ~s 2. a delicate ~ 3. business, financial ~s 4. ~s between transcribe v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ from; to (to ~ testimony from a tape) 2. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ in (to ~ speech in phonetic script) transcript n. 1. an official ~ 2. (AE) a grade ~ ('a student's record') transcription n. 1. to make a ~ 2. (ling.) a broad; narrow; phonetic ~ transfer I n. ['act of transferring'] 1. to make a ~ 2. an electronic; technology ~ 3. a ~ from; to ['ticket allowing a passenger to change from one vehicle to another on public transportation'] (esp. AE) 4. a bus; streetcar; subway ~ II v. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ from; to (she was ~red from New York to Toronto) transform v. (D; tr.) to ~ from; into, to (to ~ current from one voltage to another) transformation n. ['radical change'] 1. to undergo a ~ 2. a complete, radical, total ~ ['transformational rule'] (ling.) 3. to formulate a ~ 4. to apply a ~ 5. to order ~s 6. a dative-movement, indirect-object; imperative; insertion; negative; particle-movement; passive; question ~ 7. a ~ applies transformer n. a step-down; step-up ~ transfuse v. (D; tr.) to ~ into, to transfusion n. 1. to administer, give a ~ 2. to get, receive a ~ 3. a blood; bone-marrow; plasma ~ transgress v. (formal) (D; intr.) to ~ against transgression n. to commit a ~ against transistor n. a solid-state ~ transit n. 1. (esp. AE) mass, rapid ~ 2. in ~ (damaged in ~) transition n. 1. to make a ~ 2. a gradual ~ 3. a ~ from; to 4. (misc.) in a state of ~ translate v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ from; into, to (to ~ a book from French into Spanish) 2. (misc.) to ~ at sight; to ~ simultaneously translation n. 1. to do, make a ~ 2. (a) close, literal, word-for-word; free, loose ~ 3. an authorized ~ 4. (a) loan ~ 5. (a) machine; running; simultaneous ~ 6. a ~ from; into, to (a ~ from Russian into English) 7. in ~ (to read a book in ~; the poem is very effective in free/in a free ~) transliterate v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ as (to ~ a Russian letter as ch) 2. (D; tr.) to ~ from; into (to ~ a text from Cyrillic into Roman letters) transliteration n. to do a ~ transmission n. ['gearbox'] 1. an automatic; standard; synchronized ~ ['act of transmitting'] 2. a ~ from; to transmit v. (D;tr.) to ~ from; to (the results were ~ted to all local stations from the network) transmitter n. 1. a longwave; radar; radio; shortwave ~ 2. a television, TV ~ transmute v. (formal) (D; tr.) to ~ from; into (to ~ base metal into gold) transpire v. (L) ('to become apparent, evident, known') it ~d that he had gone out of town before the crime occurred transplant I n. 1. to do a ~ 2. to reject a ~ (her body rejected the ~) 3. a bone-marrow; corneal; gene; heart; kidney; organ ~ II v. (D; tr.) to ~ from; to transport I (esp. BE) see transportation II v. 1. to ~ bodily 2. (d;tr.) to ~ from; to transportation n. (esp. AE; BE usu. has transport) 1. to provide ~ 2. air; bus; ground, surface; mass, public ~ 3. ~ from; to (to provide ~ from the city to the airport) transpose v. (D; tr.) to ~ from; into, to (to ~ a song into a different key) transposition n. a ~ from; into, to transship v. (D; tr.) to ~ from; to trap n. ['device for catching animals or people'] ['stratagem for tricking unsuspecting people'] 1. to bait; set a ~ for 2. to spring a ~ on 3. to fall into a ~ 4. to lure smb. into a ~ 5. a booby; death ~; mousetrap; radar, speed ~; a sand ~ (in golf) ['mouth'] (slang) 6. to shut one's ~ trapeze n. 1. a flying ~ 2. on a ~ trapper n. an animal; fur ~ trash n. (AE; CE has refuse, rubbish) 1. to accumulate ~ 2. to dispose of, dump ~ (BE prefers to tip refuse) 3. (misc.) (derog.) white ~ ('poor white people in the southern US') trauma n. 1. to cause (a) ~ 2. to suffer (a) ~ 3. (a) physical; psychological ~ travel I n. 1. air; foreign; sea ~ 2. ~ from; to (~ from the United States to Japan) II v. 1. to ~ extensively, widely; far; far and wide 2. to ~ deluxe; first-class; incognito; light; second-class 3. (D; intr.) to ~ by (to ~ by air) 4. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ from; to (to ~ from London to Tokyo) 5. (D; intr.) to ~ across, in, through (to ~ in Canada; to ~ through the Rockies) 6. (d; intr.) to ~ with (to be ~ing with a group of students) 7. (misc.) to ~ on business; to ~ downstream; to ~ upstream traveler, traveller n. 1. an experienced, seasoned ~ 2. an air ~ 3. a commercial traveller (BE; CE has traveling salesman) 4. (misc.) a fellow ~ ('a Communist sympathizer') travesty n. 1. to make a ~ of 2. a shocking ~ 3. a ~ of, on tray n. a serving ~ treachery n. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ to reveal such secrets to the enemy) tread I n. ['step'] 1. a firm; heavy; light ~ ['mark'] 2. tire ~s ['pattern of ridges'] 3. a worn ~ 4. a tire II v. 1. (usu. fig.) (d; intr.) to ~ on, upon (to ~ on smb.'s toes) 2. (P; intr.) to ~ softly treadle n. to work a ~ treadmill n. on a ~ treason n. 1. to commit; plot ~ 2. high ~ 3. an act of ~ 4. ~ to + inf. (it is ~ to sell military information to a foreign power) treasonable see treasonous treasonous adj. ~ to + inf. (it is ~ to deal with the enemy during wartime) treasure n. 1. an art ~ 2. a priceless; real ~ 3. (a) buried; sunken ~ (to find buried/a buried ~; to raise sunken ~ from the bottom of the sea) treat I n. ['source of joy'] 1. to provide a ~ 2. a ~ for (their visit was a real ~ for us) 3. a ~ to + inf. (it was a ~to watch them dance) ['paying for the food or entertainment of others'] 4. to stand ~ 5. (misc.) it's my ~ II v. 1. ('to describe') to ~ (a subject) exhaustively, painstakingly, thoroughly 2. ('to deal with') to ~ badly; cruelly; fairly; unfairly 3. (d; tr.) to ~ as ('to deal with') (they ~ed us as honored guests) 4. (D; tr.) ('to cure') to ~ for; with (to ~ smb. for a cold with a new drug) 5. (d; tr.) to ~ like ('to deal with') (he ~ed him like his own brother) 6. (formal) (d; intr.) to ~ of ('to deal with') (her books ~ of economic problems) 7. (D; tr.) to ~ to ('to provide with at one's own expense') (to ~ smb. to a decent meal) 8. (d; tr.) to ~ with ('to deal with') (to ~ smb. with kindness) treatise n. 1. to write a ~ 2. a scientific; theoretical ~ 3. a ~ on, upon treatment n. ['care'] ['cure'] 1. to administer, give, provide ~ 2. to get, receive, undergo ~ 3. to respond to ~ 4. inpatient; medical; outpatient; radiation; shock ~ 5. ~ for (to undergo ~ for alcoholism) 6. under ~ ['method of dealing with'] 7. atrocious, brutal, cruel, harsh, inhumane ~ (brutal ~ of prisoners) 8. equal, equitable; fair; humane; kid-glove, preferential; kind; red-carpet; shabby; special; uneven; unfair ~ (to receive preferential ~) 9. (colloq.) the VIP ('special') ~ (they got the VIP ~) 10. the silent ~ (to give smb. the silent ~) ['description, study'] 11. a cursory; definitive; exhaustive, lengthy; superficial ~ treaty n. 1. to conclude, sign; negotiate, work out a ~ 2. to confirm, ratify a ~ (the senate confirms all treaties) 3. to break, violate a ~ 4. to abrogate, denounce a ~ 5. a bilateral; commercial, trade; nonaggression; peace; test- ban ~ 6. a ~ between; with (a ~ between former foes) 7. a ~ to + inf. (they signed a ~ to settle all border disputes by arbitration) tree n. ['woody plant with a trunk'] 1. to grow; plant a ~ 2. to prune, trim a ~ 3. to chop down, cut down, fell a ~ 4. to uproot a ~ (the gale uprooted several ~s) 5. a Christmas; shade ~ 6. a ~ grows 7. in; on a ~ (monkeys live in ~s; fruit grows on ~s) 8. (misc.) to climb a ~; (colloq.) up a ~ (AE), up a gum ~ (BE) ('stymied'); to bark up the wrong ~ ('to be mistaken') ['something resembling a tree'] 9. a family, genealogical ~ 10. a clothes; shoe ~ trek I n. ['long trip'] to go on, make a ~ from; to II v. (P; intr.) to ~ across the fields tremble v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ at (to ~ at the thought of going back to work) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ from, with (to ~ from the cold; to ~ with fear) tremor n. 1. a nervous ~ 2. uncontrollable; violent ~s 3. an earth ~ trench n. 1. to dig a ~ 2. a slit ~ 3. (misc.) in the ~es (during World War I) trend n. 1. to create, set, start a ~ 2. a discernible, noticeable; general; growing; marked; recent; unwelcome; welcome ~ 3. an economic; political ~ 4. a ~ towards trespass I n. criminal ~ II v. 1. (obsol.) (D; intr.) to ~ against 2. (D; intr.) to ~ on, upon (to ~ on a neighbor's property) trespassing n. no ~! trial n. ['legal proceedings'] 1. to conduct, hold a ~ 2. to bring smb. to ~; to put smb. on ~ 3. to stand ~ for (he stood ~ for embezzlement) 4. to go to ~ (the case went to ~) 5. to waive a (jury) ~ (the accused waived a jury ~) 6. a fair; speedy ~ (to get a fair ~) 7. a closed; court; jury (or: a ~ by jury); open, public; show; summary; war-crimes ~ 8. at a ~ (she testified at his ~) 9. on ~ for (he was on ~ for murder) ['test, experiment'] 10. a field ~ 11. ~ by (~ by fire) 12. (misc.) by ~ and error ['source of worry'] 13. a ~ to (they <»rc a ~ to their parents) trial balloon n. to float, send up a ~ triangle n. 1. to draw, make a ~ 2. an acute; congruent; equilateral; isosceles; obtuse; right (AE), right-angled (BE); scalene ~ 3. (fig.) the eternal ~; a love ~ tribe n. 1. to lead a ~ 2. a native; nomadic, wandering; primitive ~ 3. (misc.) to belong to a ~; a member of a ~ tribulation n. 1. to bear, endure a ~ 2. (misc.) trials and ~s tribunal n. a high ~ tribute n. ['money paid under duress'] 1. to exact ~ from 2. to pay ~ to ['testimonial'] 3. to pay (a) ~ to 4. a fitting; glowing; moving, touching ~ 5. a floral ~ ('a bunch of flowers') 6. a ~ to trick I n. ['dexterous feat, sleight of hand'] 1. to do, perform a ~ 2. a card; hat ~ ['prank'] ['deceitful act'] 3. to play a ~ on smb. 4. a clever; dirty, low, mean, nasty, shabby, sneaky, snide ~ 5. a confidence ~ (BE; AE has confidence game) ['scoring unit in a card game'] 6. to lose; take, win a ~ ['misc.'] 7. to do the ~ ('to be exactly what is needed'); one's bag of ~s ('one's expertise'); ~ or treat! (at Halloween) (see also tricks) II v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ into (to ~ smb. into doing smt.) 2. (D; tr.) to ~ out of (she was ~ed out of her money) trickle v. (P; intr.) stragglers kept ~ling into camp trickle down v. (D; intr.) to ~ to (to ~ to the general population) tricks n. (often pol.) dirty ~ trifle I n. a mere ~ II v. (d; intr.) to ~ with trigger n. ['device for releasing the hammer of a firearm'] 1. to press, pull, release, squeeze a (the) ~ 2. a hair ('delicate') ~ ['device that fires an explosive'] 3. a ~ for (a ~ for an H-bomb) trim I n. ['good condition'] ['condition'] 1. fighting ~ (in fighting ~) 2. in ~ (to be in ~) ['ornamental metalwork on a car'] 3. chrome ~ (he scratched my chrome ~) II v. (d;tr.) to ~ from (to ~ the fat from the budget) trimmings n. ['garnishings'] with all the ~ (turkey with all the ~) trip I n. 1. to go on, make, take a ~ (she went on a ~; I've made this ~ many times; we would like to take a ~) 2. to arrange, organize, plan a ~ 3. to cancel; postpone a ~ 4. an extended, long; short ~ 5. a business; camping; field; pleasure; return; round; round- the-world; wedding ~ (we are planning a round-the-world ~) 6. a ~ from; to (they went on a ~ to Canada; to take a ~ from England to Australia) 7. a ~ through (a ~ through the west) 8. on a ~ (she was away on a ~) 9. (misc.) an ego ~ ('an action that satisfies one's ego') II v. (D; intr.) ('to stumble') to ~ on, over (to ~ on a rock; she was ~ping over every word) triplets n. a set of ~ triplicate n. in ~ (to prepare all documents in ~) tripod n. on a ~ (the camera rested on a ~) triumph I n. 1. to achieve, score a ~ 2. a glorious, splendid; short-lived ~ 3. a ~ over (a ~ over evil) 4. in ~ (to return home in ~) II v. (D; intr.) to ~ over triumphant adj. ~ in; over Trojan n. (misc.) to work like a ~ ('to work very hard') trolley n. ['small wheeled conveyance'] (BE) 1. a (shopping) ~ (in a supermarket) (AE has shopping cart) 2. a tea ~ (AE has tea wagon) 3. a sweet ~ (in a restaurant) ['streetcar, tram'] (AE) 4. see streetcar USAGE NOTE: Wheeled conveyances that are called trolleys in BE are often called carts in AE. In a library, books are moved on a trolley (BE) or on a cart (AE). trombone n. to play the ~ troop I n. 1. a cavalry ~ 2. a Boy Scout; Girl Scout (AE) ~ II v. (P; intr.) the children ~ed into school trooper n. 1. (AE) a state ~ 2. (misc.) to swear like a ~ ('to use vile language') troops n. 1. to commit; deploy; dispatch; lead ~ 2. to review ~ 3. to station ~ (in a country) 4. green; seasoned ~ 5. defeated; demoralized; victorious ~ 6. airborne; armored; ground; irregular; motorized; mounted; regular; shock; ski ~ trophy n. 1. to award a ~ 2. to win a ~ 3. a sports; war ~ tropic n. the Tropic of Cancer; Capricorn tropics n. in the ~ (to live in the ~) trot n. 1. at a ~ 2. (misc.) (BE; colloq.) on the ~ all day ('busy all day'); that horse won four races on the ~ ('that horse won four races in succession') troth n. (formal) to plight one's ~ ('to make a promise of marriage') trouble I n. 1. to cause, make, start, stir up ~ 2. to invite, look for ~ 3. to have ~ (she had a lot of ~ with her back) 4. to go to ~ (they went to a great deal of ~ to arrange the interview) 5. to get (smb.) into ~ (we got into ~ during our trip; she got herself into serious ~ with the police; they got me into ~ at school) 6. to take the ~ to do smt. (I took the ~ to check on her story) 7. to get (smb.) out of ~ (I got out of ~; she got herself out of ~; they got him out of ~) 8. to avoid, steer clear of ~ 9. real, serious ~ 10. back; engine; heart ~ (to develop engine ~) 11. ~ is brewing 12. ~ blows over 13. ~ about, over; with (we had ~ with our neighbors over the noise that they were making) 14. a bit of ~ 15. no ~to + inf. (it's no ~ to call them) 16. in ~ (with) (they were in ~; he was in ~ with the police) 17. out of ~ (to keep out of ~) 18. (misc.) to put smb. to a lot of ~; it is not worth the ~; sending a telegram will save you the ~ of making a second trip; she has ~ going up steps; he had no ~ memorizing the material for the test II v. 1. (d; refl., tr.) to ~ about (don't ~ yourself about the arrangements) 2. (colloq.) (E; in neg. sentences) she didn't even ~ to lock the door 3. (colloq.) (H; in interrogative sentences; no passive) could I ~ you to open the window? 4. (R) it ~d me to read that no negotiations were scheduled; it ~d us that they did not write of their plans troubled adj. ~ to + inf. (we were ~ to learn of her problems) troublesome adj. ~to + inf. (it is ~ to be without electricity) trousers n. 1. to put on; wear ~ 2. to take off ~ 3. to button up; unbutton; unzip; zip up one's ~ 4. baggy; long; short ~ 5. a pair of ~ 6. (misc.) a trouser leg trousseau n. a bridal ~ trowel n. a bricklayer's; gardener's; plasterer's ~ truant n. (esp. AE) 1. to play ~ 2. (misc.) a ~ officer truce n. 1. to agree on, arrange, call, work out a ~ 2. to violate a ~ 3. to denounce a ~ 4. an armed; uneasy ~ 5. a ~ between truck I n. ['vehicle'] 1. (esp. AE; BE often has lorry, van) to drive, operate a ~ 2. a delivery (AE); dump (esp. AE), dumper (BE), tipper (BE); garbage (AE); panel (AE; BE has delivery van); pickup (AE); sound; trailer (AE; BE has articulated lorry); trash (AE; BE has dustcart) ~ 3. a tow ~ (AE; BE has breakdown lorry, breakdown van) 4. a railway ~ (BE; AE has flat-car) II n. ['dealings'] to have no ~ with trudge v. (P; intr.) to ~ through the mud true adj. 1. historically ~ 2. ~ to (~ to one's principles) 3. ~ that + clause (it is not ~ that she has resigned) truly adv. (usu. at the close of a letter) (esp. AE) yours ~; yours very ~; very ~ yours (CE has yo«rs sincerely, sincerely yours) trump n. ['winning card'] 1. to play a ~ ['final resource'] 2. to have a ~ up one's sleeve trump card n. ['final resource'] to play one's ~ trumpet n. to play the ~ trumps n. to lead ~ (when playing cards) trunk n. ['main stem'] 1. a tree ~ ['large piece of luggage'] 2. to pack; unpack one's ~ 3. to ship a ~ 4. a steamer; wardrobe ~ USAGE NOTE: On cars, trunk is AE; boot is BE. trunks n. bathing ~ trust I n. ['reliance'] 1. to place, put one's ~ in 2. to abuse smb.'s ~ 3. absolute; blind, unquestioning ~ 4. public ~ 5. on ~ (to sell on ~) ['cartel'] 6. to break up a ~ ['fund'] 7. to set up a ~ (for a child) 8. a unit ~ (BE; AE has mutual fund) 9. a blind; perpetual ~ (to place one's holdings in a blind ~ during one's term of office) 10. in ~ for II v. 1. to ~ blindly, implicitly 2. (d; intr.) ('to believe') to ~ in (to ~ in God) 3. (d; intr.) to ~ to ('to rely on') (to ~ to memory) 4. (d; tr.) ('to entrust') to ~ with (to ~ smb. with one's savings) 5. (H) ('to entrust') I ~ed her to deposit the funds; ~ them to do smt. silly (ironic) 6. (L) ('to believe') we ~ that you will keep your word trust fund n. to set up a ~ for smb. truth n. 1. to ascertain, elicit, establish, find; face, face up to; search for, seek the ~ 2. to reveal; tell the ~ 3. to distort, stretch the ~ 4. the absolute, cold, gospel, naked, plain, sober, unvarnished ~ 5. the awful; bitter; ultimate ~ 6. (the) historical ~ 7. a grain, kernel of ~ 8. the ~ that + clause (the ~ is that he served in the army) 9. in ~ try I n. 1. to have, make a ~ at 2. (colloq.) to give it, smt. a ~ 3. (rugby) to score a ~ 4. a ~ at, for 5. a ~ to + inf. (they made another ~ to have the decision reversed) 6. (misc.) (AE; colloq.) to give it the old college ~ ('to make a determined effort') II v. 1. to ~ hard; to ~ one's best 2. (D; intr.) ('to attempt') to ~ for (to ~ for a prize) 3. (D; tr.) ('to subject to trial') to ~ for (they tried her for murder) 4. (E) ('to attempt') she tried to telephone us 5. (G) ('to attempt') he tried jogging, but his ankles would hurt USAGE NOTES: 1. The phrase try and do smt. is a colloq. variant of try to do suit., but has no past tense. 2. The sentence she tried to jog usu. means that she never was able to jog; she tried jogging means that she was able to jog, but gave it up after a while. tryout n. a ~ for try out v. 1. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ for (to ~ for a major part in a play) 2. (D; tr.) to ~ on (to ~ a new drug on animals) tryouts n. to hold ~ for tryst n. 1. to keep a ~ 2. a ~ with tsar (BE) see czar tub n. ['bathtub'] (esp. AE; BE prefers bath) 1. to fill the ~ (for a bath) 2. to empty the ~ (after a bath) 3. to clean out; scrub (out) a ~ tube n. ['channel within a body'] 1. bronchial; Eustachian; Fallopian ~s ['rubber casing'] 2. an inner ~ ['hollow cylinder'] 3. an electron; picture, television; test ~ 4. a vacuum ~ (AE; BE has va/ve) 5. (slang) the boob ~ ('television') tuberculosis n. to contract, develop ~ tubing n. copper; glass; flexible; plastic; rubber ~ tuck v. (d; tr.) to ~ into (to ~ a child into bed; he ~ed his shirt into his trousers) tog I n. ['pull''] 1. to give a ~ on ['tugboat'] 2. a seagoing ~ II v. (D; intr.) to ~ at (to ~ at a rope) tuition n. ['instruction'] (BE) 1. to give ~ ['payment for instruction'] 2. to pay ~ for 3. free; half ~ (to receive free ~) tumble I n. (colloq.) ['fall'] 1. to take a ~ 2. a bad, nasty ~ (she took a nasty ~) 3. a ~ from ['sign of recogniton'] 4. to give smb. a ~ (they wouldn't give us a ~) II v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ into (to ~ into bed) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ out of (to ~ out of a chair) 3. (colloq.) (d; intr.) to ~ to ('to catch on to, comprehend') (they didn't ~ to the meaning of the clues) tumor, tumour n. 1. to excise, remove a ~ 2. a benign; inoperable; malignant ~ tumult n. ['violent, noisy agitation'] 1. to cause ~ 2. in ~ over tune I n. ['melody'] 1. to compose, write a ~ 2. to hum; play; sing; whistle a ~ (to play a ~ on the piano) 3. to carry ('sing the notes of) a~4.a~of, to (the ~to a song) 5. a catchy; lilting ~ 6. in ~; out of ~ (to sing in ~; she was playing out of ~) 7. to a ~ (to dance to a ~) ['agreement'] 8. in ~ with (in ~ with the times) 9. out of ~ with ['attitude'] (colloq.) 10. to change one's ~ ['misc.'] (colloq.) 11. to call the ~ ('to be in command'); to sing a different ~ ('to begin to act differently'); to the ~ of ('approximately') II v. (d; tr.) to ~ to (we ~d our sets to the local station) tune in v. (D; intr.) to ~ on, to (to ~ to a station) tuner n. a piano ~ tune-up n. 1. to do a ~ (of an engine) 2. an engine tuning n. fine ~ tunnel I n. 1. to bore, construct, dig a ~ 2. a pedestrian; railroad (AE), railway (BE); wind ~ 3. a ~ caves in 4. through a ~ (to drive through a ~) 5. (misc.) (fig.) the light at the end of the ~ II v. (D; intr.) to ~ under (to ~ under the Channel) turbulence n. clear-air ~ turkey n. 1. to raise ~s 2. to carve; roast; stuff a ~ 3. a wild ~ 4. ~s gobble 5. a female ~ is a hen 6. a male ~ is a gobbler turmoil n. in (a) ~ (the country was in ~) turn I n. ['change of direction'] ['direction'] 1. to make, negotiate a ~ (to negotiate a difficult ~) 2. to take a ~ (the conversation took an interesting ~) 3. a left; right; sharp ~; U-turn (to make a U-turn) 4. a ~to (a ~ to the right) ['proper order, opportunity'] 5. to take one's ~ 6. to take ~s at; with (we took ~s with them standing/at standing guard) 7. to wait one's ~ 8. smb.'s ~ comes (my ~ came) 9. smb.'s ~ to + int. (it's my ~ to drive) 10. by ~s 11. in ~; out of ~ ['change'] 12. to take a ~ (the situation took a ~ for the better) 13. a dramatic; favorable; unexpected; unfavorable ~ (events took a dramatic ~ for the worse) 14. at the ~ (of the century) ['short walk'] 15. to take a ~ (let's take a ~ around/round the park) ['shock'] 16. to give smb. a ~ (the revelation gave me quite a ~) ['misc.'] 17. at every ~ ('on every occasion'); to do smb. a good ~ ('to do smb. a favor') II v. 1. ('to change direction') to ~ abruptly, sharply 2. (d; intr., tr.) to ~ against ('to become antagonistic towards'); ('to make antagonistic towards') (to ~ against one's friends; what ~ed him against us?) 3. (d; intr.) to ~ for; to ('to resort to') (she had to ~ to her family for help) 4. (d; intr.) ('to shift') to ~ from; to (let's ~ from this topic to a more pleasant one; to ~ to a new field) 5. (D; intr.) ('to change direction') to ~ into, onto (to ~ into a side street) 6. (d; intr., tr.) to ~ into, to ('to be converted, transformed into'); ('to convert, transform into') (caterpillars ~ into butterflies; freezing water ~s into ice; his love ~ed to hate; they ~ed the meeting into a brawl; the incident ~ed her into a better person) 7. (D; intr.) to ~ off ('to leave') (to ~ off the main road) 8. (d; intr.) to ~ on ('to attack') (to ~ on smb. in anger) 9. (d; intr.) to ~ on, upon ('to depend, hinge on') (everything ~s on the judge's interpretation of the law) 10. (D; intr.) ('to change direction') to ~ to (to ~ to the right) 11. (d; intr.) ('to direct one's attention, efforts') to ~ to (to ~ to a new subject; she ~ed to the study of art) 12. (d; tr.) ('to direct') to ~ to, towards (to ~ one's attention to a new problem; ~ your face towards the mirror; you should not ~ your back to the audience) 13. (D; intr.) to ~ towards ('to face') (~ towards me) 14. (N; used with an adjective) ('to cause to become') we ~ed the dog loose; worry ~ed her hair gray 15. (S) to ~ traitor; she ~ed pale 16. (misc.) to ~ one's back on smb. ('to reject smb.') (see the Usage Note for grow) turnabout n. ['reversal'] to do a ~ tarn away v. (D; intr.) to ~ from turnback v. (D; intr.) to ~ from; to turn in v. (B) ('to hand over') they ~ed him in to the police; she ~ed the assignment in to the teacher; he refused to ~ himself in to the authorities turning point n. 1. to mark a ~ (in history) 2. to reach a ~ 3. a ~ for 4. at a ~ (we are at a ~ in history) turn off v. (D; intr.) to ~ from; into (we ~ed off from the main road into a side road) turn on v. (slang) 1. (D; intr.) to ~ to ('to become excited about') (to ~ to Beethoven) 2. (D; tr.) to ~ to ('to excite about') (to ~ smb. on to Beethoven) turnout n. ['attendance'] ['participation'] 1. to attract a (large) ~ 2. a big, enormous, heavy, large; good; record ~ 3. a light, poor, small ~ 4. (a) voter ~ turn out v. 1. (D; intr.) ('to appear') to ~ for (a large crowd ~ed out for her first concert) 2. (E) ('to prove') the test ~ed out to be positive 3. (L) it ~ed out that they were away on a trip 4. (s) the test ~ed out negative turnover n. ['movement of goods'] 1. a brisk, rapid ~ ['filled pastry'] 2. an apple ~ turn over v. (B) ('to hand over') to ~ a thief over to the police turnpike n. (AE) ['toll expressway'] 1. (to travel) by ~ 2. (to drive) on a ~ turn signal n. (AE) to put on, use a ~ (BE has indicator) turnstile n. 1. to pass through a ~ 2. a subway (AE), underground (BE) ~ turn up v. 1. (D; intr.) ('to appear') to ~ in (she finally ~ed up in London) 2. (s) ('to appear') (he ~ed up drunk at/for work) turpitude n. moral ~ turtle n. 1. a fresh-water; land; mud; snapping ~ 2. (misc.) to turn ~ ('to capsize') tusk n. an elephant; walrus ~ tussle I n. (colloq.) 1. to get into, have a ~ 2. a ~ about, over; with II v. (colloq.) (D; intr.) to ~ with tutelage n. under smb.'s ~ tutor I n. 1. a course (BE); private ~ 2. a ~ to II v. (D; tr.) to ~ in (to ~ smb. in physics) tutorial n. ['course'] 1. to give smb. a ~ 2. to have a ~ with 3. a ~ about, on TV see television TV set see television set twang n. 1. a nasal ~ 2. (misc.) to speak with a ~ tweed n. herringbone ~ tweezers n. a pair of ~ twilight n. in the ~ (in the ~ of one's career) twine v. 1. (d; intr., refl.) to ~ around, round (the vines ~d around the tree) 2. (misc.) she has them ~d around her little finger ('they will do anything she wants them to do') twinkle n. a ~ in smb.'s eyes twins n. 1. fraternal; identical; Siamese ~ 2. a pair, set of ~ twist I n. ['type of dance'] 1. to dance, do the ~ ['act of twisting'] 2. to give smt. a ~ ['unexpected turn'] 3. an ironic; strange, unusual ~ ['interpretation'] 4. to give a (new) ~ (to the news) ['approach, method'] 5. a new ~ II v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ into (to ~ smt. into a certain shape) 2. (D; tr.) to ~ out of (to ~ smt. out of shape) 3. (misc.) to ~ smb.'s arm ('to coerce smb.'); to ~ smb. around one's little finger ('to manipulate smb.'); the road ~s and turns twitch I n. a nervous; uncontrollable ~ II v. to ~ nervously; uncontrollably two cents worth n. (slang) (AE) ['opinion'] to get in, put in one's ~ type I n. ['metal blocks used in printing'] 1. to set ~ (to set ~ by hand) 2. boldface, boldfaced; elite; italic; pica; regular; Roman ~ 3. a font/fount of ~ 4. in ~ (to set a book in ~) ['sort, category'] 5. a blood ~ 6. of a certain ~ (a person of that ~ = that ~ of person) II v. 1. (C) ('to typewrite') ~ this letter for me; or: ~ me this letter 2. (D; tr.) ('to assign to a type') to ~ as (that actor was ~d as a villain) typecast v. (D; tr.) to ~ as; in (to be typecast in a certain role) typeface see type 12 typewriter n. 1. to operate, pound (colloq.) a ~ 2. an electric; electronic; manual; portable ~ 3. a ~ skips 4. on a ~ (I did the letter on my electric ~) typhoid n. to contract, develop ~ typhoon n. the ~ hit/struck (several islands) typhus n. to contract, develop ~ typical adj. 1. ~ of 2. ~ to + int. (it was ~ of her to say such things) typing n. to do (the) ~ typist n. 1. a shorthand ~ (BE; AE has stenographer) 2. a clerk-typist tyranny n. 1. to impose ~ on 2. to overthrow a ~ 3. cruel, merciless; ruthless ~ 4. an act of ~ 5. ~ over tyrant n. 1. to overthrow a ~ 2. a cruel, merciless; ruthless ~ tyre (BE) see tire I UFO n. ['unidentified flying object'] 1. to sight a ~ 2. (misc.) a ~ sighting ukase n. ['edict'] to issue a ~ ulcer n. a bleeding; duodenal; gastric, stomach; mouth; peptic; perforated ~ ultimate n. ['acme'] 1. the ~ in (the ~ in comfort) 2. (carried) to the ~ ultimatum n. 1. to deliver, give, issue, present an ~ 2. to get, receive an ~ 3. to defy; ignore an ~ 4. to withdraw an ~ umbilical cord n. 1. to tie (off) an ~ 2. to cut the ~ (also fig.) umbrage n. ['offense']l.togive~2.totake~at umbrella n. 1. to open an ~ 2. to fold (up) an ~ 3. a beach ~ 4. under an ~ (also fig.) unable adj. (cannot stand alone) ~ to + inf. (she is ~ to work today) unacceptable adj. ~ to unaccountable adj. ~ to unaccustomed adj. (cannot stand alone) ~ to (~ to public speaking) unaffected adj. 1. ~ by 2. to remain ~ unafraid adj. ~ of unaided adj. ~ by; in unamenable adj. (formal) ~ to unanimity n. ~ in unanimous adj. ~ in unappreciative adj. ~ of unasked adj. ~ for unattended adj. to leave smt. ~ unaware adj. (cannot stand alone) 1. ~ of 2. ~ that + clause (they were ~ that the road had been closed) unawares adv. ['unexpectedly'] to catch smb. ~ unbalanced adj. mentally ~ unbeatable adj. ~ at, in (~ at chess) unbecoming adj. ~ of; to (conduct ~ to an officer = conduct ~ an officer) unbeknown adj. (cannot stand alone) ~ to (~ to us, they had already left) unbeknownst adj. (formal) (cannot stand alone) ~ to unbelievable adj. 1. ~ to 2. ~ that + clause (it's ~ to me that she would commit such a blunder) unbending adj. ~ in (~ in one's manner) unbiased adj. ~ towards unburden v. 1. (B; refl.) he finally ~ed himself to his family 2. (D; refl.) to ~ of (to ~ oneself of a secret) uncanny adj. 1. positively ~ 2. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ to see how closely they resemble each other) 3. ~ that + clause (it's ~ that we got here on the same day after traveling for three months) 4. (misc.) it's ~ how much the twins resemble each other uncensured adj. to go ~ uncertain adj. 1. ~ about, as to, of (~ about the outcome) 2. (misc.) I am still ~ (as to) whether (or not) they are coming uncertainty n. ~ about, as to (there was no ~ about the matter; there is still some ~ as to whether they are coming) unchallenged adj. to go ~ unchanged adj. to remain ~ uncharacteristic adj. 1. ~ of 2. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of her not to answer her correspondence) uncharitable adj. 1. ~ of2. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of her to say that) unchecked adj. to go, remain ~ unclaimed adj. to go, remain ~ uncle n. (misc.) (colloq.) to say ~ ('to yield') uncomfortable adj. (to feel) ~ about; with (I felt ~ about discussing this matter in public) uncommitted adj. ~ to uncommon adj. ~ to + inf. (it is not ~ to find people here who know several languages) uncommunicative adj. ~ about, regarding uncompromising adj. ~ in; towards (~ in one's attitude; ~ towards their proposal) unconcern n. ~ for, over unconcerned adj. ~ about, at, over, with unconscious adj. 1. to remain ~ 2. ~ of unconventional adj. ~ to + inf. (it is ~ to go to work in shorts) unconvinced adj. 1. to remain ~ 2. ~ of uncooperative adj. ~ about; in; towards (~ in working out a compromise) uncorrected adj. to go, remain ~ uncritical adj. ~ of unction n. (rel.) 1. to give ~ 2. to receive ~ 3. Extreme Unction USAGE NOTE: The term Anointing of the Sick is now preferred to Extreme Unction. undaunted adj. ~ by; in (~ in one's resolve) undedded adj. 1. ~ about 2. ~ whether + inf. (he is ~ whether to go) 3. to remain ~ undemonstrative adj. ~ towards underbelly n. (fig.; historical) the soft ~ (of Europe) ('the Balkans and Italy') underbrush n. in the ~ undercoating n. (on a car) to apply ~ undercover adv. ['acting in secret'] 1. to work ~ 2. to go ~ undergraduate n. a college, university ~ underground adv. to go ~ undergrowth n. 1. to clear the ~ 2. dense, heavy; thick ~ 3. in the ~ understand v. 1. to ~ clearly, perfectly 2. (d; tr.) to ~ by (what do you ~ by this term?) 3. (H) I understood her to say that she would attend the meeting 4. (K) I cannot ~ his behaving like that 5. (L) I ~ that you will be moving here soon 6. (Q) we do not ~ why she left 7. (misc.) they don't ~ anything about politics; she gave me to ~ that the bill would be paid understanding I adj. ~ about, of II n. ['agreement'] 1. to arrive at, come to, reach an ~ 2. a clear; secret; tacit; verbal; written ~ 3. an ~ about; with (we reached a tacit ~ with them about the matter) 4. an ~ to + inf. (to reach an ~ to keep a dispute out of the newspapers) 5. an ~ that + clause (it was my ~ that we would share the expenses) 6. on an ~ (we bought the supplies on the ~ that we would be reimbursed) ['harmony'] ['comprehension'] 7. to bring about, develop, promote ~ 8. deeper; mutual ~ 9. ~ between (to promote deeper ~ between nations; to develop mutual ~) understatement n. 1. to make an ~ 2. to go in for ~ 3. (misc.) a masterpiece of ~; the ~ of the year understood adj. ~ that + clause (it was ~ that everyone would help) undertake v. (E) she undertook to complete the project in six months undertaking n. ['promise'] (esp. BE) 1. to give smb. an ~ 2. an ~ to + inf. (an ~ to complete a project in six months) ['task, enterprise'] 3. a joint; large-scale ~ underway adv. to get smt. ~ underwear n. thermal ~ underworld n. in the ~ underwriter n. an insurance ~ undeserving adj. ~ of undesirable adj. 1. ~ to + inf. (it is ~ to raise taxes at this time) 2. ~ that + clause; subj. (it is ~ that they be/should be present) undeterred adj. ~ by (~ by our advice) undignified adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ to behave like that) undiminished adj. ~ by; in (~ in stature) undisturbed adj. ~ by (~ by the commotion) undoing n. ['ruin'] to prove to be smb.'s ~ (alcohol proved to be his ~) undone adj. to come ~ (her necklace came ~) undreamed, undreamt adj. ~ of uneasiness n. 1. to cause ~ 2. to allay one's ~ 3. ~ about uneasy adj. ~ about unemployed n. ['unemployed people'] the hard-core ~ unemployment n. 1. to cause, create ~ 2. to eliminate; reduce ~ 3. high; low; mounting; seasonal ~ unemployment compensation n. 1. to pay ~ 2. to draw, get, receive ~ 3. to be on ~ 4. to go on ~ 5. to apply for ~ unemployment insurance see unemployment compensation 1,2,5 unequal adj. ~ to unequaled adj. ~ at, in unerring adj. (usu. does not stand alone) ~ in (~ in her judgment) unessential adj. ~ to unethical adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of them to do that) unexcelled adj. ~ in unfair adj. 1. ~ to (~ to certain groups) 2. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ to take advantage of the situation) 3. ~ that + clause (it's ~ that she has to work so hard) unfaithful adj. ~ in; to unfaithfuiness n. ~ in; to unfamiliar adj. ~ to; with (the area was ~ to me; I was ~ with the situation) unfamiliarity n. ~ with (my ~ with the area) unfasten v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ from 2. (misc.) to come ~ed unfavorable, unfavourable adj. ~ to unfed adj. to go ~ unfeeling adj. ~ towards unfit adj. 1. mentally, psychologically; physically ~ 2. ~ for (~ for military service) 3. ~ to + inf. (~ to serve) unfortunate adj. 1. ~ for 2. ~ in unfriendly adj. ~ to, towards ungrateful adj. ~ for; to (he was ~ to us for our help) unhappy adj. 1. ~ about, at, over; in; with (she was ~ about/at/over the news) 2. ~ to + inf. (she was ~ to learn the news) 3. ~ that + clause (we are ~ that you cannot visit us) unharmed adj. 1. to go ~ 2. ~ by unhealthy adj. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ to smoke) unheeded adj. 1. to go ~ (his advice went ~) 2. ~ by unheedful adj. (cannot stand alone) ~ of (~ of threats) unification n. to achieve, bring about ~ (to achieve ~ of a country) uniform I adj. ~ in; with II n. 1. to don, put on; wear a ~ 2. to take off a ~ 3. a dress, full-dress; fatigue; military; naval; nurse's; parade; police; regulation ~ 4. in ~; out of ~ (he was out of ~ when he was picked up by the military police) uniformity n. ~ in unify v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ into (they were ~ied into one nation) 2. (D; tr.) to ~ with unimportant adj. ~ for; to uninformed adj. ~ about, of uninterested adj. ~ in (~ in politics) uninvited adj. to appear, show up, turn up ~ union n. 1. to form a ~ 2. to break up, dissolve a ~ 3. a company; craft; credit; industrial; labor (AE), trade (BE); postal; student ~ union shop n. to introduce a ~ unique adj. 1. ~ in 2. ~ to (~ to a certain area) unison n. in ~ with unit n. ['single constituent of a whole'] 1. a basic, primary ~ ['military formation'] 2. to activate; form a ~ 3. to commit a ~ (to combat) 4. to deactivate; disband a ~ 5. an advance, advanced; airborne; armored; combat; crack, elite; mechanized, motorized; naval; tactical ~ (advance armored ~s have reached the river) ['standard'] 6. a message ~ (used for telephone calls) 7. a monetary ~ (the pound is the monetary ~ of Britain) ['single residence'] 8. a rental ~ ['computer terminal'] a Visual Display Unit = VDU (BE; AE has Video Display Terminal = VDT) unite v. 1. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ against (to ~ against aggression; to ~ one's allies against the common foe) 2. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ for (we must ~ for the common good; the nation was ~d for the struggle against terrorism) 3. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ in (we must ~ in our struggle against terrorism; to ~ a nation in the fight against inflation) 4. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ into (we had to ~ the competing factions into a cohesive whole) 5. (D; intr.) to ~ with (our countries must ~ with each other against the common enemy) united adj. ~ in unity n. 1. to achieve, bring about ~ 2. to destroy, shatter ~ 3. national ~ (to achieve national ~) 4. in ~ (in ~ there is strength) universals n. (ling.) linguistic ~ university n. 1. to establish, found a ~ 2. to go to a ~/to go to ~ (BE) (she goes to a good ~) 3. a free, open; people's ~ 4. an Ivy-League (US); redbrick (GB); state (US) ~ 5. at; in a ~ (to teach at a ~; there is a spirit of cooperation at/in our ~) USAGE NOTE: In BE, one goes to university or, as in AE, to a university. CE has only to go to a good university. See the Usage Notes for college, school. unjust adj. 1. ~ of 2. ~ to 3. ~ to + int. (it was ~ of him to accuse you without proof) 4. ~ that + clause (it's ~ that our side of the story was never heard) unjustified adj. 1. completely, totally ~ 2. ~ in (she was ~ in complaining) unkind adj. 1. ~ of 2. ~ to 3. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of him to say that) unknown adj. ~ to (the facts were ~ to us) unlawful adj. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ to drive without a license) unleash v. (D; tr.) to ~ against, on (to ~ a new arms race on the world) unlikely adj. 1. (cannot stand alone) ~ to + inf. (they are ~ to accept our invitation) 2. ~ that + clause (it's ~ that she will attend) unload v. (D; tr.) to ~ from (to ~ cargo from a ship) unlucky adj. 1. ~ at, in; for (~ at cards; ~ in love; ~ for some people) 2. ~ to + inf. (some people feel that it is ~ to walk under a ladder) unmarked adj. ~ by unmarred adj. ~ by (the ceremony was ~ by any untoward incidents) unmatched adj. ~ by; in unmerciful adj. ~ to, towards unmindful adj. (cannot stand alone) ~ of (~ of danger) unnamed adj. to remain ~ unnatural adj. 1. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ of parents to reject their own children) 2. ~ that + clause (it's ~ that members of the same family should fight so much) unnecessary adj. 1. ~ for 2. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ for us to wait) 3. ~ that + clause (it's ~ that you should get involved) unnoticed adj. to go, pass ~ (the incident went/ passed ~) unobserved adj. to go ~ unopposed adj. ~ to unorthodox adj. ~ to + inf. (it is ~ to bypass the channels of command in the army) unparalleled adj. ~ in ( ~ in ferocity) unperturbed adj. ~ by (she was ~ by the loud noise) unpleasant adj. 1. ~ to (he is ~ to everyone) 2. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ to talk to him = it's ~ talking to him = he's ~ to talk to = he's an ~ person to talk to) unprepared adj. 1. ~ for 2. ~ to + inf. (I am unprepared to take on such a responsibility) unpunished adj. 1. to go, remain ~ (the criminals went ~) 2. ~ for unqualified adj. 1. ~ for 2. ~ to + inf. (she is ~ to work as a teacher) unrealistic adj. ~ to + inf. (it is ~ to hope for an improvement so soon) unreasonable adj. 1. ~ of (that was ~ of you) 2. ~ to + inf. (it is ~ to demand that employees work without a break) unrecognized adj. 1. to go, remain ~ 2. ~ by unreported adj. to go ~ (the story went ~) unresponsive adj. ~ to unrest n.. 1. to foment, stir up ~ 2. civil; labor; political; social ~ unrivaled, unrivalled adj. ~ in unsafe adj. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ to drive without putting on seat belts) unsaid adj. to leave smt. ~ unsanctioned adj. ~ by (~ by custom) unsatisfactory adj. 1. ~ in (they were ~ in their job performance) 2. ~ to (~ to all concerned) unscathed adj. to go ~ unschooled adj. ~ in unscrupulous adj. 1. ~ in (~ in his business dealings) 2. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of their lawyer to withhold evidence) unseemly adj. (formal) ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of them to show up at the reception without an invitation) unseen adj. to remain ~ unselfish adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of her to make the offer) unsettle v. (R) it ~d me to see them quarrel unsettling adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ to see them quarrel) unshakable adj. ~ in (~ in one's faith) unshaken adj. ~ in (~ in one's beliefs) unshaven adj. to go ~ (he went ~ for a week) unsightly adj. ['not pleasing to the sight'] it was ~ to behold unskilled adj. ~ at, in unsparing adj. ~ of (~ of praise) unspoiled, unspoilt adj. ~ by (~ by success) unstinting adj. (cannot stand alone) ~ in (~ in one's praise) unstuck adj. ['ruined'] (slang) to come ~ (the whole scheme came ~) unsuccessful adj. ~ at, in; with unsuitable adj. ~ for unsuited adj. ~ to unsure adj. ~ of unsurpassed adj. 1. ~ at, in (~ at learning languages) 2. ~ by (~ by any competitor) unsusceptible adj. ~ to unsuspicious adj. ~ of unswerving adj. ~ in (~ in one's determination to stamp out corruption) unsympathetic adj. ~ to untainted adj. ~ by (~ by scandal) untarnished adj. ~ by unthanked adj. to go ~ unthinkable adj. 1. ~ to + inf. (it would be ~ to build a house so close to the river) 2. ~ that + clause (it is ~ that they would even make such an offer) untiring adj. (usu. does not stand alone) ~ in (~ in one's efforts) untold adj. to remain ~ (the story remained ~ for years) untouched adj. ~ by untreated adj. to go, remain ~ (the disease went ~) untroubled adj. ~ by untrue adj. ~ to untruth n. to tell an ~ untruthful adj. ~ about untutored adj. ~ in untypical adj. ~ of unused adj. ['unaccustomed'] (cannot stand alone) ~ to (they are ~ to hard work) unusual adj. 1. ~ to + inf. (it is ~ to see snow in this region; it's ~ for two world records to be set in/on one day) 2. ~ that + clause (it's ~ that two world records should be set in/on one day) unversed adj. (cannot stand alone) ~ in (~ in the ways of big business) unwarranted adj. ~ by unwavering adj. ~ in (~ in one's support) unwilling adj. ~ to + inf. (she is ~ to participate) unwillingness n. an ~ to + inf. (everyone deplored their ~ to compromise) unwise adj. ~ to + inf. (it would be ~ to walk through the park at midnight) unworthy adj. ~ of (~ of your help; such behavior is ~ of you) unyielding adj. ~ in (~ in one's demands) up adj. (cannot stand alone) ['abreast'] 1. ~ on (are you ~ on the news?) ['dependent'] 2. ~ to (the decision is ~ to you; it's ~ to you to decide; it's ~ to you whether we go) upbraid v. (D; tr.) to ~ for (they ~ed him for his sloppy work) upbringing n. smb.'s family; religious ~ update n. (colloq.) ['bringing up-to-date'] 1. to give an ~ on (I'll give you an ~ on the situation) 2. an ~ on (here is an ~ on the situation) up front adv. ~ with ('candid with') upgrade v. (D; tr.) to ~ to (our legation was ~d to an embassy) upheaval n. 1. a violent ~ 2. a political; social ~ upholstery n. leather; plastic; vinyl ~ upkeep n. ['cost of maintenance'] the ~ of, on (the ~ on this machinery is very costly) upper hand n. ['control'] (colloq.) 1. to gain, get; have the ~ 2. to lose the ~ 3. the ~ in; over (we gained the ~ over them in that contest) uprising n. 1. to foment, incite an ~ 2. to crush, put down, quell, an ~ 3. an armed; peasant ~ 4. an ~ against uproar n. 1. to create an ~ 2. an ~ over 3. in an ~ uproot v. (D; tr.) to ~ from (they were ~ed from their homes) upset I adj. 1. to get ~ about, over 2. ~ with (she was ~ with me about my expenses) 3. ~ to + inf. (she was ~ to learn of their attitude) II n. ['unexpected victory'] (sports) to score an ~ over III v. (R) it upset me to learn of their attitude upsetting adj. 1. ~ to (recent events have been very ~ to us) 2. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ to learn of their attitude) upside down adv. to turn smt. ~ upstanding adj. (esp. BE) be ~ ('stand up') (be ~ for the judge; be ~ for a toast) uptake n. ['comprehension'] (colloq.) (quick) on the ~ uptight adj. (colloq.) ~ about upturn n. 1. a sharp ~ 2. an ~ in (a sharp ~ in the economy) upwards adv. ~ of (~ of an hour) ('somewhat more than an hour') uranium n. enriched ~ urge I n. 1. to feel an ~ 2. to satisfy an ~ 3. to control; stifle an ~ 4. an irrepressible, irresistible, uncontrollable; natural; sudden ~ 5. an ~ to + inf. (she felt an ~ to respond) II v. 1. to ~ forcefully, strongly 2. (H) she ~d me to accept the compromise 3. (L; subj.) we ~d that the bill be/should be passed urgency n. 1. ~ about, in (there is no ~ about this matter) 2. (misc.) a sense of ~ urgent adj. ~ that + clause; subj. (it is ~ that they all be/should be present) urging n. at smb.'s ~ (at our ~ they accepted the invitation) urn n. a burial; coffee ~ usable, useable adj. ~ for use I /ju:s/ n. 1. to make ~ of 2. to put smt. to (good) ~ 3. to find a ~ for 4. to lose; regain the ~ of (she lost the ~ of one arm) 5. to deny (the) ~ of (the visitors were denied ~ of the library) 6. constant; daily; emergency; extensive; external; internal; official; practical; universal; wide ~ (they made extensive ~ of computers) 7. (legal) fair ~ 8. ~ for (do you have any ~ for this old paper?) 9. ~ in (is there any ~ in trying again?) 10. ~ of (what's the ~ of worrying?) 11. for ~ (for official ~ only) 12. in ~ (the copying machine is in ~) 13. of ~ to (it was of no earthly ~ to us; can I be of any ~ to you?) 14. (misc.) she has no ~ for them ('she dislikes them'); to come into ~; to go out of ~ USAGE NOTE: The following constructions are variants; the constructions with no prepositions are colloquial-- is there any msc in trying again?- -is there any use trying again? what's the use of worrying?-- what's the use worrying? II /ju:z/ v. 1. to ~ widely 2. (D; tr.) to ~ as (she ~d the candlestick as a paperweight) 3. (D; tr.) to ~ for (let's ~ paper plates for the picnic) 4. (E; in positive sentences and neg. sentences with never this verb is used only in the past tense to denote a former practice or state; in interrogative sentences the infinitive of this verb occurs with didn't, did not) she ~d to work there; there ~d to be an open field here; she never ~d to work there; didn't he ~ to work here? USAGE NOTE: In neg. sentences with didn't, did not, this verb occurs with the infinitive and, colloquially, with the past tense--she didn't use/used to work there. In old- fashioned BE, constructions such as the following may occur-- used she (not) to work there? she used not to work there. used I /ju:st/ adj. (cannot stand alone) ['accustomed'] to be; get ~ to (she is ~ to working hard; to get ~ to hard work) II /ju:zd/ adj. ['employed'] ~ for (this machine is ~ for making copies) useful adj. 1. ~ for, to (a combinatory dictionary is ~ for/to students) 2. ~ for, in (computers are ~ in compiling statistics) 3. ~ to + int. (it's ~ to know several foreign languages when you are traveling abroad = it's ~ knowing several foreign languages when you are traveling abroad) useless adj. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ to try to convince her) usher v. 1. (d; tr.) to ~ into (they ~ed the guests into a large waiting room) 2. (d; tr.) to ~ out of 3. (d; tr.) to ~ to (we were ~ed to our seats) usual adj. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ to ask for permission before visiting a class) usury n. 1. to engage in, practice ~ 2. to condemn; outlaw ~ utensils n. cooking, kitchen ~ utility n. ['company providing a public service'] a public ~ utilize v. 1. to ~ fully 2. (D; tr.) to ~ for utmost n. ['maximum effort'] to do one's ~ (we did our ~ to help) utter v. (B) she ~ed a few words to them utterance n. a prophetic ~ U-turn n. to make a ~ vacancy n. 1. to create a ~ 2. to fill a ~ 3. (misc.) no ~ (the sign reads no vacancy) vacation n. ['period of rest'] (AE; CE has holiday) 1. to spend; take a ~ 2. to be on; go on ~ 3. an extended, long; paid; short ~ 4. a spring; summer; winter ~ 5. a ~ from 6. during a ~; on ~ (she was away on ~) ['period during which a college or university is closed'] 7. (BE) the long ~ USAGE NOTE: Soldiers and sailors go on leave; civilians go on holiday (BE) or on vacation (AE). British students go on holiday during the long vacation/vac. vaccinate v. (D; tr.) to ~ against (to ~ smb. against a disease) vaccination n. 1. to carry out, do a (mass) ~ (of the population) 2. (a) compulsory; mass ~ 3. a ~ against (to carry out a mass ~ against tuberculosis) vaccine n. influenza; polio; Sabin; Salk; smallpox; tetanus; yellow- fever ~ vacillate v. (D; intr.) to ~ between; in vacuum n. 1. to create, produce a ~ 2. to break; fill a ~ 3. a partial ~ 4. in a ~ (nothing can live in a~) vague adj. ~ about (she was ~ about her plans) vain adj. 1. ~ about (~ about one's appearance) 2. ~ to + inf. (it is ~ to protest) 3. (misc.) in ~ ('without success') (to work in ~); to take the Lord's name in ~ ('to treat the Lord's name in a disrespectful manner') valedictory n. ['farewell speech'] 1. to deliver, give a ~ 2. (misc.) a ~ address valid adj. 1. ~ for (~ for one year) 2. ~ to + inf. (is it ~ to say that Olympic athletes are amateurs?) valise n. to pack; unpack a ~ valley n. 1. a ~ between (high mountains) 2. in a ~ (they live down in the ~) valor, valour n. 1. to demonstrate, display, show ~ 2. uncommon ~ 3. (misc.) the better part of ~ valuable adj. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ to know languages if you work in an export firm) valuables n. to check one's ~ (esp. AE) value I n. ['worth'] ['monetary, numerical worth'] 1. to attach ~ to 2. to place, put, set a ~ on 3. to acquire, take on ~ 4. an absolute; book; cash; face; fair; intrinsic; nominal; nuisance; numerical; strategic; token ~ 5. (economics) surplus ~ 6. (economics) present ~ 7. a (market) ~ goes down; goes up 8. at a certain ~ (at face ~) 9. of ~ (a discovery of great ~) ['principles, qualities'] 10. to cherish; foster ~s 11. enduring; moral; spiritual; traditional; uncorrupted ~s (to return to traditional ~s) 12. middle-class; Victorian ~s II v. 1. to ~ highly, very much 2. (d; tr.) to ~ as (to ~ smb. as a friend) 3. (d; tr.) to ~ at (to ~ a painting at five thousand pounds) 4. (D; tr.) to ~ for (to ~ smt. for sentimental reasons) valve n. ['device that permits flow'] 1. to grind ~s 2. a ball; butterfly; check; exhaust; gate; globe; needle; safety; shunt; suction ~ ['membranous fold that permits body fluids to flow in one direction'] (anat.) 3. a heart ~ (the patient has a defective heart ~) van I n. ['road vehicle'] 1. to drive a ~ 2. a breakdown ~ (BE; AE has tow truck) 3. a delivery ~ (BE; AE has delivery truck) 4. a moving (AE), removal (BE) ~ ['rail vehicle'] 5. a guard's ~ (BE; AE has caboose) 6. a luggage ~ (BE; AE has baggage car) II n. ['vanguard'] in the ~ vandalism n. to commit ~ vane n. a weather ~ vanguard n. in the ~ vanish v. 1. to ~ completely 2. (D; intr.) to ~ from (to ~ from sight) 3. (D; intr.) to ~ into (to ~ into thin air) vanity n. to flatter, tickle smb.'s ~ vapor, vapour n. to emit a ~ vapor trail, vapour trail n. to leave a ~ (high flying aircraft leave ~s) variable n. (math.) a dependent; independent; random ~ variance n. ['permission to bypass a regulation'] (legal) (US) 1. to grant a ~ 2. to apply for a ~ 3. a zoning ~ ['disagreement'] 4. at ~ with (a theory at ~ with the facts) variation n. ['deviation, change'] 1. (a) wide ~ 2. ~ in ['modified repetition of a musical theme'] (mus.) 3. ~s on a theme variety n. 1. to add, lend ~ to 2. (a) wide ~ 3. in a ~ of (in a ~ of roles) varnish n. 1. to apply ~ 2. nail ~ (BE; AE has nail polish) varsity n. ['college or secondary-school team'] (AE) 1. to make ('be selected to join') the ~ 2. the junior ~ 3. on the ~ (we play on the ~) vary v. 1. to ~ considerably, greatly 2. (D; intr.) to ~ between 3. (D; intr.) to ~ from; to (prices ~ from ten to fifteen dollars) 4. (d; intr.) (to ~ in size; they ~ in their opinions) vault I n. 1. a bank ~ 2. (misc.) to keep one's valuables in a ~ II v. (d; intr.) to ~ over (he ~ed over the bar) veal n. 1. to roast ~ 2. roast ~ veer v. (D; intr.) to ~ from; to (to ~ from one's course; to ~ to the right) veer away v. (D; intr.) to ~ from vegetables n. 1. to grow ~ 2. green; leafy; root ~ 3. garden ~ 4. cooked; raw; steamed; stir-fried ~ vegetation n. dense, lush, rank ~ vehicle n. ['conveyance'] 1. to drive, operate a ~ 2. an all-purpose; amphibious; armored; half-tracked; motor; passenger; recreational; re-entry; space ~ 3. a hired (BE), rented, self-drive (BE) ~ ['means'] 4. a ~ for (a ~ for spreading propaganda) veil n. 1. to draw a ~ (over) 2. to lift a ~ 3. a bridal ~ 4. (misc.) under a ~ of mystery vein n. ['blood vessel'] 1. to open a ~ 2. the jugular ~ 3. varicose ~s ['mood'] ['manner'] 4. a gloomy; happy; humorous; lighter; melancholy; merry; serious ~ 5. in a certain ~ (let's continue our discussion in a lighter ~) velocity n. 1. to develop; gain; lose ~ 2. muzzle ~ 3. at a certain ~ (at the ~ of sound) velvet n. (misc.) as smooth as ~ vendetta n. 1. to conduct, lead a ~ 2. a personal ~ 3. a ~ against vending machine n. to use a ~ vendor n. a street ~ veneer n. ['superficial gloss'] a thin ~ venerate v. (D; tr.) to ~ for veneration n. 1. deep, profound ~ 2. ~ for Venetian blinds n. 1. to close, shut; lower; open; raise ~ 2. to install ~ vengeance n. 1. to exact, take, wreak ~ on, upon 2. to vow ~ 3. to seek ~ for 4. ~ for (to take ~ on smb. for smt.) 5. (misc.) with a ~ ('to an extreme degree') (it started snowing with a ~) venom n. ['poison'] 1. to neutralize ~ ['malice'] 2. to spew, spout ~ vent n. ['outlet'] to give ~ to (he gave ~ to his pent-up feelings) ventriloquism n. to practice ~ venture I n. 1. to undertake a ~ 2. a business ~ 3. (misc.) to join smb. in a ~ II v. (formal) (E) I ~ to suggest that your whole idea is unworkable venue n. ['site of a trial'] a change of ~ (her lawyer requested a change of ~) veracity n. to doubt smb.'s~ veranda see porch 1,3 verb n. 1. to conjugate, inflect; passivize a ~ 2. an auxiliary, helping; compound, phrasal; copular (esp. BE), copulative, linking; defective; irregular; main; modal; regular; strong; weak ~ 3. an active; passive ~ 4. an intransitive; reflexive; transitive ~ 5. an imperfective; perfective ~ 6. ~s agree (with); ~s govern, take a case (a ~ agrees with the subject in number) 7. a ~ has aspect; mood; tense; voice 8. ~s have complements; objects verdict n. 1. to arrive at, reach a ~ 2. to announce; bring in, deliver, hand down, render, return a ~ 3. to sustain ('uphold') a ~ (the higher court sustained the ~) 4. to overturn, quash, set aside a ~ 5. to appeal a ~ 6. a fair; unfair ~ 7. an adverse, unfavorable; directed; favorable; sealed ~ 8. a ~ of guilty; or: a guilty ~; a ~ of not guilty; a ~ for the defendant; a ~ for the plaintiff (the jury brought in a ~ of not guilty) 9. a ~ that + clause (they appealed the court's ~ that fraud had been committed) 10. (misc.) to defy/ignore a ~ verge I n. ['brink'] 1. on the ~ of (he was on the ~ of a nervous breakdown) 2. (misc.) driven to the ~ of bankruptcy II v. (d; intr.) to ~ on, upon (her actions ~d on the ridiculous) verify v. (L) the police ~fied that she had an airtight alibi vermin n. 1. to exterminate ~ 2. (misc.) infested with ~ vernacular n. in the ~ (to express oneself in the ~) versatile adj. ~ at, in versatility n. 1. to demonstrate ~ 2. ~ at, in verse n. 1. to compose, write; recite ~(s) 2. to scan ~ 3. free; heroic; macaronic; rhymed, rhyming; unrhymed ~ 4. in ~ 5. (misc.) to cite/give/quote chapter and ~ ('to indicate one's sources very precisely') versed adj. (cannot stand alone) ~ in version n. 1. to give one's ~ (of a story) 2. to corroborate smb.'s ~ (of an event) 3. an abridged, condensed; authorized, official; censored; expurgated; unabridged, uncut; unauthorized, unofficial; uncensored; unexpurgated; written ~ (an uncut ~ of a film) 4. a movie (AE); stage ~ (of a novel) vertebra n. a cervical; lumbar; sacral; thoracic ~ vessel n. ['tube in the body'] 1. a blood ~ ['ship, boat'] 2. to charter a ~ 3. to launch a ~ 4. a cargo; escort; oceangoing ~ vest I n. (AE) a bulletproof (BE has bulletproof jacket); life (CE has life jacket) ~ USAGE NOTE: In BE, the basic meaning of vest is 'undershirt'; in AE, it is 'waistcoat'. II v. (formal) 1. (d; tr.) to ~ in (to ~ power in smb.) 2. (d; tr.) to ~ with (to ~ smb. with power) vested adj. (cannot stand alone) 1. ~ in (the power to impose taxes is ~ in Congress) 2. ~ with (Congress is ~ with the power to impose taxes) vestiges n. ['traces'] 1. to lose all remaining ~ of 2. the last ~ of veteran n. a disabled; war (AE) ~ (to retrain disabled ~s) USAGE NOTE: In BE, veteran means 'old soldier'; in AE, it means any former serviceman or servicewoman, young or old. veto n. 1. to exercise, impose, use a ~ 2. to sustain a ~ 3. to override a ~ (Congress overrode the President's ~) 4. a pocket ~ 5. (legal) a heckler's ~ 6. a ~ of, over vex v. (formal) (R) it ~es me to read such things in the newspapers; it ~es me that they are always late vexed adj. (formal) 1. deeply ~ 2. ~ about, at, with (we were ~ at the mix-up) 3. ~ to + int. (they were ~ to learn of the delay) vexing adj. ~ to + inf. (it is ~ to read such things in the newspapers) vice I n. commercialized; legalized ~ II (BE) see vise vidnity n. 1. the close, immediate ~ 2. in the ~ (in the immediate ~ of the school) vidous adj. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of him to make such an accusation) vicissitude n. the ~s of life victim n. 1. an innocent; unsuspecting ~ (of) 2. an accident; amnesia; earthquake; flood; hurricane; storm ~ 3. (misc.) to fall ~ to victory n. 1. to achieve, gain, pull off (colloq.), score, win a ~ 2. a clear, clear-cut, decisive, outright, resounding, stunning; upset ~ 3. a bloodless; cheap; glorious; hard-won; hollow; moral; Pyrrhic; signal; sweeping ~ 4. a ~ in; over (a ~ in a struggle; a ~ over an enemy) 5. (misc.) to snatch ~ from the jaws of defeat videotape n. to make a ~ (of) vie v. (formal) (d; intr.) to ~ against, with; for (she had to ~ for the prize against very strong competition) view I n. ['opinion'] 1. to air, express, present, put forward, voice a ~ 2. to harbor, hold a ~ 3. to advance, advocate a ~ 4. to exchange ~s 5. to take a ~ 6. a cheerful, optimistic, rosy; dim, grave, pessimistic ~ (she took a dim ~ of the matter) 7. advanced; contrary; conservative; divergent; diverse; liberal, progressive; modern; old-fashioned; outdated, outmoded; philosophical; political; popular; radical; reactionary; slanted; sound; strong; unpopular ~s 8. a ~ about, on 9. a ~ that + clause (they disputed my ~ that taxes should be raised) 10. in smb.'s ~ (in my ~ the offer is unacceptable) ['sight'] 11. to get a ~ of 12. to block smb.'s ~ 13. a beautiful, breathtaking, magnificent, superb ~ 14. a clear, unhampered, unimpaired ~ 15. a bird's eye; close-up; full; full-length ~ 16. in, within ~ (in full ~ of the public) 17. (misc.) to come into ~ ['perspective'] 18. an exploded ~ ['what can be seen'] 19. a rear ~ 20. a ~ from (the ~ from the window) 21. (misc.) a room with a nice ~ (of the ocean) ['aim'] 22. with a ~ (with a ~ to reestablishing diplomatic relations) ['misc.'] 23. in ~ of ('in consideration of); a point of ~ II v. (d;tr.) to ~ as (she was ~ed as a serious threat to the party leadership) viewpoint n. 1. a ~ that + clause (he explained his ~ that taxes should be increased) 2. from smb.'s ~ vigil n. 1. to hold a ~; to keep (a) ~ 2. an all-night ~ 3. a ~ over vigilance n. 1. to display, show; exercise ~ 2. eternal ~ vigor, vigour n. 1. to regain one's ~ 2. to lose one's ~ 3. to sap smb.'s ~ 4. the ~ to + inf. (does he have enough ~ to get everything done?) vile adj. (formal) ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of them to issue such a statement) village n. a farming (esp. AE); fishing ~ (see the Usage Note for town) village green n. on the ~ villain n. an arch, consummate ~ USAGE NOTE: In AE, villain is mostly literary or humorous; in BE slang, it still means 'criminal'. vim n. ['energy'] with ~ and vigor; full of ~ and vigor vindicate v. (B) ('to justify') can you ~ your actions to us? vindictive adj. ~ of (that was ~ of him) vinegar n. apple; cider; wine ~ vintage n. ['period'] 1. of a certain ~ (a mansion of prewar ~; a car of ancient ~) 2. (misc.) a ~ wine viola n. to play the ~ violation n. 1. to commit a ~ 2. a brazen, flagrant; minor ~ 3. a moving ~ (by a motorist) 4. in ~ of (he acted in ~ of the law) violence n. ['devastating force'] 1. to resort to, use ~ 2. excessive ~ 3. an act of ~ 4. ~ against ['distortion'] ['harm'] 5. to do ~ to (the decision does ~ to our whole judicial tradition) ['rioting'] 6. communal; continuing; racial; sporadic ~ 7. ~ breaks out violin n. 1. to play the ~ 2. to string; tune a ~ virgin n. a vestal ~ (historical) virtue n. ['admirable feature'] ['moral excellence'] 1. to have a ~ (our budget has the ~ of providing for a small surplus) 2. a cardinal ~ 3. (misc.) a paragon of ~ ['misc.'] 4. by ~ of ('because of); of easy ~ (old-fashioned) ('sexually promiscuous'); to make a ~ of necessity ('to make the best of smt. bad') virus n. an influenza; intestinal ~ visa n. 1. to grant, issue a ~ 2. to extend; renew a ~ 3. to get, receive a ~ 4. to apply for a ~ 5. to overstay; violate a ~ 6. to deny smb. a ~ 7. to cancel a ~ 8. an entry; exit; student; tourist; transit ~ vise, vice n. ['tool for holding an object being worked on'] 1. to loosen; tighten a ~ 2. in a ~ USAGE NOTE: The AE form is vise; the BE form is vice. visibility n. ['degree of being visible'] 1. good; limited, poor; marginal; unlimited; zero ~ (all planes were grounded because of poor ~) ['exposure to publicity'] 2. high; low; maximum ~ visible adj. 1. clearly, plainly ~ 2. ~ to (~ to the naked eye) vision n. ['sight'] 1. acute; blurred; dim; double; impaired; keen; normal; peripheral; tunnel ~ 2. (misc.) a field of ~; a ~ of the future ['foresight'] 3. the ~ to + inf. (she had the ~ to make wise investments several years ago) 4. of ~ (a person of great ~) 5. (misc.) tunnel ~ ('narrow horizons') visit I n. 1. to make, pay; schedule a ~ to 2. to cancel; cut short a ~ 3. a flying ('very short'); formal; friendly; informal; official; return; state; unscheduled; weekend ~ 4. a ~ to (this is my first ~ to your country) 5. on a ~ (on a ~ to South America) II v. 1. (obsol. and formal) (d; tr.) to ~ on (the Lord's anger was ~ed on the people) 2. (AE) (d; intr.) to ~ with (we ~ed with several friends) visitor n. 1. a frequent ~ 2. a weekend ~ 3. (BE) a prison ~ 4. (BE) a health ~ (AE has public-health nurse) 5. a ~ from (~s from abroad) 6. a ~ to (~s to our city) vista n. ['view'] 1. to open up new ~s (of the future) 2. a broad, wide ~ visual aids n. to employ, use ~ visualize v. 1. (d; tr.) to ~ as (I cannot ~ him as a famous star) 2. (J) I cannot ~ him becoming a famous star 3. (K) I cannot ~ his becoming a famous star vital adj. 1. ~ for, to (their aid is ~ to our success) 2. ~ to + inf. (it is ~ to be prepared for any eventuality) 3. ~ that + clause; subj. (it is ~ that we be/ should be kept informed of all developments) vital signs n. to check, take smb.'s ~ vital statistics n. to gather; record; report ~ vitamins n. to take ~ vocabulary n. 1. to command a ~ 2. to build, develop, enlarge one's ~ 3. an extensive, huge, large, rich ~ 4. a meager, restricted, small ~ 5. a basic; technical ~ 6. an active; passive ~ vocation n. to have missed one's ~ ('not to have chosen an occupation or vocation at which one is particularly adept') vogue n. ['popularity'] ['current fashion'] 1. to be the ~ (home computers are the latest ~) 2. to be in ~; to come into ~; to have a ~ (BE) 3. to go out of ~ 4. the current; latest ~ 5. (misc.) to be all the voice n. ['sound produced by vocal cords'] 1. to raise one's ~ 2. to drop, lower one's ~ 3. to lose one's ~4. a clear; deep; firm, steady; gentle, soft; gruff, harsh, raucous; guttural; high-pitched; hoarse; husky; loud; low, low-pitched; mellifluous, melodious; mellow; metallic; quaking, quivering, shaking, shaky, trembling; resonant; rich; shrill; stentorian; strident; subdued; thundering ~ 5. a ~ breaks, cracks; changes; drops, falls; quivers, shakes, trembles 6. in a certain ~ (in a loud ~) 7. (misc.) (to shout) at the top of one's ~ ['expression'] 8. to give ~ to ['verbal form indicating the relation of the verb to its subject'] 9. the active; middle; passive ~ ['misc.'] 10. an inner ~ ('conscience'); the ~ of reason void I adj. ['devoid'] (cannot stand alone) ~ of II n. to fill a ~ volcano n. 1. an active; dead, extinct; dormant; intermittent ~ 2. ~s erupt volition n. ['act of choosing'] of, on one's own ~ (they agreed of their own ~; to act on one's own volley n. ['simultaneous discharge of weapons'] 1. to fire a ~ ['tennis ball in flight'] 2. (to hit a ball) on the ~ volleyball n. to play ~ voltage n. 1. to step up (the) ~ 2. high; low ~ 3. (misc.) a ~ surge volume n. ['loudness'] 1. to amplify; increase, turn up the ~ 2. to decrease, turn down the ~ ['space occupied in three dimensions'] 3. molecular ~ ['book'] 4. a rare ~ 5. a companion ~ (this work is a companion ~ to our first dictionary) 6. (misc.) to speak ~s ('to imply a lot') (a single glance can speak ~s) volunteer I n. to recruit ~s II v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ as (to ~ as a tutor) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ for (who will ~ for this job?) 3. (E) she ~ed to water our plants vomiting n. to cause, induce ~ voodoo, voodooism n. to practice ~ vortex n. to draw into a ~ vote I n. ['collective opinion as determined by voting'] 1. to take a ~ on (a motion) 2. to put a motion to a ~; to bring a motion to a ~ 3. to influence, swing a ~ (recent events swung the ~ in our favor; the press can influence the ~) 4. to count, tally the ~ 5. a close; lopsided; solid; unanimous ~ 6. a rising; straw; voice; write-in ~ 7. a ~ on (a ~ on an issue) 8. (esp. BE) a ~ to + int. (we took a ~ to adjourn) 9. by a ~ (by a unanimous ~) 10. (misc.) a ~ of censure; confidence; no-confidence; thanks ['individual expression of opinion, ballot'] 11. to cast a ~ 12. to change, switch one's ~ 13. to get, receive smb.^s ~ (you'll never get my ~) 14. the deciding ~ (to cast the deciding ~) 15. a write-in ~ 16. a ~ against; for; on (to cast a ~ for a proposal) 17. the ~s to + inf. (we have enough ~s to carry the state) ['group of voters'] 18. the conservative; floating (BE) ('unattached'); independent; labor; liberal; undecided ~ ['voters as a group'] 19. to deliver the ~(s); to get out the ~ (the party machine delivered the ~s; a series of interesting debates helped to get out the ~) 20. a heavy; light ~ ['right to vote, franchise, suffrage'] 21. to get, receive the ~ (in some countries women got the ~ after World War I) II v. 1.(C;usu. used without /or) Congress ~d him a pension 2. (D; intr.) to ~ against; for (to ~ against a bill) 3. (d; tr.) to ~ into (to ~ smb. into office) 4. (D; intr.) to ~ on, upon (to ~ on a resolution) 5. (d; tr.) to ~ out of (to ~ smb. out of office) 6. (E) the committee ~d to approve the report 7. (L; subj.) Parliament ~d that the allocation be/should be reduced 8. (N; used with an adjective, noun) she was ~d the most likely to succeed 9. (misc.) to ~ by a show of hands voter n. 1. an absentee; floating (BE) ('unattached'); independent; registered ~ 2. a ~ registers (to vote) voting n. 1. absentee; bloc ~ 2. (misc.) ~ irregularities voting lists n. to tamper with ~ vouch v. (d; intr.) to ~ for (I can ~ for the truth of her statement) voucher n. a gift (BE); hotel; luncheon (BE; AE has meal ticket); tuition (AE) ~ vouchsafe v. (formal) (E) ('to condescend') she ~d to help vow I n. 1. to make, take a ~ 2. to keep one's ~ 3. to break, violate a ~ 4. a formal, solemn ~ 5. clerical; marriage; monastic; religious ~s (priests take religious ~s) 6. a ~ to + inf. (she made a solemn ~ not to smoke again) 7. a ~ that + clause (we took a ~ that we would always help each other) 8. (misc.) to exchange; renew marriage ~s II v. l.(E)she~edtoreturn2.(L; to) I ~ed (to them) that he would be avenged vowel n. a back; closed; front; high; lax; long; middle; nasal; open; reduced; rounded; short; stressed; tense; unstressed ~ voyage n. ['journey by water'] 1. to go on a ~ 2. a long; maiden; ocean, sea; round-the-world ~ 3. a ~ to (a ~ to the islands) V sign n. to give, make the ~ vulgar adj. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ to spit in public) vulnerable adj. ~ to vulture n. ~s feed on carrion vying see vie wad n. (slang) (AE) ['amount that one has available'] to shoot ('spend') one's ~ wade v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ across (to ~ across a stream) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ into (to ~ into a river) 3. (d; intr.) to ~ into ('to attack') (the speaker ~d into the opposing candidate) 4. (d; intr.) to ~ through (to ~ through deep water) 5. (d; intr.) to ~ through ('to read through with difficulty') (to ~ through a long report) wage I n. 1. to draw, earn a ~ 2. to pay a ~ 3. to freeze ~s 4. a decent, living; minimum; subsistence ~ (to pay workers a decent ~) 5. an annual, yearly; daily; hourly; monthly; weekly ~ II v. (D;tr.) to ~ against (to ~ a campaign against smoking) wage bracket n. in a ~ wager I n. 1. to lay, make, place a ~ on 2. a ~ that + clause (she made a ~ that her team would win) II v. 1. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ on (did you ~ much money on that horse?) 2. (0; can be used with one, two, or three objects) we ~ed him ten dollars; we ~ed ten dollars; we ~ed him ten dollars that it would rain wages n. l. see wage I 2. starvation ~ waggon (BE) see wagon wagon n. 1. a station ~ (AE; BE has estate car) 2. a tea ~ (AE; BE has tea trolley) 3. (esp. AE) a paddy, patrol ~ 4. (AE) a welcome ~ ('a car sent with gifts from local merchants to a family that has just moved into a neighborhood') 5. a Conestoga; covered ~ 6. a goods ~ (BE; AE has freight car) 7. (colloq.) (AE) a chuck ('food') ~ (on a ranch) 8. (misc.) on the ~ ('pledged not to drink alcoholic beverages') waist n. 1. a slender, slim ~ 2. around, round the ~ (she wore a belt around her ~) wait I n. 1. to lie in ~ for 2. to have a (long) ~ for (we had a long ~ for the bus) II v. 1. (BE) (d; intr.) to ~ at (to ~ at table) (cf. 3) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ for (they ~ed for me; they ~ed for me to leave) 3. (AE) (d; intr.) to ~ on (to ~ on tables) (cf. 1) 4. (d; intr.) to ~ on, upon ('to attend to') (to ~ on smb. hand and foot) 5. (E) we are ~ing to go 6. (misc.) to keep smb. ~ing; they ~ed until she returned wait for v. (H; no passive) we ~ed for them to leave waiting n. (GB; on a traffic sign) no ~ (US has no standing or no stopping) waiting list n. on a ~ wait up v. (D; intr.) to ~ for (they ~ed up for him until he returned) waiver n. to agree to, sign a ~ wake I n. ['vigil over a corpse'] to hold a ~ II n. ['aftermath'] in the ~ (of) (war brings misery in its ~; in the ~ of explorers came settlers) III v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ to (they woke to the sounds of music) 2. (d; intr.) (E) (they woke to find themselves surrounded by the enemy) 3. (s) I woke refreshed wake up v. 1. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ from, out of (to ~ out of a sound sleep) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ to (to ~ to the danger of inflation) 3. (E) I woke up to find the house on fire walk I n. ['journey by foot'] 1. to have (BE), take a ~ 2. to take smb. for a ~ (BE also has: to take smb. a long ~ round the grounds) 3. to go for, go on a ~ 4. a brisk; easy; leisurely; long; nature; short ~ (to take a brisk ~) 5. a ~ from; to (we took a ~ from our house to the center of town; it's an easy ~ from here to school) ['profession'] ['class'] 6. from every ~ of life II v. 1. to ~ fast; slow 2. (d; intr.) to ~ across (to ~ across the street) 3. (d; intr.) to ~ along (to ~ along a river bank) 4. (d; intr.) to ~ around, round (to ~ around a house) 5. (d; intr.) to ~ by, past (to ~ past the library) 6. (d; intr.) to ~ down (to ~ down the street) 7. (D; intr.) to ~ from; to (we ~ed from the park to the station) 8. (d; intr.) to ~ into (to ~ into a room; to ~ into an ambush) 9. (d; intr.) to ~ on, over (don't ~ on the wet floor!) 10. (d; intr.) to ~ out of (to ~ out of a meeting) 11. (d; intr.) to ~ (all) over ('to treat badly') (they ~ed all over us) 12. (d; intr.) to ~ through (to ~ through the park; to ~ through a puddle) 13. (d; tr.) to ~ through ('to help with smt. complicated') (she ~ed me through the procedure) 14. (misc.) she ~ed her dog in the park; they ~ed off the job in protest against the long hours walk away v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ from (he ~ed away from me without saying a word; to ~ from an accident) ('to survive an accident unhurt') 2. (d; intr.) to ~ with ('to win') (she ~ed away with all the top prizes) walker n. a tightrope ~ walk in v. (d; intr.) to ~ on ('to come across unexpectedly') (I ~ed in on an interesting scene) walking papers n. (colloq.) (AE) ['notice of dismissal'] to give smb. her/his ~ (BE has marching orders) walk off v. (d; intr.) to ~ with ('to win') (she ~ed off with the first prize) walkout n. 1. to stage a ~ 2. to end a ~ 3. a sympathy ~ v. (D; intr.) to ~ on ('to leave') (she ~ed out on her husband) walk over v. (d; intr.) to ~ to (he ~ed over to her table) walk up v. (d;intr.) to ~ to (I ~ed up to them and said a few words) wall n. 1. to build, erect, put up a ~ 2. to demolish, tear down a ~ 3. to climb, scale a ~ 4. to paint; panel; paper ~s 5. to line ~s (to line ~s with bookshelves) 6. a high; low ~ 7. a brick; fire; inside; outside; retaining ~; seawall; stone; supporting ~ 8. (also fig.) a ~ between (the ~ between church and state) 9. against the ~ (they were lined up/ stood up against the ~ and shot) 10. (misc.) we had our backs to the ~ ('we were in a desperate situation'); (slang) to drive smb. up the ~ ('to frustrate smb. completely') wallet n. 1. a leather ~ 2. (misc.) his ~ was bulging with banknotes wall off v. (D; tr.) to ~ from wallop n. (colloq.) ['force'] to pack a ~ (the winds packed a real ~) wallow v. (d; intr.) to ~ in (to ~ in the mud) wallpaper n. 1. to hang ~ 2. a roll of ~ waltz v. (colloq.) (d; intr.) to ~ through ('to complete with ease') (she just ~ed through the test) wand n. 1. to wave a ~ 2. a magic ~ wander v. (d; intr.) ('to stray') to ~ from (to ~ from the subject) wander away v. (D; intr.) to ~ from (the children ~ed away from their parents) wanderer n. a homeless ~ wane I n. ['decrease'] ['period of decrease'] on the ~ (the moon is on the ~) II v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ into (to ~ into insignificance) 2. (misc.) to wax and ~ wangle v. (colloq.) (C) could you ~ an invitation for me? or: could you ~ me an invitation? want I n. ['need'] 1. to fill, meet, satisfy a ~ 2. to minister to smb.'s ~s 3. for ~ of (to die for ~ of medical care) 4. in ~ of (in ~ of a job) ['poverty'] 5. in ~ (to live in ~) II v. 1. to ~ badly, desperately, very much (they ~ed very badly to see us) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ for ('to be in need of) (they will never ~ for anything) 3. (D; tr.) ('to seek') to ~ for (he is ~ed for murder in three states) 4. (D; tr.) ('to desire') to ~ for (we ~ you for our team) 5. (E) ('to desire') I ~ to help 6. (BE) (G) ('to be in need of) your shirts ~ mending; the house ~s painting; her hair ~s cutting 7. (H; no passive) ('to desire') they ~ us to finish the job in two weeks 8. (colloq.) (J) I ~ them singing in tune! 9. (colloq.) (M) ('to desire') I ~ them to be kept busy at all times 10. (N; used with an adjective, past participle) ('to desire') we ~ the troublemakers removed; I ~ them ready in one hour; she ~s the house painted tomorrow want ad n. (colloq.) (esp. AE) 1. to place a ~ 2. to answer a ~ 3. to follow, read the ~s wanted adj. ['sought'] 1. ~ by (~ by the police) 2. ~ for (~ for murder) wanting adj. ['deficient'] 1. ~ in 2. (misc.) to be found ~ war I n. 1. to conduct, fight, wage ~ against, with 2. to make ~ 3. to declare ~ on; to go to ~ over 4. to escalate, step up a ~ 5. to lose; win a ~ 6. to ban, outlaw ~ 7. to end a ~ 8. an all-out, full-scale, total; global, world ~ 9. a civil; cold; defensive; holy; hot, shooting; limited, local; offensive; revolutionary; world ~ 10. an atomic, nuclear, thermonuclear; conventional ~; star ~s 11. a gang; price ~ 12. a ~ of aggression; attrition; extermination; nerves 13. a ~ breaks out; rages; spreads (the ~ spread to the Balkans) 14. an act of ~ 15. a ~ against; between (a ~ against an aggressor; a ~ between former allies) 16. at ~ with (to be at ~ with one's neighbors) 17. (misc.) a theater of ~; a state of ~ (to be in a state of ~ with a country) II v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ against, with (to ~ with one's neighbors) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ over (to ~ over disputed territory) war clouds n. ~ gather war crime n. 1. to commit a ~ 2. to prosecute ~s ward n. ['hospital room'] 1. an emergency; maternity, obstetrics; pediatrics; private (BE) ('not under the National Health Service') ~ 2. in, on a ~ (to work in the emergency ~; who works in/on this ~?) warden n. 1. a prison ~ (AE; BE has governor) 2. (BE) a traffic ~ 3. an air-raid ~ USAGE NOTE: An AE prison warden should not be confused with a BE prison warder, who in AE is a prison guard. wardrobe n. ['clothes'] 1. an autumn (esp. BE), fall (ae); spring; summer; winter ~ 2. (misc.) I bought a whole new ~ for the cruise warehouse n. a bonded ~ wares n. to hawk, peddle one's ~ warfare n. armored; atomic, nuclear; biological; chemical; conventional; desert; economic; germ; global; guerrilla; jungle; modern; naval; psychological; push-button; trench ~ war games n. to hold, stage ~ warhead n. a nuclear ~ warm v. (d; intr.) to ~ to ('to begin to like') (I was just ~ing to the task) warm front n. a ~ approaches; forms warmth n. body ~ warm up v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ for (the players were ~ing up for the game) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ to (after a few drinks he ~ed up to the other guests) warn v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ about, against, of (they ~ed me about his bad temper; I ~ed him against driving on ice; the police ~ed us of the pickpockets) 2. (H) they ~ed him to be careful; I ~ed her not to go 3. (L; may have an object) she ~ed (us) that the winter would be severe warning n. 1. to give, issue, send; shout a ~ 2. to heed; receive a ~ 3. an advance; cryptic; dire; tacit ~ 4. a storm ~ 5. a ~ to (a ~ to all; let this be a ~ to you) 6. a ~ to + inf. (a ~ to watch out for pickpockets) 7. a ~ that + clause (they issued a ~ that the escaped criminals were dangerous) 8.' without ~ warpath n. (usu. colloq. and humorous) 1. to go on the ~ 2. to be on the ~ (they are on the ~ again) warrant I n. 1. to issue a ~ (the court issued a search ~) 2. to swear out a ~ against smb. 3. to serve a ~ on (a ~ was served on her) 4. an arrest; bench; death; search ~ (to sign smb.'s death ~) (also fig.) 5. a ~ to + inf. (the police have a ~ to search the house) 6. (misc.) a ~ is out for his arrest II v. 1. (K) ('to justify') nothing ~ed his behaving like that 2. (L) ('to guarantee') I cannot ~ that the coins are genuine 3. (formal and rare) (M) I cannot ~ the coins to be genuine warranty n. 1. to give a ~ 2. an implied; limited; special ~ 3. a ~ expires, runs out 4. a ~ on (a two-year ~ on a new car) 5. under ~ (the new car is still under ~) warren n. a rabbit ~ warship n. 1. to commission; launch a ~ 2. to command a ~ wart n. to remove a ~ wartime n. during, in ~ wary adj. ~ of (be ~ of strangers) wash I n. ['laundry'] 1. to do the ~ 2. to hang out the ~ 3. the weekly ~ ['installation for washing'] 4. a car ~ II v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ for (would you please ~ the dishes for me?) 2. (misc.) to be ~ed overboard USAGE NOTE: In AE, to wash up means 'to wash one's hands and face'; in BE, it means 'to do the dishes'. washcloth n. 1. to soap up a ~ 2. to wring out a ~ wash down v. (D; tr.) to ~ with (to ~ a meal with a glass of beer) washing machine n. to run, use a ~ wasp n. ~s sting waste n. 1. to cause ~ 2. to cut down on ~ 3. hazardous; nuclear; radioactive; solid; toxic ~s 4. (misc.) to go to ~ ('to be wasted'); to lay ~ to ('to destroy'); a terrible ~ of time and money wasteful adj. 1. ~ of (~ of natural resources) 2. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ to use so much fuel) wasteland n. 1. to reclaim ~ 2. a desolate ~ watch I n. ['timepiece'] 1. to set; wind (up) a ~ 2. to synchronize ~es 3. a pocket; self-winding; waterproof; wrist ~ 4. an analog; digital ~ 5. a ~ is fast; right; slow 6. a ~ goes; keeps time; runs down; stops ['surveillance'] 7. to keep, maintain a ~ on 8. a close ~ 9. on the ~ for (to be on the ~ for bargains) ['sailor's duty'] 10. to stand ~ 11. on ~ (several sailors were on ~) ['auxiliary police'] (esp. AE) 12. a crime; town ~ ['preliminary warning'] (esp. AE) 13. a storm ~ II v. 1.(d; intr.) to ~ for (to ~ for the postman) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ over (to ~ over one's property) 3. (I) we ~ed them enter the auditorium 4. (J) we ~ed them entering the auditorium 5. (0) ~ how it's done watcher n. ['observer'] a China (colloq.); Kremlin (colloq.); poll ~ watching n. ['observation'] 1. to bear ~ (his activities bear ~) ('his activities should be watched') ['act of watching'] 2. bird ~ watchman n. a night ~ watch out v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ for 2. (esp. AE) (L; used in the imper.) ~ that she doesn't fool you water I n. 1. to draw, run ~ (for a bath) 2. to add ~ 3. to drink; sip ~ 4. to pour; spill ~ 5. to splash; sprinkle; squirt ~ on 6. to boil, sterilize; chlorinate; distill; filter; fluoridate; purify; soften ~ 7. to drain ~ from 8. to pollute ~ 9. boiling; carbonated; clear; cold; contaminated, polluted; distilled; drinking, potable; fresh; hard; heavy; holy; hot; ice; mineral; murky; rain; rose; running; safe; salt; salty; sea; soda; soft; stagnant; tepid; warm ~ 10. ~ boils; evaporates; flows, pours, runs; freezes; leaks; oozes; rises; vaporizes 11. a body of ~ 12. by ~ (to travel by ~) 13. under ~ (after the flood our basement was under ~) 14. (misc.) to make/pass ~ ('to urinate'); to hold ~ ('to be valid') (your theory doesn't hold ~); to tread ~ (when swimming); ~ under the bridge ('past events that are done with'); to pour cold ~ on ('to discourage'); to keep one's head above ~ ('to keep out of difficulty'); toilet ~ ('liquid used as a skin freshener') II v. (misc.) to make smb.'s mouth ~ ('to create a desire or appetite in smb.'); her mouth ~s at the sight of popcorn watercolors n. to paint in ~ waterfront n. along, on the ~ waters n. 1. flood ~ (the flood ~ receded) 2. coastal; international; navigable; territorial ~ 3. in ~ (the ship was in international ~) 4. (misc.) to fish in muddy/troubled ~ ('to attempt to stir up trouble'); to take the ~ ('to take a water cure') water table n. the ~ is high; low waterway n. an inland ~ waterworks n. a municipal ~ wave I n. ['moving ridge on the surface of water'] 1. a high, tall; mountainous ~ 2. a tidal ~ 3. ~s break (on the rocks); crest ['upsurge'] 4. a crime ~ ['physical disturbance that is transmitted in the propagation of sound or light'] 5. light; radio; sound; transverse ~s 6. long; medium; short ~s ['brain rhythm'] 7. an alpha; brain ~ ['period of weather'] 8. a cold; heat ~ ['reaction'] 9. a shock ~ ['waviness _of the hair'] 10. a permanent ~ USAGE NOTE: In colloq. BE, a brain wave can also mean a 'sudden bright idea', which in AE is a brainstorm. In colloq. BE, a brainstorm is a 'sudden mental aberration'. However, the verb to brainstorm (as in a brainstorming session) is now CE. II v. 1. (A) ~ goodbye to them; or: ~ them goodbye 2. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ at, to (~ to them; she ~d her arm at me) wave back v. (D;intr.)to ~ at, to (she ~d back at/ to us) wavelength n. ['manner of thinking'] (colloq.) to be on the same ~; to operate on different ~s waver v. (D; intr.) to ~ between (to ~ between two possibilities) wax I n. sealing ~ II v. 1. (s) ('to become') to ~ indignant; to ~ eloquent over ('to express one's enthusiasm concerning') 2. (misc.) to ~ and wane way n. ['path, route'] 1. to blaze, clear, pave, prepare; smoothe the ~ for (to pave the ~ for reform) 2. to take the (easy) ~ (out of a difficult situation) 3. to lead; point, show the ~ 4. to edge; elbow; fight; force; hack; jostle; make; muscle; push; shove; squeeze; thread; tunnel; wedge; work one's ~ through; to (to elbow one's ~ through a crowd; the battalion fought its ~ through enemy lines to the coast; he pushed his ~ through the mob; to shove one's ~ through the revelers; we made our ~ to the door; to tunnel one's ~ to freedom) 5. to twist; wend, wind one's ~ (the river winds its ~ to the sea) 6. to find one's ~ 7. to worm one's ~ (into smb.'s confidence) 8. to know the ~ to (do you know the ~ to the station?) 9. to lose one's ~ 10. (BE) a permanent ~ ('a railroad track') 11. the ~ from; to (he kept chattering all the ~ from our house to the airport) 12. the ~ into, to (the ~ into the park; can you show me the ~ to the station?) 13. the ~ out of (the ~ out of the city; show me the ~ out of this building; there is no easy ~ out of this mess) 14. on the ~ (a letter is on the ~; she is on her ~ to the airport) 15. (misc.) to work one's ~ through college; out of harm's ~; to make one's ~ in life; to see one's ~ clear to do smt.; they went their separate ~s; to come to a parting of the ~s; by ~ of ('via'); to go the ~ of all flesh ('to be mortal'); to know one's ~ around ('to be familiar with procedures') ['room for movement'] 16. to make ~ for 17. in the ~ (to be/stand in the ~; to get in smb.'s ~) 18. out of the ~ (to get out of the ~) ['progress'] 19. under ~ (an investigation is under ~) ['distance'] 20. to come; go a long ~ ['direction'] 21. this ~; that ~; the other ~ (she went that ~; please step this ~; they went the other ~) ['aspect, respect'] 22. in a certain ~ (in every ~; in no ~; in more ~s than one) ('manner, method'] 23. to find a ~ (they found a ~ to spend less money on electricity) 24. the proper, right; wrong ~ 25. charming, winsome ~s 26. that; this ~ (do it this ~) 27. the ~ to + int. (show me the ~ to work this washing machine; that's the ~ to do it; there is no easy ~ to learn a new language) 28. in a certain ~ (in her own ~; in such a ~ that...; in a small ~) 29. (misc.) to my ~ of thinking; to mend one's ~s; to fall into evil ~s ['purpose'] 30. by ~ of (by ~ of apology; by ~ of example; by ~ of illustration) ['effective manner'] 31. to have a ~ with (she has a ~ with children) ['goal'] 32. to get, have one's ~ (she always gets her ~) ['misc.'] 33. to make one's ~ in the world; to get under ~ ('to start out'); in a ~ ('to some degree'); to go out of one's ~ ('to make a special effort'); to give ~ ('to collapse'); to pay one's own ~ ('to pay for oneself); to be in the family ~ ('to be pregnant'); by the ~ ('incidentally'); on the ~ out ('becoming obsolescent'); there are no two ~s about it ('it is definitely true'); out our ~ ('where we live'); we are in a fair ~ to get our new library ('it appears as if we will get our new library'); this compromise goes a long ~ towards resolving our differences; the ~ to smb.'s heart USAGE NOTE: Constructions such as to hack one's way through the jungle cannot be passivized. Compare they hacked a path through the jungle--a path was hacked (by them) through the jungle. weak adj. 1. ~ at, in (he's ~ in mathematics) 2. ~ from, with (~ with hunger) weakened adj. ~ by weakness n. ['quality of being weak'] 1. to reveal, show ~ 2. ~ in (his ~ in mathematics) ['fondness'] 3. a ~ for (a ~ for chocolate) wealth n. ['abundance of material possessions'] 1. to accumulate, acquire, amass, attain ~ 2. to dissipate, squander ~ 3. to flaunt one's ~ 4. fabulous, untold; hereditary ~ ['abundance of resources'] 5. mineral; natural ~ (the natural ~ of a country) ['abundance, profusion'] 6. a ~ of information wean v. 1. (D; tr.) to ~ from (to ~ a calf from its mother) 2. (misc.) to ~ smb. away from bad company weapon n. 1. to load a ~ 2. to fire a ~ 3. to brandish; carry; draw; handle a ~ 4. to calibrate; zero in a ~ 5. to lay down. throw down one's ~s 6. a concealed; deadly ~ 7. automatic; defensive; heavy; light; offensive; semiautomatic ~s 8. atomic, nuclear, thermonuclear; conventional ~s 9. (misc.) (they entered the building) with drawn ~s/with ~s drawn; the ultimate ~ ('nuclear missiles') wear I n. ['clothing'] 1. beach: casual; children's; evening; everyday; ladies'; men's: sports ~ ['wearing out'] 2. to save ~ and tear (on) II v. 1. (N; used with an adjective) she ~s her hair short 2. (s) my patience is ~ing thin weary I adj. ~ of (they grew ~ of his preaching) II v. (d; intr.) to ~ of (to ~ of one's job) weasel v. (colloq.) (AE) (d; intr.) to ~ out of ('to evade') (to ~ out of one's obligations) weather n. 1. to forecast, predict the ~ 2. (good) beautiful; clear, fair; dry; fine, good, nice, pleasant; mild; seasonable ~ 3. (bad) atrocious, bad, beastly, bleak, foul, gloomy, inclement; threatening; ugly ~ 4. (rainy) cloudy, overcast; foggy; rainy; unsettled; wet ~ 5. (warm) hot; humid, muggy; sultry; sweltering; tropical; warm ~ 6. (cold) cold; cool; freezing; polar; windy; wintry ~ 7. the ~ clears up 8. ~ sets in (bad ~ set in) 9. in ~ (restaurants lose customers in bad ~) weather forecast see weather report weather report n. to give the ~ weather stripping n. to install, put on ~ weave I n. a plain; satin; twill ~ II v. 1. (C) she wove a basket for us; or: she wove us a basket 2. (d; tr.) to ~ around, round (she wove the story around a specific theme) 3. (d; tr.) to ~ from, out of (she wants to ~ a scarf from this wool) 4. (d; tr.) ('to insert') to ~ into (to ~ some humor into a plot) 5. (misc.) to ~ in and out of traffic web n. 1. to spin; weave a ~ 2. an intricate, tangled ~ (a tangled ~ of intrigue) 3. a spider ~ USAGE NOTE: Spiders spin webs. People weave webs (the author wove a web of mystery). wedded adj. (cannot stand alone) ~ to (~ to tradition) wedding n. 1. to officiate at, perform a ~ 2. to attend a ~ 3. a big; (humorous) shotgun ~ 4. at a wedding anniversary n. a diamond; golden; silver wedding cake n. to cut the ~ wedding date n. to set a ~ wedding day n. on smb.'s ~ wedge I n. to drive a ~ between; into II v. 1. (d; intr., tr.) to ~ between; into 2. (N; used with an adjective) she ~d the door open wedged adj. (cannot stand alone) ~ between wedlock n. 1. to join in ~ 2. out of ~ (born out of ~) weed out v. (D; tr.) to ~ from weeds n. 1. to pull ~ 2. to kill ~ week n. 1. to spend a ~ (somewhere) 2. last; next; this ~ 3. a ~ from (Tuesday) 4. by the ~ (she is paid by the ~) 5. during the ~ 6. for a ~ (they came here for a ~) 7. for ~s (she hasn't been here for ~s; AE also has: she hasn't been here in ~s) 8. in a ~ (they'll be here in a ~) 9. (misc.) (AE) freshman ~ USAGE NOTE: In the meaning 'a week from Tuesday', BE also has--a week on Tuesday, on Tuesday week. Note also the BE expressions--she arrived a week last Tuesday; she will arrive a week next Tuesday. weekday n. on ~s; AE also has: ~s (she works on ~s) weekend n. 1. to spend a ~ somewhere 2. at (BE), during, over (esp. AE) the ~ 3. on ~s (I work on ~s) 4. (AE) ~s (she works ~s) 5. (BE) at ~s (he works at ~s) weeknight n. on ~s; AE also has: ~s (she works on ~s) weep v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ about, over (to ~ over one's misfortune) 2. (d; intr.) to ~ for (to ~ for joy) 3. (misc.) to ~ oneself to sleep; I wept on seeing them so poor weevil n. an alfalfa; boll ~ weigh v. 1. to ~ heavily 2. (d; intr.) ('to count') to ~ against (his testimony will ~ heavily against you) 3. (d; tr.) ('to balance') to ~ against (to ~ one argument against another) 4. (d; intr.) ('to press') to ~ on (legal problems ~ed heavily on her mind) 5. (P; intr.) ('to have a weight') the suitcase ~s quite a lot weigh down v. (D; tr.) to ~ with (we were ~ed down with packages) weigh in v. (D; intr.) to ~ at (the boxer ~ed in at one hundred fifty pounds) weight I n. ['amount weighed, heaviness'] 1. to gain, put on ~ 2. to lose, take off ~ 3. dead; gross; minimum; net ~ 4. atomic; avoirdupois; birth; molecular ~ 5. under a ~ (the table collapsed under the ~ of the food) ['device used for its heaviness in athletic exercises'] 6. to lift ~s 7. heavy; light ~s 8. a set of ~s ['importance'] 9. to carry ~ 10. to add; attach, give, lend ~ to 11. considerable ~ 12. (misc.) to throw one's ~ around/about (BE) ('to flaunt one's influence'); to pull one's ~ ('to do one's fair share') II v. (D;tr.) ('to slant') to ~ against (the evidence was ~ed against me) weird adj. (colloq.) 1. ~ about (there is smt. ~ about them) 2. ~ that + clause (it's ~ that you never noticed her) welch see welsh welcome I adj. 1. perfectly ~ 2. ~ to (you are ~ to my share) 3. ~ to + inf. (you are ~ to borrow my car at any time) 4. (misc.) to make smb. feel ~ II n. 1. to bid, extend, give a ~ to 2. to receive a ~ 3. to overstay one's ~ 4. a cordial, enthusiastic, hearty, rousing, royal, warm ~ (we gave them a rousing ~) 5. a chilly, cool ~ 6. a ~ from; to (we received a warm ~ from the mayor; the immigrants received a cool ~ to their new country) III v. 1. to ~ cordially, enthusiastically, warmly 2. to ~ coolly 3. (D; tr.) to ~ to (we ~d them to our city) welcome mat n. (colloq.) (esp. AE) to put out the ~ for smb. welfare n. ['governmental financial aid'] 1. public ~ 2. (esp. US) on ~ (to be on ~; to go on ~) ['well-being'] 3. to promote the public ~ 4. the general; public ~ 5. for smb.'s ~ well I adv. 1. to leave ~ enough alone (AE)/to leave ~ alone (BE) ('not to interfere with smt. that is satisfactory') 2. (misc.) are things going ~ with you? II n. ['hole dug to tap a supply of water'] 1. to bore, dig, drill, sink a ~ 2. an abandoned; deep ~ 3. an artesian; oil ~ 4. a ~ dries up well-being n. 1. to threaten smb.'s ~ 2. material; physical; psychological ~ well-disposed adj.. ~ towards well-grounded adj. ~ in well-informed adj. ~ about well-intentioned adj. ~ towards well-known adj. 1. ~ to 2. ~ that + clause (it's ~ that she intends to retire next year) well up v. (D; intr.) to ~ with (her eyes ~ed up with tears) welsh v. (this verb is offensive to Welsh people) (D; intr.) to ~ on (to ~ on a bet) welt n. to raise a ~ (on the skin) west I adj., adv. ~ of II n. 1. in, to the ~ 2. (US) the Wild West 3. (misc.) out ~ (US) ('in the Am. west'); up ~ (London slang) ('to the West End of London from the East End'); to go ~ (esp. BE; old-fashioned) ('to die') wet adj. 1. dripping, soaking ~ 2. ~ with (~ with dew) 3. (misc.) she got her shoes ~ whack I n. (colloq.) ['blow'] 1. to give smb. a ~ ['attempt'] 2. to take a ~ at 3. to have the first ~ at ['misc.'] 4. out of ~ (he threw his shoulder out of ~) II v. (colloq.) (0) ('to strike') I'll ~ you one whale n. ['sea mammal'] 1. to harpoon a ~ 2. a blue; bowhead; sperm; white ~ 3. a school of ~s 4. a young ~ is a calf 5. a female ~ is a cow 6. a male ~ is a bull ['misc.'] 7. a ~ of a good time ('a very good time') whammy n. (slang) (AE) ['jinx'] to put a (the) ~ on smb. wharf n. at; on a ~ (the ship was tied up at a ~) what determiner, pronoun 1. ~ about, of(~ about them?) 2. (used in exclamatory sentences) ~ a (~ a day!) 3. (misc.) (colloq.) she has ~ it takes ('she is very capable'); to know ~'s ~ ('to understand clearly what the situation is'); ~ else is new? (esp. AE); so ~? ~ on earth can she mean? wheat n. 1. to grow; harvest ~ 2. to grind; thresh ~ (to grind ~ into flour) 3. summer; winter ~ 4. club; common; drum; hybrid ~ 5. cracked; whole ~ USAGE NOTE: AE has whole wheat bread, whole wheat flour; BE has wholemeal bread, wholemeal flour. wheedle v. 1. (d; tr.) to ~ from, out of (to ~ information from smb.) 2. (d; tr.) to ~ into (to ~ smb. into doing smt.) wheel n. ['circular rim or solid disc joined to a hub that turns'] 1. to spin; turn a ~ 2. to align; balance; rotate ~s (on a car) 3. a balance; driving; front; idler; mill; paddle; potter's; ratchet; rear; retractable; roulette; spinning; sprocket; undershot; water ~ 4. a big (BE), Ferris ~ (in an amusement park) 5. a ~ spins; turns 6. (misc.) to break on the ~; (humorous) to reinvent the ~ ['device that turns a car'] 7. to take the ~ 8. a steering ~ (to turn the steering ~) 9. (to be) at the ~ (who was at the ~ when the accident took place?) ['misc.'] 10. a big ~ ('an influential person') wheelbarrow n. to push, roll a ~ wheelchair n. 1. to push a ~ 2. a motorized ~ wherewithal n. ['resources'] 1. the ~ for (to have the ~ for a trip abroad) 2. the ~ to + inf. (they didn't have the ~ to conduct a successful political campaign) which determiner, pronoun ~ of (~ of them do you know?) USAGE NOTE: The use of the preposition of is necessary when a pronoun follows. When a noun follows, the use of which of the limits the meaning--which student(s) did you see? which of the students whom we had discussed did you see? whiff n. (colloq.) ['smell, odor'] 1. to get, have; take a ~ of (to get a good ~ of tear gas) 2. to give smb. a ~ of smt. 3. at a ~ (she lost consciousness at the first ~ of ether) whim n. 1. to pursue; satisfy a ~ 2. an idle; sudden ~ 3. on a ~ (they went there on a ~) whine v. 1. (B) she ~d a few words to them 2. (D; intr.) to ~ about (he kept ~ing about his bad luck) 3. (L; to) he ~d (to us) that he had been cheated whip I n. ['lash used for whipping'] 1. to crack, snap a ~ ['dessert made by whipping'] 2. a prune ~ ['member of a political party who enforces party discipline'] 3. a majority; minority; party ~ II v. 1.(d;tr.)('to beat') to ~ into (to ~ eggs into a froth) 2. (colloq.) (d; tr.) ('to bring') to ~ into (the sergeant ~ped the recruits into shape) 3. (d; tr.) ('to incite') to ~ into (the speaker ~ped the crowd into a frenzy) whip hand n. ['control'] to get; have the ~ over whipping n. ['beating'] 1. to get, receive, take a ~ (from) 2. to give smb. a ~ whip-round n. (BE) ['collection'] to have a ~ whirl n. (colloq.) ['try'] 1. to give smt. a ~ ['hectic activity'] 2. the social ~ whirlpool n. to be drawn into a ~ whisk I n. an egg ~ (BE; AE has eggbeater) II v. (P; tr.) ('to move quickly') they were ~ed into the hotel; the important visitors were ~ed through customs whisk away v. see whisk off whiskers n. ['beard'] 1. to grow ~ 2. to shave off one's ~ 3. rough ~ whiskey, whisky n. 1. to age; distill, produce ~ 2. straight ('undiluted') ~ 3. blended; corn; Irish; rye; Scotch ~ 4. ~ ages USAGE NOTE: The spelling whiskey is usu. used in Ireland and the US. whisk off v. (colloq.) (d; tr.) to ~ to (they were ~ed off to prison) whisper I n. 1. a stage ~ 2. in a ~ (to speak in a ~) II v. 1. (B) he ~ed a few words to her 2. (d; intr.) to ~ about (what were they ~ing about?) 3. (L; to) she ~ed (to us) that she was preparing a surprise party whistle I n. ['instrument that produces a whistling sound'] 1. to blow (on) a ~ 2. a bird; factory; police; referee's ~ 3. a ~ blows, sounds ['act of whistling'] 4. to give a ~ 5. a shrill ~ ['misc.'] 6. as clean as a ~ ('very clean'); to blow the ~ on smb. ('to reveal smb.'s evil intentions') II v. 1. (B) she ~d a song to me 2. (D; intr.) to ~ at; to (who ~d at you?) 3. (D; intr.) to ~ with (to ~ with surprise) USAGE NOTE: One whistles to smb. to attract her/his attention. One whistles at smb. to express one's feelings about that person. white feather n. ['symbol of cowardice'] to show the ~ white flag n. ['symbol of surrender'] to show the ~ white paper n. ['official government report'] to issue a ~ white slavery n. to sell smb. into ~ whittle v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ at (to ~ at a piece of wood) 2. (D; tr.) to ~ into (to ~ a reed into a whistle) 3. (D; tr.) to ~ out of (to ~ a whistle out of a reed) whittle away v. (D; intr.) to ~ at (to ~ at smb.'s alibi) whole n. 1. to constitute, form a ~ 2. as a ~ 3. on the ~ (the situation is, on the ~, satisfactory) whole hog n. (colloq.) (esp. AE) ['the whole way'] to go (the) ~ wholesale adv. to buy; sell ~ whoop n. ['loud cry'] to emit, let out a ~ whoopee n. (colloq.) ['boisterous fun'] to make ~ whooping cough n. to catch (the) ~ wicked adj. 1. ~ of (that was ~ of him) 2. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ to lie) wide adj. ['deviating'] (cannot stand alone) ~ of (you are ~ of the mark) widow n. a grass; war ~ widower n. a grass ~ width n. in ~ (ten feet in ~) wife n. 1. (old-fashioned) to take a ~ 2. to beat; desert, leave one's ~ 3. an abused, battered; common-law; estranged ~; ex-wife, former; jealous; unfaithful ~ 4. (misc.) he had two children by his first ~ wig n. 1. to wear a ~ 2. to put on; take off a ~ wild I adj. ['enthusiastic'] (colloq.) 1. (cannot stand alone) ~ about, over (audiences went ~ over the new play) ['furious'] 2. ~ with (~ with anger) ['out of control'] 3. to run ~ II n. ['wilderness'] in the ~ (to live in the ~) wilderness n. 1. a desolate; trackless; unexplored ~ 2. in the ~ wildfire n. to spread like ~ ('to spread very quickly') wild oats n. ['youthful excesses'] to sow one's ~ will I n. ['desire'] 1. to impose one's ~ (on) 2. to implement the ~ (of the majority) 3. the ~ to + inf. (the ~ to survive) 4. (misc.) a clash of {strong) ~s; against smb.s ~; with a ~ (to work with the ~ to succeed) ['attitude'] 5. to show good ~ 6. to bear no ill ~ ['choice'] 7. free ~ (of their own free ~) 8. at ~ (to fire at ~) ['legal document disposing of an estate'] 9. to draw up, make, make out a ~ 10. to change a ~ 11. to administer; execute a ~ 12. to probate, validate a ~ 13. to challenge, contest a ~ 14. to break, overturn a ~ 15. to repudiate a ~ 16. a deathbed ~ ['spirit'] ['power to make decisions'] 17. to break smb.'s ~ 18. an indomitable, iron, strong; inflexible ~ II v. (A) he ~ed his entire estate to her; or: he ~ed her his entire estate III v. (auxiliary) (F) she ~ return willies n. (colloq.) ['jitters'] 1. to get the ~ 2. to give smb. the ~ (her behavior gives me the ~) willing adj. ~ to (she is ~ to help) willingness n. 1. to demonstrate, show ~ 2. to express ~ 3. the ~ to + inf. (she expressed the ~ to work for us) willpower n. 1. to demonstrate ~ 2. the ~ to + inf. (do you have the ~ to stick to the diet?) wily adj. ~ of (that was ~ of him) win I n. to chalk up a ~ II v. 1. to ~ easily, hands down 2. (D; intr.) to ~ against (to ~ against considerable odds) wince v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ at (to ~ at the thought of going back to work) 2. (misc.) to ~ in pain winch n. to operate, use a ~ wind I n. /wind/['movement, current of air'] 1. an adverse; balmy, gentle, light; biting, cold, cutting, icy; brisk, heavy, high, stiff, strong; fair, favorable; gale-force; gusty; head; raw; tail; trade ~ 2. the prevailing ~s 3. the ~ blows; falls, subsides; howls; picks up 4. a blast, gust of ~ 5. a down; up ~ 6. (misc.) as free as the ~ ['knowledge'] 7. to get ~ of smt. ['breath'] 8. to catch, get one's second ~ 9. out of ~ ['misc.'] 10. to break ~ ('to expel rectal gas'); in the ~ ('imminent'); to take the ~ out of smb.'s sails ('to deflate smb.'); to see how the ~ blows ('to see what is likely to happen'); to sow the ~ and reap the whirlwind II v. /waynd/1. (d; tr.) to ~ around, round (she wound the string around her finger) 2. (P; intr.) the procession wound through the town 3. (misc.) to ~ smb. around one's little finger ('to manipulate smb.') winded adj. ['out of breath'] easily ~ windfall n. ['good fortune'] 1. to get a ~ 2. a sudden, unexpected ~ windmill n. 1. a ~ turns 2. (misc.) to tilt at ~s ('to struggle with imaginary opponents') window n. 1. to open a ~; to roll down a ~ (in a car) 2. to close, shut a ~; to roll up a ~ (in a car) 3. to clean, wash a ~ 4. a bay; bow; French; lattice; sash; shop; storm ~ 5. a ~ fogs up, sweats; frosts over. window shade n. (AE) 1. to lift, raise a ~ 2. to draw, drop, lower a ~ (BE has blind) wind up v. ('to end up') 1. (d; intr.) to ~ with 2. (G) I wound up paying for everyone 3. (P; intr.) to ~ out in the cold 4. (s) he wound up worse off than when he started wine n. 1. to make, produce ~ 2. dry; sweet ~ 3. cooking; dessert; mulled; red; rose; sacramental; sparkling; table; vintage; white ~ 4. domestic; imported ~ 5. a house ~ (of a restaurant) 6. ~ ferments USAGE NOTE: The phrase domestic wine seems to be reserved for wine produced in English-speaking countries. English-speakers in France or Italy, for example, usu. do not refer to French or Italian wine as domestic. wing n. ['faction of a political party'] 1. a conservative; liberal; radical ~ ['a bird's forelimb'] 2. to spread one's ~s (also fig.) (the bird spread its ~s and flew off) 3. (misc.) to clip smb.'s ~s ('to restrict smb.'s freedom') ['protection'] 4. to take smb. under one's ~ ['act of flying'] 5. to take ~ (also fig.) 6. on the ~ ['extension, annex of a building'] 7. to add a ~ (to a building) 8. see fender ['misc.'] 9. to wait in the ~s ('to await the opportunity to take over a job') wink I n. 1. to give smb. a ~ 2. a suggestive ~ 3. (misc.) I didn't get a ~ of sleep last night; to take forty ~s ('to take a brief nap') II v. (D; intr.) to ~ at (also fig.: the police ~ed at illegal gambling) winner n. 1. a likely; sure ~ 2. (misc.) to be on to a (sure) ~ (at a racetrack) win over v. (d; tr.) to ~ to (we won them over to our side) winter n. 1. a cold, hard, harsh, severe; mild ~ 2. in, over (the) ~ 3. in the dead of ~ wipe v. 1. (d; tr.) to ~ off ('to erase from') (to ~ a city off the map) 2. (D; tr.) to ~ on (she ~d her hands on the towel) 3. (N; used with an adjective) he ~d the dishes dry wipers n. 1. to turn on the ~ 2. windscreen (BE), windshield (AE) ~ wire I n. ['long metal thread'] 1. to string ~ 2. barbed; chicken; copper ~ 3. a trip ~ ['cable conducting electric current'] 4. to cross, jump ~s (in order to start a car) 5. to tap ~s 6. telephone ~s ['cablegram, telegram'] 7. to send a ~ ['finish line'] (also fig.) 8. (right) down to the ~ ('to the very <£nd') 9. (misc.) to get in under the ~ ('to enter barely in time') II v. 1. (A) ('to send by wire') we ~d the money to her; or: we ~d her the money 2. (d; intr.) ('to request by sending a wire') to ~ for (she ~d home for some money) 3. (D; tr.) ('to provide with wire') to ~ for (the auditorium was ~d for sound) 4. (d; tr.) ('to connect') to ~ to (the explosives were ~d to the door) 5. (H; no passive) ('to inform by wire') we ~d them to return home immediately 6. (L; may have an object) ('to inform by wire') she ~d (us) that the manuscript had arrived 7. (Q; may have an object) we will ~ (you) where to meet wire back v. (L; to) they ~d back (to us) that they would attend the conference wireless n. (BE) (now less common than radio) see radio 1-4 wiring n. 1. defective, faulty ~ 2. electric ~ wisdom n. 1. to impart ~ 2. to doubt, question smb.'s ~ (to question the ~ of an action) 3. (the) conventional ~; infinite ~ 4. the ~ to + inf. (will they have the ~ to make the correct choice?) 5. of ~ (a person of great ~) wise adj. ['sagacious'] 1. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of you to remain silent = you were ~ to remain silent) ['aware of] (colloq.) 2. ~ to (she was ~ to their scheme; I finally got ~ to their tricks; they put me ~ to his tricks) wisecrack I n. ['flippant remark'] 1. to make a ~ 2. a ~ about II v. (colloq.) (L) ('to remark flip-pantly') she ~ed that she could earn more money at home wise up v. (colloq.) (AE) (D; intr.) to ~ to (I finally ~d up to his tricks) wish I n. ['desire'] 1. to make a ~ 2. to fulfill, realize a ~ 3. to get one's ~ 4. to express a ~ 5. to respect smb.'s ~ 6. a fervent, strong; unfulfilled ~ 7. the death ~ 8. a ~ for (a ~ for peace) 9. a ~ to + inf. (they expressed a ~ to visit the museum) 10. a ~ that + clause; subj. (the editor respected her ~ that the contribution not be/should not be announced publicly) 11. against smb.'s ~es (the project was carried out against our ~es) 12. in accordance with smb.'s ~es ['greetings'] 13. to extend, offer, send one's (best) ~es 14. one's best, good, warm, warmest ~es 15. one's ~es for (one's best ~es for the New Year) II v. 1. (A; usu. without to) they ~ed us good luck 2. (D; intr.) to ~ for (we were ~ing for cool weather) 3. (E) I ~ to lodge a complaint 4. (formal) (H; no passive) do you ~ me to stay? 5. (L) we ~ that he would settle down 6. (misc.) to ~ smb. well ('to hope that things will go well for smb.') wit I n. 1. to display, show ~ 2. acid, keen, mordant, penetrating, rapier-like, sharp, sophisticated, trenchant ~ 3. dry; quick, ready; sly ~ 4. (misc.) at one's ~'s end (see also wits) II to ~ ('namely') witchcraft n. to practice ~ witch-hunt n. to conduct a ~ against withdraw v. (D; intr., tr.) to ~ from; to (our troops have withdrawn from the border area; to ~ money from a bank; to ~ to a safer area) withdrawal n. ['removal of funds'] 1. to make a ~ 2. mass ~s 3. a ~ from (a ~ from an account) ['retreat'] (often mil.) 4. to carry out, make a ~ 5. to complete a ~ 6. an orderly; precipitate; strategic; tactical; unilateral ~ 7. a ~ from; to (a ~ to higher ground) withhold v. (D; tr.) to ~ from (to ~ information from the police) witness I n. ['testimony'] 1. to bear ~ to 2. false ~ (to bear false ~) ['one who testifies'] 3. to produce a ~ (the district attorney finally produced a credible ~) 4. to cross-examine; examine, interrogate, question; interview a ~; to hear ~es 5. to lead a ~ (one should not lead a ~) 6. to swear in a ~ 7. to confuse; discredit; trap a ~ 8. a character; competent; credible; defense; expert; hostile; key, material; prosecution; reliable ~ 9. a ~ is sworn in = a ~ takes the oath; a ~ testifies (under oath) 10. a ~ steps down 11. a ~ against (a ~ against one's former accomplices) 12. a ~ for (a ~ for the prosecution) 13. a ~ to (a ~ to an accident) II v. (K) who ~ed his signing the documents? witness box n. (BE) to go into the ~ witness stand n. (AE) to take the ~ wits n. 1. to collect one's ~ 2. the ~ to + inf. (he didn't have enough ~ to realize what was happening) 3. (misc.) keep your ~ about you! ('stay alert!'); to live by one's ~ witty adj. ~ of (that was ~ of her) wizard n. 1. a financial; mathematical ~ 2. a ~ at (a ~ at solving crossword puzzles) wizardry n. sheer ~ wolf n. 1. ~ves howl 2. ~ves hunt in packs 3. a pack of ~ves 4. a young ~ is a pup 5. (misc.) to cry ~ ('to give a false alarm'); to keep the ~ from the door ('to provide the necessities'); a ~ in sheep's clothing ('one who disguises hostile intentions') woman n. 1. to deliver a ~ (of a baby) 2. an attractive, beautiful, pretty; average; fat; grown; handsome; middle-aged; old; short; tall; thin; ugly; wise; young ~ 3. a divorced; married; single ~ 4. a career; professional; self-made; working ~ 5. an anchor ~; businesswoman; newspaperwoman 6. (AE) a cleaning ~ (BE has charwoman, char) 7. (BE) a lollipop ~ (AE has crossing guard) 8. (AE) enlisted women (BE has other ranks) 9. the other ~ ('a married man's paramour') 10. (misc.) a ~ of letters; a ~ of action; a ~ of the world; the ~ of the year USAGE NOTE: The terms career woman and working woman are becoming old-fashioned. (see also the Usage Note for girl) womanhood n. to reach ~ wonder I n. 1. to perform, work a ~ 2. to do ~s for 3. a natural ~ 4. a ~ that + clause (it's a ~ that we didn't get lost; it's no small ~ that they had so much trouble) 5. in ~ (to look around in ~) 6. (misc.) the seven ~s of the world; the eighth ~ of the world II v. 1. to ~ really, very much (I really ~ if they'll come) 2. (D; intr.) to ~ about, at (to ~ about a problem) 3. (0) I ~ why they left wonderful adj. 1. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ to visit our national parks) 2. ~ that + clause (it was ~ that we could see each other) wonderland n. a scenic ~ wont adj. (obsol. and rare) ['accustomed'] (cannot stand alone) ~ to + inf. (she is ~ to call at any time) wood n. 1. to chop, cut ~ 2. to gather ~ 3. firewood; kindling ~ 4. a cord of ~ 5. (misc.) out of the ~ (BE)/~s (AE) ('safe from danger') wool n. 1. to produce ~ 2. to comb; process; sort ~ 3. lamb's; steel, wire (BE) ~ 4. (BE) cotton ~ (AE has absorbent cotton) 5. (misc.) to pull the ~ over smb.'s eyes ('to deceive smb.') woozy adj. (colloq.) ['dazed, dizzy'] ~ from (~ from lack of sleep) word I n. ['independent, meaningful linguistic form'] 1. to coin a ~ 2. to pronounce, say, utter; write a ~ (to say a few ~s about smt.) 3. to mispronounce a ~ 4. to distort smb.'s ~s 5. to not mince any ~s ('to speak frankly') 6. angry, cross, sharp; choice; fighting; harsh; hasty; heated, hot; high-sounding; hollow, hypocritical; sincere; weasel ~s 7. an archaic, obsolete; borrowed; compound; dialectal, regional; foreign; four-letter, obscene; function; ghost; monosyllabic; native; nonce; portmanteau; simple; taboo ~ 8. a guide ~ (at the top of a page in a dictionary, reference work) 9. (misc.) (upon) my ~ ('really'); to hang on (to) smb.'s ~s ('to listen to smb. very attentively'); in so many ~s ('precisely'); of few ~s ('not talkative'); ~ for ~ ('verbatim'); she took the ~s right out of my mouth ('she said exactly what I wanted to say'); a household ('common') ~; to get a ~ in edgewise (AE)/edgeways (BE) ('to manage to say smt. in a dispute'); to have the last ~ ('to conclude an argument'); to put in a good ~ for smb. ('to plead smb.'s case'); in a ~ ('briefly'); a play on ~s ('a pun'); begin at the ~ go; one's dying ~s ['promise'] 10. to give one's ~ 11. to take smb.'s ~; to take smb. at her/his ~ 12. to break one's ~ 13. one's solemn ~; one's ~ of honor 14. one's ~ that + clause (she gave me her ~ that she would deliver the message) 15. of one's ~ (she's a woman of her ~) ('she keeps her promises') ['command'] 16. to give the ~ ['information, news'] 17. to bring; send ~ 18. to breathe, say a ~ (don't breathe a ~ about it to anyone) 19. to get ~ (we got advance ~ that the contract would be signed) 20. the latest ~ 21. advance ~ 22. ~ about, of (there was no ~ of the incident in the newspapers; she would like to say a few ~s about the incident) 23. ~ that + clause (they sent ~ that they would be late) ['conversation'] 24. to have a ~ with smb. about smt. (see also words) USAGE NOTE: The construction /'d like to have a word with you usu. indicates that the conversation will be of a serious nature. Compare / had words with him 'I had an argument with him'. II v. to ~ smt. strongly word order n. (a) fixed; flexible; normal; reverse words n. ['text'] 1. ~ to (a song) ['argument, discussion'] 2. to have ~ with smb. 3. to weigh ('consider carefully') one's ~ 4. heated; threatening ~ work I n. ['labor'] 1. to do ~ (they never do any ~) 2. to begin; quit, stop ~ (they quit ~ at one o'clock) 3. to take on ~ 4. to undo smb.'s ~ 5. backbreaking, hard; delicate; demanding; dirty, scut; easy, light; exhausting, tiring; physical ~ 6. meticulous, precise; shoddy, slipshod, sloppy ~ 7. fieldwork; paper ~ 8. (misc.) he never does a Uck/ stitch (AE)/stroke of ~; to make short ~ of smt. ('to dispose of smt. quickly') ['employment'] 9. to go to ~ 10. to return to ~ 11. to take off from ~ 12. to leave ~ (early) 13. at ~ (they are still at ~) 14. out of ~ (they have been out of ~ for a week) ['result of research, labor, artistic effort'] 15. to exhibit; hang one's ~s (in a gallery) 16. a literary; scholarly ~ 17. collected; published; selected ~s 18. (misc.) ~ in progress; a ~ of art ['service'] 19. social ~ (to do social ~) 20. undercover ~ (to do undercover ~ for the police) ['treatment'] 21. root-canal ~ (to do root-canal ~ on smb.) ['misc.'] 22. to go to ~ on smb. ('to put pressure on smb.'] (see also works) II v. 1. ('to labor') to ~ hard, strenuously 2. (d; intr.) to ~ against ('to oppose') (to ~ against a proposed law) 3. (d; intr.) ('to labor') to ~ at, on (they were ~ing on a new book; you have to ~ at being friendlier with people) 4. (d; intr.) ('to be employed; to labor') to ~ for (she ~s for a large firm; to ~ for a living) 5. (d; intr.) to ~ for ('to support') (to ~ for a good cause) 6. (d; refl.) ('to excite') to ~ into (she ~ed herself into a rage) 7. (d; tr.) to ~ into ('to insert') (she ~ed a few jokes into her speech) 8. (d; intr.) to ~ through ('to go through') (to ~ through difficult material) 9. (d; intr.) ('to progress') to ~ towards (to ~ towards a common goal) 10. (d; intr.) ('to collaborate') to ~ with (to ~ closely with one's colleagues) 11. (misc.) to ~ far into the night; to ~ one's way through college; to ~ one's way through a crowd; I slowly ~ed my way through the long report; the committee ~ed to reduce tension; to ~ against the clock worked up adj. (colloq.) ~ about, over (he got himself all ~ over a trifle) worker n. 1. to hire, take on a ~ 2. to retrain; train ~s 3. to organize, unionize ~s 4. to dismiss, fire, sack (colloq.) a ~; to make a ~ redundant (as by eliminating her/his job) (BE) 5. an efficient, hard, indefatigable; idle; meticulous ~ 6. a blue-collar (esp. AE); full-time; immigrant; migrant; office; part-time; skilled; social; undocumented (AE); unemployed; unskilled; white-collar ~ working hours n. regular; staggered ~ (during regular ~) workmanship n. 1. conscientious; delicate, exquisite, fine; meticulous ~ 2. poor, shoddy ~ workout n. ['exercise'] 1. to get, have a ~ 2. a daily works n. ['construction projects'] 1. public ~ ['preparation'] (colloq.) 2. in the ~ ['operations'] 3. to gum up, mess up the ~ ['everything available'] (colloq.) 4. to give smb. the ~ workshop n. ['working seminar'] 1. to conduct a ~ 2. a ~ on workup n. ['series of tests'] 1. to do a ~ 2. a diagnostic ~ work up v. 1. (d; refl., tr.) ('to excite') to ~ into (he ~ed himself up into a rage) 2. (d; refl., tr.) ('to incite') to ~ to (the orator ~ed the crowd up to a fever pitch) 3. (misc.) she ~ed her way up to the top world n. ['earth'] 1. around, round the ~ (to travel around the ~) 2. (misc.) to see the ~ ('to travel to many parts of the earth') ['area, part of the earth'] 3. the free; known; Third ~ (in the Third ~) ['domain, realm, sphere'] 4. the animal; financial; literary; physical; scientific ~ 5. the academic; outside; real ~ (out in the real ~) ['period'] 6. the ancient; medieval; modern ~ (there are many problems in the modern ~) ['life, being'] 7. to bring (smb.) into the ~ 8. to come into the ~ 9. the next ~ ('life after death') ['misc.'] 10. out of this ~ ('remarkable'); ~s apart ('very far apart') world's fair n. to hold, stage a ~ worm v. 1. (d; tr.) to ~ into (how did they ~ their way into the meeting?) 2. (d; intr., tr.) to ~ out of (to ~ out of an obligation; to ~ information out of smb.) 3. (misc.) to ~ one's way into smb.'s confidence worried adj. 1. ~ sick 2. ~ about 3. ~ that + clause (we were ~ that she might not arrive on time) worry I n. 1. to cause ~ 2. deep, serious ~ 3. financial ~ries 4. ~ about, over II v. 1. (D; intr.) to ~ about, over (they ~ about you; I ~ried about them working so hard; to ~ over trifles) 2. (R) it ~ried me that they did not answer the telephone worse adj. any ~ (will it be any ~ living in the city?) worship I n. 1. ancestor; hero; idol; nature; public ~ 2. (misc.) a house of ~ II v. 1. to ~ reverently 2. (D; tr.) to ~ as (to ~ smb. as a god) 3. (misc.) I ~ the ground you walk on worst n. to prepare for the ~ worth I adj., prep. 1. well ~ (the cost) 2. ~ to (how much is it ~ to you?) 3. (misc.) ~ one's salt ('worthy of respect for one's work') II n. 1. intrinsic ~ 2. net ~ 3. (legal) comparable ~ (the theory of comparable ~) 4. of ~ (books of great ~) worthwhile adj. 1. ~ for 2. ~ to + inf. (it's ~ for you to visit the exhibit) worthy adj. (usu. does not stand alone) ~ of (~ of praise) would v. (F) ~ you do it? wound n. 1. to inflict a ~ on/upon smb. 2. to receive a ~ 3. to clean; dress; suture; swab a ~ 4. a deep; fatal, mortal; festering; flesh; gaping; light, slight; self-inflicted; serious, severe; superficial ~ (to receive a slight ~) 5. a bullet, gunshot; knife ~ 6. a ~ festers 7. (misc.) to lick one's ~s ('to recover from a beating') wounded adj. fatally, mortally; lightly, slightly; seriously ~ wracked adj. ~ with (~ with pain) wrangle v. 1. to ~ constantly, incessantly 2. (D; intr.) to ~ about, over; with wrangling n. constant, incessant ~ wrap I n. freezer; plastic ~ II v. 1. (d; tr.) to ~ around (to ~ a blanket around oneself) 2. (d; tr.) to ~ in (to ~ a child in a blanket) wrapped up adj. ['engaged, busy'] ~ in (they are all ~ in campaigning) wrapper n. a cellophane ~ wraps n. to keep a plan under ~ (colloq.) ('to keep a plan secret') wrath n. (formal) 1. to bring down, incur smb. 's ~ 2. to visit one's ~ upon smb. 3. one's righteous ~ wreak v. (D; tr.) to ~ with (to ~ havoc with smb.) wreath n. 1. to make, weave a ~ 2. to lay, place a ~ (they laid a ~ at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier) 3. a bridal; Christmas; floral ~ wreck n. ['wrecked car'] 1. to tow a ~ ['person who has suffered a breakdown'] 2. a nervous ~ wreckage n. 1. to strew ~ (over a wide area) 2. to clear, remove ~ wrench I n. 1. monkey ~ 2. (AE) a lug ~ (BE has box spanner) II v. (d; tr.) to ~ from (he ~ed the handbag from the old woman) wrest v. (d; tr.) to ~ from (to ~ power from a dictator) wrestle v. (D; intr.) to ~ with (to ~ with various problems) wrestler n. to pin; throw a ~ wrestling n. arm; catch-as-catch-can; Greco-Roman; Indian ~ wretch n. a poor ~ wretched adj. ~ of (that was ~ of him) wriggle v. (d; intr.) to ~ out of (he ~d out of my grip) wring v. 1. (d; tr.) ('to extract') to ~ from, out of (the police finally succeeded in ~ing a confession from the prisoner) 2. (N; used with an adjective) ('to squeeze') to ~ a towel dry wrinkle n. ['crease'] 1. to make a ~ 2. to iron out, press out ~s ['innovation'] (colloq.) 3. the latest ~ in (the latest ~ in marketing home computers) wrist n. to sprain one's ~ writ n. ['legal order'] 1. to issue; serve a ~ (to serve a ~ on smb.) 2. to quash a ~ write v. 1. ('to form letters') to ~ illegibly; legibly 2. (A) ('to compose and send') she wrote a letter to me; or: she wrote me a letter 3. (C) ('to compose') he wrote a recommendation for me; or: (colloq.) he wrote me a recommendation 4. (d; intr.) to ~ about, of ('to describe') (to write about/ of the war) 5. (D; tr.) to ~ about ('to compose about') (she wrote a book about her experiences) 6. (D; intr.) ('to be a writer') to ~ for (she ~s for popular magazines) 7. (d; intr.) to ~ for ('to request') (she wrote for a recommendation; she wrote to me for a recommendation; AE also has: she wrote me for a recommendation) 8. (d; intr.) to ~ to ('to compose and send a letter to') (he ~s to her every day; AE also has: he ~s her every day) 9. (D; tr.) to ~ to ('to compose for') (to ~ words to a song) 10. (d; intr.) ('to order, command') to ~ to + to + inf. (she wrote to me to come home) 11. (AE) (H; no passive) ('to order, command') she wrote me to come home 12. (L; to; may have an object in AE) ('to inform') they wrote to us/wrote us (AE) that they would come home 13. (Q; to; may have an object in AE) ('to inform') she wrote to us/wrote us (AE) where we were to meet write away v. (d; intr.) to ~ for (the children wrote away for a puzzle book) write back v. 1. (A) ('to answer') she wrote a long letter back to me; or: she wrote me back a long letter 2. (D; intr.) to ~ to ('to answer') she wrote back to me write off v. (D; tr.) to ~ as (he was written off as a has-been) writer n. a free-lance; hack; professional; screen write-up n. (colloq.) ['account'] to get a (good) ~ (in the newspapers) write up v. (AE)(D;tr.) to ~ for (to ~ a story for a newspaper; to ~ smb. up for a decoration) writhe v. (D; intr.) to ~ in (to ~ in pain) writing n. 1. cuneiform; hieroglyphic; picture ~ 2. creative ~ 3. (misc.) to put smt. in/into ~ writing paper n. personalized ~ writings n. ['written works'] smb.'s collected; selected ~ wrong I adj. 1. completely, dead (colloq.), totally ~ 2. ~ in (I was ~ in going there) 3. ~ to + inf. (it was ~ of them to gossip = they were ~ to gossip; I was ~ to disregard your advice; it is ~ to lie) 4. ~ with (what's ~ with her?) 5. (misc.) everything went ~ II adv. to go ~ III n. 1. to do (smb.) ~ 2. to redress, right, undo a ~ 3. a grievous; irreparable ~ 4. in the ~ (you were in the ~) 5. (misc.) two ~s do not make a right; to know right from ~ wrought up adj. ['upset'] ~ over (he gets ~ over trifles) X ray n. 1. to do (colloq.), make, take an ~ (the doctor decided to take an ~ of my back) 2. to interpret, read an ~ (the radiologist will read your ~ before you leave) 3. to go for; have an ~ 4. to have an ~ taken xylophone n. to play the ~ Y n. (= YMCA, YWCA, YMHA, YWHA, which are abbreviations of Young Men's or Women's Christian or Hebrew Association) at the ~ (they are staying at the ~) yacht n. 1. to sail a ~ 2. on a ~ (they spent the summer on their ~) yammer v. (colloq.) (D; intr.) to ~ about; for yank I n. ['tug'] to give a ~ II v. (colloq.) 1. (d; intr.) ('to tug') to ~ at, on (the small girl kept ~ing at her mother's apron) 2. (d; tr.) to ~ out of ('to withdraw') (they ~ed their children out of school) yap I n. ['mouth'] (colloq.) to shut one's ~ II v. (colloq.) 1. (D; intr.) to ~ about 2. (d; intr.) to ~ at yard I n. ['enclosed area'] a barnyard (esp. AE), farmyard; brickyard; coalyard; dockyard (BE), shipyard; graveyard; junkyard (esp. AE), scrapyard (BE); lumberyard (AE), timberyard (BE); navy (AE); prison; railroad (AE), railway (BE) ~ USAGE NOTE: In BE, a plot of land adjoining a house is called a garden if grassy (a back garden, a front garden) or a yard if paved (a backyard, a front yard). In AE, such a plot is called a yard, whether grassy or paved; a large, grassy plot can also be called a garden. II n. ['unit of measure'] 1. a cubic; square ~ 2. by the ~ (to sell carpeting by the square ~) yardstick n. ['standard'] to apply a ~ to yam n. ['fiber'] 1. to spin ~ 2. to unsnarl ~ 3. wool(en); worsted ~ 4. (misc.) a ball; hank; skein of ~ ['tale, story'] (colloq.) 5. to spin, tell a ~ about yawn I n. 1. to stifle, suppress a ~ 2. a loud ~ II v. to ~ loudly year n. 1. to spend a ~ (somewhere) 2. a bad, lean; banner (AE), good; happy; healthy; memorable; peak, record; profitable ~ (our firm had a very profitable ~; their team had a good ~) 3. smb.'s formative; golden ~s 4. every; last; next; this ~ 5. the coming; current; past ~ 6. an academic, school; calendar; election; fiscal; jubilee; presidential (US); sabbatical; tax ~ 7. a common; leap; light; lunar; sidereal; solar ~ 8. by the ~ (to be paid by the ~) 9. by ('before') a ~ (by the ~ 2000, the population in many countries will double) 10. for a ~ (they went abroad for a ~) 11. for, in (esp. AE) ~s (they have not been here for/ in ~s) 12. in a ~ (they'll be back in a ~) 13. in a (certain) ~ (he died in the ~ of the great flood; in future ~s; in ~s to come) 14. (misc.) once a ~; ~ in, ~ out; the first time in (esp. AE), for (BE) a ~; she is five ~s old; light ~s away; for ~s to come; up to last ~; children of tender ~s; she had three ~s of college yearn v. 1. (d; intr.) to ~ for (to ~ for freedom) 2. (E) she ~s to return home yearning n. 1. to express; feel a ~ for 2. a strong ~ 3. a ~ for 4. a ~ to + int. (she has a ~ to visit the village where she was born) yeast n. brewer's ~ yell I n. 1. to give, let out a ~ 2. a bloodcurdling; rebel ~ II v. 1. (B) she ~ed smt. to them 2. (D; intr.) to ~ with (to ~ with fear) 3. (L; to) he ~ed (to us) that the house was on fire 4. (N; refl.; used with an adjective) he ~ed himself hoarse yellow n. bright; pale ~ yellow fever n. to catch, contract ~ yelp I n. to give, let out a ~ II v. (D; intr.) to ~ at yen n. {'desire'] (colloq.) 1. to have a ~ for 2. a ~ to + int. (she had a ~ to go bowling) yield I n. ['earnings'] the current ~ (of an investment) II v. 1. (B) I ~ed the right-of-way to the other driver 2. (D; intr.) to ~ to (they finally ~ed to our demands; to ~ to temptation) yoga n. to practice ~ yoke I n. ['wooden frame'] 1. to put a ~ on (oxen) ['servitude, bondage'] 2. to cast off, throw off the ~ (of bondage) 3. a foreign ~ 4. under a (foreign) II v. (D; tr.)to ~ to (to ~ oxen to a cart) young I adj. 1. ~ at heart 2. ~ in spirit II n. ['offspring of an animal'] 1. to bring forth ~ (wild animals bring forth their ~ in the wilderness) 2. with ~ ('pregnant') yours pronoun 1. (at the close of a letter) ~ faithfully, sincerely, truly 2. (colloq.) ~ truly ('I, myself) USAGE NOTE: At the end of letters, the following combinations occur--Yours (informal); Yours ever (BE; friendly); Yours faithfully (esp. BE); Yours sincerely; Sincerely yours (AE); Yours truly (AE); Very truly yours (AE). The formulas marked as 'informal' or 'friendly' are usu. used in letters beginning with Dear George, Dear Sally. The others are used in letters beginning with Dear Mr. I Mrs. Smith. youth n. 1. gilded ~ 2. in one's ~ zeal n. 1. to demonstrate, display, show ~ 2. ardent, fervent, great; excessive; religious; righteous ~ 3. ~ for (to show ~ for one's work) 4. the ~ to + inf. (does she have enough ~ to finish the project?) 5. in one's ~ (in her ~ to impress others, she made many blunders) zealot n. a religious ~ zealous adj. ~ about, in zebra n. a herd of ~(s) zenith n. 1. to attain, reach a ~ 2. at a ~ (at the ~ of their power) zero n. 1. absolute ~ 2. (misc.)~ gravity; ~ hour; ~ population growth zero in v. (d; intr.) ('to concentrate') to ~ on (they all ~ed in on me) zest n. 1. to add ~ to 2. a ~ for (a ~ for life) zigzag n. to make a ~ zip I (BE), zipper (AE) n. (AE) 1. to do up (BE), zip up a ~ 2. to undo, unzip a ~ 3. a ~ gets stuck II v. (P; intr.) they ~ped past us zodiac n. the signs of the ~ zone I n. 1. to establish, set up a ~ 2. a climatic; frigid; temperate; time; torrid ~ 3. a buffer; combat; communications; danger; demilitarized; drop; neutral; no-parking; no-passing; occupation; postal; safety; school; security; tow away; war ~ 4. an erogenous ~ (of the body) II v. (d; tr.) to ~ as (they ~d the area as residential) zoning n. exclusionary ~ zoo n. at, in a ~ (she works at the ~; wild animals are well cared for in our ~) zoom in v. (d; intr.) to ~ on (the camera ~ed in on the podium)